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2023-06-21 06:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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  A new national law introduced this week requires the offspring of parents older than 60 to visit their parents “frequently” and make sure their financial and spiritual needs are met. On Tuesday, Xinhua reported a news that a 77-year-old woman from Jiangsu city of Wuxi sued her daughter for neglecting her. In the first case after the new law came into effect, the local court ruled that her daughter must visit her at least twice a month and provide financial support. But the law’s introduction has proved controversial. Some say it puts too much pressure on those who move away from home for work, study or other opportunities.


  中国人的姓名通常姓(family name)在前,名(givenname)在后。中国有10多亿个名字,所以人们即便在随意场合也可能会连名带姓地介绍自己,这是很寻常的。历史上,人名的受欢迎稈度会随着时事而变化。例如,文化大革命(Cultural Rcvolution)期间,“红”颇受欢迎,因其代表“革命”。20世纪80年代改革开放时期,“致富”成为一个名字,因其意为“变得富有”。


  In China the family name is usually in front of thegiven name. It isn't unusual for a man to introducehimself by his family name with given name even incasual situationsbecause there are more than abillion given names. The Chinese given name has ahistory of changing with popularity depending on what events were going on. For instance,during the Cultural Revolution Hong (the color red) was very popular as it presentsrevolution. During the reform and opening up in the 1980s, Zhifu became one given name asit means “getting rich”.


  如今很多人都会借助互联网在家里舒舒服服地购物,网络购物已成为人们最喜爱的购物方式之一。对于消费者来说,网络购物不仅方便,选择范围广,价格具有竞争性,而且更容易获取商品信息。对于商家来说,网络提供了更多的客户和更大的市场空间。对于整个市场经济来说,这种新型的购物模式可在更大的范围内、更广的层面上以更高的效率实现资源配置(allocate resources)。


  These days, lots of people do their shopping in the comfort of their homes with the help of the Intemet. Online shopping has become one of people's favorite ways of shopping. For consumers, online shopping offers not only convenience, broader selection and competitive pricing, but also easier access to goods information. For businesses, the Internet brings in more customers and offers a larger market. For the entire market-oriented economy, this new type of shopping method can allocate resources with greater efficiency on a broader scale in a more extensive dimension.


  通常情况下,“空巢老人(emptynester)”是指子女离家后的中老年人。如今,随着社会老龄化程度的加深,空巢老人越来越多,已经成为~个不容忽视的社会问题(social issue)。同时它也导致了另一个问题——家庭空巢综合征(syndrome)的产生,是指当子女由于工作、学习、结婚等原因而离家后,独守空巢的中老年人因此而产生的心理失调症状。


  Typically, "empty nester" refers to the middle-aged and elderly people whose children have left home. Nowadays, along with the advance of aging of the society, there are more and more empty nesters, which have become a social issue that cannot be ignored. At the same time, it also leads another problem--empty nest syndrome--a psychological disorder the middle-aged and elderly people suffered, which is caused by the absence of their children who move out of home due to work, study, marriage and so on.


  谈起我国的吉祥艺术。不得不提鼻烟壶(Snuff bottIe)。尽管它的历史不长,却浓缩了历史悠久的中国传统文化;尽管鼻烟是舶来品,但鼻烟壶经过中国能工巧匠的精心打造,很快便成为一个独立的、崭新的工艺术美术品种;尽管它很袖珍,但集多种工艺之大成,被广大收藏爱好者视为珍贵文玩。鼻烟壶所蕴含的吉祥文化,不仅在装饰中表现得淋漓尽致,而且还表现在材质、造型等方面。

  Snuff bottle is a must-be-mentioned item in terms of art of mascot in China.Despite its short history,it concentrates the features of traditional Chinese culture with long history.Snuff bottle originated from abroad,but it quickly became an independent new work of art with meticulous efforts by Chinese craftsmen.It looks small,but integrates the culmination of a variety of techniques,and is deemed by many collectors to be valuable artwork.Snuff bottle implies auspicious culture,which is not only vividly displayed in decoration,but also in materials,shapes and so on.


  现代人类约公元前50000年第一次从中亚或印度来到中国。这些石器时代(Stone Age)的人,居住在洞穴中,穿着毛皮。公元前4000年左右,这些人开始种植水稻,并饲养羊和鸡。约公元前3000年,他们开始使用陶器(pottery)并住在房子里。到公元前2000年,中国人已进入青铜时代(Bronze Age),并开始用于写字。约公元前700年,中国的金属工人学会制作铁器工具和武器。


  Modem humans first came to China from Central Asia or India about 50,000 BC. These were Stone Age people, who lived in caves and wore fur and leather. By around 4,000 BC, these people were starting to farm rice and keep sheep and chickens. By about 3,000 BC, they were using pottery and living in houses. By 2,000 BC,Chinese people had entered the Bronze Age and had begun to use writing. By about 700 BC, Chinese metal-workers learned to make iron tools and weapons.




