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#行业分析报告| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册(2022 年版)目 录 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览.1 第二部分:常见问答(Q&A).31 致 谢.54 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview.56 Part II Q&A.97 Acknowledgments.125 附录:结算代理模式及 债券通相关文件(仅供参考).126 APPENDIX:Rules and Regulations relating to CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect.192 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 1 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览 中国债券市场是全球第二大债券市场,存量规模突破 130 万亿元,形成以银行间和交易所市场为主,柜台市场为补充的市场格局。从整体规模和交易活跃度来看,中国银行间债券市场是最主要的构成部分,市场托管余额占比约为 86%,是国债、政策性金融债以及同业存单等国际投资者最为关注券种的主要流通市场。银行间债券市场成立于1997年,经过 20 余年发展,金融基础设施不断完善,市场参与主体与投资品种不断丰富,对外开放进程稳步推进。截至 2021 年 12 月末,银行间债券市场托管余额近 115 万亿元,年内交易量突破 1400 万亿元,市场参与主体近 3800 家。中国债券市场坚持市场化、法治化、国际化发展。在境外机构的支持下,国际三大债券指数已陆续纳入中国债券。2019 年 4 月和 2020 年2 月起,中国债券先后被纳入彭博巴克莱全球综合指数(BBGA)和摩根大通全球新兴市场多元化指数(GBI-EM)。2021 年 3 月,富时罗素宣布将中国国债纳入其世界国债指数,并自 2021 年 10 月起于 36 个月内分阶段纳入。一、市场组织结构一、市场组织结构 中国银行间债券市场参与主体包括交易平台、登记托管机构、市场自律组织、投资主体和发行主体,中国人民银行是银行间债券市场的监督管理机构。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 2(一)监管机构 中国人民银行(英文简称 PBC)是中华人民共和国的中央银行、中华人民共和国国务院组成部门,在国务院领导下,制定和执行货币政策,防范和化解金融风险,维护金融稳定,监督管理银行间市场。此外,市场参与者根据主体类型的不同,还会受到中国银行保险监督管理委员会和中国证券监督管理委员会的主体监管,在外汇使用方面受到国家外汇管理局的监管。中国银行保险监督管理委员会(英文简称 CBIRC)是国务院直属事业单位,其主要职责是依照法律法规统一监督管理银行业和保险业,维护银行业和保险业合法、稳健运行。中国证券监督管理委员会(英文简称 CSRC)是国务院直属事业单位,统一监督管理全国证券期货市场,维护证券期货市场秩序,保障其合法运行。国家外汇管理局(英文简称 SAFE)为中国管理外汇的职能部门,负责中国国际收支统计监测、资金汇兑及跨境资金流动监管、维护外汇市场稳定。(二)自律组织 中国银行间市场交易商协会(以下简称交易商协会,英文简称NAFMII)经国务院同意、由市场参与者自愿组成,包括银行间债券市场、同业拆借市场、外汇市场、票据市场、黄金市场和金融衍生品市场在内的银行间市场的自律组织。截至 2021 年 12 月末,协会共有各类会员 8768 家,包括银行、信用社、证券公司、保险公司、基金公司、大型企业等各类机构。协会的工作职责为:1)制定自律规则、业务规范和职业道德规范中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 3 并监督实施。2)负责非金融企业债务融资工具的发行注册管理。3)根据市场需求组织适合银行间市场特性的产品创新和制度创新。4)开展银行间市场自律管理,推动市场规范发展。5)组织会员进行业务研究,收集、整理和发布市场信息。6)组织银行间市场从业人员接受继续教育和业务培训。7)组织会员进行业务交流,调解会员纠纷,维护会员权益。8)开展对外交往,推动市场国际化,为会员走出去搭建桥梁。(三)交易平台、登记托管机构以及资金支付系统 中国外汇交易中心(以下简称外汇交易中心,英文简称 CFETS)是银行间市场唯一经中国人民银行认可的债券交易平台。外汇交易中心坚持多种技术手段、多种交易方式,满足不同层次市场需求的业务方针,以建设全球人民币及相关产品交易主平台和定价中心为目标,为银行间货币市场、债券市场、外汇市场及衍生品市场提供交易、发行、交易后处理、信息披露、基准、培训等服务,承担市场交易的日常监测、利率定价自律机制和全国外汇市场自律机制秘书处工作,为中央银行货币政策操作、传导提供服务,并根据中国人民银行的授权,发布人民币汇率中间价、上海银行间同业拆放利率(Shibor)、存款类金融机构间的债券回购利率(DR)、贷款市场报价利率(LPR)、人民币参考汇率、CFETS 人民币汇率指数等基准指标。中央国债登记结算有限责任公司(以下简称中央结算公司,英文简称 CCDC)、银行间市场清算所股份有限公司(以下简称上海清算所,英文简称 SHCH)是经中国人民银行认可的债券登记托管结算机构,主要提供债券登记、托管、结算等服务。其中,中央结算公司是为国债、地方政府债券、金融债券、政府支持机构债、企业债券、资产支持证券中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 4 等提供招标发行、登记托管、结算、信息披露、付息兑付等服务;上海清算所为公司信用债券、金融机构债券、货币市场工具、结构性产品等4 大类,短融、超短融、同业存单、资产支持类票据、部分金融债券等20 种债券提供招标发行、登记托管、清算结算、信息披露和付息兑付服务。人民银行清算总中心提供境内资金清算服务和资金的划付服务;跨境银行间支付清算(上海)有限责任公司(英文简称 CIPS)为境内外金融机构人民币跨境和离岸业务提供资金清算、结算服务。二、参与主体二、参与主体 截至 2021 年 12 月,银行间债券市场有近 3800 家主体,活跃的主体包括商业银行、证券公司、基金、理财、保险、信托和境外机构等市场参与者。同时,为了提高债券市场流动性,促进债券市场价格发现,银行间债券市场实行做市商制度。截至 2021 年 12 月末,银行间债券市场包括93 家做市商,其中北向通报价机构 56 家。为便利境外投资者进入银行间市场投资交易,具备国际结算业务能力的银行间债券市场结算代理人,可为境外投资者提供债券代理交易与结算服务。截至 2021 年 12 月末,开展境外机构结算代理业务的结算代理人共 21 家。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 5 三、市场结构与投资品种三、市场结构与投资品种(一)债券市场 截至 2021 年底,银行间债券市场存量规模约 114.7 万亿。其中利率债占 63%,信用债和同业存单合计占 37%。表 1 银行间市场主要债券的发行托管情况 债券品种债券品种 发行主体发行主体 登记托管机构登记托管机构 占比(占比(%)国债 财政部 中央结算公司 19.11%地方政府债 地方政府 25.91%央行票据 中国人民银行 0.01%企业债 非金融企业 1.53%政策性银行债 政策性银行 中央结算公司/上海清算所 28.92%信贷资产支持证券 金融机构 其他金融债 政府支持机构债 中国铁路总公司/汇金公司 其他债券 非金融企业 同业存单 商业银行 上海清算所 12.28%证券公司短期融资券 非银金融机构 12.23%超短期融资券 非金融企业 短期融资券 中期票据 非公开定向债务融资工具 非金融企业资产支持票据 项目收益票据 中小企业集合票据 债券市场交易工具主要包括现券交易和债券借贷。2021 年,银行间债券市场现券交易量约 212 万亿元。在各现券品种中,市场流动性较好的品种为利率债和同业存单,尤其是关键期限的国债和国开债,流动性较好的信用债品种为短期融资券和中期票据。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 6 图 1 各类债券的成交占比 债券借贷是银行间债券市场中的主要交易方式之一,为债券融出方盘活存量、增厚收益,为债券融入方提供满足临时性债券需求、实现投资策略、提高债券使用效率的工具。2021 年,债券借贷成交 10.2 万亿元。债券借贷交易期限集中在隔夜和 7 天,参与主体则以股份行、城商行和券商为主,交易券种以政策性金融债和国债为主。(二)债券回购市场 债券回购是银行间债券市场最重要的流动性和负债管理工具,包括质押式回购和买断式回购。两者区别在于:质押式回购不改变质押券所有权,而买断式回购产生所有权变更。其中,质押式回购是中国投资者更常使用的工具,2021 年质押式回购交易量为 1040.5 万亿元,回购期限主要集中于隔夜和七天,占比合计超过 96%。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 7 图 2 债券回购市场的交易量(万亿人民币)(三)衍生品市场 在传统现货产品基础上,银行间债券市场也发展了较为全面的衍生品序列,包括利率互换、远期利率协议、债券远期、标准债券远期、利率期权等利率衍生品及信用衍生品。2021 年,衍生品市场交易总量超21 万亿元。利率衍生品市场。利率互换是银行间债券市场最活跃的利率衍生品和利率风险对冲工具,日均成交量逾 800 亿元。