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2024-07-14 09:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265









Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

I believe that everyone knows that Lei Feng, a brilliant image of an ordinary soldier, has been deeply impressed in the hearts of the Chinese people ever since. Uncle Lei Feng was very frugal. He mended and mended a pair of socks and wore them again, but he used his only 6 yuan per month allowance to buy a lot of study books for his class of comrades. He not only studies hard himself, but also often helps his comrades-in-arms to improve together. In 20**, Liaoning Province suffered a major flood. He quietly sent 20 yuan to the family of Wang Dali, his comrade in war who was affected by the disaster. Later, he donated another 100 yuan to the people in the disaster area in the name of a PLA soldier. How many times did Uncle Lei Feng pass by the construction site and can"t help taking part in voluntary labor there; When the thunderstorm came, he used his quilt to cover the concrete. He wrote in his diary that human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I will devote my limited life to serving the people indefinitely... A drop of water will never dry until it is put into the sea, and a person will have strength only when he integrates himself into the collective. Why can a board nail be nailed in? Because it has two advantages: one is squeezing force, the other is drilling force. We should also carry forward this "nail" spirit in our study. Lei Feng can do this. As the successor of the new century, isn"t it necessary to carry forward this spirit? Lei Feng said: I live for only one purpose, that is to be useful to the people.

It is true that youth is beautiful, but true youth only belongs to those who always strive for the top, those who always work selflessly, and those who are always modest. Treat comrades as warm as spring, treat work as hot as summer, treat individualism as the autumn wind sweeps Lei Feng, an immortal name, you will always be an immortal lamp, you will always live in our hearts! We want to learn from you and let you be our example! You will always live in our hearts!

Thank you!








After watching the top ten people who have touched China, they will always give people a long time to ponder and ask: What feelings make them achieve such a vast spiritual world? What kind of luck moved them in another Kyushu? Most of them are so ordinary, but they have accomplished great deeds with ordinary hands and noble hearts, and touched every Chinese child. This is also a fine tradition of the Chinese nation, which has always been willing to help others and give up small families for everyone.

You may still remember the touching scene of an old man wearing an oxygen mask and with various pipelines plugged into his body. With the help of nurses and family members, he meticulously sorted out scientific research data in the hospital ward. His gasping voice said the most, "I can"t lie down, I can"t get up when I lie down." He was Lin Junde.

On May 4, 2012, he was diagnosed as "advanced cholangiocarcinoma". In order not to affect his work, he refused surgery and chemotherapy. On May 26, due to the sudden deterioration of his condition, he was sent to the intensive care unit. After waking up, he strongly asked to return to the general ward. He said, "I am not afraid of suffering and death. What I need most now is time." A 75-year-old man, still struggling to sit on his post in the last three days of his life, handed over his major national defense scientific research work to colleagues and students one by one, and used his life to fulfill and interpret the Malan people"s promise of "endless life and continuous fighting". In the last three days, what Lin Junde left for scientific research was 338 trembling handwriting, several pages of notes filled with work requirements and unfinished computer documents, but what he left for his relatives was a blank.

What makes an old man in his 70s devote his last time to the cause of national defense? It"s faith.

Before his death, Lin Junde told him to bury me in Malan. Malan, a wild flower that can still take root and bloom in the "Sea of Death" Lop Nur Desert. The Chinese nuclear test base located there is the desert, beacon smoke and Malan named after this wild flower. The sand is wild and yellow, and the hero has been buried for 50 years. The wind in the Jianhe River is strong and the clouds are wide. The general"s golden armor will not fall off at night. Soldiers have their own farewell, and you will never fall!

A blooming Malan withered, but his spirit inspired more Malan people to move forward, learn from Lin Junde, and like him, make a blooming Malan on his own growth path.











On May 4th Youth Day_ On the occasion of the anniversary, we would like to extend festival congratulations to all walks of life across the country.

_ Five years ago, the May 4th Movement was a great patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism with a group of advanced youth and intellectuals as the vanguard and the broad masses of the people participating in it. It was also a great ideological liberation movement and a new cultural movement. This movement became the turning point of China"s old democracy.

After the May 4th Movement, under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people fought for progress and pushed forward the history. Generation after generation of young people stood in the forefront of the times, persevered in their struggle, went through all kinds of hardships, and created impressive achievements. The history of Chinese youth movement since the May 4th Movement is a vigorous youth movement in the symphony of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This is a glorious history that Chinese youth can be proud of, and it is also a great motivation to encourage Chinese youth to make new achievements in the new century.

