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2024-07-11 04:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Generally in noodle soup, it is a kind of ravioli, they are stuffed with pork, vegetables, or marine spices.一般在面汤里,它是一种饺子,里面塞满了猪肉、蔬菜或海洋香料。

sticky rice cake年糕

Chinese New Year Sticky Rice Cake中国新年糯米糕

Rice Dumplings汤圆

Rice dumplings play their most important role in Chinese Lantern Festival, which is the last day of the Chinese New Year period.


steamed sponge cake发糕

It is a traditional sweet food and many Chinese people eat it for breakfast.它是一种传统的甜食,许多中国人把它当早餐吃。

Sesame Seed Balls 麻球

a tasty type of fried food made from glutinous rice flour that is filled with red bean paste, rolled in white sesame seeds, and fried. They are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.芝麻丸子是一种美味的油炸食品,由糯米粉制成,馅料为红豆沙,卷上白芝麻,然后油炸而成。它们外脆里软。

Fried Dough Twists麻花

Two or three bars of dough paste are twisted together and fried until they are crispy.将两到三条面糊揉在一起,煎至酥脆。

Fried Flour-Coated Peanuts鱼皮花生

Shelled peanuts are coated in a syrupy mixture of brown sugar and flour, and then baked until they are light brown in color.


Peanut Brittle花生糖

This is another popular way to eat peanuts, especially during the Chinese New Year period. This sweet, crispy, and fragrant dessert is mainly made with shelled peanuts and malt sugar.这是另一种流行的吃花生的方式,特别是在中国新年期间。这道甜、脆、香的甜点主要是用花生壳和麦芽糖做成的。

Caramel Treats沙琪玛

Strips of dough paste are fried until they reach a yellowish color, then are mixed with syrup, which holds them together, and cut into cubes when cold.将条状面糊煎至淡黄色,然后与糖浆混合,使其粘在一起,冷却后切成小块。

nut Cookies核桃酥

The main ingredients are walnuts and flour. The temptingly yellowish cookies have many cracks in them, with a soft texture and walnut fragrance.


Shark Fin Soup鱼刺汤

This food has a symbol of good reputation and health, it is prepared with both the pectoral and dorsal fins of the shark, which are dried, and the skin is removed.这种食物象征着良好的声誉和健康,它是用鲨鱼的胸鳍和背鳍制成的,它们被晒干,并去皮。


This dish is a rice pyramid filled with meat or vegetables and wrapped in bamboo leaves.是一个米饭金字塔填充肉或蔬菜,并包裹在竹叶。

grilled pork jowl炭烧猪颈肉

One of several ways of consuming pork, which is marinated and then roasted until crispy.


Chop Suey炒杂烩菜

Made with green mung bean sprouts, with chunks of meat, and with vegetable onions, celery, peppers, and green bean sprouts.由绿豆芽、大块肉、蔬菜洋葱、芹菜、辣椒和绿豆芽制成。

Chow Mein炒面

It is fried rice noodles, though with vegetables, meats, and chicken.炒米粉,里面有蔬菜、肉和鸡肉。

Chinese Fried Rice炒饭

Hot Pot火锅

It includes meat, vegetables, wontons, eggs, dumplings, seafood cooked in a hot broth with different sauces.它包括肉、蔬菜、馄饨、鸡蛋、饺子、海鲜,用不同的酱汁在热汤中煮熟。

sliced beef and ox tongue in chilli sauce


It is an appetizer prepared with strips of beef, with spicy sauce, peanuts, and coriander.这是一道开胃菜,用牛肉条、辣酱、花生和香菜做成。

Spring Rolls春卷

Steamed Pork Belly with Taro


Steamed pork belly with taro is a popular dish that often shows up on dinner tables during Chinese New Year festivities in southern China.


