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人教版九年级英语7-9单元综合测试卷(含答案)考生注意:1.本套题共7页,演练时间90分钟。2.答题前请将个人信息填写在指定位置(字迹清楚)。3.答案须用黑色钢笔、签字笔或圆珠笔书写。听力部分:I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题)( ) 1. A. allowed B. told C. stopped( ) 2. A. golf B. tofu C. wolf( ) 3. A. No photos. B. No smoking C. No food.( ) 4. A. Helen is beautiful when she wears the dress. B. Helen is wearing a red dress.C. It’s right for Helen to buy the dress.( ) 5. A. My mother likes funny movies better.B. My mother likes action movies better.C. My mother likes both funny movies and action movies.II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题)( ) 6. A. It tastes good. B. It’s a good idea. C. It’s educational.( ) 7. A. The one on the table. B. Thanks so much. C. Get me a magazine.( ) 8. A. It’s me. B. It’s Lily’s. C. It’s good.( ) 9. A. What a pity! B. No way! C. You are wrong.( ) 10. A. Have fun! B. Don’t be sad. C. Not at all.Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共8小题)( ) 11. What kind of music does Tony like B. C.( ) 12. Where did Linda go just now A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C. On the playground.( ) 13. What is Sam looking for A clock. B. A book. C. Glasses.( ) 14. What are the speakers talking about A. Family rules. B. Weekends. C. Homework.( ) 15. What is the girl allowed to do on weekends A. To go to parties. B. To go to her friend’s house. C. To go shopping.( ) 16. Why does the boy always get good marks A. Because he is just lucky. B. Because others help him.C. Because he knows how to study.( ) 17. What kind of place does the boy always study in A. A noisy place. B. A crowded place. C. A quiet place.( ) 18. How long does the boy study before a break A. For sixty minutes. B. For half an hour. C. For twenty minutes.IV. 听语言材料和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题)( ) 19. How old is Mr. Wang A. 30. B. 40. C. 45.( ) 20. How is Mr. Wang’s life now A. Richer than before. B. Poorer than before. C. Worse than ever.( ) 21. Why don’t the neighbors like Mrs. Li A. Because she is dirty. B. Because she is noisy. C. Because she is ugly.( ) 22. When was Holi this year A. In February. B. On March 13. C. From February to March.( ) 23. What food did the speaker help his mother cook on Holi morning A. Some salty porridge. B. Some sweet snacks. C. Some beef noodles.( ) 24. What did the speaker do with his friends on Holi They played with their water guns.B. They visited their relatives.C. They helped clean up the yard.( ) 25. Which of the following is TURE A. The speaker doesn’t like Holi because it’s boring.B. There is only one park that is really far from the speaker’s house.C. The speaker usually takes a shower after having fun with friends.V.听短文填空。(共5小题)(Information Sheet26. You last name tells __________________ you are from.27. The passage tells the way that some last names__________________.28. About 5,000 years ago,they had to____________________last names.29. They couldn’t ___________________ a name with different persons.30. The last namePetersonmeans he is a __________________ of Peter.)笔试部分:VI.单项选择。(共10小题)( ) 31. —My dream is to build ________university on the moon someday.—It sounds like ________unusual dream. I wish you could realize it.A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; an( ) 32. --_____ you know little about COVID-19, search for more information online.--Ok, I will.A. Unless B. Since C. Though D. Whether( ) 33. Shopping online is ______accepted, but the packaging brings too much rubbish.A. widely B. suddenly C. probably D. simply( ) 34. --Among all the Long March rockets, Long March 11 is the _______ star.--Yes, and it was _______ sent on May 30, 2020 from Xichang Satellite LaunchCenter in Sichuan province.A. successful; successfully B. more successful; the most successfulC. most successful; succeeded D. most successful; successfully( ) 35. --Have you found the information about Zhong Nanshan ____ can help you finishyour report --Not yet.A. who B. that C. which D. /( ) 36. Oh, my god! Our house ______ last night. Look at the footprints (脚印) on the floor.broke into B. was breaking intoC. broken into D. was broken into( ) 37. —In shops of most foreign countries, we can see many products made in China.—What we need is ____ “Made in China”, ____“Created in China”. There is still along way to go.A. between; and B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; or( ) 38. — Mom, I am so hungry. _______ shall we begin dinner —_______ your father comes back. A. How long; Until B. How often; Not until C. When; Not until D. How soon; Until( ) 39. --________ you leave now You only arrived here an hour ago.--Sorry, but so much homework is waiting for me.A. May B. Must C. Can D. Might( ) 40. —Why can’t you trust me Not everything you heard is true.—Maybe not. But _______.A. when in Rome, do as the Romans do B. there is no smoke without fireC. the grass is always greener on the other side D. actions speak louder than wordsVII.完形填空。