中国农业大学资源与环境学院 教授(正高) 陈范骏

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中国农业大学资源与环境学院 教授(正高) 陈范骏

2024-06-27 15:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

一、 发表文章:    


1. Li P, Zhuang Z, Cai H, Cheng S, Soomro A, Liu Z, Gu R, Mi G, Yuan L, Chen F*. 2016. Use of genotype-environment interactions to elucidate the pattern of maize root plasticity to nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 58, 242-253.

2. Gu R#, Chen F#, Long L, Cai H, Liu Z, Yang J, Wang L, Li H, Li J, Liu W, Mi G, Zhang F, Yuan L*. 2016. Enhancing phosphorus uptake efficiency through QTL-based selection for root system architecture in maize. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, doi: org/10.1016/j.jgg.2016.11.002.

3. Mi G*, Chen F, Yuan L, Zhang F. 2016. Ideotype Root System Architecture for Maize to Achieve High Yield and Resource Use Efficiency in Intensive Cropping Systems. Advance in Agronomy, 139: 73-97.

4. Mu X, Chen Q, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2016. Within-Leaf Nitrogen Allocation in Adaptation to Low Nitrogen Supply in Maize during Grain-Filling Stage. Front. Plant Sci. 7:699. doi: 10.3389/ fpls. 2016. 00699. 

5. Chen Q, Mu X, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2016.Dynamic change of mineral nutrient content in different plant organsduring the grain filling stage in maize grown under contrastingnitrogen supply. European Journal of Agronomy 80: 137-153.

6. Chen Y, Wu D, Mu X, Xiao C, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2016. Vertical Distribution of Photosynthetic Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Its Response to Nitrogen in Field-Grown Maize. Crop Science. 56: 397-407.

7. Feng G, Zhang Y, Chen Y, LI Q, Chen F, Gao Q, Mi G*. 2016. Effect of nitrogen application on root length and grain yield of rain-fed maize under differnt soil types. Agron. J. 108: 1-10

8. Yang L, Guo S, Chen Q, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2016. Use of the stable nitrogen isotope to reveal the source-sink regulation of nitrogen uptake and remobilization during grain filling phase in maize. PLoS ONE, 11(9): e0162201. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162201

9. 程帅,李鹏程,刘志刚,赵龙飞,米国华,袁力行,陈范骏. 2016. 密度、氮肥对玉米杂交种节根数量的影响.植物营养与肥料学报,22(4), 1118-1125.


1. Li P, Chen F*, Cai H, Liu J, Pan Q, Liu Z, Gu R, Mi G, Zhang F, Yuan L*. 2015. A genetic relationship between nitrogen use efficiency and seedling root traits in maize as revealed by QTL analysis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 3175-3188.

2. Gu R, Chen F, Liu B, Wang X, Liu J, Li P, Pan Q, Pace J, Soomro A, Luebberstedt, Mi G, Yuan L*. 2015. Comprehensive phenotypic analysis and quantitative trait locus identification for grain mineral concentration, content, and yield in maize (Zea mays L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. doi: 10.1007/ s00122 -015- 2546-5.

3. Gao K, Chen F, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G. 2015. A comprehensive analysis of root morphological changes and nitrogen allocation in maize in response to low nitrogen stress. Plant Cell and Environment 38, 740-750.

4. Chen Y,  Xiao C,  Wu D,  Xia T,  Chen Q,  Chen F,  Yuan L,  Mi G. 2015. Effects of nitrogen application rate on grain yield and grain nitrogenconcentration in two maize hybrids with contrasting nitrogenremobilization efficiency. Europ. J. Agronomy 62: 79-89. 

5. Chen Y, Zhang J, Li Q, He X, Su X, Chen Q, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2015 Effects of Nitrogen Application on Post-Silking Root Senescence and Yield of Maize. Agronomy Journal 107:835-842.

6. Mu X, Chen F, Wu Q, Chen Q, Wang J, Yuan L, Mi G. 2015.Genetic improvement of root growth increases maize yieldvia enhanced post-silking nitrogen uptake. Europ. J. Agronomy 63: 55–61.

