
您所在的位置:网站首页 中国监理协会证书查询 Epson机器人远程控制指令测试


#Epson机器人远程控制指令测试| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265










$Execute,"Go XY( 100.000,  450.000,  260.000,  090.000,  000.000,  180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0" 16:03:48 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY( 100.000+  010.020,  450.000+ - 010.020,  260.000+  010.020,  090.000+  020.020,  000.000,  180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0" [1次] 16:03:49 收到数据:#Execute,0 相机处理的数据是:如果是0.001  发过 000.001  ascii码的形式:一个符合3位整数加一个小数点加三位小数。 100=( 100.000)        -100=(-100.000)    1.010=( 001.010)    -13.321=(-013.321)

10:37:16 发送数据:$Login,123


10:37:16 收到数据:#Login,0

10:45:06 发送数据:$SetCurRobot,0


10:45:06 收到数据:#SetCurRobot,0

10:52:00 发送数据:$Execute,"Reset"


10:52:00 收到数据:#Execute,0

10:52:51 发送数据:$SetMotorsOn,0


10:52:51 收到数据:#SetMotorsOn,0

10:53:29 发送数据:$GetStatus


10:53:29 收到数据:#GetStatus,00100000001,0000

10:56:14 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(0, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)"


10:56:14 收到数据:#Execute,0

11:01:32 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(0, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)"


11:01:32 收到数据:#Execute,0

11:02:39 发送数据:$Execute,"move  XY(0, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)"


11:02:39 收到数据:#Execute,0

11:03:58 发送数据:$Execute,"move  XY(0, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)"


11:03:58 收到数据:#Execute,0

11:05:01 发送数据:$Execute,"Jump3 Here -TLZ(50), Pallet(1, 1) -TLZ(50), Pallet(1, 2)"


11:05:08 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:37:56 发送数据:$Login,123,$r$n[1次]

13:37:56 收到数据:#Login,0

18:37:13 发送数据:$Execute,"move Here + x(50)"


24 45 78 65 63 75 74 65 2C 22 6D 6F 76 65 20 48 65 72 65 20 2B 20 78 28 35 30 29 22 0D 0A 

18:37:15 收到数据:#Execute,0

8:10:16 发送数据:$Execute,"move  XY(cx(P0)+5, cy(p0), cz(p0), cu(p0), 0, 180)"


8:10:18 收到数据:#Execute,0

8:02:48 发送数据:$Execute,"move  XY(cx(P0), 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)"


8:02:52 收到数据:#Execute,0

8:17:31 发送数据:$Execute,"print RealPos"


8:17:31 收到数据:#Execute," X:  200.001 Y:  450.000 Z:  260.000 U:   90.000 V:    0.000 W:  179.999 /R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0 /0


8:59:20 发送数据:$Execute,"Tool 0"


8:59:20 收到数据:#Execute,0

8:54:31 发送数据:$Execute,"print Pls(1)"


8:54:31 收到数据:#Execute," 5729


8:55:31 发送数据:$Execute,"print Pls(2)"


8:55:31 收到数据:#Execute," -40789


10:22:04 发送数据:$Execute,"P25=XY(0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)/R/A"


10:22:04 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:17:54 发送数据:$Execute,"PLabel 25, "pick""


14:17:54 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:32:13 发送数据:$Execute,"P25=XY( -41.937,356.920,345.823, -42.691,14.518, -166.718)/R/A"


14:32:13 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:33:11 发送数据:$Execute,"PLabel 25, "pick""


14:33:11 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:32:13 发送数据:$Execute,"P25=XY( -41.937,356.920,345.823, -42.691,14.518, -166.718)/R/A"


14:32:13 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:33:11 发送数据:$Execute,"PLabel 25, "pick""


14:33:11 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:50:54 发送数据:$Execute," plist 10"


13:50:54 收到数据:#Execute,"P10  = XY(   246.488,  259.917,  -20.311,   -0.440 )  /R /0   RotaryWait


13:53:52 发送数据:$Execute," plist 10 ,20"


13:53:52 收到数据:#Execute,"P10  = XY(   246.488,  259.917,  -20.311,   -0.440 )  /R /0   RotaryWait

P11  = XY(   253.359,  276.309,  -88.435,   -1.387 )  /R /0   RotaryGet

P12  = XY(  -275.063,   80.182,  -21.663,    3.388 )  /R /0   ConveyerWait

P13  = XY(  -275.063,   80.182,  -51.558,    3.388 )  /R /0   ConveyerGet

P14  = XY(  -277.911,   80.182,  -87.741,    3.388 )  /R /0   ConveyerGet2

P15  = XY(   -80.679,  303.231,   -7.821, -176.860 )  /R /0   WastePutWait

P16  = XY(   -80.679,  303.231,  -29.471, -176.860 )  /R /0   WastePut

P17  = XY(   200.531,  279.717,  -24.501,  -19.951 )  /R /0   GrapImage

P20  = XY(   242.832,  268.062,  -87.521,   -1.939 )  /R /0   xia


9:30:46 发送数据:$Execute,"on 10  "


