中级英语写作(湖北工程学院)1457952163 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版 – 扫地僧

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中级英语写作(湖北工程学院)1457952163 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版 – 扫地僧

2024-07-14 17:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


10Literarystyle文学风格 第10单元测试

1、判断题:‌ It is beneficial for writers to show as much as possible, rather than tell.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

2、判断题:‏ It is unnecessary for writers to care about using specific details.‏

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

3、判断题:‏Writers should describe everything in the largest amount of detail possible.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

4、判断题:‎Using the right verb can make a piece of writing much more powerful.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

5、判断题:​When searching for the right details, it can often be useful to focus on things the characters being written about would notice.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

6、判断题:​Before showing a character in action, writers should always begin with a long description of their backstory.‏

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

7、判断题:‏ In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

8、判断题:‍ Sentences in active voice will often include more words than sentences in passive voice.‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

9、判断题:‌A writer’s choice of verb does not have a significant effect on the feeling of a sentence.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

10、判断题:​Carefully choice of verbs allows a writer to show actions more specifically.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

11Designrichernarratives设计丰富的叙述 第11单元测试

1、判断题: Important characters in your story should have distinct, interesting personalities.​‎​‎​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

2、判断题:Plot is the only important part of storytelling.‎‍‎‍‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

3、判断题:Good characterization helps readers become emotionally connected to characters in the story.‍‏‍‏‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

4、判断题:Writers shoulder be careful to give only good characteristics to their protagonists.‌​‌​‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

5、判断题: It is impossible for the villain of a story to have a well-defined personality and understandable human motivations.‌‎‌‎‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

6、判断题:Conflict happens when two people want different things.‍‎‍‎‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

7、判断题:Overt aggression isn’t the only way of showing conflict.‍‎‍‎‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

8、判断题:Real life is useful for understanding the complexity of actual conflict between people.‌​‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

9、判断题:Authors should always portray characters they dislike negatively.‎‎‎‎‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

10、判断题:Having constant changes in the status of the conflict will make the story more interesting.‏​‏

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

12Afteryourstoryisdone故事完结后 第12单元测试

1、判断题:‍Good writers are good editors.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

2、判断题:‎Many student writers don’t know the importance of editing.‏

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

3、判断题:​The first draft of a story is often the best.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

4、判断题:‎Editing can help writers to more concisely show important details in a story.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

5、判断题:​It is wise to give your partner thoughts on your story before they’ve read it.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

6、判断题:‎Very few writers produce perfect work in the first draft.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

7、判断题:‎It is impossible for an editor to entirely control reader’s interpretations of their story.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

8、判断题:‌Readers never focus on elements of a story the author didn’t notice or think was important.‌

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

9、判断题:‏Reading extensively can help authors develop their skills and understanding of storytelling.​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

10、判断题:​Reading is a useful tool to gain a more complicated understanding of the world.‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

13Presentanidea提出论点 第13单元测试

1、判断题:​Facts are statements that hold constant and verifiable truth at a certain time point.  ‍​‍

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

2、判断题:‏Opinions are statements that reflect our ideas or attitudes about the subject being talked about.‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

3、判断题:​Arguments are statements of reasoning leading up to a conclusion.‎​‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

4、判断题:‏“Bananas are good for your health.” This is an argument.‎‏‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

5、判断题:​“Today is Friday.” This is an opinion. ‏​‏​‏

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

6、判断题:‎For an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. ​‎​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

7、判断题:‍For a deductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is more or less likely to be true.​‍​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

8、判断题:‍A deductive argument features certainty, and an inductive argument features probability.​‍​

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

9、判断题:‎“Xiao Ming is Chinese, and most Chinese eat fish. Therefore, Xiao Ming eats fish.” This is a deductive argument. ‎‎‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  错误

10、判断题:‏“Jack and Mary always hang out on Sundays. Today is Sunday. Jack and Mary are hanging out.”  This is a deductive argument.‎‏‎‏‎