  Chinese companies want to create world brands and the foreign companies want to increase the selling in China which all change the Chinese design industry.The Chinese manufacturers realize that they have to design better products if they want to stand out in the domestic markets as well as distinguish themselves in the foreign markets.Previously,the overseas caompanies always took the products which were designed in somewhere to Chinese market,but now the foreign companies such as Sony begins to realize that the Chinese consumers become more and more fastidious and no longer easy to be satisfied.




  To a woman,the traditional beauty is her only mark.Her skin should be born smooth without wrinkles,scars or flaws.Her body should be slim and thin,and usually she is tall,having long legs.The youth is the primary condition.All of the beauties who have showed up in the TV commercials are fit for that criterion.This image is artificial and can be made by people.Many women do their best to decorate and modify their looks and figures.


  中国城市化(urbanization)将会充分释放潜在内需(domestic demand)。一些经济学家指出,在中国几乎所有的发展中城市都面临着城市化的进程。这使得许多人的生活水平有所提高,也为人们提供更多的就业机会。随着越来越多的人向城市迁徙,住房及城市基础设施建设(infrastructure construction),包括水源等能源的供应将会成为城市发展的焦点问题。商品与服务的自由、快速流通是城市化社会的一项基本特征。逐渐扩张的城市需要更多的零售店来满足消费者的需求。


  China’s urbanization will release the full potential of domestic demand. Some economists point out that urbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in the country. It will lead to a better quality of life for many people,and provide individuals with more job opportunities. The construction of housing and city infrastructure, in?cluding water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban develop?ment as more people migrate to cities. Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city. But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation. The fast, free flow of goods and services is a basic trait of an urbanized society. Ex-panding cities require more retail outlets to serve customers.




  Many recent college graduates can’t find a job and students are fearful about their future. Two-thirds of Chinese graduates say they want to work either in the government or state-owned firms,which are seen as recession-proof, rather than at the private companies that have powered China’s remarkable economic climb, surveys indicate. Few college stu?dents today, according to the surveys, are ready to leave the safe shores of government work and jump into the sea to join startups or go into business.



  Recently, an explosion in the number of students sitting for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) required for entry intooverseas universities has forced IELTS organizers to increase the frequency ofthe exam. Last year, around 10,000 people in Shanghai took the exam between May and July. This year that figure has risen to around 17,000, increasing byabout 70% over the same period last year. Increasing pressure from competitionfor jobs is the main reason that so many university graduates choose to continuetheir studies abroad.


  今天,中国幼儿园里的大多数孩子都是独生子女。他们机灵、好学、想象力丰富、精力充沛,但往往以自我为中心,不守纪律,而且比较脆弱。一般来说.刚进幼儿园的4至6岁的孩子都是以自我为中心的,但9至10岁的孩子则表现出自制力、不怕挫折的优点。因此我们的教育强调集体主义 (collectivism)、互助友爱,鼓励孩子们自己照顾自己,并且教育他们与人分享的好处。

  Today, most kids in China's kindergartens are the only child of theirfamily. They are clever, studious, and full of imagination and energy.However, they are usually egocentric, undisciplined and more vulnerable.Generally speaking, children aged from 4 to 6 who have just enteredkindergarten are egocentric, while children aged from 9 to 10   demonstratethe quality of self-control and being not afraid of setbacks. Therefore, oureducation program attaches great importance to collectivism, mutual helpand love. Children are encouraged to look after themselves and are taughtthe benefits of sharing with others.


  中国正面临着人口老龄化和低出生率这些发达国家拥有的问题。在商业领域这些问题则显得更加紧迫。创业的一代人正在老去,但他们很难说服自己的孩子来继承遗产,继续经营他们的企业。对家族企业来说,落实一个清晰有效的继任计划(succession plan)是一个令人头痛的问题。虽然有很多原因可以解释这种不情愿继任的情况,但商业环境的恶化(deterioration)已被证明是主要因素之一。

  China is facing the developed world's problems of an ageing population and low birth rate.These problems have taken on even more urgency in the business community.The founding generation is getting older but having great difficulty persuading their children to carry on their legacy and keep their business running.Putting in place a clear and effective succession plan is a headache for family-run businesses.While there are many reasons to explain such reluctance,the deterioration in the business environment has been proven to be one of the main factors.


  在中国,就业方面的不平等现象仍然是一个严重的问题。性别歧视的根本原因是,“男尊女卑(female inferiority)”的错误观念在许多人心目中仍根深蒂固。为了解决这个问题,应该逐渐形成一种新的性别文化,以增加两性间的和谐,政府也应该探索可以提升女性就业前景的市场机制。这是一个长期而艰巨的任务,需要所有政府部门的投人和协作。在家庭暴力(domestic violence)的问题上,完善法律体制将是解决这个问题的最好的办法。


  Inequality in employment is still a serious issue inChina.The fundamental cause of genderdiscrimination is the incorrect idea of femaleinferiority that is still ingrained in many people'sminds.In solving this problem,a new gender cultureshould be cultivated to increase harmony betweenthe two sexes and the government should explore market mechanisms that can promotewomen's job prospects.It is a long and arduous task that requires input and coordinationfrom all government agencies.On the issue of domestic violence,improving the legal systemwould be the best way to deal with it.




