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7、【答案】[C] working

【解析】此处考察上下语义关系。上文指出,One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for ___ Americans. 一项盖洛普调查机构的民调发现, 20%的失业已经有至少一年的美国人会患抑郁, 这个数字是___ 美国人的两倍。现今的没有就业的人生活也不开心,上下文讨论的有无工作以及人的精神生活问题,因此,working 有工作的符合上下语义。A.rich富有的 B.urban 城市的D.educated受教育的都不符合语义,故要排除。因此正确答案为C选项。

8、【答案】[A] explanation

【解析】此处考察上下语义问题。上下句子间是一种并列递进关系,that the ___ for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction among poorly-educated, middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs上文指出失业已经有至少一年的美国人被报告患有抑郁,这个解释同样也进一步解释了这种结果的影响,所以选择explanation.

9、【答案】[D] among

【解析】此处考察介词的辨析能力。上文指出失业已经有至少一年的美国人被报告有抑郁,这个解释同样也进一步解释了这种结果的影响,这种影响肯定是三者之间的,among 作为介词的确是指三个或三个以上选项“之中”, 故而选择D

10、【答案】[C] worry about

【解析】此处考察上下文的语义关系。上文讲的是这种现象的负面影响,下文继续讲解这种负面影响,Perhaps this is why many ___ the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. 前后都是顺接关系,语义也要一致,因此也要担心这一问题,因此选择[C] worry about

11. 【答案】[C] necessarily

【解析】词义辨析题目。上文说的是不工作的人容易患各种疾病,有心理问题,这些原因也是不工作所带来的结果,然而下文是but转折,形成语义对立,但是没必要完全去担心这个结果,此题A选项表示数据地,B 选项表示偶然地,D 选项表示经济地,皆不符合文意,因此选C necessarily.

12. 【答案】[B] downsides

【解析】考句间语义和逻辑关系。Such visions are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. 这样的愿景是基于上文所提及的不工作所带来的结果,也就是失业的弊端,其实是对于二段观点的总结。

13. 【答案】[A] absence

【解析】In the absence of work, 其为固定搭配,表示在缺失工作的情况下,与主旨一致。因此上下句间是顺接。选择absence

14. 【答案】[D] yield


15. 【答案】[C] virtue



【解析】此处考察词义辨析。本句的意思是最近,因为对于大部分的工人来说休息时间是相对_____,根据主旨一致原则,人们希望生活在一个没有工作的国家可知:休息时间应该是相对少的,稀缺的,故选择scarce。A tricky为狡猾的不能修饰时间,B lengthy 漫长的,根据句意休息时间少,C mysterious神秘的,休息时间并不神秘,只是少。

17、【答案】[A] demands

【解析】此处考察词义辨析。分析people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs这句话,the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs这个短语是做counterbalance的宾语,此宾语少一个中心词,也就是of 结构中的中心词,人们用他们的空闲时间来平衡他们的工作的知识和情感…,人们对于知识和情感是有需求的,而不是B标准,C质量,D威胁。故答案选择A需求。

18、【答案】[B] tried

此处考察句间的逻辑关系。句意是:当我劳累了一天回家后,我感觉怎么样。空格处填入Feel的表语,根据句意应该是感觉很累,故答案是tried. 其他三个选项A ignored 忽视的,C confused混乱的,D starved挨饿的。

19、【答案】[D] into

此处考察动词的搭配关系。该句含义为:如果生活在一个没有工作的世界里,我可能会感觉很不同,破折号后面是具体的如何不同,根据主旨一致原则,肯定会是好的不同点。Throw扔,把某人扔到 a hobby or a passion project里面,所以用into,而其他三个选项off离开,against反对,behind后面,放到这里都不符合题意。

20、【答案】[B] professional

此处考察词义辨析。根据上下文句意关系,不工作的话可以去追求自己的爱好或者投入到一个感兴趣的项目里面,而这种状态是在伴随着with这个伴随状语的,with the intensity伴随着某种强度(能力),这种能力有专业知识的储备的。根据包含原则:professional专业的包含技术的,教育的,人际关系的,故答案选[B] professional

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21、【答案】[A ] gained great popularity

【解析】细节题。根据题干Paragraph1以及Parkrun定位在第一段,其中第二句和第三句集中介绍Parkrun,“The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers.”,由此可知,Parkrun这个现象始于几个朋友,已经激发出英国及国外400个项目。这个项目免费,由成千的志愿者组成。既然由成千的志愿者组成,说明Parkrun很受欢迎,故[A ] gained great popularity为正确答案。

