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#英文短语:N、O开头的英语短语及例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


nail down

1.make secure by using nails用钉子钉住

If the corner of the carpet curls up,nail it down.要是地毯的角卷起了,就把它钉牢。

2.settle definitely;make sure确定;肯定

Joe had a hard time selling his car,but he finally nailed the sale down when he got his friend Sam to give him$300.乔的车很难脱手,在他朋友山姆出价300元时,他终于做成了交易。

Our company has just managed to nail down a new,contract worth £60,000.我们公司刚设法确定了一份价值6万英镑的合同。

3.make sb.express his position,opinion,etc.要(某人)把话讲明

It's impossible to tell how much truth there is in his allegations as he refuses to be nailed down.要说出在他的断言中有多少真实性是不可能的,因为他不肯讲明白。

The more we try to nail her down,the more she refuses even to talk about the issue.我们越是想让她讲明白,她越是拒绝谈论这个问题。

4.insist on sb.keeping a promise,an undertaking,etc.坚持要(某人)遵守诺言等

I'm not going to be nailed down to a particular date for completing the work.我不打算受在某个特定日期完成任务的约束。

5.make agree使同意;使应允

See if you can nail him down to accepting our offer.看你能否使他同意接受我们的帮助。

I nailed him down to coming at six.我让他一定在6点钟来。

name after

give the same name as用…命名

The substance was named after its discoverer.这一物质是以其发现者的名字命名的。

The boy was named after his mother.这个孩子是以他母亲的名字起名的。

narrow down

become narrow;become limited;reduce变窄;缩小;减少

The path has narrowed down a lot since I was last here.自我上次到这里以来,这条路已窄了许多。

The selection committee has narrowed down the original pile of applications to just these five.选拔委员会已把原来的一大堆申请书缩小到这5份了。

The whole question narrows down to who is going to pay for all the damage.整个问题只剩下该由谁来赔偿损失了。

They have narrowed the search down to this area of the town.他们已把搜查范围缩小到该市的这个地区。

near at hand

1.close by在近旁

You should always have a good dictionary near at hand.你手头应当一直有一本好词典。

Fortunately there was a hospital near at hand and they took the man there.幸好附近有所医院,他们就把这人送到那里去了。

2.soon to happen即将发生

The examinations are near at hand.考试即将来临。

The day when he will have to be punished is near at hand.他很快就将受到惩罚。

neck and neck

close together;side by side;with no advantage over the other in a race并驾齐驱;不分上下

The two longdistance runners were neck and neck all the way to the finish line.两个长跑运动员一直到终点都是并驾齐驱,不分上下。

The two race boats seemed neck and neck as they rounded the final curve.两条赛船在驶到最后一个拐弯处时似乎并肩而行,不分胜负。

neither fish,(flesh,) nor fowl

sth.or sb.that does not belong to a definite group or known class非驴非马;不伦不类

Mrs.Harris bought a piece of furniture that was both a table and a chair.Mr.Harris said it was neither fish nor fowl.哈里斯太太买了一张桌子兼椅子的家俱,她先生说那是不伦不类。

That book is neither fish,flesh,nor fowl.这本书写得不伦不类。

neither here nor there

not important to the thing being discussed不重要;与题目不相干

He talked for two hours but his remarks were neither here nor there.他讲了两个小时,但尽说些不相干的话。

What you have just said is neither here nor there.Try to keep to the topic.你刚才所讲的与题无关,要尽量扣紧主题。


Neither you nor I nor anybody else knows the answer.你我以及其他任何人都不知道这个答案。

It is neither blue nor green.它既不是蓝的,也不是绿的。

neglectful of

in the habit of neglecting things常常忘记

She works so hard that she is often neglectful of her family.她工作非常卖命,常常连家都忘了。

He is often neglectful of his promise.他常常言而无信。

new deal

another chance新机会

The boy asked for a new deal after he had been punished for fighting in school.这男孩在学校里因打架而受处分后,要求重新给他一次机会。

next door to

1.in or to the next house of在…隔壁

He lives next door to me.他住在我隔壁。

2.very close to;almost the same as几乎等于;接近于

Publishing secrets about the country's missiles is next door to treason.刊登有关国家导弹的秘密等于叛国。

The sick man was next door to death.这病人即将死亡。

next to

1.beside;nearest in space在…旁边

He placed his chair next to mine.他把椅子放在我的旁边。

I don't like wool next to my skin.我不喜欢把毛衣贴身穿。

2.inferior to;ranking second次于;仅次于

It is the largest city next to London.这是仅次于伦敦的最大都市。

Next to riding,I like swimming best.除骑马外,我就最爱游泳了。

3.almost;almost amounting to几乎是

No wonder she is ill!She eats next to nothing.难怪她生病!她几乎什么也不吃。

I admit I knew nest to nothing about teaching although I knew a lot about chemistry when I first became a science teacher.我承认我对教学几乎一窍不通,虽然我当初成为理科教师时,已经掌握了许多化学知识。

It was next to robbery.这简直是抢劫。

no better than


Her life before liberation was no better than that of a beggar.解放前她的生活同乞丐差不多。

Although he boasts a lot,he is no better than the others.别看他吹得厉害,其实他并不比别人强。

nobody's fool

smart person聪明者

In the classroom and on the football field,Henry was nobody's fool.在课堂上,亨利是最好的学生,在球场上,他是最佳球员。

I'm sure you won't be able to trick Jack into helping you with the robbery or anything else illegal—he's nobody's fool.我肯定,你要把杰克骗去帮你枪劫或做什么非法的事是办不到的—他聪明的很。

no doubt

doubtless;without question;certainly无疑;一定

No doubt Susan was the smartest girl in her class.无疑苏珊是她班上最聪明的学生。

no end

1.very much;exceeding非常

Jim was no end upset because he couldn't go swimming.吉姆非常着急,因为他不能去游泳。

2.almost without stopping;continually不停;继续

The baby cried no end.婴儿不住地哭。

no end of/to

1.so many/much of as to seem almost endless不尽的

There was no end of letters pouring into the post office.数不尽的信件投到邮局。

There will be no end of trouble later on if we don't wipe out the insect pests now.现在不根除害虫,将来后患无穷。


He thinks no end of himself.他觉得他自己很了不起。

no good

not satisfactory;not adequate;notapproved不满意;不中用;不足;不同意

He tried appealing to the man's pride,but it did no good.他想讨好那个人,但行不通。

It's no good arguing with him since he is incapable of seeing anyone else's point of view.跟他争没用,他不会接受任何人的观点的。

no less than

1.as much as正好;至少

There was no less than thirty dollars in the drawer.抽屉里少说也有30美元。

2.as many as与…一样

This boy is no less clever than that one.这个男孩与那个男孩一样聪明。

no longer

not any more不再

He is no longer living here.他已不住在这里了。

Now this great stretch of lowland no longer faces the menace of flood.现在,这一大片洼地已不再受洪水的威胁了。

no matter

1.regardless of;in spite of无论;不管

He had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost.无论花多少钱他都得把车子送去修一下。

No matter when he comes,I won't see him.无论他什么时候来,我都不会见他。

I'll always love you,no matter what happens.无论发生什么事情,我将永远爱你。

2.not anything important不重要的

I wanted to see him before he left,but it's no matter.他离开前我想见他,但这并不很重要。

It's no matter if the work is not finished today.这工作今天完不成也没关系。

no more

1.not any more;not again不再

His voice is heard no more.他的声音再也听不见了。

Time lost will return no more.失去的时间不会再来。


The barren hills are no more;all around there are fruit trees.荒山不见了,到处都是果树。

The ancient city Troy is no more.古城特洛伊已不存在了。

The great leader is no more.这位伟大的领袖已去世了。


You don't know Spanish,no more does he.你不懂西班牙语,他也不懂。

He can't afford a new car,and no more can I.他买不起新车,我也买不起。

no more than


There was no more than thirty dollars in the drawer.抽屉里只有30美元。

She was no more than an ordinary worker but she has invented a lot of new machines.她只不过是一个普通的工人,然而她却发明了许多新机器。

no more…than…

not at all more than与…相比,同样也不…

He is no more diligent than you.你不勤奋,他也不勤奋。

A student can no more obtain knowledge without studying than a farmer can get harvest without ploughing.学生不学习不能获得知识,正如农民不耕种就不能收获一样。

One minute late is no more in time than half an hour.迟到一分钟跟迟到半小时同样是不准时。

no sooner…than

immediately after…;as soon as刚…就…

I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain.我刚离开家天就下雨了。

No sooner had he entered the office than the telephone rang.他刚进办公室,电话铃就响了。

none the less


He is old,none the less he works like a young man.他虽说上了年纪,但干起活来还象个年轻人。

no wonder

not surprising;expected难怪

It is no wonder that the children love to visit the farm.难怪孩子们喜欢参观农场。

nod off

fall asleep unintentionally打瞌睡

He nodded off over his paper.他在看报时睡着了。

Is it really so late?I must have nodded off.真的这么晚了吗?我一定是睡着了。

none too

not at all根本不

The doctor arrived none too soon,as Mary's fever was very alarming.玛丽发烧温度高得吓人,可医生并没有及时赶到。

They were discovered by the pilot of the helicopter,and none too soon,because they'd eaten all their food.他们被直升飞机驾驶员发现,差一点就来不及了,因为他们已吃光了所有食物。

nose about/around

look for sth.kept private or secret 探问;打听

He hates the way her mother goes nosing around the house each time she visits them.他恨她母亲每次去看他们时,总喜欢在家里东找西寻的。

He is fond of nosing about for grapevine news.他爱打听小道消息。

The detective was nosing around in the crowd,looking for pickpockets.侦探在人群中搜寻扒手。

nose into

enquire inquisitively into sb.'s private affairs干涉(某事);探听(某事)

Why do you always try to nose into others' affairs?你为什么总想干涉别人的事情?

