ENFP 3w2是怎样的

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ENFP 3w2是怎样的

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ENFP们通常带有传染性的热情。ENFP 3w2也是如此,另外还有更多其它特质。

在这篇文章中,我们将谈论ENFP 3w2是怎样的,以及你能从他们身上看到什么。

ENFPs usually come with contagious enthusiasm. ENFP 3w2 is just the same and more.In this article, we’ll talk about who the ENFP 3w2 is and what you can expect from them.ENFP 3w2是怎样的

ENFP 3w2是以目标为导向、慷慨的。他们是有魅力和自信的领导者,似乎能激励所有人。这种性格类型的人雄心勃勃,努力实现他们的目标。



ENFP 3w2型的人更可能是ENFP-A,而不是ENFP-T。

(译者小注:ENFP-A和-T的区别可以看这篇回答:ENFP-T 和 ENFP-A 的区别在哪里? - 东湖的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/308523815/answer/1092397614)

ENFP 3w2s are goal-oriented with a touch of generosity. They are charismatic and confident leaders that seem to inspire everyone. This personality type is ambitious and strives to meet their targets.Because of their wing, they are also helpful and considerate of others. Type 3 is not the most common enneagram type for ENFPs. That title goes to type 7. However, ENFP type 3 is very possible.The presence of type 3 and type 2 will distort some of the typical traits of the ENFP as we shall soon see.ENFP 3w2s are more likely to be assertive than turbulent.ENFP 3w2的核心渴望是什么

ENFP 3w2的核心愿望是获得成功。他们希望自己的成就、想法和慷慨得到认可。

为了实现这一目标,ENFP 3w2的人非常努力地工作以实现他们的目标。

The core desire of the ENFP 3w2 is to be successful. They want to be recognized for their achievements, ideas, and generosity.To achieve this, ENFP 3w2s work very hard to achieve their goals.ENFP 3w2的核心恐惧是什么

ENFP 3w2的核心恐惧是失败。他们甚至不希望自己看起来是个失败者。为了对付这个问题,ENFP 3w2更有可能向任何愿意倾听的人吹嘘自己的成就。


The core fear of the ENFP 3w2 is to be a failure. They don’t even want to appear a failure. To combat this, ENFP 3w2s are more likely to brag about their achievements to anyone who cares to listen.They are also capable of fishing out compliments about their hard work and efforts.3w2如何改变ENFP的一些特质1.更雄心壮志

对ENFP 3w2来说,他们更有雄心一些。他们把自己的目标和抱负放在首位。因为他们是ENFP,他们通常对自己的计划感到兴奋,并倾向于从大局出发。

一旦他们想清楚了,他们就会带着一个目的工作,直到成功。要阻止一个全力以赴的ENFP 3w2可能是很难的。

Ambition comes easily to ENFP 3w2s. They put their goals and aspirations first. Because they are ENFPs, they are usually excited about their plans and tend to look at the bigger picture.Once they figure things out, they work with one purpose until they are successful. It can be hard to stop an ENFP 3w2 in full flight.2.更自律



他们以行动为导向,很少拖延。大多数人将ENFP 3w2误认为是ENFJ或ENTJ。

Discipline is not a word usually associated with ENFPs. They are usually portrayed as scattered, indisciplined, or inconsistent. This ENFP is different.Because they have goals and want to be successful, they are driven to meet their targets. This means they spend less time developing ideas and more time implementing them.They are action-oriented and find it difficult to procrastinate. Most people mistake ENFP 3w2 for ENFJs or ENTJs.3.更外向


因为他们是3号,他们会不断寻找方法来认识新的人,并与他们联系。在他们主导的外倾直觉(Ne)的支持下,ENFP 3w2比其它九型的ENFP更有表现力和开朗。

ENFPs are the most introverted extroverts on the block. However, this ENFP will be much more extroverted.Because they are type 3, they are constantly looking for ways to meet new people and connect with them. Backed by their dominant extroverted intuition (Ne), ENFP 3w2s are more expressive and cheerful than other ENFPs.4.更慷慨


ENFP 3w2知道,帮助别人会让他们看起来很好。因此,虽然他们可能倾向于表现得乐于教导或慷慨,关注帮助带来的东西才是他们的目的。

Type 2 likes to be generous and helpful. They like to help others when they have the time. However, the motives for helping might not be the most self-sacrificing.ENFP 3w2 knows that helping others makes them look good. So, while they may be drawn to teaching or being generous, understanding the effects of helping is the final hook.5.更高的工作准则