A: 正确B: 错误答案:  正确

17Useevidence使用证据 第17单元测试

1、单选题:Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌The scene was entirely out of control. I was standing only ten feet away from the President, who was walking through the crowds on the sidewalk of Jefferson Ave., when the incident occurred. Before I knew what was happening, a tall man, wearing a ski mask and a dark leather jacket, ran up beside the President, took out what seemed to be an Uzi, and fired three rounds into his skull. Immediately all hell broke loose; people were scurrying everywhere, looking for shelter.‌

A: StatisticsB: AnalogyC: EyewitnessD: Textual evidence答案:  Eyewitness

2、单选题:‌‍Please identify what type of evidence is used:‍Not only are non-English-speaking students in English-only schools unable to understand the information they are supposed to be learning, but also they are subject to frequent embarrassment and teasing from their classmates. Without the use of Spanish, unable to communicate with the teacher or students, for six weeks we guessed at everything we did. When we lined up to go anywhere, neither my sister nor I knew what to expect. Once, the teacher took the class on a bathroom break, and I mistakenly thought we were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch. Before we left, I grabbed our lunch money, and one of the girls in line began sneering and pointing. Somehow she figured out my mistake before I did. When I realized why she was laughing, I became embarrassed and threw the money into my sister’s desk as we walked out the classroom.‍

A: Textual evidenceB: An anecdoteC: StatisticsD: Analogy答案:  An anecdote

3、单选题:Please identify what type of evidence is used:‎Harold McConnel, who has been working with and designing railroad tracks for the past three decades, after examining the scene of the accident at the train station, came to the conclusion that someone had tampered with the track and had bent it out of shape. This, in turn, led to the collision of the two passenger trains on Wednesday.‎

A: Expert testimonyB: Eyewitness testimonyC: An anecdoteD: Statistics答案:  Expert testimony

4、单选题:‎‌Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌Every Tuesday and Friday evening sees Miss Li, my neighbor and a secretary of a company, rush home after a busy day’s work, gulp down her meal, and then hurry out to catch the bus for her English class. Miss Li’s case is not unique, and now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college. ‌

A: Eyewitness testimonyB: Expert testimonyC: An exampleD: Analogy答案:  An example

5、单选题:‍‌Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌According to the school’s policy, students with disability are exempted from the PE tests. Therefore, the attempt to make physical performance a prerequisite for academic diplomas is unfair t







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中级英语写作(湖北工程学院)1457952163 中国大学MOOC答案100分完整版第8张

