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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 train n (railway) (运输)SCSimplified Chinese 列车,火车 liè chē ,huǒ chē TCTraditional Chinese 列車,火車  There are trains leaving for Paris every hour.  每个小时都有开往巴黎的列车。 train [sb]⇒ vtr (teach)SCSimplified Chinese 教授某人   SCSimplified Chinese 培训 péi xùn TCTraditional Chinese 培訓   SCSimplified Chinese 训练 xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練  We have someone new starting at work on Monday and I have to train her.  周一会有新人上岗,我负责培训她。 train [sth]⇒ vtr (animal: teach to behave) (动物)SCSimplified Chinese 训练,驯 xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練,馴  It is hard work training a dog.  训狗是件难事。 train⇒ vi (sports: practise, exercise)SCSimplified Chinese 训练 xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練   SCSimplified Chinese 锻练 xùn liàn,duàn liàn  The team trained daily at the beginning of the season.  本赛季初,该队每天都进行训练。 train vi (learn)SCSimplified Chinese 接受训练 jiē shòu xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 接受訓練   SCSimplified Chinese 授受培训 jiē shòu xùn liàn,shòu shòu péi xùn  They trained to be mechanics. No, I can't do it yet; I am still training.  他们接受了技工培训。  不,我还不会做,我还在接受培训。 train [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (teach about [sth]) (某方面的知识)SCSimplified Chinese 教某人…  The instructor trained them in the use of the computer program.  指导员教他们如何使用该电脑程序。 train [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (person: teach to do)SCSimplified Chinese 教某人做某事  The coach trained her skaters to spin on one foot.  教练教她的溜冰学员如何用单脚在冰面上旋转。 train [sth] to do [sth] vtr + prep (animal: teach to do) (动物)SCSimplified Chinese 训练…做某事  It is important to train your puppy not to bite.  训练狗狗不要咬主人很重要。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 train n (series of vehicles)SCSimplified Chinese 车队 chē duì TCTraditional Chinese 車隊  There was a long train of cars waiting to get onto the ferry.  有一列长长的车队排队等候着登上渡轮。 train n (procession)SCSimplified Chinese 队列 duì liè   SCSimplified Chinese 队伍 duì liè,duì wǔ TCTraditional Chinese 隊伍  There was a long train of people in the funeral procession.  送葬的队伍有着长长一队的人。 train n (group of followers)SCSimplified Chinese 一组(随行人员) yì zǔ suí xíng rén yuán  The film star was followed by a train of aides.  电影明星后面跟着一组随行人员。 train n (of a dress or robe)SCSimplified Chinese 拖裙,裙摆 tuō qún,qún bǎi  The train on her wedding dress was two metres long.  她婚礼礼群的裙摆有两米长。 train n (connected machinery)SCSimplified Chinese 齿轮组 chǐ lún zǔ TCTraditional Chinese 齒輪組   SCSimplified Chinese 轮系 chǐ lún zǔ,lún xì  The gear train requires constant lubrication.  齿轮组需要经常润滑。 train [sb]⇒ vtr (sports: coach) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 训练 xùn liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練  The coaches train the football players. train [sth]⇒ vtr (guide a plant's growth)SCSimplified Chinese 使...朝…生长  I trained the ivy to grow up the wall. train [sth] vtr (aim)SCSimplified Chinese 瞄准 miáo zhǔn   SCSimplified Chinese 对准 miáo zhǔn,duì zhǔn TCTraditional Chinese 對準  The guns were all trained on the enemy soldiers.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 bullet train n (Japan: fast rail service) (日本)SCSimplified Chinese 动车   SCSimplified Chinese 子弹列车  I caught the bullet train, which as always was very punctual. by train adv (travel or transport: on a train)SCSimplified Chinese 乘火车 chéng huǒ chē TCTraditional Chinese (搭)火車  The easiest way to get there is by train. cargo train n (freight-carrying train)SCSimplified Chinese 货运火车   SCSimplified Chinese 货运列车 huò yùn liè chē TCTraditional Chinese 貨運列車  Cargo trains often carry coal or lumber. catch a train, catch the train v expr (go by train)SCSimplified Chinese 赶火车 gǎn huǒ chē TCTraditional Chinese 趕火車   SCSimplified Chinese 乘火车 gǎn huǒ chē,chéng huǒ chē TCTraditional Chinese (搭)火車  I'm going to catch a train home after I get out from work. commuter train n (train between home and work)SCSimplified Chinese 通勤列车   SCSimplified Chinese 市郊往返列车 cross-train [sb]⇒ vtr (make skilled at different tasks)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉培训   SCSimplified Chinese 交叉训练 drive train, drivetrain n (automotive system)SCSimplified Chinese 传动系统 electric train n (train powered by electricity)SCSimplified Chinese 电气列车   SCSimplified Chinese 电动列车 freight train (US), goods train (UK) n (railway train that carries cargo)SCSimplified Chinese 货运列车 huò yùn liè chē TCTraditional Chinese 貨運列車  The passenger train was delayed in order to allow a freight train to pass. gravy train n slang, figurative (easy wealth)SCSimplified Chinese (可以轻松捞钱的)肥缺 kě yǐ qīng sōng lāo qián de féi quē   SCSimplified Chinese 美差 kě yǐ qīng sōng lāo qián de féi quē,měi chāi  The public works project is a gravy train for the builder. high-speed train n (railway train designed to travel very fast)SCSimplified Chinese 高速火车 gāo sù huǒ chē TCTraditional Chinese 高速火車  I can get to Madrid in two hours using the new high-speed train. house-train⇒ vtr UK (toilet-train pet)SCSimplified Chinese 大小便训练 in the train of [sth] expr (in the aftermath of)SCSimplified Chinese 由于 yóu yú   SCSimplified Chinese 因为 yóu yú ,yīn wèi TCTraditional Chinese 因為  In the train of the storm, many people were left homeless. in train expr (in progress)SCSimplified Chinese 准备就绪 zhǔn bèi jiù xù TCTraditional Chinese 準備就緒   SCSimplified Chinese 准备妥当 zhǔn bèi jiù xù,zhǔn bèi tuǒ dàng milk train n (train for shipping dairy products)SCSimplified Chinese 牛奶列车   SCSimplified Chinese 运奶火车 milk train n figurative (slow train)SCSimplified Chinese 慢车 màn chē passenger train n (railway train that carries people)SCSimplified Chinese 旅客列车 lǚ kè liè chē TCTraditional Chinese 旅客列車  The TGV is a high speed French passenger train. potty train [sb], potty-train [sb] vtr (teach to use the toilet)SCSimplified Chinese 如厕训练 power train (machinery) (机械)SCSimplified Chinese 动力传动,动力传统系统 railcar, railroad car (US), railway car, railway carriage, train carriage, carriage (UK) n (passenger coach of a train)SCSimplified Chinese 客车厢 kè chē xiāng TCTraditional Chinese 客車 road train n AU (linked trailers pulled by 1 truck)SCSimplified Chinese 长列拖车   SCSimplified Chinese 公路列车 sky train n informal (elevated railway system)SCSimplified Chinese 架空列车,空中列车 toilet-train [sb], toilet train [sb]⇒ vtr (teach to use toilet)SCSimplified Chinese 训练…上厕所 toy train n (child's plaything: miniature train)SCSimplified Chinese 玩具火车  The little boy spent hours rolling his toy train along the track. train car n (carriage of a railway train)SCSimplified Chinese 火车车厢 train conductor n (ticket collector on railway train)SCSimplified Chinese 列车员 liè chē yuán TCTraditional Chinese 列車員 / 列車車長  The train conductor punched our tickets and announced the next stop. train driver n UK (engineer: [sb] who drives a train)SCSimplified Chinese 火车司机 huǒ chē sī jī TCTraditional Chinese 火車司機 train of thought n (sequence of ideas)SCSimplified Chinese 思路 sī lù  I got confused when I was explaining it, and lost my train of thought. train schedule n (railway timetable)SCSimplified Chinese 列车时刻表 liè chē shí kè biǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 列车明细表 liè chē shí kè biǎo,liè chē míng xì biǎo  We'll need to look at the train schedule to see when the train arrives at our stop. train service n (provision of railway transport)SCSimplified Chinese 铁路运输服务 tiě lù yùn shū fú wù  Unfortunately there's no train service to Bexhill so we'll have to take the bus. train station n (railway stop)SCSimplified Chinese 火车站 huǒ chē zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 火車站  You must buy your ticket online or at the train station before you travel.  出发前,你必须在网上或火车站买好票。 train stop n (railway: scheduled station)SCSimplified Chinese 火车站 huǒ chē zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 火車站  I must get off at the next train stop. train stop n (railway: safety device)SCSimplified Chinese 火车站 huǒ chē zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 火車站  The collision occurred when the train stop failed to protect the train due to a design error. train ticket n (ticket for travel by railway)SCSimplified Chinese 火车票 huǒ chē piào TCTraditional Chinese 火車票  Train tickets, like airline tickets, can be purchased through a travel agent. train track n (rails of a railway)SCSimplified Chinese 铁道 tiě dào TCTraditional Chinese 鐵道   SCSimplified Chinese 铁轨 tiě dào,tiě guǐ TCTraditional Chinese 鐵軌 train trip n (journey by railway)SCSimplified Chinese 乘火车旅行 chéng huǒ chē lǚ xíng  Train trips allow you to see more of the countryside than flying. train wreck (US), train crash (UK) n (railroad accident)SCSimplified Chinese 火车事故 train wreck, trainwreck n mainly US, figurative, informal (thing: disaster, mess)SCSimplified Chinese 灾难 zāi nàn TCTraditional Chinese 災難   SCSimplified Chinese 一团糟 zāi nàn ,yì tuán zāo  This report is a train wreck and I'll need to completely redo it. train wreck, trainwreck n mainly US, figurative, informal (person: with many problems)SCSimplified Chinese 麻烦不断   SCSimplified Chinese 问题很多  My brother was a train wreck all last year. trainspotter, train spotter n UK (hobbyist: observes trains)SCSimplified Chinese 喜欢看火车记录列车机车号之人 xǐ huān kàn huǒ chē jì lù liè chē jī chē hào zhī rén trainspotter, train spotter n UK, figurative (person obsessed with details)SCSimplified Chinese 过分注重细节的人 wagon train n historical (caravan or convoy of wagons)SCSimplified Chinese 马车队   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: train [treɪn] I n [c] 1 (Rail) 火车(車) huǒchē [辆 liàng] 2 [of dress] 裙裾 qúnjū II vt 1 (=teach skills to) 培训(訓) péixùn 2 [+ dog] 训(訓)练(練) xùnliàn 3 [+ athlete] 培养(養) péiyǎng 4 (=educate) [+ mind] 开(開)发(發) kāifā 5 [+ plant] 给(給)…整枝 gěi…zhěngzhī ▶ to train sth on sb/sth [+ camera, hose, gun etc] 把某物对(對)准(準)某人/某物 bǎ mǒuwù duìzhǔn mǒurén/mǒuwù III vi 1 (=learn a skill) 受训(訓)练(練) shòu xùnliàn 2 (Sport) 锻(鍛)炼(鍊) duànliàn train of thought 思路 sīlù a train of events 一系列的事件 yīxìliè de shìjiàn 在这些条目还发现'train': 在英文解释里: all aboard - baggage car - barrier - Big Boy - boxcar - break in - buffer - buffet car - by rail - by train - cab - caboose - call at - caravan - cargo train - carriage - catch a train - choo-choo - chuff - coach - coaching staff - commuter train - compartment - conductor - connection - consist - controller - couchette - couple - coupling - cowcatcher - deadhead - demurrage - depart - depot - derail - derailment - detrain - detraining - dining car - discipline - discipline yourself - doubleheader - drawbar - drill - economy class - electric train - engine - engine driver - entrain 中文: 列车 - 火车 - 训练 - 训 - 培养 - 列车员 - 厢 - 呜 - 坐车 - 培训 - 思路 - 教习 - 驯马 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Things with wheels, Things people miss, 更多……同义词: practice, practise, prepare, prepare yourself, get ready, 更多……习惯性搭配: train [your dog, a horse] (to), a [direct, non-stop, bullet, commuter] train (to), train [schedules, timetable, times], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'train' 的论坛讨论:

Can I put put my bicycle on the bus/train? How long does it take to go from ... to ... by train? Is this train arriving from Milan? We’ll need to have at least £300 for the concert tickets, the accommodation and the train. Where is train station? " I take the/a bus/train" - English Only forum "... has (...) no longer any train." - English Only forum ... spoken of wanting to train as a doctor - English Only forum ... walk about on a train - English Only forum ...tracking outcomes, such as "when I need a train, is it there?", he added. - English Only forum ...when [the/a] train approaches - English Only forum 'the last commuter train service between...' - English Only forum (?) I ran to the station, but only to find that the train had already left. - English Only forum (BrEng) rail, railway or train station? - English Only forum 40 minutes to get to the train station from the bus stop by bus - English Only forum a 13-hour train ride" vs. "a 13-hour train" vs. "13 hour's train - English Only forum A car can drive me to a train station. - English Only forum A Chinese wild west story not involving guns, but train-earned super powers - English Only forum A commonplace, practical reply, [out of] the train of his own disturbed ideas - English Only forum a different train journey - English Only forum A dog takes two years to train? - English Only forum A freight train roared past - English Only forum A friendly tip on the train - English Only forum a new train station, new airport and subway system - English Only forum a next train vs the next train - English Only forum a one-man train station - English Only forum a or the seven o'clock train? - English Only forum a person who is muscular but doesn't train legs - English Only forum a poet who met every train - English Only forum a series/chain/train/sequence/succession of - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'train'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "train" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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