She's always nosing into other people's business.她老是爱打听别人的私事。

nose out

1.learn by effort;uncover探知;觉察

If there's anything wrong with the machine,he can nose it out promptly.如果机器出了什么毛病,他立即就能觉察出来。

The principal nosed out the truth about the stolen examination paper.校长查出了试卷失窃的真相。

2.defeat by a nose length 险胜;击败

Collins was nosed out by his opponent in the primary.柯林斯在初选中就被他的对手击败了。

not a little

rather a large amount of;quite a little 不少;很多

We are not finished;not a little is left for us to do.我们的工作还未完成,还有许多事要我们去做。

I'm sorry to have given you not a little trouble.我很抱歉给你带来许多麻烦。

not at all

not in the least一点也不;根本不

He didn't understand it at all.他根本就不懂。

I'm not at all satisfied with his report.我对他的报告一点也不满意。

not in the least

not at all毫不;一点也不

I am not in the least suspicious of it.对此我毫不怀疑。

She wasn't in the least afraidher Dad was with her.她一点儿也不害怕,因为她父亲和她在一起。

notch up

1.mark up in notches or cuts 用刻痕标出;刻下

The gunman notched up five victims on the handle of his gun.枪手在自己的枪柄上刻上5个受害者的记号。


Our teams have notched up a number of wins in the tournament.我们的运动队在这次联赛中频频获胜。

He has notched up quite a few triumphs lately.他最近取得了好几项成就。

note down

write sth.down记录;记下

He noted down her address and telephone number in the back of his diary.他在日记本的最后一页记下了她的地址和电话号码。

He noted down everything I said.他把我说的都记下了。

not much of

not very good as不很好

He is not much of a cook.他不是个好厨师。

I'm not much of a mechanic,I'm afraid,but I'll have a look at your car if you like.我恐怕不是一个很熟练的技师,但如果你愿意的话,我就看看你的汽车。

not to mention

without saying anything about更不必说

It's impossible for me to go to Green's party tonight.I've got to babysit for my sister,not to mention write a book report and prepare for an exam.今晚我不可能去参加格林的晚会了。我得照看我姐姐的小孩,更不用说写读书报告和准备考试了。

not to speak of

not to mention 不用说

He writes good French,not to speak of rending it.他的法语写得很好,更不用说阅读了。

noted for

famous for以…著名

Australian wool is noted all over the world for its fineness and good quality.澳大利亚羊毛因其质地柔软和质量上乘而著称于世。

nothing but

nothing except;only;nothing else but只;不过

It,s nothing but an ordinary watch.这只是块普通的表。

He had nothing but a cup of tea this morning.他早上只喝了杯茶。

nothing less than

quite the same as与…完全相同

It is nothing less than aggression.这简直是侵略行为。

nothing to

1.not important to对…不重要

It is nothing to me.这件事对我来说没什么。

2.not comparable with与…不能相比

My losses are nothing to yours.我的损失不能和你的相比。

The storm is nothing to the one last year.这次风暴比不上去年那一次大。

no use


There is no use in crying about your broken bike.你的车子坏了,哭也没用。

It's no use for you to pretend that you didn't know the rules.你假装不懂规则对你是没有用的。

2.disliking 讨厌

He had no use for dogs after a dog bit him.被狗咬了以后他再也不喜欢狗了。

now and then

now and again;occasionally;once in a while时而;偶尔

Now and then he goes to a ball game.他偶尔去看看球赛。

Now and then Larry and his wife go out to dinner at an expensive firstrate restaurant.拉里和他妻子偶尔去豪华饭店吃饭。

Every now and then she would glance up at the clock.她不时抬头看看钟。


sometimes 有时

The weather changed every day;it was now hot now cool.天气每天都在变,有时热有时凉。

now that

since 既然;因为

Now that dinner is ready,wash your hands.饭准备好了,洗手去吧。

Now that you have finished your work, you'd better have a rest.既然你的工作已经做完了,最好休息一下吧。


object to

oppose in words or argument反对

No one objected to the decision when it was made.做出这项决定时没有人反对。

How can James object to my going away with you?詹姆斯怎么会反对我和你一起走呢?

obliged to

1.required to不得不

He was obliged to leave his home town 30 years ago. 30年前他被迫离开了家乡。

They were obliged to give up the chance.他们不得不放弃这次机会。

2.acknowledging a favor received 感激

I will be much obliged to you for an early reply.尽早赐复,不胜感激。

We are much obliged to you for your help.我们非常感谢你的帮助。

occupied in/with

busy in/with忙于;从事

They were occupied in building a bridge.他们忙着修建一座桥。

They are mainLy occupied with agriculture.他们主要从事农业。

occur to sb.come to/into sb. 's mind想到

It just occurred to me that we had better make reservations in advance if we

want to see the play this evening.我刚刚想起,如果今晚我们要去看戏,最好预先订座。

It never occurred to him to phone me.他根本没想到要打电话给我。

A new idea suddenly occurred to me.我忽然想到了一个新主意。

odds and ends

small articles without much value 零碎东西;残剩东西

This room is filled with odds and ends.这房里塞满了零碎物品。

I'll have some odds and ends to do tomorrow morning.明早我有些零碎事要做。

of age

becoming old enough to be responsible in law成年

In England, both men and women come of age at 21.在英国,无论男女,都以21岁为成年。

of course


The rain came pouring down, and of course the sports meet was canceled.大雨瓢泼,运动会当然也就取消了。

Of course you know that girl;she's in your class.你当然认识那个女孩,因为她在你们班上。

of itself


The door opened of itself.门自动地开了。

of late

in the recent past;not long ago近来

There have been too many high school dropouts of late.近来中途退学的中学生太多了。

She doesn't seem to be very happy of late.最近她看上去不大开心似的。

of necessity

necessarily ;unavoidably必然地;不可避免地

With the Spring Festival coming soon, the traffic will of necessity become heavier.随着春节的到来,运输必将更加繁忙。

Being your lawyer,he will of necessity want to know all the details.作为你的律师,他当然要了解全部细节。

of no account

of no importance无关紧要

This question is of no account.这个问题不重要。

of no avail

useless; unsuccessful; in vain没有用

His sickness was treated with many medicines,but all were of no avail.他的病已用各种药治过,但都无效。

Tom's practicing was of no avail.He was sick on the day of the game.汤姆平时的练习全部泡汤了,比赛那天他病了。

Although they tried hard, their efforts seemed to be of no avail.虽说他们花了很大力气,但看来还是徒劳无功。

of old

long ago; in the past古时候;过去

Knights of old had to wear armor in battle.古代的骑士作战时都戴盔甲。

Things are very different now from what they used to be of old.现在的情况跟从前大不一样了。

He often recollects days of old.他常常回想起往昔的日子。

In days of old, Mary's grandfather lived in this village.从前,玛丽的祖父就住在这个村子里。

of one's own accord

of one's own wish; voluntarily出于自愿

On her mother's birthday, Betsy did the housework of her own accord.母亲过生日那天,贝茜主动做家务。

He joined the search party of his own accord.他主动参加了搜索组。

of one's own free will

of one's own wish自动地

I'm going of my own free will;no one has ordered me to go.我是自愿去的,没有人命令我。

of sorts

not especially good勉强称得上的;普通的

Though some people praise his verse, he's really only a poet of sorts.尽管有人称赞他的诗,实际上他只是一个蹩脚的诗人。

Tom was a magician of sorts but popular at parties.汤姆算不上是个好魔术师,但在聚会时很受欢迎。

of the first water

of the finest quality; superior最好的;第一流的

He was no doubt a painter of the first water.他无疑是位一流的画家。

The jeweler chose diamonds of the first water for the queen's crown.珠宝商为王后的冠饰挑选头等钻石。

of use


This book will be of some use to you in future.这本书将来对你会有用的。

off and on

not regularly;occasionally时辍时续的

It rained off and on all day.雨断断续续地下了一整天。

He wrote to a girl in London off and on for several years.他与伦敦的一位姑娘断断续续地通了几年信。

We don't go to the theatre regularly,just off and on.我们不常去看戏,只是偶尔看看罢了。

off balance

1. not in balance失去平衡

Paul was speeding along on his bicycle,when an unexpected hole in the road caught him off balance.保尔飞快骑着自行车,没料到路上的一个坑使他失去平衡,从车上摔下来。

2.not prepared; not ready无准备地;不防备地

Our surprise attack caught the enemy off balance and threw them into confusion.我们的突然袭击把敌人打了个措手不及,他们顿时乱作一团。

The teacher's surprise test caught the class off balance,and nearly everyone got a poor mark.老师突然抽考,使全班毫无防备,几乎每个同学成绩都很差。

off base

not agreeing with fact; wrong与事实不符的;错误的

So far as I know, what he said at the meeting is off base.据我所知,他会上所讲的那番话与事实不符。

Any man who said such a thing is certainly off base.说这事的人都是没有根据的。

off color

unwell; in low spirits气色不好;身体有点不舒服;神情沮丧

I'm off color today.今天我感到不舒服。

“You're looking a bit off color yourself,Mr.Young.”“Oh, I feel very tired, doctor.”“杨先生,你看上去气色有点不好。”“噢,医生,我感觉很累。”

off duty

not at work不值班;下班

He is off duty today.他今天不值班。

It seems that all the taxis in New York are off duty whenever it rains.雨天,纽约所有的出租车似乎都休息了。

off guard

in a careless attitude疏忽;不提防

Tim's question caught Jones off guard.蒂姆提的问题令琼斯毫无准备。

He struck me while I was off my guard.他乘我不备打了我一下。

off sb.'s hands


The responsibility is off my hands.我已完成那项任务。

2.disposed of售出

He had a lame horse which he wished to get off his hands.他有一匹瘸马要卖。

3. no longer in sb.'s care or possession不再由(某人)照管或负责

Now my two sons are off my hands:one of them is working in a factory and the other teaching in a school.现在我两个儿子都自立了,一个在工厂做工,一个在学校教书。

off the beam

1.(of an airplane) not in the radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports(飞机)脱离航向

The pilot received a warning that his plane was flying off the beam.飞行员接到了他的飞机偏离了航向的警告。

2.wrong; mistaken错误的

I've come to realize what I said at the meeting was off the beam.我已经认识到我在会上所讲的话是错误的。

Jim was off the beam when he said that the girls didn't like him.杰姆说那些女孩都不喜欢他,他是错了。

off the beaten track

1.not wellknown; not visited by many people不出名;人们不常去的

I know a nice place for a picnic that's off the beaten track; hardly anyone goes there.我知道一个野餐的好地方,那儿很少有人去。

This theatre is off the beaten track.这家剧院并不出名。


The workers went off the beaten track and designed a newtype grinder.工人们打破常规,设计了一台新型磨床。

off the cuff

without preparing ahead of time what one will say无准备地;即兴地

He is always at his best when he speaks off the cuff.他即席讲话总是讲得很出色。

Considering that the speech was off the cuff,it was rather good.由于这发言是毫无准备的,所以它还算是不错的。

off the ground

making progress进展

Our plans for a party didn't get off the ground because no one could come.我们聚会的计划未能实现,因为没人前来参加。

Make sure your project gets off the ground at the start.一定要使你们的工程一开始就进行得顺利。

off the hook

out of trouble; out of an awkward situation摆脱窘境

Seeing that he couldn't answer the question, I tried to get him off the hook by changing the subject.看到他那个问题答不上来,我就设法换个话题让他摆脱窘境。

As soon as he saw her smile he knew he was off the hook.他一看到她的笑脸,就明白他已没麻烦了。

off the map


Our house is rather off the map. I think it would be best for me to meet you at the station.我们的房子在很偏远的地方。我想最好是我到车站去接你。

off the point

not related to the subject离题的;不切题的

I understand what you are trying to say,but I think it's off the point.我知道你想讲什么,但是我认为你要讲的与本题无关。

off the record

confidentially;not for official publication不可记录或引用的;不公开

The president told the reporters that his remarks were strictly off the record.总统告诉新闻记者,他的谈话严禁公开发表。

off the top of one's head

without thinking hard; quickly不加思索地

He didn't prepare his lecture beforhand, but only talked off the top of his head.他事先没有准备,在讲演时只是想到哪里讲到哪里。

Jim answered the teacher's question off the top of his head.吉姆回答老师的问题时不大动脑筋。

off the track

1.following a wrong line of action 出轨

The train ran off the track.火车出轨了。

Our effort proved fruitless because we were off the track from the very beginning.我们一开始路子就迈得不对,所以一番功夫尽付东流。

