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2024-06-29 07:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”介绍九寨沟“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduction to Jiuzhaigou。以下是关于介绍九寨沟的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Jiuzhaigou


Nine villages valley is located in the northwest of Sichuan Province China which is one of the most famous scenic spots in China. It is famous for its beautiful natural scenery such as the colorful lakes watells snow mountains and primitive forests. In 1992 it was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

When I arrived at Nine villages valley I was amazed by its beauty. The colorful lakes look like jewels inlaid in the valley. The lakes have different colors such as blue green yellow and turquoise. The watells are also impressive. They are like white silk hanging from the cliffs a thunderous sound. The snow mountains are so high that they seem to touch the sky. Walking in the primitive forest I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

In addition to the natural scenery Nine villages valley also has a rich cultural heritage. The local Qiang people live in this area and they have their unique customs and traditions. They still live in the traditional houses made of stone and wood. The Qiang people are famous for their Qiang embroidery which is exquisite and beautiful.

In conclusion Nine villages valley is a unique and beautiful place. It has a combination of natural scenery and cultural heritage. If you have a chance you should visit Nine villages valley and experience its charm.







Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou, and Haizi (Lake) in Jiuzhaigou is more distinctive in that the water is blue and clear all the year round. With the change of light and the passage of seasons, it presents different colors and charm of water. Beautiful, delicate, delicate and powerful, the blue wave is not partial to calm, the wind is beautiful and sunny, the blue sky, white clouds, distant mountains, near trees, reflecting the world of lakes and mountains, but also the kingdom of watells, as well as the largest watell in China - Yelang watell.

It suddenly falls on the high emerald rock, like a huge curtain falling in the air, and the spectacular watell roars on the rocks, After several falls, a watell formed, like a group of silver dragons jumping unexpectedly. It sounds like snow, splashing countless small water drops, and turning into a chaotic water mist, which is called three sixth of Jiuzhaigou. The colorful forest covers more than half of the area of the scenic area.

Many kinds of plants compete for beauty. The flowers and plants in the forest are colorful and bathed in the mist of residual plants In the hazy fog, it is dark green and mysterious. The forest land is covered with thick moss and feathered animals with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Jiuzhaigou mountain is tall and straight. The snow capped peaks in winter. The ice bucket under the sun makes people dizzy on the mountain of Ghana.

Looking from afar, the mountains are undulating, the valley is deep and dotted with stars. The sea of clouds is vast, the waves are rough and the peaks are overlapping. The blue ice watell in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve has huge natural ice sculptures hanging on the steep rock wall.

The blue ice is as clear as the blue, from the shallow to the deep. The clear and beautiful icicles, ice hockey , ice cranes, ice curtains, together with the bright ice crystal world, create a rippling water resort.



标签: 高分 六级




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