19:30:46 收到数据:#Execute,0

19:31:16 发送数据:$Execute,"off 10"


19:31:16 收到数据:#Execute,0

19:43:47 发送数据:$Execute,"print sw(9)"


19:43:47 收到数据:#Execute," 1


19:45:32 发送数据:$Execute,"print sw(9)"


19:45:32 收到数据:#Execute," 0

13:23:41 发送数据:$Execute,"Jump3 Here -TLZ(50), P0 -TLZ(50), P0"


13:23:48 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:57:48 发送数据:$Execute,"Go Here -TLZ(50)"


13:57:49 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:02:14 发送数据:$Execute,"pass p2"


14:02:16 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:25:40 发送数据:$Execute,"pass p0;go p4"


14:25:45 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:29:30 发送数据:$Execute,"pass p4;go p0"


14:29:34 收到数据:#Execute,0

14:31:32 发送数据:$Execute,"Jump3 Here -TLZ(5), P0 -TLZ(50), P0"


14:31:37 收到数据:#Execute,0

15:04:00 发送数据:$Execute,"pass p4; ON 10"


15:04:02 收到数据:#Execute,0

15:05:03 发送数据:$Execute,"pass p4; OFF 10"


15:05:03 收到数据:#Execute,0

9:54:14 发送数据:$Execute,"Hand P0, Lefty"


9:54:14 收到数据:#Execute,0

9:54:57 发送数据:$Execute,"Plist 0"


9:54:57 收到数据:#Execute,"P0   = XY(  ****.***, ****.***, ****.***, ****.***, ****.***, ****.*** )  /L /AB* /NF* /J6F* /J4F* /0   


9:55:50 发送数据:$Execute,"Plist 1"


9:55:50 收到数据:#Execute,"P1   = XY(   291.057,  308.640,  -10.000,  -80.000,    0.000,    0.000 )  /L /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0 /0   GetWait


9:56:48 发送数据:$Execute,"Hand P1, Righty"


9:56:48 收到数据:#Execute,0

9:57:07 发送数据:$Execute,"Plist 1"


9:57:07 收到数据:#Execute,"P1   = XY(   291.057,  308.640,  -10.000,  -80.000,    0.000,    0.000 )  /R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0 /0   GetWait


9:51:41 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(100, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


9:51:42 收到数据:#Execute,0

9:47:33 发送数据:$Execute,"print here"


9:47:33 收到数据:#Execute," X:  100.000 Y:  450.000 Z:  260.000 U:   90.000 V:    0.000 W:  180.000 /R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0 /0

9:47:33 发送数据:go align(here,0)


10:37:16 发送数据:$Login,123


10:37:16 收到数据:#Login,0

9:49:36 发送数据:$Logout


9:49:37 收到数据:#Logout,0

10:45:06 发送数据:$SetCurRobot,0


10:45:06 收到数据:#SetCurRobot,0

10:52:51 发送数据:$SetMotorsOn,0


10:52:51 收到数据:#SetMotorsOn,0

10:52:51 发送数据:$SetMotorsOFF,0


10:52:51 收到数据:#SetMotorsOFF,0

10:52:00 发送数据:$Execute,"Reset"


10:52:00 收到数据:#Execute,0

18:37:13 发送数据:$Execute,"move Here + x(50)"


18:37:15 收到数据:#Execute,0

8:17:31 发送数据:$Execute,"print RealPos"


8:17:31 收到数据:#Execute," X:  200.001 Y:  450.000 Z:  260.000 U:   90.000 V:    0.000 W:  179.999 /R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0 /0


9:51:41 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(0100.000, 0450.000, 0260.000, 0090.000, 0000.000, 0180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


9:51:42 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:16:12 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(0100.000, 0450.000, 0260.000, 0090.000, 0000.000, 0180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


13:16:14 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:16:12 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY(-100.000, +450.000, 0260.000, 0090.000, 0000.000, 0180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


13:16:14 收到数据:#Execute,0

13:18:32 发送数据:$Execute,"Go XY( 100.000,  450.000,  260.000,  090.000,  000.000,  180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


13:18:33 收到数据:#Execute,0

9:51:41 发送数据:$Execute,"PASS(100, 450, 260, 90, 0, 180)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"