7. Lv S, Yang X, Lin X, Liu Z, Zhao J, Li K, Mu C, Chen X, Chen F, Mi G. 2015. Yield gap simulations using ten maize cultivars commonly planted inNortheast China during the past five decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 205, 1-10.

8. Han, J, Wang, L, Zheng, H, Pan, X, Li, H, Chen, F, Li X. 2015. Zd958 is a low-nitrogen-efficient maize hybrid at the seedling stage among five maize and two teosinte lines. Planta, 242(4), 935-49.


1. Chen X, Zhang J, Chen Y, Li Q, Chen F, uan L, Mi G*. 2014. Changes in root size and distribution in relation to nitrogen accumulation during maize breeding in China. Plant Soil,  374: 121-130. 

2. Chen Y, Xiao C, Chen X, Li Q, Zhang J, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2014. Characterization of the plant traits contributed to high grain yield and high grain nitrogen concentration in maize. Field Crops Research, 159: 1-9.

3. Yan, P, Yue, S, Qiu, M, Chen, X, Cui, Z, Chen, F. 2014. Using maize hybrids and in-season nitrogen management to improve grain yield and grain nitrogen concentrations. Field Crops Research, 166(9), 38-45.

4. Gao K, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2014. Cell production and expansion in the primary root of maize in response to low nitrogen stress. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 13(11): 2508-2517.

5. 刘志刚,陈范骏,王庆祥. 2014. 密度对不同玉米基因型产量及其构成因素的影响. 吉林农业科学(1), 10-12.


1. Chen X, Chen F, Chen Y, Gao Q, Yang X, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2013. Modern maize hybrids in Northeast China tolerate exhibit increased yield potential and resource use efficiency despite the adverse climate change. Global Change Biology, 19, 923-936. 

2. Liu Y, Lai N, Gao K, Chen F, Yuan L, Mi G*. 2013. Ammonium inhibits primary root growth by reducing the length of meristem and elongation zone and decreasing elemental expansion rate in the root apex in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS ONE, 8: e61031.

3. Chen F J, Fang Z G, Gao Q, Ye Y, Jia L, Yuan L, Mi G*, Zhang F. 2013. Evaluation of the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of the dominant maize hybrids grown in North and Northeast China. Sci China Life Sci, 56: 552-560.

4. Zhang, Y, Chen, F, Li, X, Li, C. 2013. Higher leaf area and post-silking p uptake conferred by introgressed dna segments in the backcross maize line 224. Field Crops Research, 151(9), 78-84.

5. Liu, J, Huang, Y, Ma W, Zhou, J, Bian, F, Chen, F*,Mi G*. 2013. Identification of quantitative trait loci for phytic acid concentration in maize grain under two nitrogen conditions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(5), 765-772.

6. Chu, Q, Wang, X, Yang, Y, Chen, F, Zhang, F, Feng, G. 2013. Mycorrhizal responsiveness of maize (zea mays l.) genotypes as related to releasing date and available p content in soil. Mycorrhiza, 23(6), 497.

7. 陈范骏,房增国,高强,叶优良,贾良良,袁力行,米国华*,张福锁. 2013. 中国东华北部分地区玉米主推品种高产氮高效潜力分析. 中国科学-生命科学, 43: 342-350.

8. 肖长新,刘壬双,陈范骏,米国华. 2013. 氮素供应和pH值对玉米根系形态的影响. 玉米科学,21, 113-116.

9.吕硕,杨晓光,赵锦,刘志娟,李克南,慕臣英,陈晓超,陈范骏,米国华. 2013.气候变化和品种更替对东北地区春玉米产量潜力的影响. 农业工程学报, 29(18), 179-190.

10. 刘志刚,陈范骏. 2013. 两个氮水平下不同玉米基因型产量与根拔拉力的关系. 玉米科学(6), 107-110.


1. Cai H, Chen F*, Mi G, Zhang F, Maurer HP, Liu W, Reif JC, Yuan L*. 2012. Mapping QTLs for root system architecture of maize (Zea mays L.) in the field at different developmental stages. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 125:1313-1324.

2. Cai H, Chu Q, Yuan L, Liu J, Chen X, Chen F*, Mi G*, Zhang F. 2012. Identification of quantitative trait loci for leaf area and chlorophyll content in maize (Zea mays) under low nitrogen and low phosphorus supply. Molecular Breeding, 30:251-266. 