2.away from the subject离题 The speaker was a long way off the track.演讲者离题太远。

old hand

experienced worker; very knowledgeable person老手;有经验的人

Cowboys were old hands at controlling cattle.牛仔们是驯牛老手。

Mr.Jackson is an old hand at negotiating our contracts, he's been with the firm for nearly twenty years,so he knows all the procedures.杰克逊先生在我们的合同谈判方面很在行,他在这公司已将近20年,所以他熟悉一切程序。

on a diet

living on a limited list of foods and drinks按规定进食

You'd better give her something else but candy and chocolate because she is on a diet.你最好不要给她糖和巧克力而给些别的,因为她在节食。

on account

1.as interim payment预付

Give the driver ten dollars, and tell him it is on account.给司机10美元,告诉他那是预支的。

2.in the creditor's book分期付款

John paid $10 down and $5 on account each month for his bicycle.约翰购买自行车时先付了10美元,以后每月按5美元分期付款。

on account of

as a result of; because of因为

The picnic was held indoors on account of the rain.由于天下雨,野餐在室内进行。

Flights were delayed two hours on account of the thick fog.由于大雾,班机推迟了两小时。

on all fours

1.on all four legs ;on hands and knees匍匐而行

Alice's father got down on all fours and gave the baby a ride.艾丽丝的父亲趴下,让她骑在背上。

The baby crawled around the floor on all fours.那婴孩在地板上到处乱爬。

2.in agreement with一致的

Your argument is on all fours with mine.你的论点和我的一致。

This simile is not on all fours with the thing that it is supposed to illustrate.这个比喻同那个要说明的事物不太贴切。

on an/the average

in most cases;usually通常

On an average Don's mother has to ask him three times before he helps wash dishes.通常唐的母亲叫他3遍他才帮助洗盘子。

On the average the machine turns out one bottle every two seconds.这台机器平均每两秒钟生产1只瓶子。

on an even keel

in a wellordered way or condition; orderly有条不紊地;安定 When the discussion seemed to be getting out of hand the chairman got things back on an even keel.眼看争论激烈得要难以收场时,会议主席设法使大家平静下来。

on and on


She talked on and on about her son.她不停地谈到她的儿子。

on approval

with the understanding that the thing may be refused(商品)供试用的;包退包换的

The corporation offered to send us samples on approval.公司提出要向我们提供一些试用样品。

Mr.Grey bought his camera on approval.格雷先生买的相机包退包换。

on behalf of

1.as a representative代表

John accepted the championship award on behalf of the team.约翰代表球队领取冠军奖。

2.for the good of为了… 的利益

He rendered many valuable services on behalf of justice and freedom.他为正义和自由做了许多有意义的事情。

They worked hard all their lives on behalf of the poor.他们毕生为穷人的利益而辛劳。

on board

on a ship or train在(船、火车)上

A ship was leaving the harbor,and we saw the people on board waving.船缓缓地离开港口,我们看见船上的人在挥手。

Jack wasn't on board the ship when it sailed.启航时,杰克不在船上。

on business

for the purpose of doing business 有事;因公

Are you here on business or for pleasrue?你来这儿是有事还是消遣呢?

The secretary told the visitor that the manager was out on business.秘书告诉来访者说经理出差去了。

on call

ready and available随叫随到的 The doctors in our clinic are on call day and night.无论白天黑夜,我们医务室的医生总是随叫随到。

The money is payable on call.这笔钱可以随时支付。

on condition that

if;provided that假如;在…条件下

I will lend you the money on condition that you pay it back in one month.假如你在一个月内能还我钱,我就借给你。

You can go there on condition that you don't come back late for dinner.你可以去那儿,条件是回来吃饭不能太晚。

on credit

promising to pay at some future time赊欠

I bought it on credit.这是我赊帐买的。

Goods in our shop are not sold on credit but have to be paid for in cash.本店货物现金交易,概不赊欠。

on deck

1.on the open floor of a ship在甲板上

Shall we go up on deck?我们到甲板上去好吗?

2.ready to do sth.准备好

Every employee had to be on deck at nine o'clock.每个雇员都必须在9点钟到。

Everyone was on deck for the dress rehearsal.大家都为彩排作好了准备。

on deposit

in bank存款

The children saved their pennies and each month placed them on deposit.孩子们省些零钱每月存入银行。

He has almost $400 on deposit in his account.他帐户上大约有400美元的存款。

on display

being shown publicly陈列着;在展览

Stop crying if you are not going to have yourself on display in shame!你不想丢人现眼的话就不要哭了!

Samples of all major export commodities will be on display at the fair.主要出口商品的样品将全部在交易会上展出。

on duty

doing one's job ;at work上班

Don't talk with him. He's on duty now.不要跟他说话,他正在值班。

Policemen are not allowed to smoke while on duty.警察上班时不许吸烟。

on earth

1. in the world在世界上

Honolulu boasts that it has the best weather on earth.檀香山以气候最佳夸称于世。

They consider themselves the wisest men on earth.他们自认为是世上最聪明的人。


Where on earth did you find that cap?你究竟在哪儿找到那顶帽子的?

How on earth did you manage to do that?你究竟是怎样设法做那件事的?

on easy street

rather rich生活优裕;富裕的

After her success in several films,Mary found herself on easy street.成功地拍摄了几部影片之后,玛丽发现自己的生活颇为优裕。

They have been living on easy street since the family business began to prosper.自从家庭生意开始兴隆以来,他们就过着富裕的生活。

on edge

excited or nervous;irritable兴奋;紧张;烦躁不安

The magician kept the children on edge all through his show.魔术师在他的整个表演中使孩子们兴奋不已。

Most people feel on edge before exams.考试前大多数人感到很紧张。

Everyone was on edge to hear the verdict.每个人都迫切地要听到裁决。

on end


The play is so successful that it has run for years on end.这出戏非常成功,连演几年不衰。

There has been no rain for weeks on end.持续几个星期没下雨了。


We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door.要让桌子从门里进,我们只好把它侧着竖起来。

Please put the barrel on end.请把这只桶竖起来。

on even terms(with)

at the same level(with)(与…)不相上下

They are on even terms.他们不相上下。

on faith

without question or proof毫无疑问;无需证据

He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith.他看上去极为诚实,我们也就毫不怀疑地相信了他的话。

on file

stored in a file存档

This card should be kept on file for reference.这张卡片应该存档以备参考。

Our documents on file may throw some light on the matter.我们保存的文件也许会对这件事有所启示。

on fire


We saw a house on fire when we passed the road.我们经过这条路时,看到一所房子失火了。

2.in a rage愤怒;急切

They were on fire with zeal to defend their native land.他们热血沸腾,决心捍卫自己的祖国。

He was on fire to rejoin his family after an absence of five years.他急切地想和阔别5年的家人团聚。

on foot

1. by walking步行

Sally's bicycle broke and she had to return home on foot.萨莉的自行车坏了,她只好步行回家。

2. being planned在计划中

Plans have been set on foot by the

company for a party,because Miss Jackson is retiring.公司已经计划举办一次聚会,以欢送杰克逊小姐退休。

A plan's on foot to invite the Minister of Health to visit our hospital.邀请卫生部长来我们医院访问的准备工作正在进行。

on good terms(with)

enjoying friendly relations(with)(与…)和睦相处

The two neighbouring countries are on good terms.这两个邻国和睦相处。

The two brothers had not been on good terms since their father died,and there was a dispute over the will.兄弟俩自从父亲死后一直不睦,他们对遗嘱有争议。

We are not on very good terms with the people next door.我们和邻居关系不太好。

on guard


The police warned people to be on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush.警察警告人们在圣诞购物高潮时谨防小偷。

Be always on guard against complacency.要时时警惕自满情绪。

on hand

1.nearby;within reach附近;在手头

Do you happen to have any aspirin on hand?I seem to be getting a headache.你身边有阿斯匹林吗?我似乎头痛。

Alwaya have your dictionary on hand when you study.学习时要随时将词典放在手边。


You'd better wait here so you'll be on hand when you're needed.你最好在这儿等着,以便需要你的时候你在场。

Mr.Baker's secretary is always on hand when he appears in public.贝克先生出现在公众面前时,他的秘书总是在场。

3.in stock;available现有(存货)

We have some new woollen goods on hand.我们现有一些新羊毛织品。

The department store has a large stock of goods on hand.这家百货商店现有大量存货。

on ice

1.sure to be won有获胜(成功)的把握

With their lead they had the game on ice.由于他们得分领先,他们有了赢得这场比赛的把握。

2.away for safekeeping or later use留待后用;搁置

The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment. I've been busy with too many other things.写新书的计划暂停。我一直在忙于做太多其它的事。

He will have to put his vacation plans on ice until his debts are paid.在还清债务之前,他只好搁置度假计划。

on leave

absent with permission请假;休假

The soldier is absent from his regiment on leave.这位士兵休假,不在队上。

on my honor

upon my word发誓;一定

I promise on my honor not to betray the secret.我发誓不泄露机密。

on no account

definitely not决不

On no account should we go out in this big storm.我们决不能在这场大暴风雨中外出。

Don't on any account leave your baby alone in the house.切不可将婴儿独自留在家里。

on occasion

occasionally; now and then偶然地;有时

I went swimming on occasion in summer.夏天我有时去游泳。

I meet him on occasion at the club or in the theatre.我在俱乐部或戏院里有时能遇到他。

On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a party.我们有时喜欢来个聚会庆贺一番。

on(the)one hand

from one point of view一方面

John wants to be a printer or a teacher:on one hand, printing pays better;on the other hand,schools need good teachers.约翰想成为一个印刷商或教师:一方面是因为印刷商的报酬高,另一方面学校需要好的教师。

on order

requested but ont yet supplied 订购中 The shop assistant told the customer that they didn't have this type of shoes in stock then, and that they were on order.售货员告诉顾客他们店现在这种鞋已没货了,正在订购中。

When do you think you can ship the goods on orer?你认为何时能运走所订的货物?

on one's feet

1.standing or walking站立或步行

Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet,ready to answer it .老师的问题还没问完,乔治就已经站起来准备回答。

How do you keep on your feet so long?你怎么坚持站了这么长时间?


Jack is back on his feet after a long illness.杰克病了好长时间,现在恢复健康了。

on one's best /good behavior

behaving right行为规矩

While his father was around,the boy was on his good behavior, but when the father left, the boy soon got into mischief.父亲在场时,这孩子规规矩矩,但父亲一走,他马上就调皮起来。

The naughty boy is on his best behavior today.今天这个调皮鬼表现很好。

on one's head


When asked if he could lift the big stone,the boy said he could do it on his head.当有人问那男孩能否举得起那块大石头时,他说这不费吹灰之力。

on one's high horse

1.being very proud and scornful 趾高气扬;自高自大

I don't like him:he's always on his high horse, thinking he can order

everyone else about.不喜欢他,他总是趾高气扬的,以为什么人都得听他的。

Martha was chairman of the picnic committee, and at the picnic she was on her high horse, telling everyone what to do.玛莎是野餐会的主席,在野餐时她盛气凌人地指挥每个人怎么做。

2. in a bad temper发脾气.The girl was on her high horse because she found her boyfriend insincere.姑娘发现她的男友不诚实,非常生气。

on one's honor


The students were not supervised during the examination.They were on their honor not to cheat.学生考试时没人监考。老师相信他们不会作弊。

on one's knees

1. pleading; begging very hard求饶

The children were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to their camping plans.孩子们求了几个小时家长才同意让他们去野营。

2.in a very weak condition;near failure处于困境;濒临失败

The company was on its knees owing to a decrease in its sales.由于销售额下降,公司陷入了困境。

on one's own

with no help from others; independent自立

You are allowed to drive a car on your own.允许你独自开车。

I'm all on my own today.今天只是我一个人。

Why are you sitting all on your own?你为什么独自一个人坐在那里?