10Literarystyle文学风格第10单元测试1、    :‌ It is beneficial for writers to show as much as possible, rather than tell.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确2、    :‏ It is unnecessary for writers to care about using specific details.‏A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误3、    :‏Writers should describe everything in the largest amount of detail possible.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误4、    :‎Using the right verb can make a piece of writing much more powerful.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确5、    :​When searching for the right details, it can often be useful to focus on things the characters being written about would notice.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确6、    :​Before showing a character in action, writers should always begin with a long description of their backstory.‏A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误7、    :‏ In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确8、    :‍ Sentences in active voice will often include more words than sentences in passive voice.‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误9、    :‌A writer’s choice of verb does not have a significant effect on the feeling of a sentence.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误10、    :​Carefully choice of verbs allows a writer to show actions more specifically.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确11Designrichernarratives设计丰富的叙述第11单元测试1、    : Important characters in your story should have distinct, interesting personalities.​‎​‎​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确2、    :Plot is the only important part of storytelling.‎‍‎‍‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误3、    :Good characterization helps readers become emotionally connected to characters in the story.‍‏‍‏‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确4、    :Writers shoulder be careful to give only good characteristics to their protagonists.‌​‌​‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误5、    : It is impossible for the villain of a story to have a well-defined personality and understandable human motivations.‌‎‌‎‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误6、    :Conflict happens when two people want different things.‍‎‍‎‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确7、    :Overt aggression isn’t the only way of showing conflict.‍‎‍‎‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确8、    :Real life is useful for understanding the complexity of actual conflict between people.‌​‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确9、    :Authors should always portray characters they dislike negatively.‎‎‎‎‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误10、    :Having constant changes in the status of the conflict will make the story more interesting.‏​‏A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确12Afteryourstoryisdone故事完结后第12单元测试1、    :‍Good writers are good editors.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确2、    :‎Many student writers don’t know the importance of editing.‏A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确3、    :​The first draft of a story is often the best.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误4、    :‎Editing can help writers to more concisely show important details in a story.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确5、    :​It is wise to give your partner thoughts on your story before they’ve read it.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误6、    :‎Very few writers produce perfect work in the first draft.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确7、    :‎It is impossible for an editor to entirely control reader’s interpretations of their story.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确8、    :‌Readers never focus on elements of a story the author didn’t notice or think was important.‌A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误9、    :‏Reading extensively can help authors develop their skills and understanding of storytelling.​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确10、    :​Reading is a useful tool to gain a more complicated understanding of the world.‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确13Presentanidea提出论点第13单元测试1、    :​Facts are statements that hold constant and verifiable truth at a certain time point. ‍​‍A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确2、    :‏Opinions are statements that reflect our ideas or attitudes about the subject being talked about.‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确3、    :​Arguments are statements of reasoning leading up to a conclusion.‎​‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确4、    :‏“Bananas are good for your health.” This is an argument.‎‏‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误5、    :​“Today is Friday.” This is an opinion. ‏​‏​‏A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误6、    :‎For an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. ​‎​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误7、    :‍For a deductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is more or less likely to be true.​‍​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误8、    :‍A deductive argument features certainty, and an inductive argument features probability.​‍​A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确9、    :‎“Xiao Ming is Chinese, and most Chinese eat fish. Therefore, Xiao Ming eats fish.” This is a deductive argument. ‎‎‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 错误10、    :‏“Jack and Mary always hang out on Sundays. Today is Sunday. Jack and Mary are hanging out.” This is a deductive argument.‎‏‎‏‎A: 正确B: 错误答案: 正确17Useevidence使用证据第17单元测试1、    :Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌The scene was entirely out of control. I was standing only ten feet away from the President, who was walking through the crowds on the sidewalk of Jefferson Ave., when the incident occurred. Before I knew what was happening, a tall man, wearing a ski mask and a dark leather jacket, ran up beside the President, took out what seemed to be an Uzi, and fired three rounds into his skull. Immediately all hell broke loose; people were scurrying everywhere, looking for shelter.‌A: StatisticsB: AnalogyC: EyewitnessD: Textual evidence答案: Eyewitness2、    :‌‍Please identify what type of evidence is used:‍Not only are non-English-speaking students in English-only schools unable to understand the information they are supposed to be learning, but also they are subject to frequent embarrassment and teasing from their classmates. Without the use of Spanish, unable to communicate with the teacher or students, for six weeks we guessed at everything we did. When we lined up to go anywhere, neither my sister nor I knew what to expect. Once, the teacher took the class on a bathroom break, and I mistakenly thought we were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch. Before we left, I grabbed our lunch money, and one of the girls in line began sneering and pointing. Somehow she figured out my mistake before I did. When I realized why she was laughing, I became embarrassed and threw the money into my sister’s desk as we walked out the classroom.‍A: Textual evidenceB: An anecdoteC: StatisticsD: Analogy答案: An anecdote3、    :Please identify what type of evidence is used:‎Harold McConnel, who has been working with and designing railroad tracks for the past three decades, after examining the scene of the accident at the train station, came to the conclusion that someone had tampered with the track and had bent it out of shape. This, in turn, led to the collision of the two passenger trains on Wednesday.‎A: Expert testimonyB: Eyewitness testimonyC: An anecdoteD: Statistics答案: Expert testimony4、    :‎‌Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌Every Tuesday and Friday evening sees Miss Li, my neighbor and a secretary of a company, rush home after a busy day’s work, gulp down her meal, and then hurry out to catch the bus for her English class. Miss Li’s case is not unique, and now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college. ‌A: Eyewitness testimonyB: Expert testimonyC: An exampleD: Analogy答案: An example5、    :‍‌Please identify what type of evidence is used:‌According to the school’s policy, students with disability are exempted from the PE tests. Therefore, the attempt to make physical performance a prerequisite for academic diplomas is unfair t   





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