3. Cai H, Chu Q, Yuan L, Liu J, Zhang X, Chen F*, Mi G*, Zhang FS. 2012. Identification of QTLs for plant height,  ear height,  and grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.) in response to nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Plant Breeding, 131, 502-510.

4. Chen F, Mi G*. 2012. Comparison of nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen utilization efficiency between elite inbred lines and the landraces of maize. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,  Section B-Soil & Plant Science.

5. Chen F, Liu X, Mi G*. 2012. Varietal Differences in Plant Growth, Phosphorus Uptake and Yield Formation in Two Maize Inbred Lines Grown under Field conditions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11: 1738-174.

6. Zhang Y, Chen F,  Li L, Chen Y, Liu B, Zhou Y, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2012. The role of maize root size in phosphorus uptake and productivity of maize/faba bean and maize/wheat intercropping systems. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 55:1-9.

7. Zhang Y, Yu P, Peng Y, LI X, Chen F, Li C. 2012. Fine root patterning and balanced inorganic phosphorus distribution in the soil indicate distinctive adaptation of maize plants to phosphorus deficiency. Pedosphere, 22(6), 870–877.

8. Karim M, Zhang Y, Tian D, Chen F, Zhang F, Zou C. 2012. Genotypic differences in zinc efficiency of chinese maize evaluated in a pot experiment. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 92(12), 2552-2559.

9. 陈延玲, 吴秋平, 陈晓超, 陈范骏, 张永杰, 李前, 袁力行, 米国华. 2012. 不同耐密性玉米品种的根系生长及其对种植密度的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报. 18: 52-59. 

10. 张义凯, 陈范骏, 李隆, 陈燕华, 刘丙然, 周玉玲, 袁力行, 张福锁, 米国华*. 2012. 不同类型的玉米根系对间作体系磷高效吸收以及生产力的影响. 中国科学-生命科学, 42: 841- 849.

11. 米国华, 陈范骏, 袁力行. 2012. 氮素调节玉米幼穗及籽粒发育的生理机制. 土壤与作物, 1: 193-198.


1. Liu J, Cai H, Chu Q, Chen X, Chen F*, Yuan L, Mi G*, Zhang F. 2011. Genetic analysis of vertical root pulling resistance (VRPR) in maize using two genetic populations. Mol Breeding. 28:463–474

2. Wu Q, Chen F, Chen Y, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2011. Root growth in response to nitrogen supply in Chinese maize hybrids released between 1973 and 2009. Science China Life Science, 54: 642-650.

3. Cai, H., Gao, Q, Mi, G, Chen, F*. 2011. Effect of environmental conditions on the genotypic difference in nitrogen use efficiency in maize. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(59), 12547-12554.

4. Ding, X, Fu, L, Liu, C, Chen, F, Hoffland, E, Shen, J, Zhang F, Geng G. 2011. Positive feedback between acidification and organic phosphate mineralization in the rhizosphere of maize ( zea mays, l.). Plant and Soil, 349(1), 1-12.

5 吴秋平, 陈范骏, 陈延玲, 袁力行, 张福锁, 米国华. 2011. 1973-2009 年中国玉米品种演替过程中根系性状及其对氮的响应的变化. 中国科学-生命科学, 41 (6): 472-480.  

6. 刘建超, 米国华, 陈范骏. 2011. 两种供氮水平下玉米穗部性状的QTL定位. 玉米科学, 19: 17-20.

7. 蔡红光, 刘建超, 米国华, 袁力行, 陈晓辉, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2011. 田间条件下控制玉米开花前后根系性状的QTL定位. 植物营养与肥料学报, 17: 317-324.

8. 潘清春, 刘建超, 米国华, 侯建华, 陈范骏. 2011. 两种光氮条件下玉米苗期根冠性状QTL定位. 玉米科学. 19: 39-42.


1. Liu J, An X, Cheng L, Chen F, Bao J, Yuan L, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2010. Auxin transport in maize roots in response to localized nitrate supply. Annals of Botany. 106: 1019-1026.