从产品看,产品体系涵盖 FR007、Shibor 3M、Shibor O/N、LPR1Y、LPR5Y 等品种。其中 FR007利率互换成交最为活跃;从期限上看,覆盖 1 年到 10 年期,其中 1 年期及以下短期成交较为活跃。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 8 图 3 利率互换交易量(万亿人民币)信用衍生品。2010 年以来,银行间市场先后推出了信用风险缓释合约(CRMA)、信用风险缓释凭证(CRMW)、信用违约互换(CDS)和信用联结票据(CLN),丰富了银行间债券市场的信用风险管理手段、完善信用风险市场化分担机制。2019 年起,银行间市场已推出三只 CDS指数产品,分别为 CFETS-SHCH-GTJA 高等级 CDS 指数、CFETS-SHCH 民企 CDS 指数和 CFETS-SHCH-CBR 长三角区域 CDS 指数,主题涉及信用评级、企业性质、地域类型。(四)外汇市场 2021 年,银行间人民币外汇市场交易量 31.3 万亿美元,同比增长23.4%。交易品种包括即期、远期、外汇掉期、货币掉期和期权。交易模式包括竞价、询价、撮合。支持人民币对美元、欧元、英镑等发达经济体货币以及新加坡元、林吉特等新兴市场经济体货币的交易。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 9(五)债券市场流动性 银行间债券市场流动性持续改善。一是做市商开展做市业务活跃度提升。2021 年做市商制度改革以来,日均报价债券只数上升至 4900 多只,较改革前增加 50%以上,报价笔数较前扩大约五倍;2022 年以来,国债年化换手率超过 200%,政策性金融债年化换手率超过 400%。二是做市报价价差显著收窄,市场深度显著提升。国债方面,活跃 10 年期国债做市最优报价平均价差显著收窄至 0.5bp 左右,次活跃 10 年期国债平均价差收窄至 0.5-0.6bp 左右,做市报价 5 档行情的深度报价量上升至 5-10 亿元。政策性金融债方面,活跃 10 年期国开债做市最优报价平均价差显著收窄至 0.5bp 左右,次活跃 10 年期国开债最优报价平均价差收窄至 1bp 左右,做市报价 5 档行情的深度报价量可达 20 亿元。四、四、交易机制交易机制 银行间债券市场不断创新交易机制,探索更高效、更透明的债券交易方式,提供做市、撮合、询价等多层次交易服务体系(表 2)。表 2 外汇交易中心多层次交易服务体系 产品产品 做市及做市及 RFQ 匿名撮合匿名撮合 iDeal 询价询价 回购回购 RFQ X-Repo 现券现券 做市报价、RFQ X-Bond、X-Auction、X-Bargain 债券借贷债券借贷-X-Lending-利率互换利率互换 RFQ X-Swap 标准债券标准债券 远期远期-X-Swap-中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 10(一)做市及 RFQ 现券市场做市商、回购市场资金报价商、衍生品市场曲线报价商等机构通过做市报价及 RFQ 等机制为市场提供流动性。其中现券市场做市机构可向市场发出点击成交报价和指示性报价。点击报价是指做市商发出的买卖双向的可直接成交的报价。指示性报价是指做市商向投资人发出具名的非可直接点击成交价格,受价方可基于指示性报价,通过请求报价等交易方式最终确定价格后成交。(二)匿名撮合 外汇交易中心针对债券市场各品种不同特点提供all-to-all的匿名撮合交易机制(X 系列机制),支持参与机构向系统提交匿名订单,系统可根据参与机构两两之间设置的双边授信关系(量)、按照价格优先、时间优先的原则进行匹配成交,未被匹配的订单可供点击成交。匿名撮合机制在现券、质押式回购、债券借贷、利率互换、标准债券远期等市场运用较多,大幅提升了市场流动性。(三)询价交易 交易双方通过一对一交谈自行商定交易要素,以对话报价形式达成交易。双方可通过 iDeal 进行询价。iDeal 是外汇交易中心提供的直连和内嵌于本币交易系统的即时通讯工具和信息平台,双方协商一致的交易意向可直接发送本币交易系统确认成交。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 11 五、对外开放五、对外开放(一)债券发行方面 1、持续完善熊猫债制度规则,加快引入境外优质发行人 近年来,在规范市场发展的前提下,中国债券市场不断加快引入境外优质发行人、改善注册发行结构、推动产品创新。目前已形成“一办法、一细则、一表格、两指引”1的熊猫债制度规则体系。截至 2021 年末,境内熊猫债累计发行金额达 5457.5 亿元,其中,银行间债券市场累计发行熊猫债券 3966.8 亿元。截止 2021 年末,中国债券市场处于存续期的熊猫债托管余额为 1993.1 亿元。其中,银行间债券市场托管余额为1494.2 亿元,交易所市场托管余额为 498.9 亿元。从发行人机构类型来看,非金融企业熊猫债发行量居多(该类发行批准与发行程序可参见图 4),支持了包括芯片制造、绿色环保、汽车、港口、医药、电力、仓储物流、交通运输等多个行业企业的发展。历史来看,熊猫债多数采用公开发行的方式,单支熊猫债的平均发行金额在15 至 20 亿人民币,已完成发行熊猫债的发行期限为 23 天10 年,其中 3 年是最常用期限。图 4 经交易商协会注册熊猫债注册发行流程 1一办法:全国银行间债券市场境外机构债券发行管理暂行办法;一细则:境外非金融企业债务融资工具分层分类管理细则;一表格:境外非金融企业债务融资工具注册文件表格;两指引:境外非金融企业债务融资工具业务指引(2020版)外国政府类机构和国际开发机构债券业务指引(试行)中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 12 图 5 近年熊猫债发行量(十亿人民币)数据来源:Bloomberg、交易商协会 表 3 近三年熊猫债发行情况 发行人类型 单位:发行单数 外国政府和国际开发机构 金融 机构 非金融企业 银行间市场 2019 年 4 5 26 2020 年 3 2 34 2021 年 6 3 48 交易所市场 2019 年-5 2020 年 4 2021 年 15 数据来源:Wind、交易商协会 2、充分发挥熊猫债对投资端开放的促进作用 熊猫债吸引了国际多边组织、境外央行等多类型长期资金认购。境外投资人持有银行间市场熊猫债比例达 25%,成为境外机构持有占比最高的债券品种。亚洲开发银行时隔 12 年重回市场,带来了大批 ESG 基中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 13 石投资机构。此外,交易商协会通过与中华(澳门)金融资产交易所开展熊猫债挂牌信息展示合作,将发行人债券相关信息在其官方网站进行展示,吸引了更丰富的境外投资者参与银行间市场投资,进一步推动了银行间债券市场高水平开放。3、在熊猫债市场创新推出社会责任债券和可持续发展债券 对标绿色、社会责任、可持续发展(GSS)债券国际标准,结合联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)和中国十四五规划等相关政策,在熊猫债市场推出社会责任债券和可持续发展债券,采用国际通行的四大核心要素(即募集资金使用、项目遴选评估、募集资金管理、信息披露),并引入第三方独立评估,确保募集资金全部用于社会责任项目和绿色项目,同时积极培育 ESG 投资群体。推动首单可持续发展债券项目落地,募集资金用于养老设施、污水处理、绿色公交等融资租赁项目,助力我国 3060 等可持续发展目标的实现。(二)债券投资方面 2005 年以来,银行间债券市场在改革创新发展过程中,稳步推动对外开放,逐步引入境外投资者,并结合市场发展需求先后推出了结算代理模式和债券通模式。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 14 图 6 结算代理模式和“债券通”模式入市方式 2022 年 5 月 27 日,人民银行、证监会、外汇局发布联合公告2022第 4 号关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资中国债券市场有关事宜,提出研究探索建立健全兼容多级托管的包容性制度安排,银行间债券市场结算代理模式与多级托管模式并行。其中,多级托管模式具体是指投资银行间债券市场的境外机构投资者可以直接或通过其境外托管银行,委托符合条件的境内托管银行进行债券托管,通过境内托管银行买入的债券应当登记在境内托管银行名下,并依法享有证券权益。1、境外投资者参与市场的基本情况 2016 年以来,随着人民币正式纳入 IMF 特别提款权货币篮子、债中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 15 券通模式的推出、银行间债券市场投资交易便利性的不断提升以及三大国际债券指数悉数纳入中国市场,境外投资者对我国债券的投资热情快速提升。截至 2021 年 12 月底,共有 1016 家境外机构主体入市,覆盖全球 60 余个国家和地区。其中 507 家境外机构主体通过直接投资渠道入市,728 家境外机构主体通过债券通渠道入市。2021 年全年,境外投资者在银行间市场共达成现券交易 11.5 万亿元,同比增长 25%。从交易模式来看,通过结算代理模式达成 5.0 万亿元,通过债券通模式达成 6.5 万亿元。活跃的投资者类型为境外银行、境外央行类机构和境外资管产品,占比分别为 50%、18%、17%;主要交易的券种为国债、政策性金融债和同业存单,占比分别为 54%、32%、11%;待偿期集中于 7-10 年和 1 年以内,占比分别为 30%、27%。截至2021 年 12 月底,境外投资者持有银行间市场债券 4.0 万亿元,较 2017年 6 月末的 0.8 万亿元显著提升,持有量约占银行间债券市场总托管量的 3.5%,较主要债券市场仍有较大提升空间。