  This lake was amazing and wonderful.Herons plodded along the shores,Kingfishers and cuckoos clattered from sunlight to shade,great turkeylike birds fussed in dead branches,and hawks hovered above us.There was all the time in the world.And we could appreciate everything surrounding by leisurely.The boy in the bow of my canoe slapped stones at birds with a simple sling,a rubber thong and leather pad.He aimed brilliantly at moving targets,missed again and again;the birds were out of his range.He stuffed his sling back in his shirt.Then I looked away.

  The lake and river waters were as opaque as rainforest leaves;the water was veil,blind,painted screen.


  功夫茶(Gongfu tea)不是一种茶叶或茶的名字,而是一种冲泡的手艺。人们叫它功夫茶,足因为这种泡茶方式十分讲究:它的操作过程需要一定的技术,以及泡茶和品茶的知识和技能。功夫茶起源于宋朝,在广东的潮州府(今潮汕地区)一带最为盛行,后来在全国各地流行。功夫茶以浓度(concentration)高著称。制作功夫茶主要使用的茶叶足乌龙茶(Oolongtea),因为它能满足功夫茶色、香、味的要求。

  Gongfu tea is not one kind of tea or the name of tea,but a skill of making tea.People call it Gongfu tea for the reason of its exquisite process. The operational procedures require certain techniques, knowledge and skill of brewing and tasting tea. Gongfu tea originated in the Song Dynasty and prevailed mostly in Chaozhou Guangdong Province(Now: Chaoshan Area). It later became popular around the nation. Gongfu tea is famous for its high concentration. Oolong tea is mainly used in making the Gongfu tea because it can meet the requirements of color, flavor and taste of the Gongfu tea.


  原文:自上世纪90年代后期起,七夕节(the Double SeventhFestival )开始被称为“中国的情人节”。这个节日可以追溯到汉朝,当时对恋人、女孩都是个特殊的日子。这天,女孩会举行仪式,向织女(Zhinv)乞求智慧、技艺和美满婚姻,所以七夕节还被称为“乞巧节(the Begging for SkillsFestival)”。如今,一些传统习俗已经弱化。人们现在把七夕节当作浪漫的情人节来庆祝,尤其是在年轻人中间。

  The Double Seventh Festival

  The Double Seventh Festival has been called Chinese Valentine’s Day since the late 1990s. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. It was then a special day not only for lovers, but also for girls.Girls would hold a ceremony to beg Zhinv for wisdom, skills and a satisfying marriage. So it is also called “the Begging for Skills Festival”.Today some traditional customs have been weakened. Now the festival is celebrated as a romantic valentine’s day, particularly among young people.




  Measurement, which is called metrology in ancient times, is the important foundation of social development of the modern countries’ economy, science and technology. It has a long history and plays an important role in national welfare and the people's livelihood. Established in 221 BC, in the Qin dynasty, Qinshihuang unified weights and measures, and became a unified system for the measurement of milestone in ancient China. On May 20th, 1875, the signing of the convention on metric, opened up a worldwide to implement new era of modern international system of units of measurement. Based on quantum physics, research and application of modern measurement science and technology, provides more accurate modern metrology technical support for the development of human civilization. In 1999, the 21st international conference on measurement made a decision that since 2000, May 20 is for "World Metrology Day". China's propaganda theme of 2015 is in line with international theme for "measurement and light"


  全球化是一种全球一体化(international integration)的进程。它发端于国际间视角、产品、理念以及其他文化领域的互换。全球化作为一种新的经济和社会发展趋势,给中国带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。一方面,中国正成为世界制造业中心并在国际舞台上发挥着日益重要的作用。另一方面,我们也面临着如何在全球化进程中既要发展经济,又要传承优秀文化传统的问题。

  Globalization is the process of internationalintegration. It originated from the exchange ofinternational views, products, ideas, and otheraspects of culture. As a new trend of economic andsocial development, globalization has presentedChina with both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, China is becoming the center ofthe world manufacturing and playing an increasingly important role in the international arena.On the other hand, we are also confronted with the problem of how to inherit our excellentcultural traditions as well as develop our economy in the process of globalization.



  Eighty percent of China's net users frequently or occasionally visite-business websites. Less expensive merchandises, such as books, audio andvideo products, flowers and other gifts and ticket service now lead   China'sonline consumption. The most frequently used Internet service is e-mail. Onaverage, each subscriber owns 2 to 3 e-mail accounts. Moreover, listening tomusic and watching movies online are becoming more popular. Aside fromInternet viruses, Internet suffers said they are most annoyed by pop-up ads andnet attacks



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