9:51:42 收到数据:#Execute,0


错误代码 内容

10 远程命令未以$开头

11 远程命令错误


12 远程命令格式错误

13 Login命令密码错误

14 要获取的指定数量超出范围




15 参数不存在



19 请求超时

20 控制器未准备好

21 因为正在运行Execute,所以无法执行

99 系统错误


$Execute,"Go XY( 100.000,  450.000,  260.000,  090.000,  000.000,  180.000)/R /A /NF /J6F0 /J4F0"



Remote Ethernet Command


Format: $ remote command {, parameter....} terminator


Remote CommandParameterContentsInput Acceptance ConditionLoginPasswordStart the Controller Remote Ethernet function Authentication by password Execute Login correctly, commands execution is enabled until LogoutAvailable any time(*10)LogoutExit Controller Remote Ethernet function After Logout, execute the Login command to start remote Ethernet function. Logout during task execution causes an error.Available any time(*10)StartFunction No.Execute the function of specified number (*2)Auto ONReady ON Error OFF EStop OFFSafeguard ON StopStop all tasks and commandsAuto ONPausePause all tasks (*3)Auto ONRunning ONContinueContinue paused tasksAuto ONPaused ONResetClear emergency stop and error (*4)Auto ONReady ONSetMotorsOnTurn ON the robot motor (*5)Auto ONReady ON EStop OFFSafeguard OFFSetMotorsOffTurn OFF the robot motorAuto ONReady ONHomeMove the arm to home position defined by userAuto ONReady ON Error OFF EStop OFFSafeguard OFFGetIOI/O bit No.Acquire the specified I/O bitAvailable any time (*10)SetIOI/O bit No. & valueSet the specified I/O bit 1: Turn ON the bit 0: Turn OFF the bitReady ONGetIOByteI/O port No.Acquire the specified I/O port (8 bit) (*8)Available any time(*10)SetIOByteI/O port No. & valueSet the I/O specified port (8 bit) (*8)Ready ONGetIOWordI/O word port No.Acquire the specified I/O word port (16 bit) (*8)Available any time(*10)SetIOWordI/O word port No. & valueSet the I/O specified word port (8 bit) (*8)Auto ONReady ONGetMemIOMemory I/O bit No.Acquire the specified memory I/O bit (*8)Available any time(*10)SetMemIOMemory I/O bit No. & valueSet the specified memory I/O bit (*8) 1: Turn ON the bit 0: Turn OFF the bitAuto ONReady ONGetMemIOByteMemory I/O port No.Acquire the specified memory I/O port (*8)Available any time(*10)SetMemIOByteMemory I/O port No. & valueSet the specified memory I/O port (8 bit) (*8)Auto ONReady ONGetMemIOWordMemory I/O word port No.Acquire the specified memory I/O word port (16 bit) (*8)Available any time(*10)SetMemIOWordMemory I/O word port No. & valueSet the specified memory I/O word port (16 bit) (*8)Auto ONReady ONGetVariable

Parameter name {, type}


[Parameter name] (Array element), [Parameter name type], [Number to acquire]

Acquire the value of backup (Global Preserve) parameter (*6)


Acquire the value of backup (Global Preserve) array parameter (*7)

Available any time (*10)SetVariableParameter name & value {, type}Set the value in the backup (Global Preserve) parameter (*6)Auto ONReady ONGetStatusAcquire the Controller stateAvailable any time (*10)ExecuteCommand stringExecute the command (*8) (*9)Auto ON Ready ON Error OFFEStop OFF Safeguard OFFAbortAbort the command execution (*8)Auto ON


(*1) The Controller state bit from GetStatus.

(*2) Execute the function specified in the Main[Function No.].

Function NameFunction No.Main0Main11Main22Main33Main44Main55Main66Main77




(*3) Pause command is not available for “NoPause task” and “NoEmgAbort task”. For the details, refer to the help or the section “Pause” in the EPSON RC+5.0 Language reference manual.

(*4) I/O output will be turned OFF and the robot parameter will be initialized. For the details, refer to the help or the section “Reset” in the EPSON RC+5.0 Language reference manual.

(*5) The robot parameter will be initialized. For the details, refer to the help or the section “Motor” in the EPSON RC+5.0 Language reference manual.

(*6) Parameter type means {Boolean | Byte | Double | Integer | Long | Real | String}. Type specified: for the backup parameters when the parameter name and type are same. Type not specified: for the backup parameters when the parameter names are same.


(7) Acquiring the value of array parameter is supported in the firmware Ver.1.10.*.* or later.

For the array element, specify an element you acquire as the following:

You need to specify an element if when acquiring from the head of the array.


You cannot omit the parameter type and number to acquire.

You cannot specify a string for the parameter type.

