中英双语话中国旅游 第39期:黄山自然概况(上)

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中英双语话中国旅游 第39期:黄山自然概况(上)

2024-07-12 13:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mt. Huangshan


Natural Features


Located in southern Anhui Province,Mount Huangshan,or Yellow Mountain covers an area of 250 square kilo- meters,of which 154 square kilometers are key scenic attractions. The mountain has 72 strangely shaped peaks,of which Celestial Capital Peak,Lotus Peak .and Brightness Apex are all over 1800m above sea level with the impact of abrupt shooting majesty,grandeur,and delicate grace.

位于安徽省南部的黄山;片地山积约250平方公里,其中精华风景区域约 154平方公里。这里有奇峰72座,其中天都峰、莲花峰和光明顶都在海拔1800米以上,拔地极天,气势磅礴,雄姿灵秀。


The pines on the mountain are tall and have fascinating shapes. The famous Welcoming Guests(Yingke)Pine(1 500 years old)and See-Guest-Off Pine have become a symbol of being faithful,unyielding and hospitable. More than 200 days each year on Mt Huangshan are,misty and cloudy. The vapors coagulate to form a sea of clouds. As the clouds cloak the mountain,they give a feeling of being in fairyland.

黄山土的松树高耸挺拔,形状特异人听周知的迎客松(l1500年)和送客松已经成为守信、坚强和热情的象征。山上每年有200天都是笼罩在密云浓雾下,烟雾水汽的凝结形成了茫茫雾海。由于整座山峰都笼罩在云海之中,使到此游玩的人们感觉像进人人间了仙境一样。 Mt Huangshan holds the charms of all other famous mountains in China,and claims to be "the most spectacular mountain in the world".It is as magnificent as Mt Taishan,precipitous as Mt Huashan,graceful as Mt Emei,and has the misty cloud of Mt Hengshan , the delicate rocks of Mt Yandang,and the pouring waterfalls of Mt Lushan. Xu Xia ke traveler and geologist of Ming Dynasty,visited Mt Huangshan twice and praised that“Once on top,one finds no other match一This is the acme!”and soon after,there is the saying“No mountain is worth seeing after a trip to the Five Sacred Mountains,but none of the Five is worth seeing after a trip to Huangshan". 黄山博采中国名山之长,号称“天下第一奇山“。泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之飞瀑,雁荡之巧石,峨眉之秀丽,黄山不无兼而有之。明代旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:‘登黄山天下无山,观止矣!”从此,黄山又有了五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。


Mt Huangshan has more than -t00 famous scenic attractions , of which 140 have been developed and opened to tourists. Mt Huangshan is an integrated scenic zone with all the rare beauties of peaks,rocks,pines,clouds,and springs,particularly reputed for its four wonders of strange pines,grotesque rocks,cloud seas,and hot springs. There are not only 2lakes,3 waterfalls,16 springs,and 24 streams that add a charm to each other,but also the ancient traces of Quaternary glaciers found by China's distinguished geologist Li Si-guang. The mountain is abundant with native plants and animal resources,and the wealth of water potentials provide the mountain with an additional amazing beauty.

黄山有400多处名胜景点,其中140余处已经开发并向游人开放。黄山是一座综合峰、石、松、石、泉等各种罕见景观的风景区,并以奇松、怪石、石海、温泉四绝著称于世。其二湖、三瀑、十六泉、二十四溪相映成趣。山上还有著名的地质学家李四光发现的第四纪冰川遗址黄山的原生植物种质资源和野生动物资源丰富。其丰富的的水资源更增添了黄山的神奇魅力。 Apart from the miraculous views of the natural landscape,the sites of human culture in Mt Huangshan are even more quantitative and brilliant.The broad-minded mountain has accepted and melted together in itself the cultural ideologies and events of all times and classes,and formed the distinctive culture of its own. It is the cradle of the influential school of landscape painting,and it preserves over 200 sites of delicate cliff inscriptions of the past times. 除了以奇绝的自然山水大观著称之外,黄山的人文景观更是}la若J;l河。黄山以博大的情怀,将各历史时期、各社会阶层的各种义化意识和行为融为一体,在其自然景物与环境之间,形成了特定的黄山文化。黄山是中国著名山水画派的发祥地,还有精美的历代摩崖石刻200余处。 In December of 1990,UNESCO included Mt Huangshan on their World Heritage List as a groperty of the world, for both its natural and cultural values. In February 2004,Mt Huangshan National Geopark was approved by UNESCO as a site of the World Geological Parks on its list of World Network of Geoparks. 1990年12月,黄山被联合国教科文组织作为文化和自然遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。2004年2月,安徽黄山地质公园被联合国教科文组织世界地质公园专家评审会列入世界地质公园名录。




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