截至 2021 年 12 月末,境外投资者在银行间债券市场主要持有的债券类型为国债、政策性金融债及同业存单,占比分别为 61%、27%和 4%。图 7 境外投资者持仓情况(十亿元)图 8 境外投资者持仓结构(2021 年 12 月)中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 16 2、交易结算流程 结算代理模式和债券通模式的交易结算流程如下。其中,结算代理包括传统模式和直接交易模式(英文简称 CIBM Direct RFQ),后者具体是指通过结算代理模式入市的境外投资者,通过代理行申请开通CIBM Direct RFQ 功能后可向境内银行间债券市场做市商发起请求,自主达成交易。图 9 结算代理传统模式交易结算流程 图 10 结算代理 CIBM Direct RFQ 模式交易结算流程 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 17 图 11 债券通模式交易结算流程 3、结算代理模式与债券通模式主要业务流程 表 4 结算代理模式及债券通模式对比 结算代理模式结算代理模式 债券通北向通模式债券通北向通模式 入市备案 境外投资者可委托结算代理人向人民银行上海总部申请投资备案。境外投资产品无需逐只向人民银行上海总部备案。境外投资者可委托外汇交易中心、境内托管机构、结算代理人等代理备案机构向人民银行上海总部备案。境外投资者可直接向上述代理备案机构或债券通公司递交备案相关材料。境外投资产品无需逐只向人民银行上海总部备案。交易平台 CFETS 本币交易系统 CFETS 本币交易系统 交易方式(1)代理交易:由代理行发起交易,询价或请求报价 直接交易:境外投资者自主向银行间债券市场做市机构发起请求报价 境外投资者自主向北向通报价机构发起请求报价 交 易 对 手方(2)代理交易:银行间市场交易成员 直接交易:银行间债券市场做市机构 境内北向通报价机构 交易时间 9:00-12:00,13:00-16:30(GMT 8)(T 0)9:00-12:00,13:00-20:00(GMT 8)(T 1 及以上)9:00-12:00,13:00-16:30(GMT 8)(T 0)9:00-12:00,13:00-20:00(GMT 8)(T 1 及以上)投资范围 境外央行类机构可交易银行间债券市场、现券交易 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 18 结算代理模式结算代理模式 债券通北向通模式债券通北向通模式 衍生品市场的所有产品;非央行类机构可交易现券,基于套期保值需求开展债券借贷、债券远期、远期利率协议及利率互换等交易,其中,境外参加行、境外人民币清算行还可开展回购交易 通过互联互通投资交易所债券 通过互联互通投资交易所债券 资金汇兑(3)不同类型境外投资者可选渠道不同,包括:直接或通过主经纪模式进入银行间外汇市场、通过境内银行对客市场办理资金汇兑等。不同类型境外投资者可选渠道不同,包括:直接进入银行间外汇市场,通过境外银行对客市场办理资金汇兑等。托管方式 一级托管 多级托管 结算方式(4)DVP,CNAPS DVP,CIPS 结算周期(5)T N T N(1)交易方式 在结算代理模式中,境外投资者可使用外汇交易中心交易系统发送委托指令,或通过传真、邮件、Bloomberg 终端等方式向结算代理人提供交易委托,结算代理人代理境外投资者在交易系统中发送交易指令,以询价或请求报价的方式达成交易。同时,境外投资者开通 CIBM Direct RFQ 交易方式后可向债券做市商发送询价,以 RFQ 机制与做市商直接达成交易。在债券通模式中,境外投资者可直接登录境外第三方交易平台,以 RFQ 的方式达成交易。目前,在结算代理模式下的直接交易和债券通模式下的交易中,RFQ 均支持交易前、后分仓,一揽子交易(List Trading),国际付费模式等。通过这些功能,境外机构可在同一笔报价中为多个交易账户配券、可同时就一揽子债券发起询价、根据需要开展国际付费模式交易等,境外投资者,尤其是资管类投资者,交易便利性进一步提升。此外,债券通模式下,境外投资者还可采用银行间债券市场收盘价作为价格基准,中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 19 以点差进行询价、交易,以便利追踪指数、完成调仓。(2)交易对手方 结算代理模式下,在境外投资者可与银行间债券市场交易成员或债券做市商进行交易。在债券通模式中,目前境外投资者可与境内北向通报价机构达成交易。(3)资金汇兑 结算代理模式下:一是境外央行类机构投资者,可直接进入银行间外汇市场办理资金兑换和外汇风险对冲(以下简称资金汇兑)。二是境外商业银行类投资者(包括境外人民币清算行和参加行),可选择(i)通过境内银行对客市场与不超过 3 家境内金融机构办理资金汇兑,事先应向外汇交易中心备案金融机构名单;或(ii)直接进入银行间外汇市场办理资金汇兑;或(iii)通过主经纪业务模式进入银行间外汇市场办理资金汇兑。三是境外非银行类投资者,可选择上述第(i)或(iii)的方式办理资金汇兑。债券通模式下:境外央行类机构投资者、香港的人民币清算行和参加行(香港结算行),可直接进入银行间外汇市场办理资金汇兑。其他境外投资者可选择不超过3家香港结算行的境外银行对客市场办理资金汇兑,事先应向外汇交易中心备案香港结算行名单,香港结算行由此产生的头寸可在银行间外汇市场平盘。境外银行集团也可指定其香港地区的分支机构集中办理资金汇兑。(4)结算方式 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 20 在结算代理模式中,境外投资者应当委托结算代理人进行结算。通过外汇交易中心系统达成交易后,境外投资者接收结算代理人反馈的交易系统中生成的成交单,使用本币交易系统的境外投资者可通过系统自行、实时查询成交单。收到成交单后,境外投资者可根据需要直接或委托其全球托管行发送结算交收指令授权结算代理人完成债券结算。对于需要发送结算指令办理债券结算的境外投资者,结算代理人在交收当日审核上述结算交收指令无误后,将资金从境外投资者在结算代理人处开立的人民币专用存款账户(NRA 账户)划拨至境外投资者在境内托管机构(中央结算公司或上海清算所)开立的资金结算专户,并代理境外投资者完成在境内托管机构系统中的结算确认。对于不需要发送结算指令办理债券结算的境外投资者,结算代理人根据客户授权办理代理境外投资者办理前述债券结算和资金结算。结算当日,结算代理人向境外投资者或其全球托管行发送相关结算单据确认结算交收完成。在债券通模式中,境外投资者通过全球托管行或香港当地的托管行在香港金管局 CMU 开立债券账户,香港金管局 CMU 在境内托管机构中央结算公司和上海清算所开立名义持有人账户,用于记载其代理境外投资者名义持有的全部债券余额。境外投资者通过北向通买入的债券登记在 CMU 名下并依法享有债券权益。达成交易后,境外投资者向 CMU 提交结算指令,CMU 根据境外投资者的结算指令,确保境外投资者债券或资金头寸足额后向境内托管机构完成结算确认。境内托管机构完成 CMU 名义持有人账户与境内报价机构债券账户之间的债券结算,跨境人民币支付系统(CIPS)完成境内报价机构(或其委托的境内 CIPS 直接参与者)资金账户与境外 CIPS 直接参与者(中银香港)资金账户之间的资金结算。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 21(5)结算周期 境外机构投资者交易的结算周期延长至 T N。4、优化措施(1)政策支持 2019 年,人民银行、外汇局发布关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场有关事项的通知,允许同一境外机构投资者可以根据自身投资管理需要,将其在合格境外机构投资者(英文简称 QFII)或人民币合格境外机构投资者(英文简称 RQFII)项下债券账户及资金账户和银行间债券市场直接投资项下的债券账户及资金账户进行双向划转/过户。2021 年 11 月,财政部和国家税务总局发布公告,对境外机构投资境内债券市场取得的债券利息收入暂免征收企业所得税和增值税的税收政策延续至 2025 年 12 月 31 日。2021 年 9 月,推出债券通南向通。南向通的开通进一步拓展了国内投资者在国际金融市场配置资产的空间,有利于稳步推动中国金融市场双向开放。开通以来,已有五十余家境内投资者通过交易中心系统达成交易,投资者类型多样,覆盖政策性银行、大型商业银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行等一级交易商以及理财子公司、基金公司、券商资管等合格境内机构投资者(英文简称 QDII)、人民币合格境内机构投资者(英文简称 RQDII),成交债券涵盖人民币、港币、美元及欧元等币种计价债券及主要债券类型。2022 年 5 月,人民银行、证监会、外汇局发布联合公告2022第 4号(关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资中国债券市场有关事宜),统筹同步推进银行间和交易所债券市场对外开放。入市程序进一步简化,中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 22 境外机构投资者以法人身份入市,境外机构备案时人民银行上海总部不再要求提交结算代理协议;可投资范围扩展到交易所债券市场,获准进入银行间债券市场的境外机构投资者可以直接或通过互联互通方式投资交易所债券市场;同时,研究探索建立健全兼容多级托管的包容性制度安排,银行间债券市场结算代理与托管银行模式并行,供境外机构投资者自主选择。(2)基础设施支持 结 算 代 理 模 式 和 债 券 通 已 接 入 Tradeweb、Bloomberg、MarketAxess 三家国际电子交易平台。