I don't need your advice, thanks. I can do it on my own.谢谢,我不需要你的忠告,我自己能做。

I can tackle problems on my own.我能独立解决问题。

on one's own account

1. for oneself为自己

After they had picked out the school gift, some staff members did some shopping on their own account.挑选出了学校礼品后,一些员工为自己购货去了。

He bought the watch on his own account,not for his brother.这表不是给他兄弟买的,而是为他自己买的。

2. independently独立地

It's too dangerous; I dare not do it on my own account.这太危险了,我不敢独自一人担这个风险。

on one's toes

alert;ready to act机警;准备去做

A good ball player is always on his toes.好的球员总是很机警的。

on one's way(to)

on the way to在(赴…的)途中

I'll buy some apples on my way home.在回家的路上我要买些苹果。

on paper

1.judging by appearance表面上看

The football team look good on paper,but they have lost many games.这支足球队表面上看来挺不错,但他们已经输了许多场球。

2.in written words以书面形式

We must get the agreement down on paper.我们必须将此协议形成文字。

3. in theory理论上;从文字上看

The idea sounds good on paper,but I'm not sure whether it will really work.这个主意从字面上看是很好的,但我不敢肯定它是否真正能行得通。

The applicant looks good on paper.从书面材料看,这个申请人的情况很不错。

on pins and needles


Jane was very late getting home from school, ane her mother was on pins and needles.简放学很晚才回家,她妈妈焦急不安。

The wounded soldier was on pins and needles, wanting to know the fate of his comrades.那位伤员因急于想知道战友们的情况而焦虑不安。

on principle

as a moral matter按道理;原则上

He drinks a cup of hot milk every night on principle.他每晚照例喝一杯热牛奶。

I dislike going out for meals in restaurants on principle; why should you pay so much money for food that you could prepare yourself?我就是不喜欢去外面餐馆吃饭,干吗要花那么多钱去买那些自己能做的食物呢?

on purpose


Jimmy hit his little brother in the eye, but he didn't do it on purpose.杰米打了他弟弟的眼睛,但他不是故意的。

She did not forget her coat; she left it in the locker on purpose.她并未忘记要带外衣,她是故意放在锁柜里的。

She broke the dish on purpose just to show her anger.她故意打破那个盘子以发泄她的愤怒。

on record

1. written down in a record记录在案的

We don't know when the famous writer was born,but the date of his death was on record.我们不知道这位名作家何时出生,但他的去世日期是有记录的。

It's on record that this summer was the hottest in 50 years.据记载,今年夏天是50年来最热的。

2. known to have said or done a certain thing人所共知的

That congressman is on record as an enemy of waste in government.那位国会议员以反对政府浪费而著名。

on sale

selling for a special low price削价出售

These shoes are very cheap, as they are on sale.这些鞋子非常便宜,正在削价出售。

The bookstore is to close down,and many books are on sale as waste paper.书店要关闭,所以许多书象废纸一样在廉价出售。

on sb.'s account

for sb.'s sake为了…利益

I hope you didn't bring tea to the picnic just on my account.我希望你不要为了我而带茶来参加野餐。

Barry studied hard on his mother's account.贝利为使母亲高兴而用功读书。

on sb.'s back

being an annoyance or bother to sb.打扰

I can't get any work done with the children on my back from morning till night.孩子们从早到晚打搅我,我什么事也干不成。

on sb.'s bad side

not liked by sb.使人讨厌的;不为(某人)所喜欢

Sally's boyfriend got on Father's bad side by keeping her out too late after the dance.萨莉的男朋友在舞会后没带她早点回家,她的父亲因此不喜欢他。

The boy's on his mother's bad side because he is lazy.妈妈不喜欢那男孩,因为他懒。

on/in sb.'s behalf

1.for;in the interest of;on account of因为

Don't be uneasy on my behalf.不要为我担心。

Thank you for all the trouble you have taken in my behalf.谢谢你为我解决问题所尽的努力。

Public sympathy was active in his behalf.公众对他深表同情。

2.as the representative代表

The chairman signed the document on behalf of the company.董事长代表公司签署了文件。

on sb.'s chest

feeling worried or upset心中有事;闷闷不乐

Jane looks unhappy because she has the quarrel with Sue on her chest.简显得不高兴,因为她和苏吵了架,心里有些烦闷。

on sb.'s good side

friendly with sb.; liked by sb.与人友善;被人喜欢

Diligent pupils get on their teachers'good side.老师总是喜欢勤奋的学生。

Successful workers stay on the good side of their bosses.成功的工人总给老板留下一个好印象。

on sb.'s hands

resting on sb. as a responsibility 在某人手中;成为某人的负担

After everyone had bought a ticket to the dance, the club treasurer had over$100 on his hands.每人买了舞会票以后,俱乐部财务主管手头还有100多美元。

I've enough work on my hands already and don't want any more.我已承担了大量工作,所以不想再接受任何任务了。

Time hangs heavy on his hands.时间慢得使他难受。

on sb.'s heels

following closely紧随

Little children like to follow on the heels of their elder brothers and sisters.小孩喜欢跟他们的哥哥姐姐学。

on sb.'s mind

in sb.'s thoughts想;沉思

What's on your mind?你在想什么?

I'm glad you want to talk about this. It's been on my mind for weeks.我很高兴你要谈论这件事。我已想了好几个星期了。

on sb.'s part

as far as…concerned就…而言

The other team blamed their defeat on unfairness on the part of the referee.另一支球队把他们的失败归咎于裁判的不公正。

on sb.'s shoulders

in sb.'s care;as sb.'s responsibility归某人管;为某人的责任

The success of the program rests on your shoulders.此项计划的成功就取决于你了。

on schedule

punctual; at the expected time在预定的时间

If my train is on schedule, I will be home by nine o'clock.若火车准点,我9点以前可以到家。

If the meeting is not held on schedule, I'll have to leave without at tending it.要是会议不准时举行,我只好缺席了。

on second thoughts

upon reflection; after further or more deliberate consideration深思熟虑后

On second thoughts they decided to leave London.经仔细考虑,他们决定离开伦敦。

on the air

on radio or TV在广播里或电视上

The President will be on the air at 9∶15 tonight.总统将于今晚9时15分发表广播讲话。

What's on the air this evening?今晚的广播内容是什么?

on the alert


Drivers must be on the alert for traffic signals.汽车驾驶员必须注意交通信号。

on the ball

1. paying attention and doing things well留神;警觉

He's not really on the ball—he lets so many chances slip by.他确实是不留心,那么多机会都被他错过了。

He was on the ball and as soon as something went wrong with the machine,he rushed over to fix it.他十分警觉,机器一有毛病,他就赶过去修理。

2. good at能干;熟练

Do you think he has anything on the ball?你认为他有能力吗?

We all like to have Miss Li do the job because she has a lot on the ball.我们都想让李小姐做这件事,因为她能力很强。

on the basis of

according to按照;基于…

The judges are chosen on the basis of their qualification.法官是按照资格选出的。

on the beach


He's on the beach for several weeks and no job seems available in the foreseeable future.他失业几个星期了,看来还不可能很快就找到工作。

He was then strictly on the beach.他那时的确穷困潦倒。

on the beam

1.(of an airplane) flying in the right direction(飞机)航向正确

A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane when he is flying on the beam.无线电信号向飞行员指明其飞行航向正确。

2.doing well;just right正确的;干得好

Dick's answer was right on the beam.狄克的回答是正确的。

You are on the beam today. You haven't made a single mistake.你今天干得很好,没有出一点差错。

on the bench

1.sitting in a law court as a judge 当法官;主持审判

Judge Abbot will be on the bench this morning.艾伯特法官今天上午将主持开庭。

2. sitting among the substitute players坐冷板凳;当后备队员

The coach had to keep his star player on the bench with a sprained ankle.教练只好让他那名扭伤了踝骨的主力队员在场外候补。

on the blink

not working well; needing repair (机器、工具等)坏了;不能用

Mother called the repairman because her washing machine was on the blink.洗衣机坏了,母亲叫人来修。

Did you call about a television set on the blink?你有没有打电话来说有架电视机坏了?

on the block

for sale出售

The vacant house was on the block.这幢空房子待售。

There I saw a lot of old furniture on the block.我看见那儿有许多旧家俱在拍卖。

on the board

being discussed at the meeting在会上讨论

The rules and regulations will be laid on the board.这些规章制度将在会上讨论。

on the button

1.at the right place;at the heart of the matter准确;中肯

His criticisms of our work were right on the button.他对我们工作的批评是很中肯的。

2. exactly on time准时 She then strolled over to the department store at 5 o'clock on the button.她后来5点钟准时走到了百货商店。

on the cards


They say war's on the cards.他们说有可能爆发战争。

It's quite on the cards that some message may come during the day.今天很可能会有消息。

on the charge of

being accused of以…的罪名

He has been sentenced to death on the charge of murder.他以谋杀罪被判死刑。

on the cnance of

in the hope of怀着…的希望

We went to the cinema on the chance of seeing him there.我们去电影院希望在那儿能见到他。

People will gather by hundreds outside a police court on the chance of catching a glimpse of the criminal.数以百计的人聚在警署外希望看一眼罪犯。

on the contrary

exactly the opposite相反地

He is not selfish;on the contrary,he is very noble and generous.他并不自私,恰恰相反,他是一个非常高尚而又慷慨的人。

The teacher thought that the children went to the zoo; on the contrary,they went to the bakery. 老师以为孩子们去了动物园,恰恰相反,他们却去了面包房。

on the cuff

agreeing to pay later; on credit以赊帐方式

He was able to buy it on the cuff.他能以赊帐方式把它买到手。

Many people buy cars and TV sets on the cuff.许多人分期付款买汽车和电视机。

on the edge of

1.on the verge of在…边缘

Don't put the glass on the edge of the table.不要把玻璃杯放在桌边上。

2.near;close to快要

He is on the edge of bankruptcy.他濒临破产。

Worn out, he was already on the edge of sleep.他累极了,快要睡着了。

on the eve of

just before前夕

He died on the eve of victory.他在胜利前夕死去。

The doctor told the patient that he was on the eve of complete recovery.医生告诉病人他快痊愈了。

on the face of it

apparently;as it seems从表面上看;显然地

His statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it,false.他说他是个百万富翁显然是虚构的。

On the face of it, his theory is OK,but we still have to wait and see how it works in practice.他的理论看来不错,但在实践中是否可行我们还得拭目以待。

on the fence

in doubt;undecided迟疑不决的;保持中立的

You have been on the fence for too long.It's time you made up your mind.你犹豫的时间太长了,该下决心了。

Philip used to sit on the fence before deciding which side he would be on, but he was looked down upon by others.菲利浦过去总喜欢在做决定支持哪一方之前观望,但他也总被他人瞧不起。

on the fly

1.in flight在空中;在飞行中

Tom was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly.汤姆被判出局,因为接球员接住了飞来的球。


Getting the house ready for the visitors kept Mother on the fly all day.为了把房子整理好接待客人,母亲忙碌了一整天。

The housekeeper of our school is always on the fly.学校管理员整天忙得很。

on the go


Successful businessmen are on the go most of the time.成功的商人大部分时间总是忙忙碌碌的。

on the ground of

for the reason以…为理由

On the ground of sufficient evidence he charged the young man with murder.他以充分的证据指控那个年轻人犯有谋杀罪。

He has expressed his desire to retire on the ground of failing health.他以体力不支为由表示希望退休。

on the increase


Crime in big cities is on the increase.大城市的犯罪率在上升。

The demand for consumer goods is ever on the increase.对消费品的需求日益增长。

on the job


Joe was on the job all the time.乔一直在工作。

He's on the job now.Could you ring him up later?他在上班。你过会儿再打电话来好吗?

