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2024-06-25 13:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Instructions to Enter:

1. Choose any one of these four sets: a. 31042 LEGO Creator 3in1 Super Soarer b. 31056 LEGO Creator 3in1 Green Cruiser c. 31057 LEGO Creator 3in1 Air Blazerd. 31058 LEGO Creator 3in1 Mighty Dinosaurs2. If you don’t own the set, look in your own LEGO collection using the element list online to find all the bricks you need. Your 4th model should only use elements from one of the four Creator 3in1 sets listed above. You don’t have to use all the bricks in the set, though, but you may not use LEGO elements that don’t come in your chosen Creator 3in1 set. 3. Build a fourth model using the bricks from one of the four LEGO Creator 3in1 sets listed above.4. Bring your model to an event in which the competition is being hosted in order to enter.


1 从下列四套产品中任意选择一套。a) 31042 LEGO Creator 3in1 Super Soarer b) 31056 LEGO Creator 3in1 Green Cruiser c) 31057 LEGO Creator 3in1 Air Blazerd) 31058 LEGO Creator 3in1 Mighty Dinosaurs2 如果你没有上述的套装,使用线上的套装颗粒清单来对照,用自己的自己乐高零件来凑齐所有的颗粒。你的套内MOC作品只能使用上述四个套装中的一套中的零件。你不是必须要使用套装里面的所有颗粒,但是你不能使用不是上述四个套装里面的乐高零件。(举个例子绿色恐龙套装中有2个1x4沙色板,你可以从自己库存里找出2个一样的零件,但是不能用其他颜色,也不能用3个或4个。)3 使用上述四套产品中的一套中的颗粒来创作你自己的MOC作品。4 把你的作品带到一个由本次比赛组织的活动中来参加比赛。(根据实际的LUG线下交流活动的时间和区域,再行协商) 你需要把作品以图片的形式发布在乐乐镇比赛的专区内。

Entry Criteria:? Your 4th model should only use elements from one of the four Creator 3in1 sets listed above. You don’t have to use all the bricks in the set, though, but you may not use LEGO elements that don’t come in your chosen Creator 3in1 set. ? You must submit an original model. Your model cannot be an exact replica of an existing LEGO set.? You may submit multiple entries to the contest, but only one entry per person will be considered when winners are selected. This means you cannot win as a semi-finalist and as the grand prize winner with two different entries. ? Please keep your entrys contents appropriate. Models related to the topics below do not fit our brand values and will be disqualified.o Politics and political symbols, campaigns, or movementso Religious references including symbols, buildings, or peopleo Sex, nudity, drugs, or smokingo Alcohol in any present day situationo Swearing or profanityo Death, killing, blood, terrorism, horror, or tortureo First-person shooter video gameso Warfare or war vehicles in any modern or present-day situation, or national war memorialso Large or human-scale weapons or weapon replicas of any kind, including swords, knives, guns, sci-fi or fantasy blasters, etc.o Racism, bullying, or cruelty to real life animals? You must be the original creator of all creative work you submit (the model, images, photographs, description text, etc.) and you must have the exclusive right to submit your model for consideration. You may not submit a model made by, or on behalf of, someone else. Entries consisting of or containing copies of any existing third party work or creation, or infringements of any third party intellectual property right will not be eligible for the contest.? Projects may only contain genuine (not cut, glued, or modified) LEGO? bricks available in the four LEGO Creator 3in1 sets chosen for the contest. ? Entries can be models previously built. If the model has been submitted to a previous contest, competing for a prize it cannot be submitted again.? Any cheating or harassment of other participants will result in disqualification from the contest ? You must be at least 13 years of age to participate and enter.

参赛条件:? 你的套内MOC作品只能使用上述四个套装中的一套中的零件。你不是必须要使用套装里面的所有颗粒,但是你不能使用不是上述四个套装里面的乐高零件。? 你必须提交一个原创作品。你的作品不可以是任何一套乐高已经存在的产品的复刻。? 你可以提交不同的作品来参加比赛,但每一位选手只能获得一次奖励。也就是说,没有人可以同时获得两个奖励。(唯一,从高原则。)? 请注意你参赛作品的主题。凡涉及下列主题者,皆违背了乐高品牌的主旨,将不会获得参赛的资格。? **或**元素、活动或运动。? 宗教有关的元素、建筑或人。 (尽量回避明显的宗教元素)? 含有性、裸体、毒品、吸烟等元素的。? 任何情况下的酒精元素。? 包含诅咒或亵渎元素的。? 包含死亡、屠杀、血腥、恐怖主义、恐怖或者折磨的元素的。? 类似第一人称视角的射击游戏的。? 任何现代或当代的战争、战争机器的元素,或者国家战争纪念碑等。? 任何大型或跟人体差不多比例的武器或武器复刻,包括剑、刀、枪等等,无论科幻或奇幻的。 ? 包含种族歧视、迫害、威胁、残忍虐待现实动物的。

? 你必须是提交参赛作品的原始创作者(包括模型、图片、照片、说明文字等等),你必须有权提交这些品来参加比赛。你不能提交一个由其他人创作或者所有权归属于其他人的作品。参赛作品包含或载有任何现有的第三方作品或创作,或侵犯任何第三方知识产权的作品将没有参加本次活动的资格。? 参赛作品必须纯粹地使用上述四个套装产品中一套内的乐高颗粒零件。禁止切割、黏合或者改造乐高的零件。? 参赛作品可以是你以往的一件作品。但该作品只要参加过以往任何的比赛,无论获奖与否,都不得再次参加本次比赛。? 任何作弊或者干扰其他参赛者的行为,都将直接取消比赛资格。? 必须年满13周岁才能有资格参加本次比赛。? 对于作品,请提供图纸或拆分图作为零件校验。? 参赛者必须注册乐乐镇会员并在乐乐镇发布作品信息? 所有入选作品可以授权乐高和乐乐镇在社交平台上使用


We recommend a group of at least three individuals be involved in selecting a winner. The entries should be judged upon:

? Best overall creativity: 25%? Most inspired details on the model: 25%? Attention to contest theme: 25%? Best use of LEGO? elements: 25%

In case of a tie, the entry with the higher Creativity score will prevail.


我们会有一个至少3个独立人员(目前暂定5人)组成的评选小组来选择获胜作品。评选的原则应该如下所列? 整体创意: 25%? 有创造力的细节处理: 25%? 具有吸引力的主题表现: 25%? 灵活使用乐高零件的手法: 25% 如果存在平局的情况,那么更加的创意成绩应该赢得比赛。




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