22、【答案】[B] promote sport participation

【解析】事实细节题。根据题干专有名词“London’s Olympic “legacy””和关键词fail定位到全文第二段。该段首句指出公园跑步(Parkrun)成功之处,正是伦敦奥运“遗产”的失败之处(where London’s Olympic “legacy”)。可见,接下来的内容将主要围绕伦敦奥运“遗产”(London’s Olympic “legacy”)失败的具体内容展开。②③④句陈述了伦敦奥运“遗产”的初衷。即lever a nation of sport lovers away from their crouches(促进全国人民热爱运动),从而使人们变得更苗条(fitter),更健康(healthier),并且产生更多的胜利者(winners)。然而第⑤句转折提出,it has not happened(这并没有发生)。可见,伦敦奥运“遗产”并没有使人们热爱运动。[B]选项failed to promote sport participation(没有促使人们参与运动)符合原文内容。故[B]选项正确。

23、【答案】[C]does not emphasize elitism.

【解析】细节题。文章第三段主要论述Parkrun和Olympic的不同。第三段一开始即讲到Parkrun不是比赛,只是一种需要时间的锻炼。Parkrun欢迎每个人的参与,不管是初次参与者还是顶级选手都会获得掌声。接下来文章写到The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sport and to produce more elite athletes. 即说明奥运会是要培养精英运动员。这就是Parkrun和Olympic的不同点。对应选项C,Parkrun不强调精英主义。故C选项为正确答案。

24、【答案】[D] invest in public sports facilities 【解析】细节题。题干问关于群众的运动项目,作者认为政府应该采取何种措施?根据关键词government定位到最后一段。第二句if there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods--- making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools. 既是说政府应该提供公共产品,确保运动场地的空间,网球场的资金,这些都属于公共运动设施,即[D]选项的内容。[D]项中的public sports facilities 即是 common goods 的同义替换。故[D]选项为正确答案。

25、【答案】[B] critical

【解析】态度题。本题问作者对过去政府关于运动举措的态度。文章最后一段指出“Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more... Or at least not make them worse”,明显看出作者对政府当前的举措是持否定批评态度,故[B]项critical正确。

Text 2

26、【答案】[B] absorb user attention

【解析】细节题。根据题干Jenny Radesky和digital products定位第一段,找到Jenny Radesky所说的话“Tech is designed to really suck you in, and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement.”意思为“科技旨在把你真正的吸引进去,并且数字产品会促使你投入最大的精力进去”。这里的“suck in” 以及“engagement” 都是选项中的absorb user attention 同义替换。故B选项为正确答案。注意:文章中如果长篇的引用某人的话时,一般都要出题目。

27、【答案】[D] reduces mother-child communication

【解析】细节题。根据题干food-testing exercise定位第二段,找到该实验的结果“She found that mothers who used devices during the exercise started 20 per cent fewer verbal and 39 per cent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children .”意思为“她发现,在实验中使用手机或平板的母亲(比不用这些设备的母亲)和孩子的言语以及非言语的交流要分别少20%和39%”。这里的两个“fewer” 以及“interactions with their children” 可以推断出选项中的reduces mother-child communication。故D选项为正确答案。注意:文章中如果引用实验进行论证的话,实验的结果比较容易出题。

28、【答案】[D] parents need to respond to children's emotional needs

【解析】例证题。根据题干“still face experiment” 定位第三段第二句,问实验的结果表明了什么,实验很明显相当于一个例子,去证明前面所说的观点,直接看前一句话“Infants are wired to look at parents faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device—it can be extremely disconcerting for the children.”意思为“孩子固有地会通过看父母的面部表情去理解他们的世界,而如果父母的面部表情没有表情和回应的—正如当他们沉溺于电子设备中时所做的那样—对于孩子们而言,这会是非常令人不安的”。故D选项为正确答案。

同样,第二种做法,问实验的结果表明了什么,那直接找实验结果性的句子,即Radesky所说的话。定位到“but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need .”意思为“但是需要一个平衡,并且需要父母对孩子的言语的或非言语的情感需求的表达作出反应和敏感。故D选项为正确答案。

29、【答案】[C] ensure constant interaction with their children

【解析】细节题。根据题干“oppressive ideology” 定位到最后一段“‘oppressive ideology that demand that parents should always be interacting’ with their children”意思为“这个压制性的意识形态要求父母应该一直和孩子互动。” “always be interacting’ with”与“constant interaction with”完美的同义替换。故C选项为正确答案。

