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2024-05-09 06:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


长沙是一个有着3000多年历史的美丽古城。城市的西边是秀美的岳麓山,山下有千年书院“岳麓书院 (Yuelu Academy)”等众多古迹。市区中心的古城楼天心阁 (Tianxin Pavilion),始建于明万历年间 (the Wan Li Era of the Ming Dynasty)甚至更早。千百年来水质清纯、终年不断的白沙古井也坐落在长沙城中,今天的长沙市民还常常在这里打水饮用。湘江中的橘子洲 (Orange Island)是一个长约十华里的小岛,是长沙市的重要旅游景点,当年毛主席经常在这里漫步 (ramble)思考 (meditate),《沁园春•长沙》 (Spring in Qin Garden—Changsha )即写于此。


1. 水质清纯、终年不断:译为clear and pure water has been gushing out all year round,其中gush out意为“涌出”,形象而生动地描写了白沙古井中的水。此处使用现在完成进行时态,表明千百年来一直如此。

2. 打水饮用:文中译为fetch water for drinking,打水和取水可以用fetch water这个短语。

3. 旅游景点:文中译为scenic spot,还可以翻译成tourist attractions。

4. 漫步思考:漫步此处译为ramble,这个词有“通过漫步愉悦身心”的意思;“思考”此处译为meditate,这个词通常指“默默地深入思考”。



Changsha is a beautiful ancient city with a history of over 3,000 years. In the west of the city is the beautiful Yuelu Mountain, and at the foot of the mountain, there are many historic sites such as Yuelu Academy. In the center of the city is the ancient city gate tower—Tianxin Pavilion, which was first built during the Wan Li Era of the Ming Dynasty or even earlier. Also located in the city is the Baisha Ancient Well, from which clear and pure water has been gushing out all year round for thousands of years. Inhabitants in Changsha today still come here to fetch water for drinking. Orange Island, an important scenic spot in Changsha, is a five-kilometer-long small island lying in the Xiang River. Chairman Mao Zedong often rambled and meditated on the island and Spring in Qin Garden—Changsha was written there.


长沙市,简称长,别称“星城”、“楚汉名城”,国家历史文化名城,国家级综合配套改革试验区之一,国家级两化(industrialization and informatization)融合试验区之一,国家十二五规划(2011—2015)确定的重点开发区域,南中国综合性交通枢纽。长沙市现为中国湖南省的省会,是湖南省政治、经济、文化、交通、科技、金融、信息中心,是中国中西部地区最具竞争力城市,是我国中部重要的中心城市。长沙是楚文明和湘楚文化的发源地,经历三千年历史城址不变的城市,有文字可考的历史3000多年,因屈原和贾谊的影响而被称为“屈贾之乡”。




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