债券通投资者可通过三家平台发送报价请求,与境内北向通报价机构进行交易;结算代理模式下的境外投资者可向结算代理行发送交易委托并通过外汇交易中心系统达成交易,也可以通过三家平台或者本币交易系统发送报价请求,与境内做市商进行交易。目前,两渠道全面实现 DVP 结算并支持交易分仓功能。2019 年 6 月,外汇交易中心正式推出新一代本币交易系统。结算代理模式下的境外机构可登录该系统发送委托指令至结算代理行,结算代理行确认后可发送给对手方并达成交易。新平台还推出了指示性报价功能,由境内报价机构为境外机构主动推送各类债券的流动性和即时市场价格,有效扩大报价广度,为市场注入更多流动性。2020 年 2 月,债券通新债信息通自助披露功能正式上线。发行人和承销商可登录系统,向全球投资者自助发布新发债券的发行信息和发行文件,系统全程留痕,流程规范高效。2020 年 3 月,银行间市场为境外投资人新增特殊结算周期及循环结算服务,以满足境外投资人多样化的交易结算需求。可为境外投资人提中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 23 供 T N 结算功能;若境外投资者出现结算失败的情况,可根据自身安排在原结算合同结算日后的三个工作日内向中央结算公司或上海清算所申请循环结算,并通过债券通公司向交易中心备案。2020 年 4 月,债券通上线到期违约债券转让服务,全球投资者可参考债券通公司发布的指引,了解相关交易结算安排,参与银行间债券市场到期违约债券投资。2020 年 9 月,境外投资者直接交易服务(CIBM Direct RFQ)开始运行。通过结算代理模式投资的境外机构投资者可通过本币交易系统或者第三方平台,以请求报价方式与境内做市机构开展现券交易。2020 年 9 月 21 日起,银行间债券市场延长现券买卖交易时段,T 1及以上交易时段延长至北京时间 20:00,进一步便利全球投资者参与中国债券市场,覆盖更多时区交易时段。2020 年 10 月,新债易(ePrime)境外债券发行系统上线。ePrime系统在境外运营,旨在为包括中资美元债、点心债等在内的各类境外债券的簿记、定价、分配提供一站式电子服务。2021 年 2 月,CMU 将提交债券结算指令及通过香港即时支付结算系统(RTGS)存入资金指令的截止时间,由下午两点延迟到三点。进一步提升境外投资者结算的便利程度。2021 年 5 月,债券通正式支持国际付费模式,国际投资者可直接通过债券通做市商获取已加入交易费用的债券报价。此前结算代理模式下CIBM Direct RFQ 已支持该功能。2021 年 9 月,外汇交易中心新增 MarketAxess 作为境外第三方交易平台,同时支持结算代理模式和债券通模式,进一步便利境外投资者投资中国银行间债券市场。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 24 2021 年 11 月推出以债券收盘估值为定价基准的交易服务,支持境外投资者以外汇交易中心债券收盘估值加/减利差的形式与境内做市机构达成交易。此举将更好地满足境外投资者的交易需求,尤其是国际指数投资者交易。(3)配套措施建设 信用评级行业的对外开放也在稳步发展。2017 年 7 月,中国人民银行公告2017第 7 号就境外评级机构开展银行间债券市场评级业务做出了明确要求。2018 年 3 月市场交易商协会宣布正式接受境外评级机构注册,2019 年 1 月标普、穆迪、惠誉三家全球信用评级公司已在境内设立法律实体,标普、惠誉已经完成境内债券信用评级业务注册。2021 年 8月,人民银行、国家发改委、财政部等发布关于促进债券市场信用评级行业健康发展的通知,要求稳妥推进信用评级行业对外开放,支持符合条件的境外信用评级机构在中国债券市场开展业务。六、债券市场最新发展六、债券市场最新发展(一)终止净额结算机制 1、终止净额结算机制在中国境内的成功实践 中国于 2020 年已引入终止净额结算机制并成功进行了实践。包商银行 2019 年 5 月被人民银行、银保监会实施接管,2020 年 5 月因部分资产和业务被收购,触发其与综合清算会员兴业银行的利率互换业务代理清算协议的提前终止条款。在监管机构指导和上海清算所配合下,兴业银行启动合约提前终止程序,成功完成对包商银行存续利率互换合约中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 25 的处置。本次处置未对包商银行代理清算机构及其他清算参与者造成损失,维护了人民币利率互换市场的稳定。这是银行类金融机构实施终止净额结算的首个案例,证明了终止净额结算制度在中国场外金融衍生品市场的有效性和可执行性。2、中国法律对终止净额结算予以明确 我国场外衍生品市场在发展之初就引入了终止净额结算机制,中国银行间市场交易商协会制定的 中国银行间市场金融衍生产品交易主协议、中国证券业协会制定的中国证券期货市场衍生品交易主协议均包含终止净额结算条款,相关实践得到了中国人民银行、中国银保监会等监管部门的充分认可。但是由于之前法律层面上未对该机制做出明确规定,国际金融市场许多参与者认为终止净额结算效力对于依照中国法律设立的法人而言并不确定,一些国际参与者和金融基础设施甚至把中国列入非净额结算司法管辖区(Non-netting Jurisdiction)。2022 年 4 月 20 日第十三届全国人大常委会第三十四次会议表决通过的中华人民共和国期货和衍生品法,统一确立了单一协议、终止净额结算等衍生品市场发展和监管亟须、国际通行的基础制度,将有效保障衍生品主协议中终止净额结算条款的可执行性,对于推动中国衍生品市场稳健高效发展和对外开放具有重要意义。第三十五条规定:依法采用主协议方式从事衍生品交易的,发生约定的情形时,可以依照协议约定终止交易,并按净额对协议项下的全部交易盈亏进行结算。依照前款规定进行的净额结算,不因交易任何一方依法进入破产程序而中止、无效或者撤销。第三十七条规定:衍生品交易,由国务院授权的部门或者国务院期货监督管理机构批准的结算机构作为中央对手方进行集中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 26 中结算的,可以依法进行终止净额结算。期货和衍生品法的颁布,消除了境外机构对终止净额结算在中国法下不确定性的顾虑,提高了中国金融衍生品市场的对外开放水平。一方面,终止净额结算机制的确定有利于推动中国被确认为净额结算司法管辖区(Netting Jurisdiction),打通境外市场参与者的入市堵点,助力其更加便利地参与中国金融衍生品市场交易。另一方面,境外市场参与者对中国内地交易对手进行信用风险评价时,可以采用净风险敞口计算资本充足率要求和交易保障要求,从而大幅减少风险权重资产(英文简称 RWA)的计提,降低资金成本,提高结算效率。(二)绿色债券 1、绿色债券标准不断完善、统一 人民银行于 2015 年底首次发布绿色债券项目支持目录,标志着我国绿色债券市场正式起步。同年底,发改委发布绿色债券发行指引,明确了 12 项绿色债券适用项目。人民银行于 2021 年 4 月发布了绿色债券支持项目目录(2021 年版)(以下简称目录),统一了绿色债券标准。和国际对比来看,我国目录的二级和三级目录的认定标准和国际绿色债券标准基本一致。例如,在 2021 年版的 目录中,煤炭等化石能源清洁利用项目不再被纳入绿色债券支持范围,这和国际主流标准是一致的。同样的,国际资本市场协会(英文简称 ICMA)制定的 绿色债券原则 涵盖了五种绿债项目种类,包括气候变化减缓、气候变化适应、自然资源保护、生物多样性保护以及污染防治,上述项目也基本被我国目录所涵盖。为更好地实现国内绿色债券标准与国际接轨,推动国内绿色金融标准统一,近期绿色债券标准委员会成员单中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 27 位共同制定了中国绿色债券原则与国际通行的绿色债券原则进一步靠拢,将适时向市场发布。2、绿色债券发行规模持续高速增长 截至 2021 年末,中国绿色债券市场规模超 1.1 万亿元,占债券市场总规模的 0.8%。截至 2021 年末,当年绿色债券共发行超 6000 亿元,较去年同期增长 180%。从发行者结构来看,地方国有企业、中央国有企业、各级地方政府和政策性银行是绿色债券发行的主力,分占 2021年末绿债总存量的 54%、31%和 10%。从债券类型看,2021 年绿色债务融资工具、绿色资产支持证券、绿色金融债分列前三位,发行量占比分别为 41%、20%、19%。绿色债券交易活跃度不断提升。截至 2021 年末,当年银行间市场绿色债券共成交 7891 亿元,较去年同期增长超 38%。从债券类型来看,截至 2021 年末,绿色债务融资工具、绿色金融债、绿色企业债分列前三位,交易占比分别约为 49%、25%、11%。(三)相关政策发展 1、持续推进互联互通 为进一步便利债券投资者的债券投资行为,促进中国债券市场高质量发展,中国金融监管机构出台多项政策推进境内外债券市场互联互通。对外开放方面,继 2017 年 7 月中国人民银行与香港金融管理局合作推出债券通北向通后,中国人民银行于 2021 年 9 月发布关于开展内地与香港债券市场互联互通南向合作的通知,正式启动南向通,中国债券市场迎来双向开放。境内市场方面,中国人民银行 中国证券中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 28 监督管理委员会公告2020第 7 号正式启动了银行间债券市场与交易所债券市场相关基础设施机构之间的互联互通合作,提升债券市场交易效率和流动性。未来互联互通落地后,已参与银行间债券市场的境外机构将可以通过这一机制,便捷地参与交易所债券市场。2、完善违约处置制度要求 市场化、法治化是中国债券市场重要的发展原则。近年来,在债券违约处置方面,监管政策不断引导发行人、投资人通过市场化方式开展,中国人民银行、发展改革委和证监会联合发布关于公司信用类债券违约处置有关事宜的通知(银发2020144 号),对受托管理人、债券持有人会议制度、发行人责任、多元化债券违约处置机制等提出强化及完善要求。