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#英语阅读:3月初伦敦| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Influencer coronavirus 'super spreader' infected 15 others on one flight from London

A study said a 27-year-old woman travelling from Paris and Milan fashion weeks via London back to Hanoi in Vietnam, unknowingly infected passengers on a Vietnam Airlines flight

Talia Shadwell

19:41, 21 SEP 2020

Hanoin. 河内(越南首都)

A 27-year-old woman unknowingly infected with coronavirus passed the bug on to 15 others on her flight from London to Vietnam, a study has found,

Researchers said a businesswoman from Vietnam infected 12 passengers in business class, two in economy and a crew member on her flight from the capital in March.

It said she travelled in business class from the UK capital after touring the Paris and Milan Fashion Weeks with her sister, who also later tested positive for Covid-19.

The published case study does not identify the women, but names the Vietnam Airlines Flight VN54 that reported an outbreak linked to Vietnamese influencer Nga Nguyen, 27, and her sister Nguyen Hong Nhung, 26.

The socialite sisters were identified in reports in March as being linked to a coronavirus outbreak on a March 1 flight from London's Heathrow Airport to Hanoi following their tour of the Paris and Milan Fashion Weeks.

socialite  n. /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪt/  上流社会名人;社交名流

Heathrow Airport :(英国)希斯罗机场

The pair copped criticism after it emerged Nga developed a cough in London before boarding the Vietnam Airlines flight, but was not tested for the virus until days after she returned home.

Cop:作名词是警察的意思, not much ˈcop不太好;不怎么样


1. to receive or suffer sth unpleasant 遭受;忍受•He copped all the hassle after the accident. 他在事故发生后各种的罪都受了。

2.to notice sth 注意到 •Cop a load of this (= Listen to this) ! 听听这一大套!


1. cop hold of sth:to take hold of sth 抓住,握住(某物)

2. cop a ˈplea 避重就轻地认罪(以求轻判)

3. ˈcop it(1) to be punished 被罚;受罚 (2) to be killed 被杀


1.ˌcop ˈoff (with sb)(与某人)开始发生性关系,调情 •Who did he cop off with at the party? 他在聚会上与谁调情?

2.ˌcop ˈout (of sth)(因害怕、懒惰等而)逃避,回避 •You're not going to cop out at the last minute, are you? 你不是打算临阵脱逃吧?

The sisters reportedly temporarily deleted their popular Instagram account after stories emerged claiming passengers on the flight - including seven Brits - had been infected with coronavirus.

The daughters of a steel magnate faced criticism after their positive diagnoses in Vietnam, following their trips to fashion shows by Saint Laurent in Paris and Gucci in Milan.

 steel magnate:高铁大亨

magnate n. /ˈmæɡneɪt/  权贵;要人;富豪;(尤指)产业大亨 • a media/property/shipping magnate 媒体╱房地产╱航运业大亨

The new preliminary study published by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in this month's Emerging Infectious Diseases journal, highlights a case of an unnamed 27-year-old businesswoman and her sister.

It describes how she tested positive after landing back home in Hanoi following her ten-hour flight from London which departed on March 1.

The study, which said researchers used information based on 'media reports', said the woman was believed to have traveled to Italy on February 18 with her sister, who was later also confirmed to have Covid-19.

She then travelled back to London on February 20 to stay with her sister for another two nights.

On February 22, the pair returned to Milan, Italy, for Fashion Week, before travelling on for the catwalk shows in Paris.

The sisters then returned to London three days later.

By February 29, the 27-year-old began experiencing a sore throat and cough while attending meetings and going out for entertainment with friends.

sore throat:咽喉痛

On March 1, she boarded Vietnam Airlines flight VN54 from London to Hanoi and was seated in business class.

According to the study, she continued to experience a sore throat and cough throughout the long-haul flight which grew worse upon arrival - progressing to a fever fatigue, and shortness of breath.

 long-haul flight :长途飞行

 fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/  

1. 疲劳;劳累 •physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳    2.厌倦 •battle fatigue 战斗疲劳

3.(金属或木材的)疲劳 •The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue . 机翼显示出金属疲劳的迹象。

4.fatigues(士兵穿的)工作服   5.fatigues 士兵杂役(尤指作为惩罚,如做打扫、帮厨)

She self-isolated at her home in Hanoi and had contact with household staff only.

On March 5, she sought care at a local hospital in Hanoi, where she tested positive for the virus the next day.

Within days, three of her household staff also received positive test results, along with a friend in London who she had visited on February 29, the study continued.

By March 10, all crew and most passengers from the Vietnam Airlines flight had been traced.

They tracked down 217 passengers and crew in total - with around 33 found to have transited on to other countries - and found 15 tested positive for Covid-19 following the flight.

According to reports from March, as the pandemic was beginning to ramp up globally, seven Brits, believed to be aged between 58 and 74, were infected following the flight.

An Icelandic national and a Mexican citizen, were also said to have been infected on the flight.

Icelandic: /aɪsˈlændɪk/ adj. 冰岛的;冰岛人的;冰岛语的

Brit Graham Craddock, was taken to a Vietnamese hospital with his wife Mary after they both tested positive for the virus in March following the flight

Mr Craddock told BBC News at the time: "When we checked in we were asked had we been to China, Italy, Iran, or indeed had talked to anybody with the virus, and we said 'no.'

"I asked what would the situation be if we had said “yes”, and they said we wouldn’t have been able to take the flight."

The researchers from Vietnam’s National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology who studied the case issued a warning about long-haul flights in the journal article, as the global travel industry jets off to a slow restart.

epidemiology n.   /ˌepɪˌdiːmiˈɒlədʒi/  流行病学(我老忘记它的发音)

They authors wrote: "We conclude that the risk for on-board transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during long flights is real and has the potential to cause Covid-19 clusters of substantial size, even in business class–like settings with spacious seating arrangements well beyond the established distance used to define close contact on airplanes.

spacious adj. /ˈspeɪʃəs/  ( of a room or building 房间或建筑物 ) large and with plenty of space for people to move around in 宽敞的

"As long as Covid-19 presents a global pandemic threat in the absence of a good point-of-care test, better on-board infection prevention measures and arrival screening procedures are needed to make flying safe."







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