2. working hard努力工作

He is promoted because he is always on the job.他得到了提升,因为他一直努力工作。

The operation was successfully performed because the surgeons were earnestly on the job.由于医生非常认真,手术做得很成功。

on the level

honest(ly); truthful(ly)诚实;可靠

I've known him all my life and you can believe me when I say he is on the level.我从小就认识他,我说他诚实,你完全可以相信我。

You can trust him because he always acts on the level.你可以相信他,因为他办事一向很公正。

on the lookout

looking for寻找;注意;收集

The manager is on the lookout for a new secretary.经理正在寻觅一位新的秘书。

He is on the lookout for the reference book you want.他正在寻找你要的那本参考书。

on the loose

free to go自由行动

The zoo keeper forgot to close the gate to the monkey cage and the monkeys were on the loose.动物园管理员忘记关上笼子,于是猴子在外面四处乱跑。

Brown has gone out on the loose,and won't be back till late.布朗出去玩去了,要很晚才回来。

on the make

1.progressing; improving在改进中;在成长中

I think we are on the make and the tide is running in our favor.我认为我们的情况有所好转,而且形势是对我们有利的。

2.searching for personal profit or gain追求名利的;一心想发财

She is always on the make.不管做什么事情,她老是拚命赚钱。

He is a merchant on the make.他是一个唯利是图的商人。

on the market

for sale出售

In the summer many fresh vegetables are on the market.夏季有许多新鲜蔬菜出售。

This is the best article on the market.这是市场上可以买到的最好的商品。

on the mend

healing; becoming better愈合;好起来

John's broken leg is on the mend.约翰摔坏了的那条腿伤口正在愈合。

Mary's relationshp with Joan is on the mend.玛丽和琼的关系在好转。

on the move

1. in motion移动

It was vacation time,and the highways were full of families on the move.时值假日,公路上载着全家老小外出的汽车川流不息。

2. moving forward向前;进步

The man bragged tha if he was made the manager he would get the company on the move.那人吹牛说如果他当经理,他就能使公司取得进展。

on the nose

just right; exactly正好;正是

All of our estimates about the costs were a little off, but Frank's was right on the nose.对费用的估计我们都偏了一点,只有福兰克估得恰到好处。

George hit the ball on the nose.乔治正好击中了球。

on the occasion(of)

at the time(of)(在…)之际

An editorial was published by the People's Daily on the occasion of the Party's brithday.党的生日之际,人民日报发表了一篇社论。

On the occasion, I was not at home.那时我不在家。

on the other hand

from another point of view另一方面

Father and mother wanted to go for a ride, and on the other hand,the children wanted to stay home and play with their friends.父母想开车出去兜风,而孩子们却想在家里与朋友们一道玩。

I am very willing,but he,on the other hand, is reluctant.我很愿意,他却不愿意。

Bert is extremely intelligent;on the other hand, he is a very lazy student and therefore gets low grades.彼尔特非常聪明,可他是个懒学生,因此他成绩不高。

on the outs

not friendly;having a quarrel不友善;争吵

Jim was on the outs with most of the kids on the block.杰姆和街区的大多数孩子不和。

Mary and Jane were on the outs.玛丽和简闹翻了。

on the part of

1.for the part of; on the side of 就…而言;在另一方面

The delay in payment was an error on the part of the accounts office.延期支付是会计室的过失。

We have done nothing wrong on our part.我们这方面没有任何地方做错。

It was a very queer conduct on the part of Smith.就史密斯而言,那是一个十分古怪的举动。

2. proceeding from;done by由…做出

I don't think it necessary to fear any interference on the part of those who objected to the proposal.我想我们不必害怕那些反对此项提议的人所进行的干涉。

on the point of

ready to begin立即;马上

The baby was on the point of crying when her mother came home.婴儿正要哭,正在这时妈妈回家了。

We were on the point of callin you when your telegram arrived.我们正要给你打电话时,你的电报来了。

on the quiet


Hushshop is a place where beer and spirits are sold on the secret.没执照的酒店就是私卖啤酒和烈酒的地方。

The teachers got the principal a present on the quiet.老师们秘密地送给校长一份礼物。

on the road


My letter will soon reach him; it is on the road.我的信正在路上,他很快就能收到。

How long will you be on the road?你在路上要花多长时间?

2.changing; going from one condition to another转变;朝…方向发展

Jane was very sick for several weeks, but now she is on the road to recovery.简前几个星期病得很厉害,现在正在恢复中。

Conscientious study put the student on the road to success.勤奋学习使那学生即将获得成功。

on the rocks


His plan has landed itself on the rocks.他的计划遭到失败。

In a brief space of time the company went on the rocks.这家公司很快就破产了。

By the time I've paid all the bills I owe I shall be on the rocks.当我付清所欠的全部帐单时,我在经济上将处于困境。

2.with ice only(饮料)只加冰块

They went to the restaurant and ordered whisky on the rocks.他们在饭店要了份冰镇威士忌。

on the run

1. active; moving活动

With three young children to take care of, she is kept on the run every minute of the day.她每分钟都在忙,因为她要照看3个孩子。

They have been on the run getting ready for the performance.他们一直在为准备演出而四处奔波。

We are so busy at the office that we generally have to eat our lunch on the run.我们在办公室非常忙,常常一面工作一面吃午饭。

2.in flight; running away逃走

The reports say that the rebels are on the run.有报道说,叛乱者正在溃逃。

Four men broke out of gaol last night.Three were caught, but one is still on the run.昨晚有4个人越狱,其中3人被逮住,但一人还在逃亡之中。

He is on the run from the police.他正在逃避警察的追捕。

on the shelf

laid aside; not useful any more搁在一边;不再使用

Maurice was put on the shelf when he reached the age of 65.莫里斯65岁时,他的公司便不再用他了。

Some women think that if they've not got their man by the age of 20they're on the shelf.有些妇女认为如果到了20岁还找不到对象,那么结婚就无希望了。

She never married; she has been left on the shelf.她从未结过婚,现在也嫁不出去了。

The question was put on the shelf.这个问题被束之高阁。

on the side

in addition to a main thing,amount or quantity此外;额外

His job at the hospital did not pay much,so he found another on the side.他在医院工作的报酬不多,所以他另外找了一份兼职。

Besids fruit,he bought some candies on the side.除了水果,他还买了些糖。

on the side of


He was on the side of the oppressed.他站在被压迫者一边。

on the sly


The boy smoked on the sly. 这男孩偷偷地抽烟。

She recerived letters, on the sly,from young men.她暗地里收到一些男青年的来信。

on the spot

1. just there正在那里;在场

The police were on the spot within a few minutes of hearing about the crime.警察在接到犯罪消息的几分钟内就赶到了现场。

2.without waiting立刻;当即

The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over television.重要事件的新闻总是通过电视立即广播。

Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.任何人违反规则,立即勒令退场。

3. in trouble, difficulty or embarrassment在困难中;在危险中

The question put me on the spot; I couldn't make an excuse or lie. 这个问题搞得我很尴尬,我既无法推托,又无法撒谎。

Bob was on the spot because he was unable to pay the money he owed.鲍勃陷入了困境,因为他无力偿还欠下的钱。

4.in danger of being murdered有被暗杀的危险

After he talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot.他报告警察后,歹徒们就决定置他于死地。

on the spur of the moment

1.in a sudden impulse一时高兴或冲动

He had not planned to take the trip; he just went on the spur of the moment.他事先没有计划这趟旅行,只是一时高兴就走了。

I've accepted the offer of a job abroad. I decided on the spur of the moment to go.我已接受了国外的工作并决定马上就走。

He acts on the spur of the moment.他凭一时冲动行事。

2. on the spot当场;即席

He can invent any number of excuses on the spur of the moment.


Though quite unprepared,he was nevertheless able to sing a folk songon the spur of the moment.尽管毫无准备,他还是能即席演唱一首民歌。

on the spuare


You need have no doubt of Jack's honesty.He is completely on the square.你不必怀疑杰克是否诚实,他绝对忠实可靠。

You must act on the square when negotiating for contracts.在签订谈判合同时,你必须处事公道。

Can we trust them to act on the square?我们能够相信他们处事公正吗?

on the stage

in or into the work of being an actor or actress当演员;登台演戏

She has been on the stage for many years.她已经当了多年演员了。

He went on the stage shortly after he left high school.他中学一毕业就当了演员。

on the strength of

with faith or trust in依靠;凭借

On the strength of the Committee's report,we have decided to carry out the reforms proposed.根据委员会的报告,我们决定实行所建议的各项改革。

On the strength of Bill's promise to guide us,we decided to climb the mountain.由于比尔答应带我们,我们才决定登山。

on the string

under sb.'s influence or control唯命是从;在…支配下

She was pretty and popular,with two or three boys on the string all the time.她漂亮又活跃,始终有两三个男孩围着她转。

on/at the tip of one's tongue

just going to say话到嘴边

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him.我差点告诉了他。

It was on the tip of my tongue to call him a liar,but I stopped myself just in time.我差一点叫他为撒谎鬼,但我及时制止了自己。

It's on the tip of my tongue but I still can't remember your name.你的名字就在我嘴边,可我就是想不起来。

He has half a dozen languages at the tip of his tongue.他能随口讲5、6种语言。

on the track of

trying to find寻找

The lawyer is on the track of new proof in the case.律师正在这桩案子中寻找新的证据。

on the trot

1.in a state of continuous activity 忙个不停

I could do with a rest for a while;I've been on the trot all the morning.我真想休息一会儿,整个上午我一直在忙个不停。

The job kept me on the trot most of the week.我大半个星期都在忙着这件工作。

2.one after another接连地;一个接一个

They have won three races on the trot.他们在赛跑中接连赢了3次。

She didn't sleep well for four

nights on the trot.她已连续4个晚上没睡好觉了。

on the turn

1.about to turn or change正在转变中

The tide will soon be on the turn and then we can make a start.形势马上会变,然后我们就可以开始干了。

2.(of milk)on the point of becoming sour(牛奶)正在变酸

The milk is on the turn;you'd better not drink it.牛奶变味了,最好别喝它。

on the upandup


You can take his word for it.He has always been on the upandup.你可以相信他的话,他一向老实可靠。

This information is on the upandup.这消息完全可靠。


From now on,everything is on the upandup.从现在起,一切事情都会好转。

The guy's on the upandup and I know it.这小伙子步步高升,这我是知道的。

on the verge of

near;close to快要;濒于

When I went into her room I found her on the verge of departure.当我走进她房间时,发现她正准备出发。

He was on the verge of bankruptcy.他濒临破产。

on the warpath

1.very angry非常生气

The police are on the warpath because the suspect is at large.警察当局极为恼火,因为嫌疑犯还逍遥法外。

2.fighting;making an attack攻击;作战

The government is now on the warpath against pollution.政府现在正着手解决污染问题。

on the watch


The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers.海关检查人员留心是否有宝石走私犯。

on the way

while travelling or going在途中

The train left and Bill was on the way to New York.火车离开了,比尔踏上了去纽约的路途。

These machines are already on the way out.这些机器很快就要过时了。

on the whole

1.usually;in most cases通常

On the whole,children begin walking when they are about one year old.一般来说,小孩1岁左右开始走路。

