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2024-07-14 14:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语热词 | “女排精神”英语怎么说?

2019年9月30日 口语与词汇


女排精神 the fighting spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team

今年是新中国成立70周年,新中国取得的举世瞩目的伟大成就是全党全国各族人民团结一心、艰苦奋斗干出来的。希望你们继续保持昂扬斗志,不骄不躁,再创佳绩。 The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and great achievements have been made through unremitting efforts by the Communist Party of China, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups. I hope you will maintain your morale and continue to be free from arrogance and rashness in order to claim better results in the future. ——2019年9月29日,习近平致电祝贺中国女排夺得2019年女排世界杯冠军

国家主席习近平9月29日致电祝贺中国女排夺得2019年女排世界杯冠军。习近平指出,在2019年女排世界杯比赛中,你们以十一连胜的骄人成绩夺得了冠军,成功卫冕,为祖国和人民赢得了荣誉。你们在比赛中不畏强手、敢打敢拼,打出了风格、赛出了水平,充分展现了团结协作、顽强拼搏的女排精神。我向你们表示热烈的祝贺和诚挚的问候! President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message on Sunday to the Chinese women's volleyball team, after they claimed the World Cup title. The Chinese team has successfully defended its World Cup crown with 11 straight victories, winning great honors for the country and the Chinese people, said Xi. The players didn't fear any opponents and fought hard with both style and skills, demonstrating superb teamwork and a hardworking spirit, added the President. "Therefore I would extend my warm congratulations and sincere greetings to you," he said.


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