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2024届高考英语读后续写03:人与自然(1)1.人与动物:对抗、脱险or 共存、相互治愈2.人与环境:战胜环境、自然灾害or保护环境一、人与自然之人与动物第一类是人与动物和谐相处。 要么是人类帮助动物解决问题,要么是动物帮助人类解决问题,要么就是人和动物/植物相互陪伴成长。例如,父母决定给Poppy买一条小狗作伴,帮助Poppy摆脱孤独和想念的故事(2020年1月浙江高考);主人公拯救蜂鸟的故事(2023年6月浙江卷)和海洋馆志愿者发现海豚Maya喜欢在水池里藏东西的秘密(2024年九省联考)。第二类,人类与动物产生冲突,尤其遇到勇猛高大的动物,遇到危险,首先沉着冷静与动物周旋,后来向别人求助,之后成功脱险的故事。例如:骑车旅途遭遇狼wolf追赶,脱险经历(2017年6月浙江高考);北极探险者给北极熊拍照,遭遇polar bear追赶的惊险经历(2020年6月浙江高考);高级词组搭配:1. a _________ that transcends species - 跨越物种的纽带2. __________ language of affection - 无声的爱的语言3. a ____________to the capacity for love - 对爱的能力的证明4. evoke a sense of ____________ - 唤起惊奇之感5. foster empathy and ____________ - 培养同理心和怜悯心6. the power of interspecies ____________- 跨物种联系的力量7. _____________ the human-animal bond - 培养人与动物的关系8. a _____________ beneficial relationship - 双方互利的关系9. the therapeutic benefits of animal _____________ 动物陪伴的治疗效益10. a deeper understanding of non-human _______________ 对非人类情感更深入的理解11. the intrinsic ______________ of animal life - 动物生命的内在价值12. the _________________ responsibility to protect animals - 保护动物道德责任13. the _______________ power of love - 爱的变革力量14. a _________________ to our own humanity - 反映我们人性的一面镜子15. the _________________ language of love - 爱的通用语言16. the beauty of interspecies ____________ - 跨物种友谊之美17.小鸟在窗外叽叽喳喳:a bird _________ outside my window18.给小狗一张毛毯保暖:give the dog a ___________ to keep warm19.抚摸它的羽毛:___________ its feathers20.咬住衣角:bite the ___________ of the coat句子搭建:1.He bent down to give Poppy a big hug, and then stroked its back _________.他弯下腰给波比(狗)一个拥抱,然后轻抚它。2.Seeing the approach of the polar bear, I froze with terror, too scared to move __________.看到北极熊逼近,我吓得呆住了,吓得一动也不敢动。3.It was a baby monkey caught between _____________, who was crying for its mother. Therefore, we __________ our steps to approach the baby monkey cautiously and attempted to rescue it.那是一只夹在树枝间的小猴子,它在为它的妈妈哭泣。因此,我们加快脚步,小心翼翼地小猴子,试图营救它。4.We were relieved that the baby monkey got rescued with our joint efforts. Afterwards, it ________________ as if to express its gratitude to us.在我们共同努力下,小猴子获救了,真是令人欣慰。它摇着尾巴,好像在向我们表示感谢。深意隽永表达:5. It is through ____________________ of animals showing love that we are reminded of the capacity for empathy and compassion that transcends the boundaries of humanity. 正是通过动物展现爱意的感人时刻,我们被提醒了超越人类界限的同理心和同情心的能力。6.The emotional bond formed between humans and animals _____________mere companionship; it serves as a testament to the universal nature of love and the potential for deep connections across species lines. 人类与动物之间形成的情感纽带超越了单纯的陪伴;它证明了爱的普遍性和跨越物种界限建立深层联系的可能性。7. The exchange of love between humans and animals serves as a powerful reminder that our capacity for empathy and care should not_____________ our own species, but should __________ to all living beings, contributing to a more compassionate and interconnected global community. 人类与动物之间的爱交换是一个强有力的提醒,即我们的同理心和关怀的能力不应仅限于我们自己的物种,而应延伸到所有生物,促进一个更有同情心和相互联系的全球社区。答案:1.bond; 2.unspoken 3.testament 4.wonder 5.compassion6.connection 7.nurture/foster/cultivate 8.mutually 9.companionship 10.emotions 11.value 12.ethical/moral 13.transformative 14.mirror 15.universal 16.friendship 17.chirping/twittering 18.blanket 19.stroke20.corner句子搭建:1.gently/tenderly2.an inch3.branches;quickened4.wagged its tail5.the touching moments6.goes beyond/transcends7.be limited to;extend人与动物话题1:(2023 临泽一模)Palm trees seemed to speed by the car window. Eight-year-old Katrina began to get nervous, the way she always did in new surroundings. She felt a thin shine of sweat above her lip in spite of the car’s cool air. “The aquarium won’t be crowded, I bet, and people are gonna notice me. I hate wearing this prosthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears pinprick behind her eyes. “Not being normal is the worst.”Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, around a corner of a tank, she noticed an animal that looked unusual. “Is that a dolphin with stump (假肢) instead of a tail ” she asked an aquarium staff. He nodded. “Yes, that’s Winter. She’s a very special dolphin.” “What happened to her ” “This girl dolphin was found off the coast of Florida, caught in a crab trap(捕蟹笼). The ropes from the trap cut off the blood circulation to her tail. So she lost her tail,” Katrina caught her breath. “She’s just like me. She’s just like me.” “But she struggled to survive. Now she wears a prosthetic tail part of the day to help her swim like a dolphin’s supposed to swim.” the staff continued, “Every day, Winter shows us anything is possible if we believe.”Katrina felt her heart string was touched. She waved at Winter. Looking at Katrina, Winter raised her flipper (鳍), came to her and lifted her head. “She’s swimming right into my arms,” Katrina said tearfully. They made eye contact. She seemed to be speaking to Katrina: We’re the same.Back home, all Katrina talked about was Winter. For two weeks, she cried and begged her mother to take her back to Clearwater.Unfortunately, another blow hit Katrina. She fell on the hardwood floor at home and broke her other leg. Katrina was in constant leg nerve pain. After a thorough examination, the doctor explained bad news that she would need another surgery on her leg. Years of a living hell(人间炼狱)came back to her.She started fearing surgery again and refused to take any.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:Katrina’s mom decided to take her back to Clearwater. Paragraph 2:Finally came the day when Katrina was in the hospital again. 答案:【解析】文章以故事情节发展为线索展开,讲述了女孩Katrina因为装了一只假腿,感到害怕别人盯着自己看而容易紧张和不自信。有一次妈妈带她去了Clearwater海洋水族馆,见到了一头尾巴也是假肢的海豚,它看起来可爱活泼,这深深感染了女孩。工作人员告诉她,这只特别的海豚叫Winter,它被捕蟹器夹住,她失去了宝贵的尾巴。但是她没有气馁,仍然努力地像其他有尾巴的海豚一样游泳。Winter每天都在努力向人们证明“只要有信心,任何事都有可能”。Winter游到Katrina身边,抬起头,看向她,似乎在鼓励她说:“我们是一样的。”回家后的Katrina一直对Winter念念不忘,乞求妈妈再带她去看一次这只和自己同命相连的海豚。但不幸的是,她又一次摔倒,不得不做手术。可是Katrina不愿意再做手术了。1.段落续写①由第一段首句内容“Katrina的妈妈决定带她回Clearwater海洋水族馆。”可知,第一段描写Katrina的妈妈想要为了鼓励女儿,带她去海洋馆看看Winter。在海洋馆,Winter让女孩摸它的头和女孩友好互动,Katrina受到了极大的鼓舞,决定坚强地接受手术。②由第二段首句内容“终于有一天Katrina又住进了医院。”可知,第二段描写想到戴着假肢的Winter带给自己的触动和鼓励,Katrina勇敢的进了手术室。在手术成功后,Katrina勇敢自信的面对生活中的挑战,发现世界变得更加美好了。①face it bravely/face it courageously勇敢面对②optimistic/positive/upbeat乐观的③felt tears pinprick behind her eyes.感到眼泪在她的眼睛后面刺痛。④heart string be touched被触动的心弦【点睛】高分句型1.On arriving at Clearwater, Katrina can’t wait to see Winter, the lovely dolphin that comforted her and boosted her mood.(On doing结构;can’t wait to do;运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)2. Katrina has no idea what the future holds but she will do anything to have a better look at this wonderful world.(运用了what引导的同位语从句)【范文赏析】Paragraph 1:Katrina’s mom decided to take her back to Clearwater. Mom wheeled Katrina into Clearwater. Bending over to the dolphin, Katrina touched her back gently. “Winter,” she half-whispered, “Did it hurt when they did the operation ” The dolphin swung her tail, making a beautiful curve in the water, as if to say,“It was not that bad.” In a flash, she glided around the pool gracefully, just like any other dolphin. Watching Winter weaving through the water, Katrina took hold of her mother’s hand, saying, “Mom, I’d like to try.”注:第一段最后一句话,最好提到愿意、答应去医院。Paragraph 2:Finally came the day when Katrina was in the hospital again. She woke up early in the morning and dressed up herself, waiting calmly for her turn to be pushed into the surgery room. She looked at her palms — they weren’t sweaty. Gone were the days when she was afraid to try anything challenging. The surgery went smoothly as expected. Two months after a full recovery, she returned to Clearwater. She walked steadily towards the dolphin tank, knowing that she was the same as other normal girls. Patting her and rubbing her head, Katrina said softly “THANK YOU”.或者结尾:knowing that she was the same as other normal girls and the deep connection across species lines always rings true in her heart.