30、【答案】[A] give their parents some free time

【解析】细节题。根据题干“Tronick” 和“kid’s use of screens”定位到最后一段找孩子使用电子屏幕的结果“Tronick believes that just because a child isn’t learning from the screen doesn’t mean there’s no value to it --- particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child.”意思为“Tronick认为,仅仅就因为孩子没有通过电子屏幕在学习,这并不意味着孩子使用电子屏幕没有价值---- 特别是孩子使用电子设备时,父母就有时间去冲个澡,做做家务或仅仅可以离开孩子,休息一下”。故A选项为正确答案。注意:单破折号(要么表示转折,要么表示解释说明)之后的语句比较容易出题。

Text 3


【答案】[C] it feels strange to do differently from others

【解析】事实细节题。根据题目定位到第一段第二句。After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn’t it?,意为:毕竟,如果你认识的所有人在秋天就要上大学了,延迟一年上学似乎显得很傻不是吗?意为和周围人做不一样的事十分不安,silly与C选项中strange为同义替换。因此正确答案为C。

32、【答案】[D] relieve freshmen of pressures

【解析】事实细节题。根据题目定位到第二段第一句和第二句。第一句说到美国与澳大利亚的研究表明有gap year的学生能更好适应学校生活。第二句进一步解释gap year让他们更好地为独立、新责任、环境变化做准备,而这些(all things)都是大学新生最难处理的事情。struggle with与D选项中pressure为同义替换。因此答案为D。

33、【答案】[A] adaption


34、【答案】[D]decide on the right major

【解析】细节题。根据题干回文定位到第四段第一句话,其中its financial impact on future academic choices是题干save money for students的同义替换。第二句指出数据调查表明,80%的大学生在大学期间都会至少更换一次专业(changing their majors at least once),这是普通大学生存在的现象,那么对于推迟一年上学的学生,节省了开销,应该就是来自换专业这件事情,因此正确答案为D,能够做出正确专业的选择,这是对原文的正话反说。

35、【答案】 [A] In Favor of the Gap Year

【解析】主旨题。文章第二段首句but转折之后为全文中心主旨句,并且根据其语义,But while this may be true, it is not a good enough reason to condemn gap years. 虽然这也许是真的,但是这并不是一个否定gap years的完美理由。说明作者是在肯定gap year,推迟一年上大学这种现象。所以正确答案为A。

Text 4

36、【答案】[B] consumed a record-high percentage of budget

【解析】细节题。根据题干in 2015定位第二段第一句In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget fighting fires – nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago. 2015年美国森林管理局野外火灾上花费的费用首次超过其年预算(55亿美金)的1.5倍---其比例几乎是20年前的两倍。句子强调的是超过预算budget,同时,此句还可以回文到首段第一句,the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars,频繁


37,【答案】[D] guarantee safer spending of public funds

【解析】细节题。根据提干magnifying glass精准定位到第四段第二行,we need to take a magnifying glass to that, 需要放大镜来关注解决这个问题。glass前一句就是这个问题的详细解释,It’s already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country, 讨论的是公共开支的问题,答案D中的spending of public funds 就是对原句中public expenditure的同义替换。故选D。

38【答案】[C] other factors should not be overlooked

【解析】细节题。根据题干 climate is a key element定位第7段,题干中问Moritz的观点,对应文章第7段Moritz says,根据细节题,点对点定位,直接锁定文章第7段,Moritz says后即为答案“it shouldn’t come at the expense of the rest of the equation”,这里

at the expense of “ 是固定搭配“以... 为代价”,原句含义是说:不能以牺牲其他事物为代价,也就是说,不应该忽视其他因素。故C选项为正确答案。

39【答案】[D] understand the interrelations of man and nature

【解析】细节题。根据题干overly simplified view定位第九段,以及题干中Moritz mentions is a result of failing to , 直接对应第9段第2句,题干问的是 a result of failing to 问的是原因,对应文章 failing to recognize that, 这里的that 即为答案。代词that 指代上文。上文是“the human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked, and the interactions go both ways”意思是指,人类与居住的环境是有联系的。故B选项为正确答案。