Lion's Head Meatballs狮子头

Lion's Head Meatballs are a popular Chinese New Year dish, especially in Shanghai.狮子头肉丸是一道很受欢迎的中国新年菜,尤其是在上海。

Peking Duck 北京烤鸭

Crispy roasted duck sliced into bite-sized pieces, rolled up in a wrapper with salad and hoisin sauce.” Peking duck is seasoned, dried for 24 hours and cooked in an open-air oven called a hung oven (It’s traditionally carved and served in three courses: skin, meat, and bones in the form of broth, with sides like cucumbers, bean sauce and pancakes).


Stinky Tofu臭豆腐

Stinky tofu is fermented tofu with a strong odor. Tofu is brined in a mixture of fermented milk, vegetables, meat and aromatics before fermenting for up to several months.臭豆腐是一种有强烈气味的发酵豆腐。豆腐是在发酵牛奶、蔬菜、肉类和香料的混合物中浸泡,然后发酵长达几个月。

Chinese Hamburger肉夹馍

A pita-like bun filled with tender braised pork.


Scallion Pancakes葱油饼/ˈskæliən ˈpænkeɪk/

These savory pancakes are more like a supremely chewy flatbread with bits of scallion and sesame oil mixed throughout the dough.


Kung Pao Chicken宫保鸡丁

The spicy stir-fried chicken dish originates from the Sichuan province of southwestern China, it is fragrant, spicy and a little bit mouth-numbing, thanks to Sichuan peppercorns. 这道辛辣的爆炒鸡起源于中国西南部的四川省,真正的川菜又香又辣,还有点麻,这要归功于花椒。


a bread-like dumpling filled with everything from meat to veggies to bean paste, depending on the type and where they were made. 面包状的饺子,馅料从肉到蔬菜再到豆沙,这取决于它们的种类和产地。

They’re usually steamed—which makes the buns delightfully squishy and soft—and served with dipping sauces like soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and chile pastes.它们通常是蒸熟的,这样会使包子变得又软又湿,并与酱油、醋、芝麻油和辣椒酱等蘸料一起食用。

Mapo Tofu麻婆豆腐

Char Siu叉烧

It is cooked on a skewer in an oven or over a fire. Whether it’s pork loin, belly or butt, the seasoning almost always contains honey, five-spice powder, hoisin sauce, soy sauce and red fermented bean curd.


Soup Dumplings灌汤包

The filling is made with a pork stock that’s so packed with collagen, it solidifies as it cools. 馅料是用富含胶原蛋白的猪肉高汤做的,冷却后会凝固。

Then it gets folded into a delicate wrapper that’s pleated into a neat little packet and steamed, melting the broth. To eat, simply bite the top off and slurp out the broth before popping the rest in your mouth.然后把它包成一个精致的包,蒸熟,使肉汤融化。吃的时候,只需要咬掉顶部,把肉汤吸出来把剩下的塞进嘴里。

Hainanese Chicken Rice海南鸡饭

The chicken is gently poached in broth, along with rice and aromatics like ginger, scallion and garlic, then served with cucumbers and chile sauce or oil. 鸡肉与米饭、姜、葱和大蒜等香料一起在肉汤中轻轻水煮,然后与黄瓜和辣酱或油一起上桌。

Seasoned Steamed Eggplant蒸茄子

The preparation involves tossing the cooked vegetable in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil. Since eggplant is slightly spongy by nature, it will soak up all the flavorful sauce.将煮熟的蔬菜放入酱油、醋、糖和香油的混合物中搅拌。由于茄子绵软会吸收所有的调味汁。

Fish with Sichuan Pickles水煮鱼片

The fish that goes with Sichuan pickles is mainly grass carp. .配四川泡菜的鱼主要是草鱼。

The dish is both spicy and sour. Fish is rich in high-quality protein and provides rich protein, minerals, and other nutrients. The lactic acid in the pickles can promote the absorption of iron and increase one’s appetite这道菜又酸又辣。鱼富含优质蛋白质,提供丰富蛋白质、矿物质和其他营养物质。泡菜中的乳酸能促进铁的吸收,增进食欲。

Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce京酱肉丝

Pickled pepper, once fried, makes the dish as fresh as fish. In the past, small fish were added to the pickling pepper, so the pepper really did smell of fish.


