双语新闻播报(March 14)

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双语新闻播报(March 14)

#双语新闻播报(March 14)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

双语新闻播报(March 14)

中国日报网 2024-03-14 18:08

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> 2 dead, 26 injured in Hebei eatery explosion河北燕郊发生爆炸事故,已致2死26伤

Photo taken on March 13, 2024, shows rescue workers and firefighters conducting rescue operations at the scene of the explosion at a residential community in Xiaozhanggezhuang village of Yanjiao, North China's Hebei province. [Photo by Cao Boyuan/Provided to chinadaily.com.cn]


An explosion occurred at 7:54 am on Wednesday at a fried chicken restaurant in Yanjiao town of Sanhe city, an area under the administration of Langfang, Hebei province, according to the city's emergency management bureau. Two people were killed and 26 others were injured as of 2 pm March 13.据河北省廊坊三河市应急管理局称,3月13日上午7:54,三河市燕郊镇一家炸鸡店发生爆炸,截至13日下午两点,事故已造成2人死亡,26人受伤。


It is suspected that a gas leak had occurred at the restaurant which caused the detonation, the bureau said.该机构表示,疑似是燃气泄漏引发的爆燃事故。


The Department of Emergency Management of Hebei province has dispatched a working group to the scene to guide the rescue and disposal work. Relevant departments and personnel from emergency forces, fire forces and health authorities have rushed to the scene for rescue and handling of the accident, according to the bureau and a report by China Central Television.河北省应急厅已派出工作组赴现场指导救援处置工作。据该部门和央视报道,应急、消防、卫生等相关部门和人员已赶赴现场进行救援和事故处理。


A total of 154 fire fighters and 36 fire-fighting trucks were dispatched to the site. The fire has been effectively controlled and the rescue work is under way, according to Langfang city's fire rescue department.共36消防车154人赶赴现场处置。据廊坊市消防救援部门称,火势已得到有效控制,救援工作正在进行中。


Tianjin TEDA Gas Co, a local gas provider, has issued a notice to suspend gas supply, according to the media outlet Cover News, quoting an employee of the company. It reported that after the explosion, the company responded to the request of the emergency management bureau and temporarily suspended the gas supply to the nearby pipeline network.据封面新闻援引当地燃气供应商天津泰达燃气有限公司一名员工的话报道,该公司已发出暂停供气的通知。报道称,爆炸发生后,该公司响应应急管理局的要求,暂时中止了对附近管网的供气。

> China's new development paradigm vital for world海外经济学家:中国发展新格局对世界至关重要

High-rises dominate the skyline on both sides of the Huangpu River in Shanghai. [Photo by Gao Erqiang/China Daily]


China is now pursuing high-quality development as opposed to high-speed, quantitative growth. Its pursuit has been boosted by "new quality productive forces" and new innovations. This is not a bolt from the blue; instead, it has been conditioned by internal and external factors.中国现在追求的是高质量发展而不是量的高速增长。这种高质量发展是由“新质生产力”和创新来推动的。高质量发展并非一蹴而就,而是受内外因素共同影响。

Internally, China is pursuing high-quality, innovation-driven development. From the 1980s to the 2010s, China's GDP grew at an average rate of more than 9 percent per year, even in double digits for some years. While the development of China's agricultural and industrial sectors has reached higher levels, the development of the service sector has opened the door to grander achievements.从内部来看,中国一直走的是创新驱动的高质量发展之路。从上世纪80年代到2010年代,中国的GDP以超过9%的年均增速增长,在有些年份甚至以两位数的高速增长。尽管中国的农业和工业发展已经达到较高水平,服务行业的发展仍大有可期。

Externally, global tensions have motivated China to focus on high-quality development, particularly to become self-reliant in key sectors and attain strategic sovereignty.从外部来看,全球紧张局势促使中国聚焦高质量发展,尤其在关键领域实现自主自立,进而获得战略主动权。

From 2021 onwards, China has been implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035, which focuses on innovation-driven development.从2021年至今,中国一直在实施以创新驱动发展为主线的国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划(“十四五”规划)和2035年远景目标纲要。

While the previous five-year plans built the base, the 14th Five-Year Plan has set eyes on new horizons, because it is the first five-year plan after China achieved the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, which is usually translated as a well-off society, by, among other things, eradicating extreme poverty by the end of 2020 and improving people's living standards.“十三五”规划打下了基础,而“十四五”规划则开启了新征程,因为这是中国实现全面建成小康社会目标后的第一个五年计划。2020年底中国消除了绝对贫困,提高了人民生活水平。

China is aware of the importance of boosting domestic consumption, and has taken measures to that end in order to balance the domestic and foreign aspects of development.中国意识到扩大国内消费的重要性,并已经采取相应措施来平衡国内外各方面的发展。

China's high-level opening-up and mutually beneficial global cooperation are based on three factors: high-quality development of the new economy, high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and improvement of the global economic governance system.中国的高水平对外开放和互利互惠的全球合作基于三个因素:“新经济”的高质量发展,高质量共建“一带一路”倡议和全球经济治理体系的完善。


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