依据上述通知的精神和金融监管机构要求,外汇交易中心发布了 全国银行间同业拆借中心银行间市场到期违约债券转让规则(中汇交发202039 号)和全国银行间同业拆借中心回购违约处置实施细则(试行)(中汇交发2019196 号)等规则,明确了到期违约债二级市场转让和违约回购交易的担保债券处置的相关机制安排,交易商协会也发布了 银行间债券市场非金融企业债务融资工具置换业务指引(试行)(中国银行间市场交易商协会公告20228 号)等制度,规定了非金融企业债务融资工具展期、置换等市场化处置方式的具体安排。3、规范促进信用评级 为规范促进信用评级行业健康发展,2019 年中国人民银行、中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会、中华人民共和国财政部和中国证券监督管理委员会共同发布信用评级业管理暂行办法,明确了中国人民中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 29 银行是信用评级行业主管部门,并对信用评级机构的资质水平、申请流程、人员管理、信息披露等提出了具体要求。在暂行办法基础上,针对评级行业长期以来存在的问题,中国人民银行、国家发展改革委、财政部、银保监会、证监会又联合发布关于促进债券市场信用评级行业健康发展的通知,对提升评级质量和区分度、加强评级机构内部管理和独立性、降低监管对外部评级依赖,推进评级机构对外开放等方面提出了指导意见。4、统一公司信用债信息披露规范 2020 年 12 月 28 日,中国人民银行、国家发展改革委、中国证监会联合发布 公司信用类债券信息披露管理办法(以下简称 管理办法),统一公司信用类债券信息披露的基本原则和要求,细化存续期重大事项认定及披露要求,强化信息披露参与各方的责任,规范特殊状态下的信息披露,强化信息披露违法违规的法律责任,进一步推动债券市场持续健康发展。5、全面推进公司信用债高质量发展 2021 年 8 月,人民银行、发展改革委、财政部、银保监会、证监会和外汇局联合发布 关于推动公司信用类债券市场改革开放高质量发展的指导意见(以下简称意见),意见从完善法制、推动发行交易管理分类趋同、提升信息披露有效性、强化信用评级机构监管、加强投资者适当性管理、健全定价机制、加强监管和统一执法、统筹宏观管理、推进多层次市场建设、拓展高水平开放等十个方面,对推动公司信用类债券市场改革开放和高质量发展提出了具体意见。下一步六部委中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概第一部分:中国银行间债券市场概览览 30 将推动意见各项举措落到实处,在统筹宏观管理、有效防范化解风险的基础上,积极推动改革创新,稳步扩大双向开放,不断提升公司信用类债券市场服务实体经济的能力和水平。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)31 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&A)一、符合中国人民银行要求的境外投资者包括哪些?一、符合中国人民银行要求的境外投资者包括哪些?答:包括符合中国人民银行关于境外央行、国际金融组织、主权财富基金运用人民币投资银行间市场有关事宜的通知(银发2015220号)及中国人民银行公告20163 号(进一步做好境外投资者投资银行间债券市场有关事项的公告)等文件要求的境外投资者。目前包括:境外央行或货币当局、国际金融组织、主权财富基金,在中华人民共和国境外依法注册成立的商业银行、保险公司、证券公司、基金管理公司、期货公司、信托公司及其他资产管理机构等各类金融机构,以及养老基金、慈善基金、捐赠基金等中长期机构投资者。通过直接投资渠道及债券通渠道进入银行间债券市场的境外机构只需向中国人民银行上海总部备案一次,并可直接或通过互联互通方式投资交易所债券市场。境外机构投资者以法人身份备案入市。二、入市备案及开户相关问题二、入市备案及开户相关问题 1.境外机构投资者如何办理入市备案?境外机构投资者如何办理入市备案?答:直接投资渠道直接投资渠道。境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场应委托结算代理人或符合条件的境内托管银行办理备案。备案采取电子方式,即网上申请和网上递交材料。结算代理人和境内托管银行代理境外机构投资者备案时需提交投资备案表,毋须提交结算代理协议。“债券通债券通”渠道。渠道。符合条件的境外机构投资者可委托外汇交易中心以及中国人民银行认可的其他机构作为代理备案机构向中国人民银行上中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)32 海总部申请备案。委托外汇交易中心备案的,可向债券通有限公司提交入市备案和开户申请材料。2.境外机构投资者需要开立哪些账户?境外机构投资者需要开立哪些账户?答:结算代理模式。结算代理模式。境外机构投资者进入银行间债券市场时,由结算代理人向外汇交易中心申请开通交易账号;在其结算代理人开立用于银行间债券市场投资的资金专户(人民币或/和外汇专户);在中央结算公司、上海清算所开立用于银行间市场交易 DVP 结算的债券托管账户和资金结算专户。此外,通过境内银行对客市场办理外汇风险对冲的境外机构投资者,也可在选定的境内金融机构开立专用外汇账户完成外汇风险对冲业务相关资金交付。“债券通债券通”模式。模式。境外机构需要申请 CMU 客户编号和 Tradeweb、Bloomberg、MarketAxess 等交易平台 ID,待入市备案完成后,外汇交易中心将生成交易账号。同时,境外机构投资者需要通过 CMU 成员或直接在 CMU 开立债券托管账户。若境外机构投资者只使用自有人民币投资、不涉及外汇兑换的,无须通过香港结算行办理北向通下的资金汇兑和结算业务;若境外机构投资者使用外汇投资,或者使用部分自有人民币、部分外汇投资的,需通过债券持有人在一家香港结算行开立人民币资金专户、办理资金汇兑和结算业务。3.境外投资者如何办理外汇登记?境外投资者如何办理外汇登记?答:结算代理模式下,结算代理模式下,境外机构投资者投资境内银行间债券市场应办理登记。境外投资者应通过其结算代理人在国家外汇管理局资本项目信息系统办理登记。结算代理人为境外投资者首次办理业务登记时,应在国家外汇管理中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)33 局资本项目信息系统中查询境外机构投资者是否已有主体信息。没有主体信息的,结算代理人应向国家外汇管理局所在地分局为境外机构投资者申请特殊机构赋码并办理主体信息登记。结算代理人等重要信息发生变化的,需办理变更登记。其中:结算代理人发生变更的,由新的结算代理人持代理协议至原结算代理人所在地外汇局办理变更登记;其他登记信息发生变化的,通过结算代理人在系统中办理变更登记。境外机构投资者退出银行间债券市场投资的,由结算代理人向中国人民银行上海总部申请退出备案后,向外汇局申请注销登记。4.境外机构投资者能否同时选择多个渠道入市?境外机构投资者能否同时选择多个渠道入市?答:可以。5.哪类机构可以作为结算代理人?哪类机构可以作为结算代理人?答:根据中国人民银行公告2016第 3 号第五条规定,符合条件的境外机构投资者应当委托具有国际结算业务能力的银行间市场结算代理人进行交易和结算,中国人民银行另有规定的除外。商业银行作为结算代理人应获得中国人民银行颁发的结算代理人相关的资格批准。6.境外机构投资者可否变更结算代理人?何时需要及如何进行变更备境外机构投资者可否变更结算代理人?何时需要及如何进行变更备案?案?答:可以,结算代理人应当在相关变更操作完成后及时向中国人民银行上海总部报告。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)34 三、投资交易三、投资交易 1.境外机构投资者的投资范围是什么?境外机构投资者的投资范围是什么?答:境外主权类机构根据中国人民银行关于境外央行、国际金融组织、主权财富基金运用人民币投资银行间市场有关事宜的通知可开展债券现券、债券回购、债券借贷、债券远期、利率互换、远期利率协议等经中国人民银行许可的交易;人民银行(2016)第 3 号公告所定义的境外机构投资者可以在中国债券市场开展债券现券、债券借贷、以风险管理为目的的相关衍生产品、开放式债券指数证券投资基金以及其他中国人民银行、中国证监会认可的交易;境外人民币业务清算行与境外参加行还可开展回购交易。获准进入银行间债券市场的境外机构投资者可以直接或通过互联互通方式投资交易所债券市场。目前,北向通境外机构投资者可以进行债券现券交易。未来将逐步扩展。2.境外机构投资者在银行间债券市场与交易对手开展债券回购、利率衍境外机构投资者在银行间债券市场与交易对手开展债券回购、利率衍生品交易、债券借贷等交易前,须签署哪些协议?生品交易、债券借贷等交易前,须签署哪些协议?答:参与债券回购业务的机构需签署中国银行间市场债券回购主协议(2013 年版)。参与衍生品交易的境外机构可自主选择签署中国银行间市场交易商协会(NAFMII)、中国证券期货市场(SAC)或国际掉期与衍生工具协会(ISDA)衍生品主协议。参与债券借贷业务的机构需签署中国银行间市场债券借贷交易主协议(2022 年版)。3.境外机构参与非公开定向债务融资工具(境外机构参与非公开定向债务融资工具(PPN)的流程?)的流程?答:首先,境外机构需要成为中国银行间市场交易商协会会员,用中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)35 于加入 PPN 投资人名单2。其次,需要在上清所开设投资人账户(同入市)。最后,需要在北金所开户用于 PPN 信息披露查询3。4.境外机构投资者可通过哪些方式参与银行间债券市场投资?境外机构投资者可通过哪些方式参与银行间债券市场投资?答:结算代理模式结算代理模式。境外机构投资者可委托结算代理人在外汇交易中心的交易平台达成交易。