On the whole,men are stronger than women.一般来说,男人比女人强壮。

2.generally speaking;in the most important things大体上;总的说来

On the whole our stay there was quite enjoyable.总的说来,我们待在那里是很开心的。

On toe whole we're happy living here,but it is a long way away from my parent'home.总的说来,我们住在这儿很愉快,但就是离我父母家太远了。

on the wing

1.always very busy忙碌不停

Susan was on the wing doing things to get ready for her trip.苏珊忙个不停,为旅行作准备。

He was on the wing early.他很早就起来活动了。

2.travelling;going somewhere在旅行中

We stayed in Britain for a week and then we were on the wing again.我们在英国逗留了一个星期,然后又上路了。

on time


They forecast the weather accurately and on time.他们预报天气既精确又准时。

If the train is on time,I should reach home before dark.如果火车不误点,我应该在天黑前到家。

The train left on time.火车准点发车。

on tiptoe

1.on one's toes with the rest of the feet raised above the ground以趾尖(行走、站立)

He left the room on tiptoe so as not to disturb his roommates.为了不打扰同室的人,他轻手轻脚地离开了房间。

All the crowd stood on tiptoe to have one more look at her.所有的人都踮脚站着,希望能多看她一眼。


With the Spring Festival coming,the children were on tiptoe.春节快到了,孩子们殷切地盼望着。

She was on tiptoe on the morning of her wedding.举行婚礼的那天早晨,她非常激动。

We were on tiptoe to learn the result of the election.我们迫切希望知道选举结果。

on top of


A submarine is a ship that can run under water as well as on top of water.潜水艇可行水下,亦可行水上。

Just put the dictionary on top of those books.把这本字典就放在那堆书上。

2.very close to靠近

The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on top of each other.电梯非常拥挤,大家你挤我,我靠你。

When I turned the corner,I was right on top of the post office.我一转弯,邮局就在我眼前。

3.in control of管理;控制

Although his new job was very complicated,John was on top of it within a few weeks.尽管约翰的新工作非常复杂,但他几星期之内就掌握了。

He acted like a man on top of his job.他装得象对自己工作很内行一样。

4.in addition to;along with此外;还有

He promised to help us and on top of that he lent us many reference books.他答应帮助我们,并把许多参考书借给我们。

He came late,and on top of that he didn't bring the papers.他迟到了,而且也没有把文件带来。

5.knowing all about通晓;十分了解

He is always on top of the latest developments in his field of work.他总是通晓自己业务领域内的最新发展情况。

Joan stays on top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines.琼看报纸与杂志,所以了解各种新闻。

on top of the world

feeling pleased and happy;feeling successful非常高兴;觉得成功

The sea and the warm sun made them feel on top of the world.大海和温暖的阳光使他们感到无比的快乐。

Having won the first prize,he is on top of the world.他得了一等奖,欣喜若狂。

on trial

1.on probation试验;试用

The new clerk was found on trial to be incompetent.这个新职员试用后被发现不合格。

You may take it on trial;if you like it,then buy it.你可以把它拿去试用,要是你喜欢,就买下来。

2.in a court of law受审

John White was on trial for murder.约翰·怀特因谋杀罪受审。

on trust

1.without proof or close examination不加深究地

I took all he said on trust,for I thought he was telling the truth.他说的我都相信,因为我认为他是在讲真话。

2.in credit赊帐

We have known the family for years and you may safely supply the goods on trust.我们认识这一家已有多年了,你可以放心地赊销商品。

on view

showing publicly展览;供人观赏

Have you seen the photo placed on view?你看过那张供人观赏的照片吗?

once(and)for all


The mosquitoes must be destroyed once and for all.必须把这些蚊子全部消灭掉。

I'm going to settle this matter once and for all.我要彻底解决这个问题。

Once and for all,I'll not go swimming with you.我绝对不会同你一块去游泳。


The two countries decided to end the war once and for all.两国决定这场战争从此结束。

This is not something that can be completed once for all.这不是件可以一劳永逸的事。

once in a while

occasionally;now and then有时;偶尔

We go for a picnic in the park once in a while.我们有时去公园里野餐。

Once in a while the puppy would run away.小狗有时也会溜出去。

once more

a second time再度

He asked the question once more.他再次提出这个问题。

He said he would try once more.他说他将再试一次。

once upon a time

1.long ago从前;很久以前

Once upon a time there dwelt a fisherman on the lakeside.从前湖边住着一个渔民。

Once upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter.从前有一位国王,他有一个丑陋的女儿。

2.sometime before now以前

Once upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in the country.以前她被认为是该国最有才华的女演员。

one after another/the other

one by one一个接一个

The wounded soldiers died one after another.伤兵相继死亡。

Two happy events came one after the other.两件喜事接踵而至。

one and all


One and all,from the cities and from the villages,came to see him off.城乡人民个个都来给他送行。

They took part in the National Day celebrations,one and all.他们全都参加了国庆节庆祝活动。

one and the same

the very same同一个;完全一样

One and the same idea occurred to each of them.他们每个人都想起同样的念头。

Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde were one and the same person.吉基尔博士和海德先生是同一个人。

one another

each other彼此

They gave presents to one another at Christmas.圣诞节他们互赠礼品。

one by one


The students went into the classroom one by one.学生一个一个地走进教室。

one day

on a certain day(过去或将来的)某一天

I'll take you there one day.总有一天我会带你去那儿的。

He came to see me one day.有一天他来看过我。

one in a thousand

very good indeed千中之一;难得的人(或物)

Tom,not one in a thousand would have forgiven you as he has done.汤姆,很少有人会象他那样原谅你的。

She's one in a thousand.She does her work quickly and conscientiously and can always be relied on.她这个人是很难得的,干活利索认真,又总是那么可信赖。

only that

1.with the exception that除了;


He is a good student,only that he is a little lazy.他是个好学生,只是稍微懒一点。

2.were it not that若不是;要是没有

I should like to go,only that I am ill.要是没病,我倒是很想去的。

I would come only that I'm engaged to dine out.若不是有约外出吃饭,我倒是愿意来的。

only too


I am only too glad to hear it.我听了不胜欢喜。

He was only too willing to accept the proposal.他非常愿意接受那个建议。

open its doors

1.allow sb.or sth.to enter or join开门接纳;开放

That college was started for women only,but a few years ago,it opened its doors to men.那所学校原先只收女生,数年后兼收男生。

The art exhibition has opened its doors to both professional and amateur artists.艺术展览馆对专业的和业余的艺术工作者开放。

2.begin doing business开张;开门The new department store opened irs doors last week.那家新百货商店上星期刚开张。

open onto

have an opening or outlet to;give access to通往;有出口和…相通

All the rooms open onto a long hall.所有房间都和长廊相通。

The French windows open onto the garden.落地长窗通往花园。

open out

1.become wider,esp.of a road,river,etc.变宽;打开

At the foot of the mountain,the river suddenly opens out into a broad estuary.这条河流经山脚时突然向宽阔的港湾伸展开去。


In the warmth of the room,the roses opened out in a few days.在室内温暖的空气中,玫瑰几天内就开花了。

Her good qualities opened out as she grew in years.她的优秀品质随着年龄的增长而更趋完美。

3.become visible over a wider area 展现;显示

As we climbed higher,a wonder ful view opened out before us.当我们再爬高一些时,一派美好的风光展现在我们眼前。

Just over the hill the countryside began to open out,and we had our first glimpse of the sea.就在山那边我们看到了乡村的景象,而且第一次看见了那片大海。

4.become less shy or nervous in public变得不那么害羞;直言;畅谈

He's opened out a lot since he went to university.上大学后他健谈多了。

They opened out to each other.他们相互畅谈。

open sb.'s eyes

make sb.see使某人明白

That incident opened my eyes to the trur character of the man.那次事件使我认清了这个人的真正品质。

Mary didn't believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary's eyes by scratching and biting her.玛丽不相信她堂弟如此卑鄙,直到他抓伤并咬了她,她才看清事实。

She couldn't understand that until her brother opened her.eyes.她不能领会,后来还是她哥哥使她明白了。

open tne door

give a chance提供机会

The success of the operation on his legs opened the door to a whole new life for him.他腿部手术的成功给他带来了新生活的希望。

This agreement opens the door to advances in every field.这个协议为各方面的发展创造了条件。

Higher education opens the door to a better jobs.高等教育为寻求较好职业创造了条件。

open to

liable to易接受…的

He is open to temptation.他容易受诱惑。

His remark is open to misinterpretation.他的话容易被人曲解。

open up

1.unwrap;undo(a parcel,etc.)打开;解开

The surgeon opened up the man's stomach to get at the source of the trouble.外科医生切开了这个人的胃来查清病源。

Open up the boot of the car,and let me look inside.打开汽车的行李箱,让我看看。

2.begin to fire开火;发动攻击We held our ears as the machine guns opened up.机枪开火时我们堵住了耳朵。

Our players opened up with forward passes.我方球员向前传球,发动了攻势。

3.make clear;reveal揭示

After hours of grilling the prisoner opened up.几小时的审讯后,犯人终于把秘密说了出来。

Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study.爱因斯坦的理论揭示了一个全新的研究领域。

4.make sth.available for use or development开发;开辟

The building of the railway opened up new land to the pioneers.铁路的建成为先驱者们开辟了新的土地。

We're being forced to move because the council wants to open up the whole area for redevelopment.我们只好搬家,因为委员会准备对这个地区再开发。

5.talk frankly and honestly直率、坦诚地说

After a few drinks he opened up and told us all his problems.酒下肚后,他才开口说话,把他所有的问题都告诉了我们。

After John trusted Mr.Jones,he opened up and told him how he felt.约翰信任琼斯先生之后,便与他直言相谈,告诉他自己的感受。

6.develop,arise or emerge,esp.of possibilities,prospects,opportunities变得有可能;出现(机会)Quite unexpectedly a chance has opened up for Henry to go and work abroad.出乎意料,亨利得到了去国外工作的机会。

7.open the door开门

Mother,open up!I'm home.妈,开门!我回来了。

8.speed up加速

He opened up and drove straight towards the stadium.他加快车速,直驶体育场。

When they got out on the highway,the driver opened up and drove at 60 miles per hour.他们一上公路,司机便加快车速,车速竟达每小时60英里。

operate on

perform a surgical operation on给…开刀

They operated on him for a tumour.他们为他施行了切除肿瘤手术。

How many wounded soldiers are there who haven't been operated on yet?那儿还有多少伤员没有动过手术?

or else

if not;otherwise否则

Do what I tell you,or else you'll be sorry.照我的话做,否则你要后悔的。

or other

used to emphasize indefinite words or phrases beginning with“some”(as sb.,sth.,somewhere,somehow,sometime)(用以表示不肯定或不准确之意)某一

I shall be coming again some day or other.我总有一天还会来的。

I've read the story before in some book or other.我以前在哪本书上读过这个故事。

Somehow or other,John managed to get a wellpaid job in the bank.不知怎么地,约翰在银行找到了一份薪水高的工作。

or rather

it would be better to say更确切地说

He came home very late last night,or rather very early this morning.他昨天深夜,或者更确切地说,今天凌晨才回家。

or so


I'll return in a week or so.我大约一星期后回来。

There will be thirty or so people at the party.约有30人左右参加聚会。

or something

showing that the speaker is not sure(不能十分肯定)或是什么;或是做点什么

Don't idle away your time;do some writing or something.别虚度光阴,写点东西或是做点别的什么事儿。

Haven't seen you for a long time.Have you been on business or something?好久没见你了。是出差了还是怎么的?

