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2023-06-16 08:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(1)行为与实验经济学      (Behavioral and Experimental Economics)

(2)劳动经济学                (Labor Economics)


2022年8月-2023年7月 布朗大学 访问学者 (Visiting scholar, Brown University)

2008–2014 瑞典哥德堡大学 经济学博士 (PhD in Economics, University of Gothenburg)

2010年8-11月 加州大学伯克利分校 访问学者 (Exchange student, University of California, Berkeley)

2008年5月 瑞典皇家科学院 访问学者(Exchange student, Swedish Royal Academy of Science)

2004–2005英国伦敦政治经济学院 理学硕士 (Master of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science)

2000–2004 中国人民大学 管理学学士 (Bachelor of Management, Renmin University of China)


2014年至今 中国人民大学劳动人事学院 讲师、副教授 (2014-now Assistant and Associate Professor, School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China)

2006年 森林趋势 市场分析员 (2006 Market analyst, Forest Trends, Beijing Office)


期刊论文 (Peer-reviewed Publications)

Haoran He, David Neumark, and Qian Weng. 2022. “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”: Evidence of Directed Search from a Field Experiment.  Economic Journal , forthcoming.

Haoran He, David Neumark, and Qian Weng. 2021. “Do Workers Value Flexible Jobs? A Field Experiment.”  Journal of Labor Economics  39(3): 709-738.

Qian Weng, Xia Gao, Haoran He, and Shi Li. 2019. “Family Size, Birth order, and Educational Attainment: Evidence from China.”  China Economic Review  57: 101346.

Qian Weng and Haoran He. 2019. “Geographic Distance, Income and Charitable Giving: Evidence from China”.  Singapore Economic Review  64(5): 1145–1169.

Qian Weng and Måns Söderbom. 2018. “Is R&D Cash Flow Sensitive? Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms”.  China Economic Review  47: 77-95.

Qian Weng and Fredrik Carlsson. 2015. “Cooperation in Teams: The Role of Identity, Punishment and Endowment Distribution”.  Journal of Public Economics  126: 25-38.

Måns Söderbom and Qian Weng. 2012. “Multi-product Firms, Product Mix Changes and Upgrading: Evidence from China’s State-owned Forest Areas”.  China Economic Review  23(4): 801-818.

Haoran He and Qian Weng. 2012. “Ownership, Autonomy, Incentives and Efficiency: Evidence from the Forest Product Processing Industry in China”.  Journal of Forest Economics  18(3): 177-193.

何浩然,张杰, 裴朋圆, 翁茜. “独生子女的信任歧视及其来源:来自经济学实验的证据”, 《经济评论》, 2021(1): 146-160。(人大复印报刊资料《理论经济学》2021年第6期全文转载)

翁茜,李栋. 2020. “在线实地实验研究进展”,《经济学动态》,2020年第5期,132-145。(人大复印报刊资料《理论经济学》2020年第11期全文转载)

著作或著作章节 (Books and Book Chapters)

高霞,何浩然,翁茜. “家庭规模与教育获得:来自中国一个世纪的证据”,李实、岳希明、史泰丽、佐藤宏等著(2017)《中国收入分配格局的最新变化——中国居民收入分配研究V》第21章,ISBN:978-7-5095-7897-1,中国财政经济出版社,北京。

Qian Weng. 2014. “Essays on Team Cooperation and Firm Performance”, ISBN: 978-91-85169-89-4, Kompendiet, Sweden.


国家自然科学基金面上项目, “就业前景预期、信息提供与工作搜寻:基于大数据和自然实地实验的研究”, 2023-2026,主持。(National Natural Science foundation of China, “Employment Prospect Beliefs, Information Provision and Job Search: Evidence from Big Data and Natural Field Experiments”, 2023-2026, principal investigator.)

教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目,“搜寻成本、信息与在线工作搜寻:基于自然实地实验的研究”,2022–2024,主持。(Chinese Ministry of Education, “Search Cost, Information and Online Job Search: Natural Field Experiments”, 2022-2024, principal investigator.)

国家自然科学基金重点项目,“数字经济背景下的合作和竞争行为:基于实验和实证数据的研究”,2022–2026,参与,子课题负责人。(National Natural Science foundation of China, “Cooperation and Competition in Digital Economy: Research based on Experimental and Empirical Data”, 2022-2026, main participant.)

国家自然科学基金面上项目,“非物质激励的补偿性工资差异及其对劳动供给的影响研究:自然实地实验证据”,2020–2023,参与。(National Natural Science foundation of China, “Wage Compensating Differential on Non-monetary Incentives and its Impacts on Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Field Experiments”, 2020-2023, main participant.)