境外投资者可以通过外汇交易中心系统或登录彭博终端向结算代理人发送委托指令,经结算代理人确认后与对手方在外汇交易中心系统达成交易。境外央行类机构可直接通过外汇交易中心交易平台达成交易。此外,结算代理模式下的境外投资者,可通过代理行申请开通 CIBM Direct RFQ 功能,该功能支持境外投资者直接向境内银行间债券市场做市商发起请求,做市商回复价格,双方自主达成交易。“债券通债券通”模式模式。境外机构投资者可通过 Tradeweb、Bloomberg、MarketAxess 等境外交易平台接入北向通,与北向通报价机构在外汇交易中心的交易平台达成交易。5.“债券通债券通”模式下,境外机构投资者如何与对手方开展交易?模式下,境外机构投资者如何与对手方开展交易?答:境外机构投资者需与境内北向通报价机构通过 RFQ 方式达成交易。具备较强的报价、定价能力,且具有良好国际声誉、具备支持北向通业务持续稳定开展的人员、制度和设施以及其他为债券市场提供流动性所必要的能力的银行间债券市场做市机构可成为北向通报价机构。2 交易商协会相关网站:http:/3 北金所相关网站:https:/中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)36 6.境外机构投资者投资交易所市场是否需要另行备案?境外机构投资者投资交易所市场是否需要另行备案?答:无需另行办理备案或审批手续。7.境外机构投资者在银行间债券市场现券交易采用怎样的结算周期?境外机构投资者在银行间债券市场现券交易采用怎样的结算周期?答:境外机构投资者可以自行选择 T N 结算周期,T 日为交易日。现券交易结算统一采用款券对付方式。对境外机构投资者达成的现券交易,如结算失败,经交易双方协商一致,可在三个工作日内向中央结算公司或上海清算所提交相关申请表发起循环结算。结算双方自行约定循环结算资金总额(循环结算金额),可在原结算合同结算金额的基础上进行一定调整。8.债券通模式下,境外机构能否自行下载成交单?债券通模式下,境外机构能否自行下载成交单?答:针对境外客户需要的成交单,债券通公司可提供 CSTP 接口,实时传送成交单上所有明细。境外机构可直接发邮件 申请开通CSTP。9.境外机构投资者购买境内债券存在哪些交易金额限制?境外机构投资者购买境内债券存在哪些交易金额限制?答:目前结算代理和债券通渠道下最小交易金额分别为 1 千元和 1万元人民币每笔,但市场惯例为单笔最小 1000 万人民币。债券通支持境外投资者进行交易前及交易后分仓,可按比例或量进行分仓设置,Tradeweb、Bloomberg 和 MarketAxess 均可支持。10.境外机构投资者在外汇交易中心系统完成交易后,如何取消交易及境外机构投资者在外汇交易中心系统完成交易后,如何取消交易及中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)37 结算?结算失败的交易,相关各方是否也会被收取费用?结算?结算失败的交易,相关各方是否也会被收取费用?答:已在外汇交易中心达成的交易不可修改或撤销。如遇结算失败,结算双方需要分别向外汇交易中心、中央结算公司或上海清算所提交备案表。结算代理模式结算代理模式。结算代理人应协助其向债券登记托管机构(中央结算公司、上海清算所)及外汇交易中心提交交易失败备案,并说明相应结算失败具体原因。“债券通债券通”模式模式。如遇结算失败,境外机构投资人应通过债券通有限公司向外汇交易中心提交 CFETS 结算失败报备表,并向债券登记托管机构(中央结算公司、上海清算所)提交备案表,若交易已在 CMU 系统被确认,则境外机构投资人亦应通过其托管人向 CMU 提供备案表。对境外机构投资者达成的现券交易,如结算失败,经交易双方协商一致,可在三个工作日内发起循环结算,即重新发起结算的业务。交易方可相应向上海清算所或中央结算公司申请循环结算。中央结算公司可支持境外机构投资者四天以上(含四天)非标准结算周期(T N,N4)的现券交易的结算服务。上海清算所为境外机构投资者提供 T 10 以内的现券交易结算服务。结算失败的交易将收取交易费用。11.监管部门是否会监测市场主体的投资交易行为?监管部门是否会监测市场主体的投资交易行为?答:人民银行上海总部将牵头组织开展交易报告工作,中国外汇交易中心、上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所等中国人民银行、中国证监会认可的电子交易平台,境内外托管银行,中国人民银行、中国证监会认可的债券登记结算机构应当及时、准确、完整地记录境外机构投资者中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)38 的交易、托管、结算等数据,并按照交易报告制度有关要求,定期将境外机构投资者相关明细数据报送至中国人民银行上海总部。境外机构投资者与对手方通过其他方式达成交易的,交易双方应当分别向中国人民银行上海总部报送交易数据。外汇交易中心等机构会监测和了解市场债券交易行为,重点监测异常交易和违规交易等影响市场秩序和公平的行为,发现情况及时上报。其中,异常交易是指成交价格大幅偏离市场公允价值、单笔报价或交易量远高于实际需求、交易双方或多方以虚增交易量为目的的对倒交易等行为。违规交易是指违反银行间债券市场相关管理规定或其他法律法规的行为。12.境外机构投资者对于跟关联方有关的交易行为是否有信息披露义境外机构投资者对于跟关联方有关的交易行为是否有信息披露义务?务?答:根据中国人民银行公告2015第 9 号,债券交易流通期间发生以下情形的,投资者应及时通过外汇交易中心进行信息披露:以自己发行的债券为标的资产进行债券回购交易;与其母公司或同一母公司下的其他子公司(分支机构)进行债券交易;资产管理人的自营账户与其资产管理账户进行债券交易;同一资产管理人管理的不同账户之间进行债券交易;中国人民银行规定的其他情形。境外机构投资者应按照以上法规规定,通过外汇交易中心进行信息披露或报告。四、资金汇兑四、资金汇兑 1.结算代理模式结算代理模式下,商业类境外机构投资者开立的资金专户有哪些用下,商业类境外机构投资者开立的资金专户有哪些用途?途?中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)39 答:资金专户(含人民币及外汇)仅用于资金汇出入、交易资金汇兑、划转、手续费支付、付息兑付、资金收款等境外机构投资者银行间债券市场交易相关用途。2.境外机构投资者投资有无额度与期限限制?境外机构投资者投资有无额度与期限限制?答:境外机构投资者可自行决定投资银行间债券市场的投资期限与投资规模,并无额度与期限的限制。3.资金汇进汇出有哪些限制?资金汇进汇出有哪些限制?答:结算代理模式。结算代理模式。对于境外主权类机构,无资金汇出入限制。对于境外商业类机构,若(1)仅汇入人民币进行投资的,其投资本金及收益应以人民币汇出,不受比例限制;(2)仅汇入外币进行投资的,其投资本金及收益应以外币汇出;(3)同时以人民币及外币汇出入,应遵照中国人民银行与外管局的相关管理政策,对汇出入本、外币资金的比例保持基本一致,可视情况选择按照比例控制或按照规模计算:按比例计算,境外机构投资者累计汇出外汇和人民币资金的比例应与累计汇入外汇和人民币资金的比例保持基本一致,上下波动不超过 10%。其中,首笔汇出可不按上述比例,但外币、人民币首笔汇出的规模不得超过累计汇入外汇或人民币规模的 110%。按规模计算,境外投资者累计汇出人民币规模不超过累计汇入人民币规模的 110%;境外投资者累计汇出外币规模不超过累计汇入外币规模的 110%。境外投资者境内银行间债券投资清盘汇出资金的,不受上述限制。“债券通债券通”模式模式。境外机构投资者通过北向通投资可使用自有人民币或外汇,使用外汇投资的,可通过香港结算行办理外汇资金兑换,在其投资的债券到期或卖出后不再投资的,原则上应该兑换回外汇汇出,并中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)40 通过香港结算行办理 此外,境外机构投资者以 QFII 身份进入银行间债券市场时须遵守QFII 资金汇入出相关规定。4.“债券通债券通”香港香港结算行有哪些家?结算行有哪些家?答:债券通香港结算行包括香港人民币业务清算行及香港地区经批准可进入境内银行间外汇市场进行交易的人民币购售业务境外参加行。根据跨境人民币业务相关规定和安排,香港人民币业务清算行指中国银行(香港)有限公司;根据中国人民银行和国家外汇管理局2015第40 号公告以及外汇交易中心市场准入相关规定,香港地区人民币购售业务参加行经外汇交易中心批准可进入境内银行间外汇市场进行交易。债 券 通 香 港 结 算 行 名 单 可 在 外 汇 交 易 中 心 网 站 上实时查询。5.结算代理模结算代理模式式下的境外机构投资者在投资银行间债券市场时是否可下的境外机构投资者在投资银行间债券市场时是否可以在不开立专用外汇账户的情况下,有结汇需求时将美元从境外美元账以在不开立专用外汇账户的情况下,有结汇需求时将美元从境外美元账户汇至结算代理人的境内美元账户,而有购汇需求时结算代理人将美元户汇至结算代理人的境内美元账户,而有购汇需求时结算代理人将美元划至境外机构投资者的境外美元账户?划至境外机构投资者的境外美元账户?答:境外机构投资者跨境收付应统一通过其境内债券市场投资专用资金账户办理,并可通过该账户办理即期结售汇交易相关境内资金收付。五、其他相关问题解答五、其他相关问题解答 1.如何理解如何理解“债券通债券通”项下境外投资者和债券持有人?项下境外投资者和债券持有人?答:债券通采用国际通行的多级托管模式。境外投资者是指名义持有制度下的债券实际权益拥有人,也即不再以自己名义代他人持有债中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 第二部分:常见问答(第二部分:常见问答(Q&AQ&A)41 券的最终投资者。债券持有人包括为自己持有债券的债券持有人,和以自己名义代他人持有债券的债券持有人(即名义持有人)。