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2023-11-05 06:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”介绍中国功夫“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to Chinese Kung Fu。以下是关于介绍中国功夫的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Chinese Kung Fu

When it comes to Kung Fu, one of his favorite sports means, Kung Fu has become one of the most popular sports activities in China, Chinese Kung Fu is always impressive. It is basically defensive. Chinese Kung Fu is not aimed at aggressive learners.

Chinese Kung Fu is usually aimed at physical and mental exercise. Chinese people have created and developed Wushu, a precious national cultural heritage.




Chinese martial arts, known by most foreigners as Chinese Kung Fu, is a Chinese traditional sports activity with thousands of years of history and a precious element in Chinese cultural heritage. Chinese Kung Fu is famous for its broad and profound connotation and oriental characteristics. It is covered with a mysterious veil.

Chinese Kung Fu is a part of the overall Oriental civilization. It has both combat effectiveness and physical fitness It is the crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom. It enables people of any age to exercise.

Chinese Kung Fu was first created by Bruce, a Chinese American kung fu Lee's agility in a series of great films, with the great influence of the American film industry, surprised the American audience. It soon swept the world, and the whole world was fascinated by the magic. From then on, interest in Chinese Kung Fu began to soar.

Chinese Kung Fu learners can be seen everywhere. Li's followers, Jackie Chan and Li are all over the world Jet Lianjie (Jet Li) baton, push himself to a new height. Kung fu movies have popularized Chinese traditional martial arts all over the world.

Films such as crouching tiger, hidden dragon and flying man's house have made Hollywood excited and won the international box office. They have also made great achievements in awards ceremonies and film festivals around the world. From these films, Chinese Kung Fu stars Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li have become heroes in people's minds,.


中国武术被大多数外国人称为中国功夫,是一项具有数千年历史的中国传统体育活动,是中国文化遗产中的宝贵元素,中国功夫以其博大精深的内涵和东方特色而闻名于世,为它蒙上了一层神秘的面纱中国功夫是东方整体文明的一部分,既有战斗力,又有强身健体的功效,它与人体的主、络、气、血等传统医学观念相结合,是中华古国智慧的结晶,它让任何年龄段的人都能锻炼身体。中国功夫最早是由美国华裔功夫大师李小龙(Bruce Lee)引进美国的,他在一系列伟大电影中的敏捷动作,凭借美国电影业的巨大影响力,令美国观众大吃一惊,它很快席卷了世界,整个世界都被这个魔术所迷住,从此开始了对中国功夫兴趣的高涨,中国功夫的学习者现在随处可见,李的追随者,成龙(成龙)和李连杰(李连杰)接力棒,将自己推向新的高度。功夫片在世界范围内普及了中国传统武术,如《卧虎藏龙》和《飞人屋》等影片让好莱坞兴奋不已,在国际票房中大获全胜,并在世界各地的颁奖典礼和电影节上大放异彩,从这些电影中,中国功夫明星李小龙、成龙和李连杰成为人们心目中的英雄人物,。


Chinese martial arts, known by most foreigners as Chinese Kung Fu, is a Chinese traditional sports activity with thousands of years of history. It is a precious element in Chinese cultural heritage. Chinese Kung Fu is well-known in the world for its profound connotation and oriental characteristics.

Chinese Kung Fu is a mysterious veil of the whole oriental civilization. It can not only fight, but also exercise physical strength, as well as the main body of the human body Combining traditional medical concepts such as collaterals and Qi and blood, Chinese kungfu is the crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom and the crystallization of people of any age who can exercise their bodies. In modern times, Chinese Kung Fu was first introduced to the United States by Bruce Lee, the American of Kung Fu.

Under the great influence of the American film industry, his agile actions in a series of great films surprised American audiences, and soon swept the world. The whole world was fascinated by this magic. From then on, an upsurge of interest in Chinese Kung Fu was set off.

Chinese Kung Fu learners can be seen everywhere now Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan) and Jet Li (Jet Li) baton, the followers of Jet Li, have pushed themselves into novel high-altitude kung fu films and popularized Chinese traditional martial arts to all parts of the world. The films crouching tiger, hidden dragon and flying car house excited Hollywood. Chinese Kung Fu stars Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li shine brilliantly at award ceremonies and film festivals around the world, Become a hero in people's mind.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/e813ya0o.html





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