人与动物话题2:As The Jungle Book song Bear Necessities goes, “forget about your worries and your conflict” can be a little bit difficult when you find yourself face to face with a real bear.Bears are common in the Northern Hemisphere. As human habitats stretch toward the wilderness, more and more animals cross their paths with those of humans. This can lead to dangerous encounters especially when precautions(预防措施)are not in place. In these situations, keeping your distance is still the best advice.According to the National Park Service, one should also remain calm as bears, more often than not, are not really willing to attack you. Once in a standoff (对峙), avoid making sudden moves or loud noises as these can trigger aggression. 7-year-old Huxleydid exactly what he was told when he encountered a massive bear.It was a Sunny morning. Huxley was wandering on his way home when a big hulking (笨重的) figure emerges from behind him. A hurried glance backward, he knew it was a black bear. The bear approached cautiously at first, probably sizing up the figure in front of him. A second later, perhaps judging that Huxley was no match for it, the bear burst into a full sprint (冲刺) and ran its way toward the boy.At first, Huxley was really frightened. However, he knew it was impossible to run or fight with the big beast. In the moment of crisis, he remembered his mother reminds him regularly about these possible encounters. She tells him that if Huxley finds himself face to face with a bear and there are no adults around, he should remain calm.Huxley calmed down at thinking of this. He stared at the bear down without any movement. This might have been the reason why the young bear stopped dead in its tracks. They faced each other motionless, and there was only a foot distance between them.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1.From around the corner, a neighbor hurriedly walked to the scene. Paragraph 2:The neighbor continued to pressure the bear while the animal tried its best to find an escape route. 答案:【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了7岁的小男孩Huxley在回家的路上遇到一只黑熊,他保持冷静,一动不动和熊对视。在双方僵持之际,邻居到来,靠近熊,熊后退到一辆车后面,熊找准机会逃脱,Huxley得救。1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“从拐角处,一位邻居匆匆走向现场。”可知,第一段可描写邻居到来之后,邻居和熊之间的较量。②由第二段首句内容“邻居继续向熊施压,而熊则尽力寻找逃跑路线。”可知,第二段可描写熊被邻居吓跑,小男孩得救,妈妈给予邻居感谢。2.续写线索:和熊相遇——害怕——保持冷静——和熊对峙——邻居赶来——熊逃跑——小男孩获救3.词汇激活行为类:①变成turn into/change into ②冲刺sprint/dash ③伸展stretch/spread情绪类:①令人害怕的terrifying/frightening ②感激的thankful/grateful【点睛】【高分句型1】Then encounter turned into a game of hide-and-seek, which looked a little scary and thrilling.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)【高分句型2】In the end, Huxley rid off through the neighborhood, taking with him the lessons he learned in that encounter.(运用了现在分词作状语)【范文赏析】 Paragraph 1.From around the corner, a neighbor hurriedly walked to the scene. Upon seeing the bear, the neighbor stretched his arms wide open and walked carefully but stepped firmly toward the wild animal. The bear, seeing a larger animal, backed away. It turned back and then hid behind a parked vehicle. The neighbor, wanting to make sure that the bear wouldn’t do anything dangerous for them, followed the animal. Then their encounter turned into a game of hide-and-seek, which looked a little scary and thrilling.Paragraph 2:The neighbor continued to pressure the bear while the animal tried its best to find an escape route. After a short while, when the bear saw a window of opportunity, the animal sprinted away from the scene. Huxley was rescued. Huxley’s mom was thankful that no one got hurt during the short but terrifying encounter. The event could’ve ended really badly if not for the boy’s presence of mind and the neighbor’s courage and quick thinking. In the end, Huxley rid off through the neighborhood, taking with him the lessons he learned in that encounter.






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