名义持有人应为托管机构,如托管银行、中央存管机构等。此处的名义持有人和实际权益拥有人与国际通行规则以及沪港通深港通中有关名词的含义是相同的。2.“债券通债券通”项下,名义持有人制度下,境外投资者如何行使有关权利?项下,名义持有人制度下,境外投资者如何行使有关权利?答:内地与香港债券市场互联互通合作管理暂行办法第五条规定,境外托管机构应在境内托管机构开立名义持有人账户,用于记载名义持有的全部债券余额,这就明确了北向通下境外投资者应通过CMU 持有债券,并依法享有通过北向通买入的债券的权益。境外投资者作为债券实际权益拥有人行使债权人权利的方式,应当根据香港特区关于名义持有人的相关法律规定作出安排。北向通下的债券实际权益拥有人应通过名义持有人,即 CMU 行使对债券发行人的权利。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 42 附表附表 1:做市机构名单:做市机构名单 安信证券股份有限公司 北京农村商业银行股份有限公司 北京银行股份有限公司 渤海银行股份有限公司 渤海证券股份有限公司 财信证券股份有限公司 长江证券股份有限公司 长沙银行股份有限公司 重庆农村商业银行股份有限公司 大连银行股份有限公司 德意志银行(中国)有限公司 第一创业证券股份有限公司 东北证券股份有限公司 东方证券股份有限公司 东海证券股份有限公司 东兴证券股份有限公司 东亚银行(中国)有限公司 法国巴黎银行(中国)有限公司 福建海峡银行股份有限公司 广东华兴银行股份有限公司 广东南粤银行股份有限公司 广东顺德农村商业银行股份有限公司 广发银行股份有限公司 广发证券股份有限公司 广州银行股份有限公司 国海证券股份有限公司 国家开发银行 国金证券股份有限公司 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 国信证券股份有限公司 汉口银行股份有限公司 杭州银行股份有限公司 恒丰银行股份有限公司 花旗银行(中国)有限公司 华创证券有限责任公司 华林证券股份有限公司 华泰证券股份有限公司 华西证券股份有限公司 华夏银行股份有限公司 徽商银行股份有限公司 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司 江苏江南农村商业银行股份有限公司 江苏银行股份有限公司 江西银行股份有限公司 交通银行股份有限公司 九江银行股份有限公司 洛阳银行股份有限公司 美国银行有限公司上海分行 民生证券股份有限公司 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 南京银行股份有限公司 宁波银行股份有限公司 平安银行股份有限公司 平安证券股份有限公司 齐鲁银行股份有限公司 青岛银行股份有限公司 瑞穗银行(中国)有限公司 瑞银证券有限责任公司 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 43 三菱日联银行(中国)有限公司 山西证券股份有限公司 上海农村商业银行股份有限公司 上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司 上海银行股份有限公司 申港证券股份有限公司 申万宏源证券有限公司 盛京银行股份有限公司 天风证券股份有限公司 天津银行股份有限公司 万联证券股份有限公司 五矿证券有限公司 厦门银行股份有限公司 兴业银行股份有限公司 星展银行(中国)有限公司 渣打银行(中国)有限公司 招商银行股份有限公司 招商证券股份有限公司 浙商银行股份有限公司 浙商证券股份有限公司 郑州银行股份有限公司 中国工商银行股份有限公司 中国光大银行股份有限公司 中国国际金融股份有限公司 中国建设银行股份有限公司 中国进出口银行 中国民生银行股份有限公司 中国农业银行股份有限公司 中国银行股份有限公司 中国银河证券股份有限公司 中国邮政储蓄银行股份有限公司 中信建投证券股份有限公司 中信银行股份有限公司 中信证券股份有限公司 中原银行股份有限公司 附表附表 2:债券通北向通报价机构名单:债券通北向通报价机构名单 中国工商银行股份有限公司 倪永红 8610-81012553 江晓杰 8610-66106185 卢宽广 8610-81013466 中国农业银行股份有限公司 邓宇川 8621-20687216 孙晨越 8621-20687240 康倬群 8621-20687247 中国银行股份有限公司 陈蕾彦 8621-20592815 中国建设银行股份有限公司 陈尧 8610-88007068 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 44 陈兆成 8621-20592807 刘泽华 8621-20592823 王灵希 8610-88007067 胡飞博 8610-88007002 交通银行股份有限公司 赵予之 8621-38579370 zhao_ 袁梦 8621-38579369 yuanm_ 杨一成 8621-38579313 y_ 国家开发银行 林璇 8610-88308521 中信银行股份有限公司 徐学超 8610-66636697 孙姣 8610-66636691 许伯文 8610-66636690 上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司 宋震 8621-33189538 张琳琳 8621-33189537 傅文俊 8621-33189537 卫肖楠 8621-33189534 招商银行股份有限公司 曾杰 8621-20625881 J_ 金纬嘉 8621-20625832 兴业银行股份有限公司 Victoria Hu 852-21992336 张健彬 8621-32174699 隆正伟 8621-32069502 中国民生银行股份有限公司 广发银行股份有限公司 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 45 魏星 8610-58560666-8896 宋垚 8610-58560666-9689 王家庆 8610-58560666-8759 党悦 8621-23297027 陆天宇 8621-23297076 焦正上 8621-23297001 浙商银行股份有限公司 王竹筠 8621-50290532 上海银行股份有限公司 王雨馨 8621-68472802 周麓宁 8621-68472643 宁波银行股份有限公司 吴皓 8621-23262628 沈睿婷 8621-23262717 严忻怡 8621-23262764 南京银行股份有限公司 陈可 8621-36698022 吴敏 8621-36698029 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司 袁彬 8621-38882862 晋铁 8621-38659595 唐志成 8621-38659878 渣打银行(中国)有限公司 叶禾 8610-59188268 He.Y 仓媛媛 8621-38515121 Yuanyuan.C 孙昊渲 8621-38515322 孙以宁 8621-38515309 Yining.S 花旗银行(中国)有限公司 冯晔 法国巴黎银行(中国)有限公司 吴安琪 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 46 8621-28969303 Y 吕欣欣 8621-28966631 Christine.L 8621-28962789 郭晓 8621-28962786 德意志银行(中国)有限公司 陶冶青 8621-20802884 L 徐肇廷 8621-20802807 星展银行(中国)有限公司 杨睿 8621-38968578 潘剑 8621-38968614 郑瀛 8621-38968874 三菱日联银行(中国)有限公司 Bowen Wang 8621-68881666(ex.2901)wang_bowen_002cn.mufg.jp Lichao Gu 8621-68881666(ex.2936)gu_li_chaocn.mufg.jp Liting Dong 8621-68881666(ex.2909)dong_li_tingcn.mufg.jp 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 程文煜 8621-52002829 高原 8621-52002983 瑞穗银行(中国)有限公司 蒋怡雯 8621-38558464 CNYBondTeammizuho-张怡 8621-38558482 CNYBondTeammizuho-美国银行有限公司上海分行 郝鲁江 8621-61608923 龙泉 8621-61608902 张荣峰 8621-61608921 rong_ 中信证券股份有限公司 张大宇 44-20-76147282 曹腾博 86-18515977278 国泰君安证券股份有限公司 杨启凡 8621-38677880 杨钊玺 8621-38677831 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 47 杨希 86-13718813968 东方证券股份有限公司 王哲也 8621-63326937 丁格菲 8621-63335888-2139 团队 广发证券股份有限公司 曾健 8620-66336662 彭妍 8620-66338059 中国国际金融股份有限公司 李哲 8621-58796226(ext.3463)FI_RT_OB 孙天姝 8610-65059667 FI_XNS 熊澄宇 8610-65059563 Chengyu.X 中信建投证券股份有限公司 林璟 8610-65608086 王澈 8610-85159320 黄懋楗 8610-85130659 平安证券股份有限公司 殷莉 86755-33547517 王贺 