40【答案】[B] Come to terms with

【解析】细节题。根据题干Professor Balch points out that fire is 定位最后2个段落,倒数第2段,第一次出现Professor Balch,观点是“people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled and unleashed only out of necessity”人们应该继续完全控制火,必要时才用。紧接着话锋一转” But acknowledging fire’s inevitable presence is an attitude crucial...that make it as safe as possible “但是我们也承认火对人类生活至关重要,尽量要保证安全”;体现出人类与火之间的相互制约性。最后一段,”we’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire, it is important to ....the human connection with fire today重申我们离不开火,我们应该明白人类与火之间的关联的重要性。体现了人类与火之间的制约的关系。选项A do away with 废除;选项B come to terms with 达成协议,相互制约;C付出代价;D 是远离。故B选项为正确答案。

Part B

41、【答案】[E] (says that for factory owners)

【解析】根据题干人名Jay Dunwell回文定位到第五段,他讲到“They’re harder to find...”这里的they指的就是上文的workers,而下文此人继续说“they’ve been plucked by other industries...(工人被其他产业挖走)。E选项说“对于厂长来说,工人难找是由激烈的竞争导致的”,正是对Jay Dunwell说的话的概括。此外,段落首句即为该段的中心句,出现了E选项中的关键词stiff competition,也可以作为答题的线索。因此确定正确答案为E选项。

42、【答案】[A] (says that he switched to)

【解析】根据题干人名Jason Stenquist回文定位到第七段,段落中间部分提到,当他被问及职业选择的时候,他说高中时在转到电子设计之前他考虑的是医学院,紧接着道出了原因“I love working with tools”(我喜欢用工具工作),选项A正是这两句话的概括。因此确定正确答案为A选项。

43、【答案】[G] (says that the manufacturing recession)

【解析】根据题干人名Birgit Klohs回文定位到第八段,其中“remember their father and mother both were laid off. The blame it on the manufacturing recession”与选项G属于同义改写,Their father and mother变成了the young people’s parents。因此确定正确答案为G选项。

44、【答案】[B] (points out that there are enough people to fill the jobs that don’t need much skill)

【解析】根据Rob Spohr定位到倒数第二段,本段首句Rob Spohr讲到,the gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skill。本句skill复现两次,为核心词。接着第二句讲到“there are enough people to fill the jobs at McDonald and other places where you don’t need to have much skill.”浏览7个选项,发现B选项中的fill the jobs, don’t need much skill 与本句形成原词复现,因此确定正确答案为B选项。

45、【答案】[F] (points out that a work/life balance can attract young people into manufacturing)

【解析】根据Julie Parks定位到最后一段首句,本句中Julie Parks讲到,another key to luring Millennials into

Manufacturing: a work/life balance。浏览7个选项,发现F选项中的a work/life balance,Manufacturing与本句形成原词复现,F选项中的attract(吸引)与本句中的lure(引诱)形成同义词复现,因此确定正确答案为F选项。

SectionIII Translation



句①:My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing.



句②:Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course.



句③:However, during that course I realized I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me.



句④:Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favorite activities.



句⑤:But, to be honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream —I knew that no one could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!



句⑥:So I decided to look for some fashion-related courses that included writing.



句⑦:This is when I noticed the course “Fashion Media & Promotion.”



Section IV Writing



Dear Professor Williams,

I felt much honored when I received your invitation to give a presentation about Chinese culture to the international students of your college. I would much like to do this job. So I am writing to tell you something about the presentation to be given.

The focus of my presentation will be Chinese traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-autumn Day. In the speech, I will introduce the origin and conventions of these festivals. For example, the Mid-Autumn Day, falling on the 15th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar, is a traditional Chinese holiday for family members and loved ones to gather together. In addition to enjoying the glorious full moon on this day, Chinese people will also eat festival-moon cakes, recite ancient Chinese poems as well as guess lantern riddles. I believe these knowledge will help the foreign students obtain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.

I am really looking forward to sharing these with all of the international students.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Reflected in the chart given above are the respective changes in the numbers of museums and their visitors in China from the year 2013 to 2015. It can be clearly seen that the number of museums was on a continuous rise from 6378 to 7811 in the two years, increasing by more than 22%, and so did that of the visitors, with an increase by nearly 13% from 4165 to 4692.

What might account for the notable growths? Reasons are many, but the most important one, as far as I am concerned, is that with the boom of Chinese economy in recent years, our government has been placing an increasingly high value on the inheritance of traditional culture, which connects modern people with the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. What’s more, Chinese traditional culture has also aroused much attention from the public to enrich their spiritual life.

With the development of China, the increasing trend is bound to continue for some time in the future. From my perspective, it is a positive trend and should be encouraged, for it is not only beneficial for the preservation and rejuvenation of our ancestral heritages but also conductive to the cultural diversity of the world.返回搜狐,查看更多




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