(共10小题)There are some people who just can't make up their minds by themselves. They often ask their friends for some advice, and then they do the 41 what their friends say.My brother, Mike, is one such person. He can never decide what to do and always asks for my 42 . I try to help him as much as I can. But he never 43 my advice. Yesterday, I answered his questions in a 44 way.“Look,” he said and showed me a letter, “What do you think I should do ” The letter was a job offer. It seemed to be a good 45 for a young doctor. Mike would be sent to Africa to work. The job would 46 very well, and he would be able to travel and visit many 47 places.“What do you think, Peter ” he asked. "Should I go If I take the job, I'll have to stay in Africa for a long time. But it's a wonderful chance for me. What should I do "“Don't go,” I told him. "You should be 48 there.”“Don't go ” he was very surprised at my answer.As you’ve probably 49 , Mike took the offer. I wonder if he knew that I 50 wanted him to take the job.( ) 41. A. idea B. opposite C. thought D. mind( ) 42. A. advice B. question C. answer D. plan( ) 43. A. listens B. hears C. brings D. takes( ) 44. A. happy B. sad C. different D. same( ) 45. A. choose B. chance C. time D. journey( ) 46. A. sell B. call C. pay D. buy( ) 47. A. fascinating B. dangerous C. boring D. tiring( ) 48. A. staying B. listing C. attending D. laughing( ) 49. A. regretted B. received C. guessed D. divided( ) 50. A. nearly B. painfully C. suddenly D. reallyVIII. 阅读理解。(共15小题)阅读两篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhat is your teen doing this summer Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family!Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life and culture.Exchange students from Spain and France are looking for welcoming warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August.Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks.What to do with your exchange student Movies / Museums / Beach / Cooking / Baking / Community projects /Volunteering / Hanging out / Shopping / Disneyland…anything you can think of.Requirements to host:Loving, active, outgoing family One stay-at-home or part-time host parentTeen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange studentWilling to take students to places or interest once a week(maybe visiting them next summer at their home countries)If you are interested and would like more information, please contact:Shirley Wentzell 909﹣918﹣6715. Email: Shirley@ ( ) 51. Exchange students from France or Spain may stay for     in host families.A.10 days B. 5 weeks C. 2 months D. 1 year( ) 52. According to the passage, we can learn that    .A. exchange students will come back next summerB. exchange students have to cook dinner by themselvesC. parents in a host family should have full-time jobsD. teens in host families can experience different cultures( ) 53. The text above is probably a    .letter B. notice C. poster D. diaryBAs a student, I was most afraid to answer questions in class, and I found that the students around were just like me. At the beginning of each class, when the teacher asked a question, I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher saw me.One day, in a foreign language class, Mr. Black gave us a lesson. He wanted us to be active in class. So he asked us some questions, but no one answered. "Let me tell you a story first," he said."When I came to the United States to study, the university often invited famous people to make speeches. Before the beginning of every speech, I found an interesting thing. The students around me always took a cardboard (纸板)folded in half, wrote their names in bold (粗体的) with the most eye-catching color, and then placed the cardboard on the seat. So when the speaker needed the answers from the students, he could see and call a listener's name directly.""I couldn't understand that. My classmate told me the speakers were all top people, who meant chances. When your answer was to his surprise, it meant he might give you more chances. In fact, I really saw a few students get great chances because of that."After listening to the story, I understood that the chance will not find you itself. You must show yourself all the time so that you can find a chance on the card.( ) 54. How did the writer's classmates behave when they were asked questions A. They raised their hands. B. They shook their hands.C. They closed their eyes. D. They hid themselves.( ) 55. What does the underlined word "eye-catching" in Paragraph 3 mean A.引人注目的 B.眼睛疼痛的 C.目光呆滞的 D.