中国人民大学科学研究基金面上项目,“目标设定和社会比较对努力和表现影响的自然实地实验研究”,2019–2021,主持。(Research Funds of Renmin University of China, “Goal Setting, Social Comparison, Effort Provision and Performance: Natural Field Experiments”, 2019-2021, principal investigator. )

北京市自然科学基金面上项目,“弹性工作措施对劳动参与和员工绩效的影响:基于北京劳动力市场的自然实地实验研究”,2019–2021,参与。(Beijing Natural Science Foundation, “Non-monetary Incentive on Labor Supply and Employee Performance: A Field Experimental Study in Beijing’s Labor Market”, 2019-2021, main participant.)

国家自然科学基金青年项目,“团队工作环境对工作选择与工作表现影响的性别差异研究”,2016–2018,主持,结题评级为“优”。(National Natural Science foundation of China, “Gender Differences in Selection into Cooperative Work Environment and Work Performance”, 2016-2018, principal investigator.)

中国人民大学科学研究基金新教师启动金项目,“合作性工作环境的进入选择与性别差异”,2015–2017,主持。(Research Funds of Renmin University of China, “Entry Decision and Gender Differences in Cooperative Work Environment”, 2015-2017, principal investigator.)

中国人民大学引进人才科研启动经费,“独生子女、兄弟姐妹排行顺序与个人教育获得情况:基于中国的分析”,2015–2016,主持。(Overseas Talents Research Start-up Funds of Renmin University of China, “Only Child, Birth Order and Educational Attainment: Evidence from China”, 2015-2016,principal investigator.)

国家自然科学基金青年项目,“独生子女的经济偏好、行为及其影响:基于行为经济学视角的研究”,2014–2016,参与。(National Natural Science foundation of China, “Economic Preference and Behavior of the Only Child and its Impacts”, 2014-2016, main participant.)

瑞典Jan Wallanders and Hedelius基金会,“收入分布、身份认同和惩罚对团队合作行为的影响”,2011–2013,参与。(Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse, “Income Distribution, Identity, Punishment and Cooperation”, 2011-2013, main participant.)


2022  2022 ASSA Annual Meeting (线上);人大人力资源沙龙第52期(线上);首届首都经济贸易大学“劳动与民生论坛”——“稳经济、保就业”夏季论坛(线上)

2021    第三届中国行为与实验经济学论坛会议,上海;山东大学

2020 2020 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics, 广州;

2020 Beijing Normal University Conference of Experimental Economics, 北京

2019 2019 Beijing Normal University Conference of Experimental Economics, 北京;

Institutional Experimentation for Better Work International Partnership Conference, 加拿大蒙特利尔;Tsinghua Conference on Behavioral, Experimental and Theoretical Economics, 北京;第三届劳动经济学前沿论坛,北京;Economic Science Association Asia-Pacific Conference, 阿联酋阿布扎比;浙江财经大学;北京交通大学;暨南大学;中国人民大学

2018 2018 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics, 厦门;Renmin University-GLO Conference, 北京;First IDSC of IZA Workshop: Matching Workers and Jobs Online, 德国波恩;Beijing International Workshop on Microeconomics: Empirics, Experiments and Theory, 北京;Economic Science Association Asia-Pacific Conference, 澳大利亚布里斯班;华东师范大学

2017 Workshop on Minimum Wages and Field Experiment, 北京;Economic Science Association North American Conference, 美国里士满;2017 Beijing Normal University Conference of Experimental Economics, 北京;ICID/IZA/Renmin University/UCW Workshop on the Chinese Labor Market in Transition in China, Mongolia and Central Asia, 北京;中国劳动经济学者论坛年会,成都;中央财经大学

2016 ICID/IZA/Renmin University/UCW Workshop on the Chinese Labor Market in Transition, 北京;Economics Science Association International Conference, 以色列耶路撒冷

2015 Conference on Consciousness and Intention in Economics and Philosophy, 日本京都

2014    5th Annual Xiamen University International Workshop on Experimental Economics, 厦门

2013 Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, 成都;中国人民大学;对外经贸大学

2012 19th Annual conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 捷克布拉格;Economics Science Association International Conference, 美国纽约;瑞典哥德堡大学

2011 Economics Science Association Asia-Pacific Conference, 厦门;5th Singapore Economic Review Conference, 新加坡;瑞典哥德堡大学

2009 7th International Conference on the Chinese Economy, 法国克莱蒙-费朗


(1)2017-至今 中国人民大学中国就业研究所 研究员

(2)2017-至今 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院 研究员

(3)期刊匿名审稿人(Refereeing):European Economic Review; Games and Economic Behavior [2]; Journal of Economics and Behavioral Organization [3]; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management; Journal of Labor Economics; Journal of Population Economics; Journal of Public Economics; Regional Environmental change


2021年 中国人民大学 本科“课外教学优秀奖”

2020年 中国人民大学 本科“课程教学优秀奖”

2019年 中国人民大学 本科“课程教学优秀奖”

2017年 中国人民大学 “杰出学者”青年学者




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