Available number to acquire is up to 100. If you specify a number over the number of array elements, you have an error.


e.g.) "$GetVariable,gby2(3,0),Byte,3"

Acquires values of gby2(3,0), gby2(3,1), gby2(3,2) of Byte type 2D array parameter gby2.


(*8) Following functions are supported in the firmware 1.13.*.* or later..

Acquiring and setting I/O port

Acquiring and setting I/O word port

Acquiring and setting memory I/O

Acquiring and setting memory I/O port

Acquiring and setting memory I/O word port

Execution and abortion of command

(*9) Specify the command and parameters in the double quotation marks.

Following commands are available while Execute is running.

Commands available while Execute is running

Remote Command Abort GetStatus SetIO SetIOByte SetIOWord SetMemIO SetMemIOByte SetMemIOWord

When the commands specified in (SetIO, SetIOByte, SetIOWord, SetMemIO, SetMemIOByte, SetMemIOWord) are the same and executed at the same time, the command executed later will result in error. Make sure to check the execution result by using GetStatus after the execution of Execute command and output command which the Execute command is being executed.

(*10) “Available anytime” applies only when the following conditions are met.

When “Remote Ethernet” is set as the control device, or “Remote Ethernet” is not set as the control device, but set to be used for monitoring.

Commands available for monitoring

When the Remote Ethernet control is not set as the control device but set to be used for monitoring, the following commands are only available to be executed.


Remote commandMainLoginLogoutGetIOGetIOByteGetIOWordGetMemIOGetMemIOByteGetMemIOWordGetVariableGetStatus

Remote Ethernet Response


When the Controller receives the command correctly, the response in the following format is shown in the executing command.


Command Format Remote command that acquire the value Except GetIO, GetVariable, and GetStatus#[Remote command],[0] terminatorGetIO#GetIO,[0 | 1] terminator             *1GetMemIO#GetMemIO,[0 | 1] terminator    *1GetIOByte#GetIOByte,[ Hex string (00 to FF) of Byte (8Bit)] terminator  GetMemIOByte#GetMemIOByte,[ Hex string (00 to FF) of Byte (8Bit)] terminatorGetIOWord#GetIOWord,[ Hex string (0000 to FFFF) of Word (16Bit)] terminatorGetIOMemWord#GetMemIOWord,[ Hex string (0000 to FFFF) of Word (16Bit)] terminatorGetVariable# GetVariable,[Parameter value] terminatorGetVariable (array)# GetVariable,[ Parameter value 1],[ Parameter value 2],...,terminator *4GetStatus#GetStatus,[Status],[Error, Warning code] terminator Example) #GetStatus,aaaaaaaaaa,bbbb *2 *3ExecuteIf the value is returned as a result of command execution #Execute,”[Execution result]” terminator


*1 [0 | 1] I/O bit ON: 1/ OFF: 0

*2 Status In the example above, 10 digits “aaaaaaaaaa” is for the following 10 flags. Teach/Auto/Warning/SError/Safeguard/EStop/Error/Paused/Running/Ready 1 is ON /0 is OFF If Teach and Auto are ON, it is 1100000000.

*3 Error / Warning code

It is indicated in 4 digits. If there is no error and warning, it is 0000.

e.g.)1 : #GetStatus,0100000001,0000

The bits for Auto and Ready is ON (1).

This means that AutoMode is ON and be in Ready state. Command execution is enabled.

e.g.)2 : #GetStatus,0110000010,0517

This means the warning occurs during the operation. Take appropriate action for the warning code. (In this case, warning code is 0517 )


FlagContentsTeachTurn ON in the TEACH modeAutoTurn ON in the remote input acceptance conditionWarningTurn ON in the warning condition Task can be executed as usual even a warning condition. However, take action for the warning as soon as possible.SErrorTurn ON in the serious error condition When a serious error occurs, Reboot the Controller to recover from the error condition. “Reset input” is not available.SafeguardTurn ON with safety door openEStopTurn ON in the emergency conditionErrorTurn ON in the error condition Use “Reset input” to recover from the error condition.PausedTurn ON with paused taskRunningTurn ON with task executing Turn OFF when “Paused output” is ONReadyTurn ON with the Controller completed the startup and no task executing


*4 It returns values of specified number in the Number to acquire.



Remote Ethernet Error Response


When the Controller can not receive the remote command correctly, the error response is shown in the following format.

Format: ![Remote command],[Error code] terminator


Error Code Contents 10Remote command does not begin with $11Remote command is wrong Login is not executed12Remote command format is wrong13Login command password is wrong14Specified number to acquire is out of range (Less than 1 or more than 100) Number to acquire is omitted Specified a string parameter15Parameter does not existDimension of parameter is wrong Element out of range is called19Request time out20Controller is not ready99System errorCommunication error


Communication Sequence











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