_ Years of history has proved that youth has always been the most active, active and energetic part of our society. Since the birth of the CPC, the development of the youth movement has always been closely linked to the historical process of our party leading the people"s unremitting struggle. All the achievements of the people"s cause have always been the correct direction of the youth movement from generation to generation, that is, to adhere to the leadership of the party and to advance with the great practice of the people.

Now we should carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement and shoulder the historical mission, that is, we should set up our ideals, aspire to serve the country, devote ourselves to the great cause of reform, opening up and modernization, consciously link our life pursuit with the destiny and future of the motherland and the nation, and play our intelligence in the practice of serving the motherland and the people; It is to go deep into the masses, join in practice, understand the national conditions, undergo training, increase talents and broaden horizons; That is, we should study hard, be good at creating, study the basic theory of Marxism hard, arm ourselves with the excellent achievements of civilization created by human beings, improve our innovative ability, be brave in innovative practice, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, improve our own quality, perfect our personal quality, and strive to be the inheritor of the virtues of the Chinese nation, and the practitioner of the new moral norms that reflect the progress of the times, To be an advocate of a new type of interpersonal relationship and good social fashion is to be down-to-earth, work hard, have a deep understanding of China"s basic national conditions, and inherit and carry forward good traditions.

Now, as a student, we should study hard and do what a student should do. Young people are full of vitality, just like the rising sun. We learn a lot of knowledge. No matter what position we work in, we should do our job well and fulfill our duties, so as not to humiliate the mission entrusted by the times.

The brilliant victory and patriotism achieved by the May 4th Youth Movement will never be forgotten. To carry forward the great spirit of the May 4th Movement, we must take practical actions. It is our bounden duty to arm ourselves with intellectual wealth. The Party and the state are very concerned about the growth and career development of teenagers.

All friends, let us, under the leadership of the Party, hold high the great banner of patriotism, work hard, study hard and forge ahead, so that the People"s Republic of China can become a stronger country.

As a contemporary youth, we face new situations and tasks, as well as new opportunities and challenges. We must take the lead, forge ahead and create a great cause of the times, make due contributions to the construction of a better modern society, and write down brilliant youth in our own chapter of life. Young people should contribute our youth, wisdom and strength.









  4月15日,索尼在华企业及员工在第一时间紧急决定通过全国妇联中国儿童少年基金会向玉树灾区捐款100万元人民币, 用于震区儿童的抗震救灾工作,并携手儿基会共同启动“情系玉树,爱暖童心”--索尼捐助震区儿童行动。4月16日下午索尼(中国)有限公司副总裁赵斌先生亲自将100万元送达儿基会。该款项中的50万元将立即用于震区儿童的紧急灾后救助,另外50万元将用于支援震后学校重建。



We should be proud of being a Chinese. Our motherland has a long history of 5000 years, and a large number of heroes and heroines have emerged in the long river of history. They have fought desperately with the enemy for every inch of the land of the motherland. Because of their efforts and sacrifices, our motherland can be prosperous and strong. Therefore, we should always say to ourselves: "I am a Chinese, and I am proud of it!" Love for the motherland is reflected everywhere in life.

I remember that on October 23 this year, I participated in the group dance performance at the opening ceremony of the district sports meeting held at the Proverbs Middle School. Lift the leg, turn the circle, lift the leg again, wave the ribbon... A series of passionate dance movements have been practiced for many times. Sweat has soaked the clothes and pants, fatigue has hit the body, wound the cheeks, filled the heart, and can"t be forgotten. The colorful stadium in front of us is covered with a layer of gray. How tired!

Finally, it"s time for the opening ceremony. A majestic and loud national anthem resounded through the stadium. Red was added to the gray, and red occupied the whole view. At the same time, I saw a guard of honor composed of three brave and energetic officers and soldiers. The neat pace made my tired heart fly away in an instant. What a great momentum! More than 3000 armed police soldiers ran into the stadium with a huge national flag and made a loud cry. The red color spread all over the stadium. The five-star red flag fluttered like a wave with their movements, and my heart was also shaken. "Get up, people who don"t want to be slaves..." The loud and clear national anthem filled the stadium. That voice, that momentum, that is the love of the motherland, that is the pride of China, and this passion moved me even more.

young people

We all remember that after the 5.12 earthquake, a young man held up a thin piece of paper on the Tiananmen Square and shouted with eight words printed on it: "Come on, Wenchuan, China!" How many people were touched by such an ordinary move? We can all recall that an old overseas Chinese stood on the roadside with a sign with three big words "good motherland" to show his gratitude and love for the motherland. How many people were shocked by such an ordinary act? As we all know, the "One Fund" founded by Jet Li may not be worth the one yuan we donated. Just because there are thousands of ordinary one-yuan money gathered together, how many people have been helped? Of course, their actions will not be recorded in history, and their names will not be immortal. What they do today is to serve the country. Devote your blood, your true feelings and your strength.