order about/around

keep giving orders or instructions 不断差遣

He doesn't like being ordered about by anyone.他不喜欢受任何人的驱使。

I mean,he's got no right to order me about the place.我的意思是,他没有权利指派我在这儿干这干那。

other than


He has no books other than the Bible.除了《圣经》以外,他没有别的书。

He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan.除了日本以外,他访问了所有的亚洲国家。

2.different from不同于

I do not wish him other than he is.我不希望他改变现状。

out and out


He was an opportunist out and out.他是个彻头彻尾的机会主义者。

It was out and out robbery to charge twice the usual price for eggs just because they were scarce.因为缺货,鸡蛋就索价两倍之高,简直是抢劫。

out cold

unconscious;in a faint失去知觉;


A brick hit him in the head and he was out cold for half an hour.一块砖砸到了他的头,他昏迷了半小时。

They tried to lift Julie when she fell down,but she was out cold.他们想把倒下的朱丽扶起来,但她已经昏迷了。

out for

taking part in参加

He is out for the basketball team.他加入了篮球队。

out from under

free from sth.that worries sb.;finished摆脱困境的;完结的

With so much work to do,I feel I'll never be out from under.我要做的事太多了,总感到没完没了的。

George had so many debts that he couldn't get out from under.乔治债务累累,简直无法还清。

out in left field

1.far from the right answer;wrong错的;错得离谱

She tried to answer the teacher's question,but she was way out in left field.她想回答好老师的问题,可她答非所问。

Philip tried to guess what the surprise was but he was way out in left field.菲利浦想猜出是什么惊喜,但他猜错了。

2.speaking or acting very queerly;crazy疯的;举止怪异的

After her father was killed by a group of bandits,the girl was out in left field.自她父亲被一群匪徒杀害后,那女孩就疯了。

out in the cold

alone;not included被忽视;孤单

Everyone made plans for the National Day but he found himself out in the cold.每个人都计划国庆节怎么过,只有他一个人孤零零的。

She was so talkative that she was often left out in the cold.她太饶舌了,常常搞得没有人愿搭理她。

out like a light

1.fast asleep酣睡;很快睡着的

As soon as the lights were turned off the little boy was out like a light.灯一关,那小男孩就呼呼入睡了。

2.in a faint;unconscious昏迷;失去知觉

When she heard that her son died in the war,she was out like a light.当听到儿子在战争中死去的消息时,她昏了过去。

out of


Choose one out of these paintings.从这些画中选一幅。

He picked the girl out of the crowd.他从人群中把这女孩挑了出来。

2.from the inside to the outside of自内而出

She walked out of the room,all smiles.她笑容满面地从屋子里走了出来。

3.from(a source)从;自

His dog and cat eat out of the same dish.他的狗和猫从同一盘子里进食。

The teacher gave a test to see what the students got out of the lesson.老师测验学生从课上学到了多少。

4.in a place away from不在He is out of town this week.他这星期不在城里。

Our house is ten miles out of town.我们家离镇上有十里路。

5.beyond sb.'s reach在…达不到的地方;非…所能及

The target is out of reach of the gun.那靶子在枪的射程以外。

The train is out of sight now.火车已看不见了。

6.without;not having没有;缺乏

He is out of work.他失业了。

We are out of firewood;let's go and gather some.没柴禾了,我们去捡一点吧。

7.not;no;used up没有

The car has run out of gas.车子没有汽油了。

8.because of因;为了

They helped us out of pity.他们出于同情帮助我们。

She asked the question out of curiosity.她出于好奇提出了这个问题。

9.by the use of用…做材料

She made a hat out of bits of old materials.她用零碎的旧料子做了一顶帽子。

The house is built out of stone.房子是用石头造的。


The machine is out of control.这台机器失控了。

11.from a particular condition or situation;not in脱离某状况;脱离They finally talked him out of his fears.他们终于使他克服了恐惧心理。

The sick man was out of danger at last.病人最后终于脱险。

out of action

not working;not functioning不能工作;失(去)效(能)

Three trains went out of action yesterday when the severe cold ruined the engines.昨天因天气奇冷致使发动机冻坏,3趟列车停止运行。

out of bounds

1.outside of the boundary lines in a game;not on or inside the playing field越轨;超出规定范围

He was out of bounds when he called his opponent names in the debate.他犯规了,在辩论中谩骂了对方。

2.outside of the place where sb.may go禁止入内

The teacher told the students that the new gymnasium being built on the school grounds was out of bounds.老师告诉同学们正在兴建中的体育馆是禁止进去的。

out of breath

not breathing easily喘不过气来The fat man was out of breath after climbing the stairs.那个胖子爬完楼梯就喘不过气来。

out of character

not in agreement with sb.'s character or personality;unsuitable for a part or character不符合(某人的一贯习性等);(与所演的角色)不适合

One of his traits is his honesty;few people have ever seen him out of character.他的特性之一是诚实,几乎没有人发现他不是这样。

The young actress said that it was out of character for her to play an old woman.那位青年女演员说她不适合扮演老太的角色。

out of circulation

not out in the company of friends,other people,and groups;not active不和(朋友等)在一起;不活跃

John was out of circulation with his friends when he was ill.约翰生病时没有和朋友们来往。

out of commission

1.retired from active military service退役;不再执行任务

When the war was over,many warships were placed out of commission.战争结束后,许多战舰都退役了。

2.not in use or working不能使用;损坏

Some of the bridges were out of commission.有一些桥梁不能使用

She had to go to school on foot because her bike was out of commission.因为自行车坏了,她只得步行去学校。

out of condition

not healthy不健康;身体不好

She is out of condition.她身体不好。

out of date


The furniture is out of date.这家俱过时了。

Your methods have long gone out of date;you will have to modernize or risk failure.你的这些方法早已陈旧,你应当用现代化的方法,否则有失败的危险。

out of favor(with)

not well regarded(by sb.)失宠(于…);不受(…的)欢迎

Sir Walter is out of favor with the King.瓦特爵士已在国王面前失宠。

He was out of favor in Paris and went to London.他在巴黎不受欢迎就到伦敦去了。

out of hand


The situation needs to be dealt with out of hand.这个情况需要立即加以处理。

2.out of control失控

The meeting was broken up by the chairman when the discussion got out of hand.当讨论失控时,主席宣布休会。

The difficult class got out of hand when an inexperienced teacher was put in charge.一位缺乏经验的老师任教时,这个差班就失控了。

out of humor

not pleasant;not in good mood不高兴的;情绪不高的

He was probably still out of humor over the affair of this morning.他大概还在为早上的事闷闷不乐。

Why is she so out of humor today?她今天为什么不高兴?

out of keeping

not proper不协调;不合适

Loud talk is out of keeping in the library.高声交谈不符合图书馆的规定。

These actions are out of keeping with his character.这些行为同他的性格不符。

out of kilter

1.not balanced right不均衡;不平直

The wheels of my bike were out of kilter after it hit the wall.我的自行车撞在墙上后,前后轮失去了均衡。

2.needing repair;not working right需要修理;失灵

My watch is going too fast;it must be out of kilter.我的表走得太快,肯定出毛病了。

out of line

1.not in a straight line;away from the true line不直的;不成一直线的

The official ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up.军官命令未对齐的士兵排好。

2.not obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual不守常规;越轨的;不适宜的

I must say your behavior at the meeting was a bit out of line.老实说,你在会上的举止有点不恰当。

We told him not to tell the joke for it was out of line.我们告诫他别开那玩笑,因为太过火了。

out of line with

not in agreement with不同意;与…不一致

The price of the bicycle was out of line with what Bill could afford.自行车太贵,比尔买不起。

out of luck


Mr.Baker missed his train and was out of luck in getting to the ball game on time.贝克先生误了火车,没能及时赶去看球赛,他的运气真不佳。

When it comes to getting theatre tickets,we're usually out of luck.每次买戏票,我们的运气总是不好。

out of one's blood

separate from sb.'s feelings,interests or desires忘怀;驱除

When Tom moved to the city,he couldn't get the country out of his blood.汤姆搬进城以后,对农村仍无法忘怀。

out of one's element

outside of one's natural surroundings在不适宜的环境里;不得其所

Wild animals are out of their element in cages.野生动物不习惯笼中生活。

I'm out of my element when people start talking about music.人们一谈起音乐,我就是外行了。

out of one's head/mind/senses

acting in a crazy way行为疯狂;特别地

He must have been out of his mind to say something like that.他说出那样的话来,一定是精神错乱了。

The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.病人发高烧,神志不清,需要守护。

Sam was out of his senses with grief and rage.山姆由于悲痛和愤怒而失去理智。

out of one's shell

out of one's shyness or silence不羞怯沉默;开怀畅谈

John wouldn't come out of his shell and talk to the boys and girls at the party.约翰放不开羞怯沉默的性格,无法与聚会中的人交谈。

out of one's wits


He is out of his wits.他疯了。

His provocative remark nearly drove me out of my wits.他的挑衅性的话简直把我气疯了。

2.greatly upset不知所措

He was frightened out of his wits.他被吓得不知如何是好。

The enemy,scared out of their wits,were routed,and all of us laughed for joy.敌人吓得惊慌失措,溃不成军,而我们却高兴得放声大笑。

out of order

1.in the wrong order次序错了

Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order.彼得写的句子词序不对。

The room was out of order.整个房间乱七八糟。

I checked the papers that were to be printed and noticed that one or two were out of order.我检查要印的文件,发现有一两处次序混乱。

2.in poor condition坏了

Our television set is out of order.我们的电视机坏了。

Because the lift was out of order,we had to walk up the stairs.由于电梯坏了,我们只好走上楼去。

It is no use phoning.The line is out of order.打电话没有用,线路坏了。

3.against the rules;not suitable 违反规则;不宜

Such attire is out of order for an occasion like this.这种场合穿这衣服不适宜。

“You are out of order,”shouted the Chairman.“Kindly sit down.” 主席喊道:“你违反了规则,请坐下。”

out of place

1.in the wrong place位置不对

Your books are out of place.你的书放错了位置。


It was out of place for Russsell to laugh at the old lady.拉赛尔取笑这位老太是不对的。

out of practice

unable to do sth.well because of lack of practice久不练习;荒疏She is out of practice,so she can't sing as well as before.因久不练习,她歌唱得不如以前好了。

He used to be good at cricket,but now be's out of practice.他过去擅长于打板球,可现在已荒疏了。

out of print

no longer obtainable from the publisher because the printed copies have been sold out;no longer printed绝版;停印

The book you want is out of print,but you may get a copy from a dealer in used books.你要的那本书已绝版,不过你或许可以从旧书商那里买到一本。