2. Mi G, Chen FJ, Wu QP, Lai NW, Yuan LX, Zhang FS. 2010. Ideotype root architecture for efficient nitrogen acquisition by maize in intensive cropping systems. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 53(12): 1369-1373.

3. Wang L, Chen F, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2010. Two strategies for achieving higher yield under phosphorus deficiency in winter wheat grown in field conditions. Field Crops Research. 118: 36-42.

4. 米国华, 陈范骏, 吴秋平, 赖宁薇, 袁力行, 张福锁. 2010. 玉米高效吸收氮素的理想根构型.中国科学: 生命科学. 40: 1112-1116.

5. 刘建超, 褚群, 蔡红光, 李建生, 米国华, 陈范骏. 玉米SSR连锁图谱构建及穗三叶面积的QTL定位. 遗传. 2010, 32: 625-631.

6. 蔡红光, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张秀芝, 高强. 2010. 玉米叶片SPAD值、全氮及硝态氮含量的品种间差异. 植物营养与肥料学报. 16: 866-873.

7. 安霞, 库来宝, 米国华, 陈范骏, 顾日良, 袁力行. 2010. 玉米根系发育突变体及相关基因研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报, 16: 1006-1012.

8. 蔡红光, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张秀芝, 高强. 2010. 东北春玉米连作体系中土壤氮矿化、残留特征及氮素平衡. 植物营养与肥料学报. 16: 1144-1152.

9. 陈晓辉, 蔡红光, 米国华, 安霞, 田自华, 陈范骏. 2010. 不同室内培养方法对玉米苗期根系生长的影响. 玉米科学, 18(4), 000108-111.

2009 年:

1. Liu J, Chen F, Olokhnuud C, Glass A. D. M., Tong Y, Zhang F, Mi G*. 2009. Root size and nitrogen-uptake activity in two maize (Zea mays) inbred lines differing in nitrogen-use efficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 172 (2): 230-236. 

2. Cui Z, Zhang F, Mi G, Chen F, Li F, Chen Xg, Li J, Shi L. 2009. Interaction between genotypic difference and nitrogen management strategy in determining nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize. Plant Soil, 317: 267-276.

3. 韩丽丽, 陈范骏, 吴冬梅, 张福锁, 米国华. 2009. 不同pH下局部供应硝酸盐和铵对玉米侧根生长的影响. 玉米科学. 17: 99-101.

4. 刘金鑫, 田秋英, 陈范骏, 米国华. 2009. 玉米硝酸盐累积及其在适应持续低氮胁迫中的作用. 植物营养与肥料学报. 15: 501-508.

5. 鲍娟, 刘金鑫, 陈范骏, 张福锁, 米国华. 2009. 植物激素在氮磷养分调控根形态建成中的作用. 植物生理学通讯, 45: 706-709.

6. 刘建超, 李建生, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2009. 不同氮水平下玉米苗期生长性状及成熟期产量的QTL定位. 中国农业科学, 42: 3413-3420.

7. 陈范骏, 米国华, 张福锁, 赵久然, 杨国航. 京津塘地区部分夏玉米品种的节氮潜力的估算, 玉米科学, 2009, 17(4): 115-117.

8. 陈范骏, 米国华, 张福锁. 2009. 氮高效玉米新品种中农99的选育. 作物杂志, 6: 103-104.


1. Liu J, Li J, Chen F*, Zhang F, Ren T, Zhuang Z, Mi G*. 2008. Mapping QTLs for root traits under different nitrate levels at the seedling stage in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Soil, 305: 253-265.

2. Tian Q, Chen F., Liu J., Zhang F., Mi G*. 2008. Inhibition of maize root growth by high nitrate supply is correlated to reduced IAA levels in roots. J Plant Physiology, 165: 942-951.

3. Liu J, Han L, Chen F, Bao J, Zhang FS, Mi G*. 2008. Microarray analysis reveals early responsive genes possibly involved in localized nitrate stimulation of lateral root development in maize (Zea mays L.). Plant Science 175: 272-282.

4. Hao L, Zhang J, Chen F, Christie P, Li X. 2007. Response of two maize inbred lines with contrasting phosphorus efficiency and root morphology to mycorrhizal colonization at different soil phosphorus supply levels. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31(6), 1059-1073.