Red Braised Pork红烧肉

It’s believed that the key part to making a perfect red braised pork is to select the right slices,


When cooked, it is fatty but not greasy. 煮熟后,油多但不腻。

The pork is cut into 50-gram cubes and deep-fried before it’s then boiled with yellow liquor, soy sauce, and rock sugar for an hour, when abalone sauce is added.


It’s soft and sweet with a strong truffle flavor.


Steamed Fish 蒸鱼

Steamed fish head with diced hot red peppers, a traditional and classic dish of Xiang cuisine, is quite popular for its fresh and spicy flavors. The white tender fish head meat is covered with red diced chili peppers. It is not only appealing to the eye but is also mouthwatering.


The hot flavors of the diced chili penetrates the fish head once steamed. It is a savory dish that helps reduce cholesterol and increase brain power.


Sweet and Sour Ribs糖酥排骨

Generally, baby back rib or spare rib is considered the most suitable. First, the blood is removed, then the water is drained and the ribs are marinated. Later, they are wrapped in flour and deep fried until the surface becomes golden and crisp. Once done, the ribs are stir fried with rock sugar and rice vinegar to make them sweet and sour.


Twice-cooked Pork Slices回锅肉

The main ingredients are pork buttock, green pepper, and garlic. It has a unique taste, a beautiful bright red color, and is fatty but not greasy. 主要原料是猪臀肉、青椒和大蒜。它口感独特,色泽鲜红,肥美而不油腻。

Twice-cooked pork is or hui guo rout in Chinese, meaning “going back to the pot again”. The meat is boiled until partly cooked and then stir-fried, so it is cooked twice, hence the name.


Fried Eggs with Tomatoes西红柿炒蛋

Fried eggs with tomatoes is a dish made with tomatoes and eggs. It is sweet and sour, and is especially suitable for old people and children. The ingredients are easy and it is very easy to cook.


Hot Spicy Dip辣味蘸酱

Xinjiang “Big Plate Chicken”大盘鸡

Xinjiang big plate chicken is a halal dish made with chicken, tomato, green chili, and noodles served on a large plate, thus its name.新疆大盘鸡是一种清真菜肴,用鸡肉、番茄、青椒和面条盛在一个大盘子里,因此得名。

The chicken is usually fried first and then stewed, then the delicious chicken, with its burnt skin, is mixed up with the bright colors of green pepper and red pepper.


The potato starch in the soup absorbs the oil, making it not so greasy.


Scalded Shrimp白灼虾

Scalded shrimp is a famous traditional dish. The shrimp is blanched in clean boiling water. 烫虾是一道著名的传统菜肴。虾在干净的沸水中焯水。

Braised Pork with Vermicelli/ˌvɜːmɪˈtʃeli/


Braised pork with vermicelli is from Sichuan and northeastern Chinese cuisine. It is mainly made of pork, vermicelli, pickled or fresh cabbage.


Steamed Rice Powder and Pork粉蒸肉

In the Jiangnan area, eating steamed rice powder and pork is an important annual custom at the beginning of summer. And it’s also a must-eat traditional dish for Chinese New Year. 江南地区吃蒸米粉和猪肉是每年初夏的重要习俗,也是中国新年必吃的传统美食。

The fried rice powder and the seasoned pork are mixed and then steamed. It tastes fresh, soft, and not greasy. Different regions choose different side dishes, such as sweet potato, pumpkin, lotus root, taro, green bean, etc.


Chinese Sausage腊肠

Sausage is made from pork which is chopped or ground into small pieces, seasoned with salt, sugar, wine, soy sauce, Sichuan pepper, and other ingredients.


The pork is filled in chitterlings, dried in the air or smoke cured. The finished sausage, kept in the refrigerator, usually lasts for about three months.


