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2023-11-14 18:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中国驻美国大使馆官网 2021-07-30 08:45

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我很荣幸出任中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使。It is a great honor to be Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States of America.

50年前,基辛格博士秘密访华,叩开了中国的大门。当时正值冷战时期,中美相互隔绝,富有远见的基辛格博士不得不以隐蔽的方式,取道他途,前往中国。50年后的今天,作为第11任中国驻美大使,我可以公开踏上正途,直抵美国。时过境迁,令人感慨。我相信,中美关系的大门已经打开,就不会关上,这是时代潮流,大势所趋,民心所向。Fifty years ago, Dr. Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to China and opened the door to the normalization of China-U.S. relations. It was during the Cold War; at that time there was virtually no contact between the two countries. Dr. Kissinger had to travel covertly to China via a third country. Fifty years later today, as the 11th Chinese Ambassador to the United States, I can travel most openly and fly directly to this country. How the world has changed with the passage of time! I believe that the door of China-U.S. relations, which is already open, cannot be closed. This is the trend of the world, the call of the times, and the will of the people.

半个世纪,中美关系历经风雨,一路走来,不仅深刻影响了两国,也深刻改变了历史、改变了世界。当前,世界正经历百年未有之大变局。中美作为不同历史文化、不同社会制度、不同发展阶段的两个大国,正在进入新一轮相互发现、认知和调适中,寻求新时代彼此相处之道。中美关系又处在一个新的紧要关口,既面临许多困难和挑战,也有巨大机遇和潜力,何去何从,关乎两国人民的福祉,关乎世界的未来。一个健康稳定发展的中美关系,是两国人民和国际社会的普遍期盼。Over the past half a century, the China-U.S. relationship has kept moving forward despite twists and turns. It has not only had a profound impact on the two countries, but has also changed the course of history and the world significantly. The world today is going through major changes unseen in a century. As two big countries different in history, culture, social system and development stage, China and the United States are entering a new round of mutual exploration, understanding and adaptation, trying to find a way to get along with each other in the new era. The China-U.S. relationship has once again come to a new critical juncture, facing not only many difficulties and challenges but also great opportunities and potentials. Where this important relationship will be headed is vital for the well-being of the Chinese and American peoples and for the future of the world. The two peoples and the international community hope for a sound, stable and growing relationship between the two countries.

人间正道是沧桑。习近平主席说,逢山开道,遇水架桥。拜登总统说,凡事皆有可能。我将按照两国元首除夕通话精神,同美国各界架起沟通、合作的桥梁,维护中美关系的基础,维护中美两国人民的共同利益,共同推动中美关系重回正确发展轨道,让相互尊重、平等相待、合作共赢、和平共处的中美相处之道由可能变成现实。The world's correct path is vicissitudes. As President Xi Jinping put it, we need to forge new paths and build new bridges whenever necessary to take us past all risks and challenges. President Joe Biden said that anything is possible. I will follow through on the spirit of the phone call between the two Presidents on the eve of the Chinese New Year, and seek to build bridges of communication and cooperation with all sectors of the United States. I look forward to working closely with them to safeguard the foundation of China-U.S. relations, uphold the shared interests of the two peoples, and endeavor to bring China-U.S. relations back on track, turning the way for the two countries to get along with each other - mutual respect, equality, win-win cooperation and peaceful coexistence - from a possibility into a reality.

当前,美国正在拜登总统领导下奋力抗击新冠肺炎疫情,振兴经济发展。我祝愿美国早日战胜疫情,祝愿美国人民幸福安康。As the United States is fighting hard COVID-19 and reviving the economy under the leadership of President Biden, I wish the country an early victory against the pandemic, and I wish the American people all the best.





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