5. 米国华, 赖宁薇, 陈范骏, 刘鹰, 张福锁. 2008. 细菌、真菌及植物氮营养信号研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报. 14: 10008-1016.


1. Mi G, Chen F, Zhang F. 2007. Physiological and genetic mechanisms for nitrogen-use efficiency in maize. J Crop Sci Biotech 10(2): 57-63.

2. Bao J., Chen F., Gu R, Wang G., Zhang F, Mi G*. 2007. Lateral root development of two Arabidopsis auxin transport mutants, aux1-7 and eir1-1 in response to nitrate supplies. Plant Science, 173:417-425.

3. Chen F.J, Chun., Song J.L, Mi G*.2007. Heterosis and genetic analysis of iron concentration in grains and leaves of maize, Plant breeding, 126, 107-109.

4. Niu, J, Chen, F, Mi, G, Li, C, Zhang, F. 2007. Transpiration, and nitrogen uptake and flow in two maize (zea mays l.) inbred lines as affected by nitrogen supply. Annals of Botany, 99(1), 153.

5. 米国华, 陈范骏, 春亮, 郭亚芬, 田秋英, 张福锁. 2007. 氮高效型玉米品种的生物学特征. 植物营养与肥料学报. 13(1):155-159.


1. Tian Q., Chen F., Zhang F., Mi G*. 2006. Genotypic Difference in Nitrogen Acquisition Ability in Maize Plants is Related to the Coordination of Leaf and Root Growth. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 29: 317-330.

2. 陈范骏, 米国华, 张福锁. 2006. 玉米氮高效组合杂种优势分析. 玉米科学. 14: 125-128.

3. 陈范骏, 春亮, 鲍娟, 张福锁, 米国华. 2006. 不同氮效率玉米杂交种的营养生长及光合特征. 玉米科学. 14: 117-130.

4. 春亮, 陈范骏, 宋建兰, 米国华. 2006. 氮素供应对玉米子粒铁累积的影响, 植物营养与肥料学报, 12:811-815.

5. 陈范骏,米国华,张福锁. 2006. 低磷胁迫下玉米自交系配合力分析. 玉米科学,14(3):74-77. 


1. Guo Y, Chen F., Zhang F., Mi G*. 2005. Auxin transport from shoot to root is involved in the response of lateral root growth to localized supply of nitrate in maize,  Plant Science,  169:894-900.

2. Chun L., Mi G. Li J., Chen F*., Zhang F.. 2005. Genetic analysis of maize root characteristics in response to low nitrogen stress. Plant Soil, 276: 369-382.

3. Tian Q., Chen F., Zhang F., Mi G*. 2005, Possible involvement of cytokinin in nitrate-mediated root growth in maize, Plant Soil, 277: 185-196.

4. 郭亚芬, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2005. 硝酸盐对玉米侧根生长的影响, 植物生理与分子生物学学报, 31(1): 90-96.

5 郭亚芬, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2005. 局部供应硝酸盐诱导玉米侧根生长的基因型差异, 植物营养与肥料学报, 11(2): 155-159. 

6. 春亮, 陈范骏, 米国华. 2005. 玉米苗期根系对氮胁迫反应的配合力分析, 植物营养与肥料学报, 11(6):750-756.

7. 春亮, 陈范骏, 张福锁, 米国华. 2005. 不同氮效率玉米杂交种的根系生长、氮素吸收与产量形成, 植物营养与肥料学报, 11(5):615-619

8. 春亮,米国华,李建生,张福锁,宋建兰,陈范骏. 2005. 玉米自交系对低氮反应的田间与温室评价. 玉米科学, 13(1):28-32.


1. Wang Y, Mi G*., Chen F., Zhang J., Zhang.. 2004. Response of root morphology of nitrate supply and its contribution to nitrogen accumulation in maize, Journal of Plant Nutrition,  27: 2189-2202.

2. Liu Y., Mi G.*, Chen F., Zhang J., Zhang F. 2004. Rhizosphere effect and root growth of two maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes with contrasting P efficiency at low P availability, Plant Science, 167, 217-223.