Lotus Root and Rib Soup排骨藕汤

Vermicelli with duck blood鸭血粉丝汤

The city’s obsession with the bird is evident in its wide array of duck offerings, including salted duck, pancakes made with duck grease and duck dumplings.


Made with duck-bone broth, duck blood curds and bits of duck offal, such as liver and gizzards, this street food dish fully utilizes every part of the bird to deliver incredibly intense flavors.


Dan dan noodles担担面

Dan dan noodles are named after the way they were originally sold more than 100 years ago – on a dan dan, a carrying pole, by street hawkers.


Some think dan dan noodles should contain a dry mix of noodles, made with minced meat, chopped scallions, spices, crushed peanuts and various sauces.


Roasted goose烤鹅

Upon hitting your mouth, the goose magically falls apart, offering an explosion of combined flavors from the crispy skin, melted fat and tender meat.


Some restaurants will use special types of wood, such as camphor wood or lychee wood, to give the bird a special smoky taste.


Chaozhou cold fish/crab


Seaside Chaozhou is known for no-frills seafood dishes that serve one purpose – to maximize the fresh ingredients’ original umami flavors.


Among the best dishes showcasing this style is Chaozhou-style cold fish or cold crab.


Cross-the-bridge rice noodles过桥米线

Legend has it that cross-the-bridge rice noodles were invented many years ago by a loving wife. Her husband studied on an island, so the wife would travel across a bridge to deliver him his daily lunches.相传过桥米线是许多年前一位慈爱的妻子发明的。她的丈夫在一个岛上学习,所以她每天都会穿过一座桥给他送午餐。

As the food would be cold after the journey, the disheartened wife decided to bring a pot of scalding hot chicken broth, along with the rice noodles and raw ingredients.


The chicken oil on the surface of the soup would keep the liquid warm. When the husband was ready to eat, she’d cook all the ingredients by pouring them into the hot soup.


Almond milk杏仁奶

Ants Climbing a Tree蚂蚁爬树

Baby bok choy小白菜


Beef brisket牛腩

Beggar’s Chicken叫化子鸡

Bitter melon苦瓜

Bubble tea奶茶

Buddha’s Delight罗汉斋

Century egg, or thousand-year egg皮蛋

Char kway teow牛肉炒河粉

Chicken feet鸡爪

Chow mein炒面


Claypot rice煲仔饭


Conpoy (dried scallops/'skɔləps/)干贝

Crab rangoon炸蟹角


Dragon’s Beard candy龙须糖

Dried cuttlefish干墨鱼

Drunken chicken盐水醉鸡

Dry-fried green beans干炒四季豆

Egg drop soup蛋花汤

Egg rolls蛋卷

Egg tart蛋挞

Fresh bamboo shoots鲜竹笋

Fried milk大良炒鲜奶

General Tso’s Chicken左宗棠鸡


Grass jelly烧仙草

Hainan chicken rice海南鸡饭

Hand-pulled noodles拉面

Har gau虾饺

Haw flakes山楂饼

Hot and sour soup酸辣汤

Hot Coca-Cola with Ginger热姜汁可口可乐

Iron Goddess tea清香铁观音

Light Oolong tea清香乌龙茶

Lamb skewers羊肉串

longan aril 龙眼肉


Macaroni in soup with Spam



Mantou, especially if fried and dipped in sweetened condensed milk


Mooncake 月饼

Pan-fried dumpling煎饺


Hong Kong-style Milk Tea港式奶茶

Pineapple bun菠萝包

Prawn crackers虾片

Pu’er tea普洱茶


Red bean in dessert form红豆甜品

Red bayberry杨梅

Roast pigeon烧乳鸽

Shaved ice dessert刨冰甜点

Sesame chicken芝麻鸡

Silken tofu嫩豆腐

Soy milk豆奶

Steamed egg custard鸡蛋羹

Stinky tofu臭豆腐

Sugar cane juice甘蔗汁


Tea eggs茶叶蛋

Tea-smoked duck樟茶烤鸭

Turnip cake萝卜糕

Water chestnut荸荠

Wood ear木耳









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