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#吉狄马加:我顽固地相信,诗歌不会消亡,而总会有一些诗人,将去创造一个属于他们的时代| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



6月28日,2023年青海湖国际诗歌节在青海海北刚察拉开帷幕,以“在全球生态语境下的诗歌写作与诗人的价值立场”为主题的研讨会,同期深入探讨全球生态语境下诗人与环境、诗歌与生态、诗人的价值立场等全球化重大诗歌命题。美国桂冠诗人施家彰(Arthur Sze)、澳大利亚诗人马克·特雷尼克(Mark Tredinnick)、美国诗人卡罗·莫尔朵(Carol Moldaw)、美国诗人、汉学家徐贞敏(Jami Proctor Xu)、法国诗人Ruling、学者白潇客(Jacques BLIEIN)、墨西哥诗人、翻译家古斯塔沃·奥索瑞奥(Gustavo Osorio)、厄瓜多尔诗人迭戈(Muñoz)、吉狄马加、舒婷、西川、吕德安、李少君、雷平阳、陈先发、龚学敏、王山、尹汉胤、赵振江、高兴、树才、刘文飞、汪剑钊、梅卓、黑陶、伊沙、黄少政、金石开等来自世界各地的诗人、翻译家、评论家、汉学家共二百余人参加了该诗歌盛会。青海省委常委、统战部部长班果出席并致辞,青海省副省长何录春、政协副主席匡湧、省文联主席宋江涛及海北州委州政府领导等出席开幕式。










Let’s Keep Our Fingers Crossed For Poetry’s Tomorrow

- Speech at the opening ceremony of 2023 Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival

文/ 吉狄马加 译/ 黄少政,2023 年6月28日

Jidi Majia




Ladies and gentlemen, poets and friends,

Today, we have journeyed here from across the globe to celebrate the opening ceremony of 2023 Qinghai Lake Intl Poetry Festival, the arch- pageant of poetry being enacted in China, on the roof of the world, given these three or four years are so unusual in light of public health restrictions necessitated by a hideous virus-related pandemic which is subsiding but not completely phasing out. I must laud all of you who have persisted through a time of extraordinary hardship and uncertainty to make in-person celebrations in this place in maximum proximity to the celestial vaults. I recall, at this moment, Cangyang Jiacuo, the legendary living Buddha of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism and incidentally, an outstanding lyric poet in his own right, who lived in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, helping in his poems to popularize the Buddhist notion of Karma in vogue today. The idea: for anyone to be connected with anyone on earth, an invisible force must be at work in the ether. Karma gurus teach us that any human encounter is not an accident, but predetermined in our previous lives in an endless cycle of incarnation. Therefore, all of you in the audience, me included, we are gathered here today because we are meant to be gathered here today. Let us cherish each moment we are going to spend in the coming days that unfold before you and me.



My friends, do I sound a bit sentimental if I let you know I have been awaiting your presence for a long time. It appears each of you looms on the horizon faintly within my purview as my warm entreaties at last reach your eardrums. Nay, your utter dedication to and your iron-clad belief in the art of poetry have made who you are today and brought you to my presence, onto this snow-capped realm, into the embrace of Buddha’s love and compassion. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished in the name of poetry and I must thank you all for joining us on this very special day and this includes poets home and abroad, all the back-stage crew, planners, sponsors, donors, as well as those who are working cameras and the live stream to make the whole thing possible.




Alain Badiou, French philosopher, in his Philosophical Manifesto, famously infers there is an "age of poets" in modern times, identifying a band of wizards such as Mallarme, Rimbaud, Trakel, Pessoa, Mandelstam, and Paul Celan as embodying the spirit of the said era. He elaborates by citing Heidegger that poets must be entrusted with the traditional work of a philosopher-the litmus test of true poetry. Only in this way can we hope to pinpoint the difference between knowledge and truth, and that this difference makes all the difference for poetry of our time. Mr Badiou further reasons that only poetry approaches or boarders on the extent of philosophical abstraction and the purity of mathematics, and in this sense the poet and the mathematician are capable of refining and elevating two modes of human knowledge, implying that poetry is indeed more metaphysically profound than philosophy, and in the first place poetry transcends the limits of what mathematics calls objects. I do not know how long this "age of poets" of which he speaks spans, but I certainly disagree with his pessimist verdict that the age of poets is a thing of the past after Paul Celan and his comrades have physically left the poetic scene. l for one, remain adamant that golden age of poetry is always possible. There are bound to be poets who thrive in any world they happen to be because they stay abreast of changes and seek to break new ground for great poetry to flourish.



Poets, friends, while we are gradually emerging from a pandemic that has altered our world and affected our society, our economy and our culture substantially, while the larger drama of globalization and anti-globalization is still being played out on the podium of history, something big, very big, has happened which is set to affect industrialized and post-industrialized human life on a deeper level. I am talking about the booming bio-engineering and AI trends. Up to this moment, we have all witnessed the torrential impact of these sophisticated, socially transformative pioneer technologies that fall under the name of generative AI. There is such an uproar in the air as fear-mongers cry wolf worrying about their potential hazards and optimists see in them a panacea to save the world weighed down by so many thorny troubles, such as global warming, nuclear threats and possible nuclear contamination, regional hostilities, violations of human rights, droughts and famine, infectious diseases and public security, excessive exploitation of resources, worsened ecological and environmental status. I trust while marveling the sophistication and creativity of these frontier gadgets, celebrating the extraordinary opportunities they offer and the magical upsides they bring about to improve the human condition, we should also be wary of the ways they could undermine our values, our freedom.



What is a human? Today, it seems that poetry must time and again pose the meta -question we move to dodge at our own peril. When the ontological attributes of a human are drained and hollowed out, can we still call it a human? Poetry is here with its time-honored mission and poets must keep musing on a series of propositions about existence, about time and life, ultimate values, about the relationship between subject and truth, nothingness and eternal laws. We do have plenty of role models before us such as T.S. Eliot who came out in the first half of the 20th century, with masterpieces "The Waste Land" and "Four Quartets", all ambitious works that allow him to speak meaningfully of his culture and to address revealingly the aesthetic and social challenges of his era. For our generation of poets entangled in a spate of predicaments as our predecessors, I belong to the camp that still looks to poetry to shoulder the load of spiritual and cultural enlightenment. This is indeed a brave new world that easily eludes the grasp of the weak and timid minds eschewing any responsibility, bewilderingly complex and evolving, familiar and bizzare, elusive and friendly, realities that provoke sighs, inspire visionary scenarios, and fortify our belief system in poetry’s tomorrow.


原标题:《吉狄马加:我顽固地相信,诗歌不会消亡,而总会有一些诗人,将去创造一个属于他们的时代 | 纯粹现场》





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