如前所述,ENFPs是懒散和不能坚持的拖延者。然而,ENFP 3w2更可能是自律的。这直接影响到他们的工作态度。



As earlier stated, ENFPs are scattered and serial procrastinators. However, ENFP 3w2s are more likely to be disciplined. This directly affects their work ethic.This personality type will pull out all stops to ensure they get the work done. They can even become chronic workaholics because of their desire to meet their goals and help others.The downside of this is the negative effects it has on their health.6.更不理想主义

ENFPs是理想主义的。这是由强烈的内倾情感(Fi)的存在所驱动。然而,ENFP 3w2的人有点失去他们的理想主义倾向。这是因为3号对情况的现实态度。

ENFP 3w2更有可能理解现实主义和理想主义在他们生活中的作用。这往往会导致他们考虑问题更全面。

ENFPs are idealistic. This is driven by the presence of a strong introverted feeling function (Fi). However, ENFP 3w2s lose their idealistic tendencies a bit. This is because of type 3’s realistic approach to situations.The ENFP 3w2 is more likely to understand the role realism and idealism plays in their life. This often leads to a well-rounded individual.ENFP 3w2的缺点1.需要外界认可

成功是需要外界的认可的。ENFP 3w2希望得到每项成就所带来的认可和掌声。

这种认可的需要是可以理解的,因为3型和2型在心区。ENFP 3w2型的人对他们的自我形象和地位有惊人的关注。


The need to appear successful comes with a price- the need for validation. ENFP 3w2s want the recognition and applause that comes with every achievement.This need for validation is understandable as type 3 and type 2 are in the shame triad. ENFP 3w2s are incredibly conscious of their self-image and status.Their self-esteem lives and dies on the opinions of others.2.对Fi的使用减少

ENFP是Fi的强使用者之一。然而,这在ENFP 3w2中大大减少,以下是原因:



ENFP 3w2的人是ENFP中与众不同的。

ENFPs are one of the strongest users of Fi. However, it is much reduced in ENFP 3w2s. Here’s why.Type 3 is more interested in networking. During this period, they usually adapt to fit the preferences of those they are trying to woo. This might mean doing things that they don’t agree with.People with strong Fi stubbornly hold on to their values and opinions because they shape their lives.ENFP 3w2s are the rebels of the park.3.操纵的倾向


当赞赏和认可没有到来时,ENFP 3w2会去主动获取它。他们可能会采用操纵性的策略来获得它。

As earlier stated, type 2 is very generous and helpful. While they don’t expect anything back, they love being appreciated. Type 3 wants to be recognized for their achievements.When appreciation and recognition don’t come, ENFP 3w2s will go looking for it. They might deploy manipulative tactics just to get it.4.讨好型人格



Their need to adapt to people and to be helpful increases their chances of people-pleasing. However, because they have Fi, it will not be too pronounced.The need to please others is a direct weakness of their dominant and secondary enneagram types.ENFP 3w2和钱




ENFPs are not the greatest savers or handlers of money. Just like the ENTP, they can be quite impulsive with their finances.3w2s are more inclined to spend on things that are glamorous or make them appear successful.When this comes together, you get someone who has a big chance of running into debt. If you’re having problems with money, here’s an article that was written by an ENFP on how you can manage money better.ENFP 3w2和工作场所


ENFP人在团队中工作效果最好。ENFP 3w2也是如此。此外,他们是伟大的领导者,可以激励他人。他们也希望有一份带有声望并能让他们成长的职业。

ENFP 3w2是 "在家工作 "生活方式的主要倡导者之一。

为了让ENFP 3w2得到最好的发挥,确保他们的工作能给他们带来职业发展。如果它比较灵活,那就更好了。

ENFPs want a career that gives them the chance to be creative and innovative. They also do not do very well in workplaces with a defined structure.ENFPs work best when they are on a team. ENFP 3w2s are similar. In addition, they make great leaders who can inspire others. They also want a career that comes with prestige and allows them to grow.ENFP 3w2 is one of the main advocates of the “work from home” lifestyle.To get the best out of the ENFP 3w2, make sure their role gives them career growth. If it offers flexibility, even better.ENFP 3w2的最佳职业企业高管律师人力资源经理财务经理医生药剂师心理学家内容作家和战略家贷款经理演员工厂主管音乐家ENFP 3w2最不适合的职业执法者警务人员农夫水暖工电工著名的ENFP 3w2(译名不统一问题,直接搬运英文)Will SmithHarley Quinn (Harley Quinn)Tori Himemiya (Ensemble stars!)Sea Hawk (She-ra and the princesses of power)Tom BradyJack MaCatherine the GreatAda Thorne (Peaky Blinders)Zoe Barnes (House of cards)Mogami Kyoto (Skip Beat!)Woody HarrelsonZara LarssonGary Valentine (Licorice Pizza)Edward Bloom (Booksmart)译者小注





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