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2024-07-10 05:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 西方国家的老年人可以免费乘坐火车吗? Can seniors in Western countries take the trains for free?

2. 每年一月,乘火车出行的费用都在上涨,对于那些除了乘坐火车上班之外别无选择的人来说,这给他们带来了巨大的额外负担。 Every January the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extra burden on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work or otherwise.

3. 乘坐火车不一定比坐飞机更安全。 Train travel may not actually be safer than air travel.

4. 当时很少有人喜欢乘坐火车。 Few people liked taking trains at that time.

5. 我们从这里乘坐火车下山。 Here we are going down again by the train.

6. 问题标题:乘坐火车旅行在美国流行吗? Question Title: Is train trip popular in the U. S.?

7. 唐老鸭正乘坐火车旅行。 Donald's travelling by train.

8. 当人们乘坐火车时,他们愿意买往返车票。 When people take a train, they would like to buy return tickets.

9. 所以他们喜欢乘坐火车,节省了一大笔钱。 So they prefer to take trains, which save a lot of money.

10. 在乘坐火车时,请你不要讲头和手伸出窗外。 On a train you mustn't put your head out of the window.

11. 他将乘坐火车旅行。 He's travelling by train.

12. 我们犯了个大错,从慕尼黑去柏林最快的路不是乘坐火车。 Big mistake. The quickest way to get to Berlin from Munich is not to take the train that goes from Berlin to Munich.

13. 我们乘坐火车回家。 We went home by train.

14. 如今,选择乘坐火车回家的人数增加相当的快。 Now, the number of the people who go home by train is increasing quickly.

15. 当我们出差,我们将面临的选择乘坐火车或飞机。 When we go on a business trip, we will be faced with the choice of traveling by train orby plane.

16. 而好消息是,你们选择了乘坐火车,而不是飞机。 The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly.

17. 这个例子中,学生将乘坐火车(每部分都由单独的类描述)上学。 In this example, a student will use the train (each depicted by separate classes) in order to go to school.

18. 我不认为这里发言的人真正了解在中国每天有多少人乘坐火车。 I don't think most people realize how many people travel by train in China.

19. 我在乘坐火车进行的同一趟旅行中,拜访了他们的后裔裕固族人。 I visited their descendants, the Yugurs, on the same train trip.

20. 许多人居住在远离市中心的郊区,他们乘坐火车、公车或地铁去上班。 Many people live outside the centre of London in the suburbs, and they travel to work by train, bus or underground.






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