After the Yushu earthquake, the Chinese government quickly organized rescue operations. At the call of the government, all sectors of society also took active action to implement the rescue by every means, and made every effort to contribute to the earthquake relief work. Sony and all its employees have always paid close attention to the rescue situation in Yushu disaster area, and quickly launched various emergency rescue operations, including fund-raising.

On April 15, Sony"s enterprises and employees in China immediately decided to donate 1 million yuan to the disaster area of Yushu through the China Children"s and Children"s Fund of the All-China Women"s Federation for the earthquake relief work of children in the earthquake area, and jointly launched the "Love Yushu, Love Warm Childhood" - Sony"s donation action for children in the earthquake area. In the afternoon of April 16, Mr. Zhao Bin, Vice President of Sony (China) Co., Ltd., personally delivered 1 million yuan to UNICEF. Of this amount, 500000 yuan will be used immediately for emergency post-disaster relief for children in the earthquake area, and another 500000 yuan will be used to support the reconstruction of schools after the earthquake.


All of this is about patriotism. We should adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, strengthen patriotic feelings and the sense of responsibility to revitalize the motherland, and establish national pride and self-confidence; We should carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation, hold high the banner of patriotism, forge ahead, strive for self-improvement, work hard and work hard, and truly turn patriotism into a service to the country. Today we study hard to revitalize China, and tomorrow we will contribute our own strength to create a brilliant future for the motherland!









In the counterattack on the Sany highland in the west of Jinhua, Qiu Shaoyun, a soldier, sacrificed himself heroically in order to protect the whole and win the battle. Qiu Shaoyun is a great soldier of the volunteer army and a proud son of the Chinese people.

On October 11, Qiu Shaoyun and his comrades-in-arms were ordered to ambush near the enemy"s position, so that when they started fighting the next night, they could suddenly destroy the enemy.

Their ambush was on the hillside of the 391 highland, only 60 meters away from the enemy on the top of the mountain. It is not easy to hide here for more than 20 hours. Yesterday, a pheasant flew out of here, and the enemy continued to fight with guns and guns for half a day. Qiu Shaoyun and others took advantage of the dark and touched here. They divided into groups and spread out. Everyone was covered with thatch from head to foot. When the cool wind blew, the grass on the human body and the grass on the hillside swung together, showing no horse"s feet. The enemy on the mountain can be clearly seen by them, and they can even hear the enemy speak.

At 11 o"clock the next day, the enemy randomly fired a incendiary bomb, which suddenly fell beside Qiu Shaoyun and burned the grass on his body. At this time, if he wants to stand up, he can completely put out the fire. Qiu Shaoyun remembered that before leaving, the leader told him to strictly abide by the ambush discipline. Qiu Shaoyun knows better that if he gets up and ambushes dozens of his comrades here, they will be discovered by the enemy and may be destroyed by the enemy, thus destroying the original battle plan. He decided to lie still. The commander on the ground of our army saw that the ambush was on fire, and immediately ordered to fire at the enemy, disturbing the enemy"s attention. At this time, Qiu Shaoyun still didn"t get up and put out his fire. The fire continued to burn his body. Qiu Shaoyun clenched his teeth and whispered to his close comrade Li Shihu, "Victory is ours, but I can"t finish the blasting task. Let you finish it. Li Shihu was so anxious that he bit his lips and his eyes seemed to be burning. However, like Qiu Shaoyun and all his comrades who were ambushed there, he thought of the whole and the victory of the whole battle, and watched his dear comrades die; Bear the hatred inside and anxiously wait for the signal of battle.

The fire burned for more than 20 minutes. It didn"t go out until Qiu Shaoyun died.

Qiu Shaoyun, our hero, died so heroically.

The counterattack started. The enemy"s position was smashed by our artillery shells. The soldiers in ambush attacked from the grass. Li Shihufei also seemed to run to the side of martyr Qiu Shaoyun, covered his body with his overcoat, picked up the submachine gun and blaster left by the martyr, and shouted "revenge for martyr Qiu Shaoyun!" He rushed through two enemy barbed wire nets, stuffed the blaster into an enemy bunker, and killed the enemy in the bunker. Then, the voice of "revenge for martyr Qiu Shaoyun" was heard in the mountains. The mountains were filled with the fire of exploding the enemy"s bunker and the sound of killing the enemy. In less than 15 minutes, our army occupied the enemy"s position and won the victory of annihilating the enemy"s company.


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