I'm sure the work you mention is out of print.我可以肯定你提到的那部著作已绝版了。

out of question


It is out of question that he will work his way through college.毫无疑问,他会完成大学学业的。

out of sb.'s hair

rid of as a nuisance摆脱;甩开烦恼

Harry got the children out of his hair so he could do some reading.哈里摆脱了孩子们的纠缠,可以读点东西了。

out of sb.'s reach

beyond sb.'s ability力所不及

Reading twenty pages a day is simply out of his reach.一天读20页对他来说简直不可能。

Prices are rising so fast that the kind of house we want to buy keeps getting out of our reach.价格上涨太快,我们想买的房子老是买不起。

out of sb.'s/the way

1.making room for sb.or sth.给…让开路

When the fire engine came down the street,all the traffic got out of its way.当消防车沿街驶来时,所有的车辆都为它让路。

2.not bothering不要打搅

Tom wishes that his little brothers were out of his way,so that he can finish his paper.汤姆希望他的弟弟不要打搅他,这样他就可以完成他的论文。

out of season

not in the time for hunting,fishing,etc.不适时

The boys were caught fishing out of season.孩子们在禁止钓鱼时间钓鱼被抓住了。

Peaches are out of season now.现在桃子下市了。

out of shape/condition

1.not looking the same;changed不成形;走样

The box was crushed out of shape.箱子已被压得歪歪斜斜了。

The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape;and several spokes were broken.自行车前轮变形了,还断了好几根钢条。

2.not able to perform well竞技状态不好

He is out of shape,that's why he can't play as well as he used to.他竞技状态不佳,所以打得不如从前那么好了。

3.not in good condition身体不佳;生病

I get tired easily;I must be out of shape.我动不动就感到疲倦,一定是病了。

She went to school as usual though she had been out of shape for several days.尽管身体不舒服已好几天了,她还是照常上学。

out of sight

not to be seen看不见

The plane was soon out of sight.飞机很快就看不见了。

out of sorts

1.not in good condition身体不舒服

I'm a little out of sorts today.我今天有点儿不舒服。

2.in an angry or unhappy mood 心情不好;发脾气

I really enjoy my work and if I miss it I am out of sorts.我确实很喜欢我的工作,假如我不做它,我就不痛快。

Tom was out of sorts and would not say goodbye.汤姆心情不好,不想说再见。

Bob was out of sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for his birthday.鲍勃因过生日时没有得到一辆自行车而发脾气。

out of spirits


He was out of spirits as if he had something on his mind.他忧心忡忡,好像有什么心事。

out of step

1.not keeping pace with步调与…不一致

George always marches out of step with the music.乔治的步子总是和音乐不合拍。

2.out of harmony不协调

Just because you don't smoke,it doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age.不抽烟,并不意味你就跟不上和你同龄的少男少女。

His methods are out of step with the times.他的那些方法与时代不适应。

out of stock

sold out缺货

So many children have bought balloons that the store is now out of stock.买气球的孩子太多,那家商店现已缺货。

We do sell this item,but it is out of stock at the moment.我们确实出售这种商品,但目前脱销。

out of style


My dress is out of style.我的衣服过时了。

out of temper


He is out of temper.他发脾气了。

He is clearly out of temper and you should have a talk with him.他显然是生气了,你应该找他聊聊。

out of the blue/a clear sky

without any warning;unexpectedly出其不意地;忽然

You may want to spend time with a longlost friend who drops in out of the blue.如果有一位久已失去联系的朋友突然来访,你会很想同他多呆一会儿。

The cowboy thought he was alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were Indians all around him.牛仔以为只有自己一人,谁知忽然间身旁出现了许多印第安人。

out of the corner of one's eye

without looking at sb.or sth.directly or openly从眼角处看;窥伺

The cat looked at the mouse out of the corner of its eye.猫暗地里注视着老鼠。

As the little boy spoke to his mother,he looked out of the corner of his eye at his elder brother waving to him from outside the window.那个小男孩在跟他母亲说话时,用眼梢瞟着站在窗外向他招手的哥哥。

out of the hole

1.with a score better than zero in a game;eyen with an opponent 打破零分;扳回平手

It took us a long time to get out of the hole in the card game.我们打牌打了很长时间才没得零分。

The team played very hard,but could not get out of the hole.该队打得很卖力,但仍然不能打成平手。

2.out of debt不欠债

The first year was bad,but after that he got out of the hole.第1年情况不太好,但第2年他就还清了债。

Jack got out of the hole after he found a job in the bank.杰克在银行找到工作后很快就还清了债务。

out of the ordinary

outside or beyond common experience;unusual不同凡响;出众:不寻常

This is indeed out of the ordinary and unheard of.这真是闻所未闻的咄咄怪事。

In our grand father 'time it was quite out of the ordinary for a woman to go to college.在我们祖父的时代,妇女上大学是很不寻常的。

Has anything out of the ordinary happened since I've been away?我不在的时候,有没有发生什么不寻常的事?

out of the question


To get there before seven is out of the question.7点以前赶到那儿是不可能的。

What you say is out of the question.你说的那事是办不到的。

An expensive holiday abroad was out of the question on his salary.按他的工资水平,要花很多钱去国外度假是不可能的。

out of the running

having no chance to win 无取胜的希望

It was clear from the start that Enoch was out of the running in the Congressional race.一开始就很明显,伊诺先生在这次议会竟选中是没有获胜希望的。

His sudden illness put him out of the running in the contest.他突然病倒了,使他在比赛中获胜的希望成了泡影。

out of the swim

not doing what others are doing;not active in business or social affairs不熟悉情况;不合潮流

We're new to the district and out of the swim.我们是新来这个地区的,情况还不熟悉。

The toy manufacturer who is out of the swim will lose money.玩具制造商如果赶不上潮流,就要亏本。

out of the way

1.not where people usually go;difficult.to reach偏僻的;人迹罕到的

This village is very much out of the way.这个村子非常偏僻。

2.not what is usual or proper;strange不寻常的;奇特的

I did not notice anything out of the way.我没有注意到有什么不寻常的事。

3.not in sb.'s way不妨碍人的

Please put these odds and ends out of the way.请把这些零碎东西放到一边去。

I'll stand this box in the corner,it will be out of the way there.我来把这个箱子竖放在角落里,这样就不会碍手碍脚了。

4.not proper不恰当的;不礼貌的

Have you heard him say anything out of the way?你听他说过不恰当的话吗?

To leave before the guest of honour would be out of the way.先于主客离去是很不礼貌的。

5.not able to stop or bother sb.离开(不烦某人)

Bill wished the visitors were out of the way so that he could have time to study.比尔希望来访者离去,这样他就有时间学习了。

out of thin air

from nowhere没有根据;无出处

The teacher criticized Dick because his story was made out of thin air.老师批评了狄克,因为他编的故事毫无根据。

out of this world

wonderfully good;satisfying十全十美;极其优美

The dress in the store window was out of this world.商店橱窗里的那件女服实在太好看了。

Her cooking is really out of this world.她的烹调技术确实太出色了。

out of touch

losing touch没有联系

Fred has got out of touch with people in his hometown.弗雷德与他家乡人失去了联系。

out of tune

1.out of proper musical pitch音调不准;走调

The band sounded terrible because some instruments were out of tune.乐队演奏得太差劲了,因为有些乐器走调了。

2.not in agreement;not going well together不协调;不一致

His ideas were out of tune with the period in which he lived.他的思想同他所处的那个时代格格不入。

His speech at the meeting was out of tune with the remarks of the other speakers.他在会上的讲话同其他几位发言者所说的精神不一致。

out of turn

1.out of the correct order不按顺序的

You'll get your chance.Just wait and don't speak out of turn.你会有机会的。等一等,不要抢先发言。

The students were told not to enter the meeting room out of turn.学生们被要求依次进入会议室。

2.at an unsuitable time or in an unsuitable way不合时宜地;鲁莽地

Jack loses friends by speaking out of turn.杰克说话轻率,因此失去了朋友。

I hope I haven't spoken out of turn;I didn't know it was supposed to be secret.我希望我没说漏嘴,我不知道这是该保密的。

out of whack

1.needing repair;not working right需修理;出故障的

My stomach is out of whack.我的胃不舒服。

I can't do any typing today;my typewriter has got out of whack.我今天打不了字,我的打字机坏了。

2.not going together well;not in agreement不相称;不一致

The things he does are out of whack with what he says.他的言行不一致。

The TV report on the weather is always out of whack with the weather we actually get.电视天气预报总是和实际天气有出入。

out on a limb

1.in a dangerous position处境危险

The company overextended itself and was soon out on a limb.该公司扩展得太快,很快便陷入困境。

You'll be putting yourself out on a limb if you undertake to defend such an unpopular act.如果你同意为这样一种不得人心的行为作辩护,就会使自己陷于困境。

2.with one's beliefs and opinions openly stated公开发表

The President went out on a limb and supported a foreign aid bill that many people were against.总统公开表示自己的见解,对许多人反对的援外法案表示支持。

out to lunch


What't wrong with him?He seemes to be out to lunch today.他怎么了?他今天似乎心不在焉。

outside of

1.except for除…以外

Outside of Johnny,all the boys on the basketball team are over six feet tall.篮球队里除约翰尼外,所有男孩的个儿都超过6英尺。

Outside of his secretary,no one knew his views.除了他的秘书外,没人知道他的观点。

2.out of在…外面

He lives outside of the city.他住在城外。

over a/the barrel

in a helpless condition;trapped受牵制的;无能为力

I have to obey him because he's got me over a barrel.我被他所控制,只好服从他。

over age

too old;above the legal age太老;超龄

Father wanted to fight in World War Ⅱ,but he couldn't because he was over age.二战时父亲想参军,但因年纪太大而未成功。

She wasn't allowed to sit for the college entrance exams as she was over age.她因超龄而未获准参加大学入学考试。

over and above


We gave them two tons over and above the amount agreed to.除了商定的数字外,我们又多给了他们两吨。

The basic cost will be$1,000.Over and above this there will be my expenses—say another$300.基本的费用将是1000美元。除此之外,我还花费了300美元。

Over and above injured,he was also insulted.他不仅受了伤,还遭受到了侮辱。

over and over(again)


The doctor has warned him over and over again to stop smoking,but he doesn't take any advice.医生多次告诫他戒烟,可他就是听不进去。

I have warned you over and over again not to do that.我已再三警告过你不要做那事。

over sb.'s head

1.not understandable不可理解

The lesson today was too hard;it went over my head.今天的课太难,我不懂。

His writings go over my head.他写的东西太深,我理解不了。

2.to a more important person in charge;to a higher official越级报告或请求

The thing was settled over his head.这事没与他商量就处理了。

Going over the head of his editor,the auther appealed to the publisher.作者越过编辑,直接向出版者申诉。

over the hill

past one's prime;unable to function as one used to在衰退中;上了年纪

Old Peter is no longer what he used to be;he's over the hill.老彼得今非昔比了,毕竟上了年纪了。

over the hump

past the most difficult part度过危机

He was very sick in the last few weeks,but he's over the hump now.前几个星期他病得很厉害,但现在已脱离了危险期。

over with

finished with结束

They were over with the meeting by ten o'clock.他们10点钟会议结束。

I'm glad I've got that operation over with.我很高兴,手术总算做完了。

owing to

because of由于

Owing to your assistance,he finished the job in only two hours.由于你的帮助,他仅用两小时就把活干完了。

The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于设备有所改进。

I owe my present accomplishment to your timely assistance.我现在的成就多亏你的及时帮助。

own up

take the blame;admit one's guilt 坦白;爽快地承认

The headmaster promised not to punish whoever broke the window if he owned up.校长保证说只要承认打破窗户就不受到惩罚。

He finally owned up to having told the lie.他最后承认自己说了谎。




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