3. 王兰珍, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2004. 不同品种冬小麦磷效率性状与农学性状的关系的研究, 植物营养与肥料学报, 10: 355-360.

4. 米国华, 陈范骏, 刘向生, 春亮, 宁建兰. 2004. 玉米子粒铁含量的基因型差异, 玉米科学, 12: 13-15.

5. 米国华, 邢建平, 陈范骏, 刘向生, 刘燕. 2004. 玉米苗期根系生长与耐低磷的关系, 植物营养与肥料与学报, 10: 468-472.

6. 陈范骏, 米国华, 春亮, 刘建安, 王艳, 张福锁. 2004. 玉米氮效率的杂种优势分析, 作物学报, 30(10): 1014-1018.


1. Mi G, Liu J., Chen F., Zhang F., Cui Z, Liu X.. 2003. Nitrogen uptake and remobilization in maize hybrids differing leaf senescence, Journal of Plant Nutrition,  26(1): 237-247.

2. 陈范骏, 米国华, 刘向生, 刘建安, 王艳, 张福锁. 2003. 玉米氮效率性状的配合力分析,  中国农业科学, 36(2): 134-139.

3. 陈范骏, 米国华, 张福锁, 王艳, 刘向生, 春亮. 2003. 华北区部分主栽玉米杂交种的氮效率分析, 玉米科学, 11(2): 78-82.

4. 王艳, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2003. 玉米氮素吸收的基因型差异及其与根系形态的相关性, 生态学报, 23(2): 297-302.

5. 王兰珍, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2003. 冬小麦品种的磷营养效率鉴定, 中国农业大学学报, 8:69-73.

6. 王兰珍, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2003. 不同产量结构小麦品种对缺磷反应的分析, 作物学报, 29: 867-870.

7. 刘向生, 陈范骏, 春亮, 宋建兰, 米国华. 2003. 玉米自交系耐低磷胁迫的基因型差异,  玉米科学, 11(3): 23-27.


1. 陈范骏, 米国华, 崔振岭, 刘向生, 张福锁, 2002. 玉米杂交种氮效率遗传相关与通径分析, 玉米科学, 10, 10-14.

2. 陈范骏, 米国华,曹敏建, 张福锁. 2002. 碳水化合物的分配在玉米杂交种耐低氮中的作用, 玉米科学, 10(4): 81-84.

3. 刘建安, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2002. 玉米杂交种氮效率的基因型差异, 植物营养与肥料学报, 8, 276-281.

4. 王艳, 米国华, 陈范骏, 张福锁. 2002. 玉米自交系氮效率基因型差异的比较研究, 应用与环境生物学报, 4, 361-365.


1. 王艳, 米国华, 陈范骏,  张福锁. 2001. 玉米根系形态对光照、氮水平反应的基因型差异, 土壤肥料, (3): 12-16

2. 李燕婷, 米国华, 陈范骏, 劳秀荣, 张福锁. 2001. 玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环及其基因型差异, 植物生理学报, 27: 226-230.


1. 陈范骏, 米国华, 刘建安, 张福锁. 1999. 玉米自交系木质部伤流液中氮素形态差异及其与氮效率的关系, 中国农业科学, 32: 43-48.


1. 陈范骏,曹敏建,陈艳茹. 1998. 玉米对氮素营养利用的遗传差异及其生理机制. 沈阳农业大学学报, 29(4), 314-318.

二、 授权专利:

1.陈范骏; 米国华; 张福锁; 袁力行; 顾日良.一种氮高效玉米的杂交制种方法102106254B

2.陈范骏; 米国华; 张福锁; 王艳. 广东省审定玉米新品种:中农99(2008019)        

三、 出版著作:

1. 作物养分高效的生理基础与遗传改良.中国农业大学出版社,2012,主编.

2. 主要农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用的基础研究.科学出版社,2010,参编.

3. 土壤、植物与环境分析实验.中国农业大学自编教材,2007,主编.

4. 养分资源综合管理理论与技术概论.中国农业大学出版社,2006,参编. 

5. 挖掘生物高效利用土壤养分潜力,保持土壤环境良性循环.,中国农业大学出版社,2004,参编.

6. 最佳养分管理技术列单.中国农业大学出版社,2001,参编.






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