双语新闻播报(June 2)

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双语新闻播报(June 2)

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双语新闻播报(June 2)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-06-02 15:32

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> Chinese netizens on alert over AI scam中国网民对人工智能骗局保持警惕



Avoiding scams using artificial intelligence (AI) has become a heated discussion topic on Sina Weibo. 防止利用人工智能(AI)诈骗已经成为微博上的一个热议话题。


A victim surnamed Guo, who owns a technology company in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian province, was cheated out of 4.3 million yuan ($611,000) in 10 minutes, according to police.据警方称,受害人郭先生是福州市某科技公司法人代表,10分钟内被骗430万人民币(合61.1万美元)。


The scammer made a WeChat video call to Guo, using AI technology to make him look like Guo’s friend.骗子用人工智能技术给郭先生打了一个微信视频电话,让他看起来像郭在现实生活中的朋友。


During the video call, the scammer convinced Guo that he needed Guo’s corporate account to pay 4.3 million yuan in deposits for bidding on a project. 在视频通话中,骗子说服郭先生,他需要郭先生的公司账户来支付430万元的项目投标保证金。


The scammer asked for Guo's bank card number, claimed that he already transferred 4.3 million yuan into Guo's account, and sent a screenshot of the bank transfer receipt to Guo via WeChat. 诈骗者索要郭先生的银行卡号码,声称他已经向郭先生的账户转账了430万元,并通过微信向郭发送了一张银行转账收据的截图。


Trusting his friend, Guo transferred 4.3 million yuan to the scammer in two payments, without verifying whether the money had arrived. 郭先生信任他的朋友,在没有核实钱是否到账的情况下,分两次向骗子转账430万元。

"I received the video call. I verified the face and the voice. So I let my guard down," Guo said.“当时是给我打了视频的,我在视频中也确认了面孔和声音,所以才放松了戒备,” 郭先生说。


After receiving the report, police in Fuzhou and Baotou quickly blocked the transaction and successfully stopped the transfer of 3.36 million yuan. However, the rest was transferred and is now the subject of retrieval efforts.接到报警后,福州、包头两地警银迅速启动止付机制,成功止付拦截336.84万元,然而,其余的已被转移,现在正在进行检索工作。


The case has triggered heated discussion on staying alert from AI scams on China’s social media. 这起案件在社交媒体上引发了关于警惕人工智能诈骗的热烈讨论。


As of Monday, the topic on how to prevent AI scams was viewed 170 million times and generated 9,579 discussions.截至29日,关于如何防止人工智能诈骗的话题的浏览量达到了1.7亿次,引发了9579次讨论。


On April 11, the Cyberspace Administration of China sought public feedback on a draft of management measures for generative AI services, which attracted much attention on the authenticity of the content and the security of training data.今年,4月11日,国家网信办起草了《生成式人工智能服务管理办法(征求意见稿)》,向社会公开征求意见。该办法对内容的真实性和训练数据的安全性给予了高度关注。


> Ya Ya returns home to Beijing Zoo, remains in stable condition“丫丫”平安回到北京动物园 再睹“芳容”当看时机

Giant panda Ya Ya returns on Monday to Beijing Zoo after arriving in Shanghai on April 27 and being quarantined for a month.FU ZHUOXIN / XINHUA


Giant panda Ya Ya returned to her home in Beijing Zoo early on Monday after spending 20 years in the United States, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.据国家林草局消息,在美国生活了20年的大熊猫“丫丫”于5月29日回到北京动物园大熊猫馆。


Ya Ya will not be on show to the public for the time being, as the 23-year-old panda needs to rest and adapt to her new environment. 因23岁的“丫丫”已进入老年,回京后需静养、适应新的环境,现不对外展出。


The zoo will periodically release updates on Ya Ya on its official Weibo account, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.林草局表示北京动物园将通过官方微博定期发布“丫丫”相关信息。


On April 27, Ya Ya arrived in Shanghai, and was quarantined for a month before moving to Beijing, the administration said. 4月27日,“丫丫”抵达上海,在完成封闭隔离检疫一个月后,被转移到北京。


During the quarantine period, experienced keepers and veterinarians from Beijing Zoo provided around-the-clock care for Ya Ya, due to her old age and changed living environment. Shanghai Zoo offered support and ensured her safety and health, the administration said.在隔离检疫期间,针对“丫丫”高龄、生活环境变化等情况,北京动物园选派经验丰富的饲养员和兽医全天24小时陪护,精心做好饲养护理、健康监测等工作,上海动物园提供了全方位的支撑保障,切实维护“丫丫”的安全与健康。


Beijing Zoo has prepared a special feeding place for Ya Ya as well as tailor-made feeding measures, care, medical support and nutrition plans, according to the administration.北京动物园已为“丫丫”准备了专门的饲养场馆,制定了有针对性的饲养护理、医疗保障及营养健康等方案,并安排前期技术团队继续照料其生活。


On Sunday afternoon, Beijing Zoo received a special delivery of fresh bamboo from Chengdu, Sichuan province. 28日下午,北京动物园收到了来自四川成都的新鲜竹子。


The bamboo was airlifted to ensure that each panda at the zoo has fresh food, Beijing Television reported.这些竹子被空运过来,以确保动物园里的每只熊猫都有新鲜的食物。


Beijing Zoo told the press that it will depend on her health check results whether and when Ya Ya will be shown to the public.北京动物园向媒体表示,丫丫是否以及何时向公众露面将取决于她的健康检查结果。


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