泪眼朦胧的( ) 56. What does the writer mainly tell us  Doing as others do is necessary.B. Answering questions bravely is easy.C. Attracting others' attention is interesting.D. Showing yourself bravely can win chances.CIf you go shopping in any toy store, you can see clearly the different games and toys for boys and girls: there are a lot of pink toys on one side of the store for girls; and dark-colored cars, guns, and soldiers for boys. Some big stores with toys may even have a pink floor for girls and a blue floor for boys. In fact, it is difficult to buy a toy for a girl that is not pink.Some people think that too much pink is bad for girls. Sue Palmer, writer of Toxic Childhood, is very worried that most girls over the age of three are crazy about the color. According to some scientists, this happens for two reasons. Firstly, most companies offer too many products in pink. Also, many parents think their little daughter looks cute in pink. Sue Palmer says that girls at this age cannot make proper decisions by themselves, but the pink can affect (影响) the choices and the decisions they will make in the future.Some parents are worried too—for example, Vanessa Holburn, thirty-two, who has two girls under age four. Their bedrooms are a sea of pink and Vanessa is not happy. “Pink says that you’re soft and gentle. Blue says that you’re strong and powerful. I want my daughters to be strong and powerful. I’m worried that pink won’t help them with that,” she says.But not everyone thinks there’s something wrong with pink. Grayson Turner is a father of three girls and he isn’t worried at all. “People forget that things change all the time,” he says. “My girls used to love pink when they were little, but as they get older, they change.” Turner explains that his twelve-year-old daughter never wears pink clothes anymore. “This love of pink is just a fashion and all fashions change,” he adds. “It’s only since the 1940s that people have started dressing girls in pink—before that it was a color for boys.”( ) 57. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage A. B. C. D.( ) 58. The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 means    . A. being soft and gentle B. being strong and powerfulC. being gentle but powerful D. being cute and beautiful( ) 59. According to Grayson Turner,    . A. parents needn’t worry about pink toys B. all little kids love the color pinkC. pink has always been a color for girls D. his girls now prefer the color blue( ) 60. The purpose of this passage is to    . A. explain why girls are crazy about the color pinkB. make parents less worried about the color pinkC. encourage girls to give up playing with pink toysD. show people’s different opinions about the color pinkDThere are many ways to help improve your health like eating healthy food, taking exercise and getting medical help. But the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health is just to sleep eight hours or more every night. The general sleeping rule is that the younger you are, the longer sleep you need. But regardless of (不管) age, some people need to sleep more while for some a few hours is enough.The problem with sleep is that more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization, over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived. Having less sleep not only makes people feel tired but also causes accidents. In the United States alone, sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year. Also sleep problems can cause medical problems such as high blood pressure.Why are so many people sleep-deprived Part of the reasons may be cultural. In the American culture, people put a higher value on work than on sleep. In fact, people who sleep a lot are usually seen as “lazy”. Also, you can sometimes hear some people say proudly that they don’t have much time to sleep, and they only sleep four or five hours a night. It seems that the less you sleep, the more work you’ll do.How do we teach these people to learn the value of sleep Let’s listen to the advice of Dr. James Maas, an expert in sleep. He says, “Sleep is like a credit (信用) card. When you sleep less, you’re only borrowing time. You always have to pay it back. The more hours you don’t sleep, the more hours you should sleep to ‘pay back’ the hours on your ‘sleep credit card’.”For those who value work more than sleep, they should listen to what a famous person once said, “Don’t think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the night. That is a foolish idea which is held by people who have no imagination. You will be able to do more.”( ) 61. According to the writer, the easiest and cheapest way to improve health is to _____. A. eat healthy food every day B. take exercise as much as possibleC. get medical help whenever necessary D. sleep eight hours or more every night( ) 62.What does “sleep-deprived” mean in Paragraph 2 A.Having a good sleep. B. Excited about sleep.C. Having less sleep. D. Interested in sleep.( ) 63.According to Dr. James Maas, what is sleep like An hour. B. A report. C. A credit card. D. A piece of paper.( ) 64.What do the words of the famous person mean in Paragraph 5 A. Sleeping during the night is foolish. B. Sleeping during the night is helpful.C. People have no courage. D. People always do less work.( ) 65.What is the best title of the passage A. The Value of Sleep B. The Value of StudyC. The Ways of Eating Less D. The Ways of Making MoneyIX.任务型阅读。(共5小题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成66-70题。Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight Here’s something you can do.Be calm (冷静). Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry can’t solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, it may bring you more problems. In the school, everyone involved (卷入) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no winners in a fight.Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack (攻击), turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say “stop” before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn’t stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.Learn to refuse. Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really helpful to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem. 66、题完成句子;67、68题简略回答问题;69题找出并写下全文的主题句;70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。66. To stop the friend who wants to fight, you should help him ________________________.67. What will happen if your friend gets involved in a fight _________________________68. What can you do if someone attacks you _____________________________________69. ________________________________________________70. ________________________________________________X. 词语运用。(共10小题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Friends are important to everyone, 71__________, some people may have trouble 72__________(keep) their friendships. Here are some tips on how to make your friendship 73__________(deep) and stronger.★Be yourself. A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people. Though your identity (身份) is always changing, some of your personality will stay pretty much 74_________ same. Find out 75_________ those things are,think hard about who you want to be, and then show yourself 76_________(honest) to the people around you.★Avoid gossip (八卦). Friends shouldn't spread rumors (谣言) about other friends. If you've heard something bad about your friends, 77__________(find) a proper way of asking them about it by 78__________(you). If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice.★Protect your friends. Very often, somebody that you're not close to doubts one of your 79__________(friend). It's important to find out both sides of the story,but it's also a good chance to show your friend that you trust him by telling him.★Return the care. There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook,or a shoulder to cry on. A good friend will cheer you up when you're in trouble and listen patiently when your friend shares a problem 80__________ you. Be sure you are as helpful as your friend, because he will take notice and feel good you.XI. 基础写作。(包括A、B两部分)A)连词成句。81. they, to, their, decisions, allowed, make, own, are_______________.do, why, disagree, your friend, you, with _______________ 83. belong, the magazine, Grace, to, must _______________.84. might, calendar, Stonehenge, kind, be, a, of _______________.85. movies, like, funny, that, we, are _______________.B)书面表达86. 进入九年级以来,同学们感到了前所未有的压力,有来自学习的压力,也有来自家长的压力。请按以下提示和要求,以How to Deal With Stress为题,写一篇英语短文。要点提示:1. How to communicate with people around you 2. How to exercise to help yourself 3. How to study注意:1. 文中应包含所有要点,可适当发挥;2. 不出现真实校名和姓名;3. 词数90左右。How to Deal With Stress________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________听力材料听力部分:第一题:听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出包含所听信息的选项。1. I don’t think teenagers should be allowed to smoke.2. They met a wolf in the forest last week.3. You mustn’t take photos there.4. My sister Helen looks nice in the red dress.5. My mother prefers funny movies than action movies.第二题:听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出该句的最佳答语。6. What do you think of the story 7. Which magazine do you like 8. The dictionary is not mine. Whose is it 9. It’s going to rain. We can’t go to South Mountain.10. This is my first time visiting China.第三题:听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。下面你将听到5组对话和8个问题,每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确选项。请听第1-3组对话,回答11-13题11. M: Hi, Amy. What are you listening to W: Tony, I’m listening to Erquan Yingyue.M: What kind of music is that W: It’s Chinese folk music.M: Sounds a little sad. I prefer rock music that makes me excited.Q: What kind of music does Tony like 12. M: Linda, where is Mike He must be in the library, right W: No, he can’t be there. I have just returned from the library. Look! An orange jacket on the playground.M: It’s Mike’s.W: He must be playing basketball. He likes it best.Q: Where did Linda go just now 13. W: Sam, what are you doing Come and have your breakfast. You don’t want to be late for school a second time this week, do you M: Of course I don’t. But where are my glasses Have you seen them W: Oh, you are always forgetting things.Q: What is Sam looking for 请听第4组对话,回答14-15题W: I have a lot of rules at home. What about you M: What are the rules W: I have to do my homework at home. I can’t play computer games and I am not allowed to choose my