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2023-04-18 03:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 表示“发生”的动词(短语)

happen,take place,strike,break out,come about,erupt,occur

happen (尤指意外地)发生

take place (尤指按照计划或已经)发生,进行


The conference will take place on the 16th of July. 大会将于7月16日举行。

strike (不幸事件)突然(或意外地)发生

Everything seemed to be going fine when suddenly disaster struck. 一切看起来都很正常,代表不存在的英文,但这时灾难突然发生了。,

break out (战争、火灾、冲突等)突然爆发

Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? 如果火灾发生,大家都知道该怎么办吗?

He is history already!绝对纯正的美式英语,原声电影中经常可以听到喔。并且从你的口气来看(有点像冷血杀手,幕后头目之类的:)),该句最合适不过,我当时学到时就是这样的场景,很酷的!

come about (尤指未经计划而)发生

not in 例:Lily is not in at the moment .Lily 现在不在

How did this situation come about? 这种状况是怎么发生的?

erupt (搏斗、暴力事件、噪音等)突然发生;爆发(此时与break out最接近),另外还可以表示“火山爆发”。

Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day ceasefire. 在停火两天后,今天那里爆发了激烈的战斗。

occur (正式)(尤指意外地)发生





2. 表示“建立,设立;创办”的动词(短语)

not exist 采纳哦

Jack and his partner are setting up/ establishing their own printing business. 杰克和他的搭档要自己开办印刷公司。

establish relations/links/contact etc with sb

I wondered why he should bother to try and establish contact with me. 我不知道他为何要费心设法和我取得联系。

found 创立(公司、学校、医院等机构),尤指为其提供资金。

open 开设,开办(向公众提供服务的企业,如商店、餐馆、酒店等):He opened his first restaurant in 1995. 他于1995年开办了自己的第一家餐馆。

start 创办;建立:She wanted to start her own catering business. 她想自己创立一家餐饮公司。

i'm not existed.

3. 表示“爆炸”的动词(短语)

explode,blow up,go off,set off

blow up 爆炸,炸毁,炸得粉碎 The plane blew up in mid-air. 飞机在半空中爆炸了。| He was involved in a plot to blow up a passenger jet. 他参与了一起炸毁喷气式客机的阴谋。

non-existent [nʌn ig'zistənt]adj. 不存在的 短语 non-existent code 非法代码 non-existent marriage 不存在的婚姻 non-existent theorems 不存在定理 virtually non-existent 实际上不存在 non-existent arc。

go off 指炸弹爆炸、枪开火 Fireworks were going off all over the city. 城里到处在燃放烟花。

Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out. 当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。【注意】此处go off指警报器、闹钟发出响声。

set off 使… 爆炸 set off the bomb/fireworks

英语的 “存在” 一般用 there is/are 。句型表示,“不存在” 就是 there isn't/aren't 。如果指对应的单词,应该是 not exist (动词) 或 no existence (名词)。

explode 指炸弹爆炸:A bomb exploded in a crowded metro station this morning,killing five people. 今晨一枚炸弹在拥挤的地铁站爆炸,造成五人身亡。

4. 表示“在某种程度上”

to a certain extent/ to some extent/ to an extent

to a certain degree/ to some degree/ to a degree

They examined the extent to which age affected language-learning ability. 他们调查了年龄会在多大程度上影响语言学习能力。




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