own clothes.M: I am luckier. I am allowed to study at my friend’s home. What are you allowed to do on weekends W: I’m allowed to go shopping.Q 14. What are the speakers talking about Q 15. What is the girl allowed to do on weekends 请听第5组对话,回答16-18题W: You always get good marks at school. You are lucky.M: I’m not lucky. I know how to study. I always do three things. No. 1, always study in a quiet place.W: I usually study in my bedroom. It is very quiet.M: No. 2, have a clear desk.W: Oh, my desk isn’t clear. There is lots of paper, books and pens on it.M: Well, that is not very good. No. 3, make sure to study for at least an hour at a time. I always study for an hour and then have a short break. I move my arms and legs then I study again.W: I have breaks too often. From now on, I will study longer. I believe I will do better.Q 16. Why does the boy always get good marks Q 17. What kind of place does the boy always study in Q 18. How long does the boy study before a break 第四题:听短文和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇短文和七个问题,短文和问题读两遍。请你听完短文和问题的第二遍朗读后,根据所听内容,从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确答案。请听第一篇材料,回答19-21题One of my best neighbors is Mr. Wang. He is 30 years old. He is a tall, handsome and friendly man. He is a hard worker, especially in the past, when he had to make money to feed his family. Now he has his own company and his family is much richer than ever before. He works as hard as before and likes to help others. I think this is the reason that he can succeed.Mrs. Li is one of my worst neighbors. She is a woman of 40. She is a noisy person. She likes to shout out her words and doesn’t mind others. She is disliked by all her neighbors.Q 19. How old is Mr. Wang Q 20. How is Mr. Wang’s life now Q 21. Why don’t the neighbors like Mrs. Li 请听第二篇材料,回答22-25题Holi is a traditional festival in India. It usually comes in February or March every year. We celebrate it on March 13th this year. In the morning I got up early and I helped my mother to cook some traditional sweet snacks that we usually eat on Holi. After lunch I went to the park near my house with my water gun. Many friends were there. The water in our water guns was colorful. We shot at each other. We also threw dry colorful powders to each other. We had great fun. After taking a shower, I put my new clothes and went to visit my grandparents. My family had a big dinner together.Q 22. When was Holi this year Q 23. What food did the speaker help his mother cook on Holi morning Q 24. What did the speaker do with his friends on Holi Q 25. Which of the following is TURE 第五题:听短文填空。下面你将听到一篇短文,短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文意思和提示,将所缺信息填入信息表中相应的横线上。You have a first name to tell you who you are. You have a last name to tell which family you are from. How do you get your last names This time, I want to show you the way that some last names started.  But at the start, people didn't have last names. About five thousand years ago, they had to invent last names because there were too many Charlies, too many Roberts, and too many Marys. People started to ask, which Charlie Which Robert Which Mary They couldn’t connect a name with different persons.  So if a Charlie was a cook, he became Charlie Cook. If a Robert was a son of Peter, he became Robert Peterson. If a Mary lived near the woods, she became Mary Woods.  This is the way that some last names started long, long ago.听力部分到此结束,预祝同学们取得好成绩!答案(满分120分)听力部分(共30分)1-5 ACAAA 6-10 CABAA 11-15 ABCAC 16-18 CCA 19-21 AAB 22-25 BBAC26. which family 27.started 28.invent 29.connect 30.son笔试部分(共90分)31-35 CBADB 36-40 DBCBB 41-45 BADCB 46-50 CAACD51-53 BDC 54-56 DAD 57-60 BBAD 61-65 DCCBA66. Try to ask him to give it up67. He may get hurt and be punished.68. Turn toward the person with my hands up in front of my body and loudly say “stop” before walking away. 69. But how can you keep away from a fight 70. 帮他打架并不是真的在帮助他。71. however 72. keeping 73. deeper 74.the 75.what76.honestly 77.find 78.yoursefl 79.friends 80.with81. Are they allowed to make their own decisions 82. Why do you disagree with your friend 83. The magazine must belong to Grace.84. Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar.85. We like movies that are funny.86. How to Deal With StressSince the third year of junior high school,students have felt unprecedented pressure,not only from the pressure of learning,but also from the pressure of parents.In order to deal with the pressure and keep healthy,firstly,we should learn to communicate with others and talk to others. Meanwhile,we should learn to share our feelings. Secondly,we should do more sports,pay attention to rest and strike a balance between meals. Thirdly,it would also be necessary to make adjustments to the way you learn in order to improve your efficiency. Finally,setting out a practical plan also makes sense. Thus you will make progress more quickly.I hope all the students will live a healthy life.






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