86755-81917173 招商证券股份有限公司 曾毅 8621-20398526 周宇 8610-60840916 杨毛毛 8610-57609501 中国进出口银行 李多德 8610-83578674 侯亚博 8610-83578717 于岩群 8610-83578670 中国光大银行股份有限公司 林凡 8610-63636521 王路 8610-63636523 zh_ 王宇琪 8610-63637058 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 48 平安银行股份有限公司 王铮 86-13810601338 V 唐菲 86-13917538594 孟思航 86-17802105816 M 江苏银行股份有限公司 张雅丽 8621-20536207 张然 8621-20536211 阮辉 8621-20536209 杭州银行股份有限公司 周元 8621-63799530 黄一鸣 8621-63799528 厦门银行股份有限公司 陈柏宏 86592-5357123 金恒尧 86592-5357112 上海农村商业银行股份有限公司 朱谷玉 8621-61899228 施恺驹 8621-61899229 周川博 8621-61899286 申万宏源证券有限公司 王志 8610-88085613 舒快 8621-33389837 余骁 8621-33388244 东海证券股份有限公司 郭圣雨 8621-20333574 姚子剑 8621-20333216 薛嵘 8621-20333654 华泰证券股份有限公司 何诗萌 8621-58332035 李雨婷 8621-68596101 刘敏 8621-68596875 天风证券股份有限公司 毛倩君 浙商证券股份有限公司 申屠业勤 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 49 8610-59833171 田苏怡 8610-59833054 8621-80106016 唐齐天 8621-80105926 陆林 8621-80108538 瑞银证券有限责任公司 苏虹伊 8621-38668656 邓攀 8621-38668321 中国邮政储蓄银行 范昊祎 8610-68858936 孙睿子 8610-68858976 青岛银行股份有限公司 刘晓岑 86532-82910668 薄一丹 86532-82910608 崔亚东 86532-81758481 大连银行股份有限公司 许琦 86411-82356604 于明明 86411-82311640 马赫远 86411-82356654 长沙银行股份有限公司 彭婧 86731-82110301 刘烨 86731-82110329 赵京卓 86731-82110303 汉口银行股份有限公司 樊静雅 8627-65562018 张宝智 8627-65562021 国信证券股份有限公司 张天司 8610-88005099 崔馨元 8610-88005075 国海证券股份有限公司 于超 86755-21872972 陈敏轩 86755-21872942 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 50 山西证券股份有限公司 黄玮嘉 86755-33304360 第一创业证券股份有限公司 李响 86755-23838660 王泉锐 86755-23838661 刘楠頔 86755-23838618 附表附表 3:开展境外机构结算代理业务的银行间市场结算代理人:开展境外机构结算代理业务的银行间市场结算代理人 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司 中国工商银行股份有限公司 中国银行股份有限公司 中国建设银行股份有限公司 渣打银行(中国)有限公司 花旗银行(中国)有限公司 中国农业银行股份有限公司 德意志银行(中国)有限公司 交通银行股份有限公司 法国巴黎银行(中国)有限公司 招商银行股份有限公司 中信银行股份有限公司 上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司 摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司 星展银行(中国)有限公司 上海银行股份有限公司 兴业银行股份有限公司 成都银行股份有限公司 厦门银行股份有限公司 中国光大银行股份有限公司 三菱日联银行(中国)有限公司 附表附表 4:香港结算行名单:香港结算行名单 中国工商银行(亚洲)有限公司 渣打银行(香港)有限公司 恒生银行有限公司 中国建设银行(亚洲)股份有限公司 中信银行(国际)有限公司 中国光大银行股份有限公司香港分行 上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司香港分行 兴业银行股份有限公司香港分行 东方汇理银行香港分行 美国道富银行香港分行 交通银行(香港)有限公司 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司 中国银行(香港)有限公司 中国农业银行股份有限公司香港分行 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 51 交通银行股份有限公司香港分行 招商银行香港分行 花旗银行香港分行 三菱日联银行香港分行 星展银行有限公司香港分行 法国巴黎银行香港分行 永丰商业银行股份有限公司香港分行 中国信托商业银行股份有限公司香港分行 摩根大通银行香港分行 台北富邦商业银行股份有限公司香港分行 瑞穗银行香港分行 德意志银行香港分行 美国纽约梅隆银行香港分行 澳新银行集团有限公司香港分行 美国银行香港分行 附表附表 5:结算代理模式相关文件:结算代理模式相关文件 名称名称 文号文号 中国人民银行公告2016第 3 号 中国人民银行公告2016第 3 号 中国人民银行关于境外人民币清算行等三类机构运用人民币投资银行间债券市场试点有关事宜的通知 银发2010217 号 中国人民银行关于境外人民币业务清算行、境外参加银行开展银行间债券市场债券回购交易的通知 银发2015170 号 中国人民银行关于境外央行、国际金融组织、主权财富基金 运用人民币投资银行间市场有关事宜的通知 银发2015220 号 中国人民银行上海总部公告2015第 1 号(银行间准入备案系统)中国人民银行上海总部公告2015第 1 号 中国人民银行上海总部 2016 年第 2 号公告(境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场备案管理实施细则)中国人民银行上海总部公告2016第 2 号 中国人民银行上海总部 2018 年第 2 号公告(简化境外投资者进入中国银行间债券市场备案有关要求)中国人民银行上海总部公告2018第 2 号 国家外汇管理局关于境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场有关外汇管理问题的通知 汇发201612 号 中国人民银行 国家外汇管理局关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资银行间债券市场有关事项的通知 银发2019240 号 关于延长境外机构投资者债券交易结算周期的联合通知 国家外汇管理局关于完善银行间债券市场境外机构投资者外汇风险管理问题的通知 汇发20202 号 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 52 名称名称 文号文号 国家外汇管理局关于完善银行间债券市场境外机构投资者外汇风险管理有关问题的通知(汇发20202 号)政策问答 汇发20202 号政策问答 关于延续境外机构投资境内债券市场企业所得税、增值税政策的公告 财政部 税务总局公告 2021 年 34号 中国人民银行 中国证监会 国家外汇管理局公告2022第4 号(关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资中国债券市场有关事宜)中国人民银行 中国证监会 国家外汇管理局公告2022第 4 号 关于试运行直投模式下境外机构投资者直接交易服务的通知 中汇交发2020224 号 关于延长银行间债券市场现券买卖交易时段的公告 中汇交公告202043 号 附表附表 6:“债券通债券通”相关文件相关文件 名称名称 文号文号 内地与香港债券市场互联互通合作管理暂行办法 中国人民银行令2017第 1 号 中国人民银行上海总部债券通北向通境外投资者准入备案业务指引 中 国 人 民 银 行 上 海 总 部 公 告2017第 1 号 债券通入市手册 指引和表格4(2022 年 2 月)全国银行间同业拆借中心债券通交易规则(试行)中汇交发2017223 号 中央国债登记结算有限责任公司 债券通北向通登记托管结算业务规则 中债字2017102 号 中国人民银行办公厅关于发布债券通(北向通)结算操作规程的通知 银办发2018150 号 银行间市场清算所股份有限公司内地与香港债券市场互联互通合作登记托管清算结算业务实施细则(试行)(2017年发布)银行间市场清算所股份有限公司债券通北向通业务指南(2018 年 10 月修订)关于延长境外机构投资者债券交易结算周期的联合通知 国家外汇管理局关于完善银行间债券市场境外机构投资者外汇风险管理问题的通知 汇发20202 号 4 该手册内容以英文为主。中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 53 名称名称 文号文号 国家外汇管理局关于完善银行间债券市场境外机构投资者外汇风险管理有关问题的通知(汇发20202 号)政策问答 汇发20202 号政策问答 关于落实完善债券通渠道资金汇兑和外汇风险管理有关安排的公告 中汇交公告202045 号 关于延续境外机构投资境内债券市场企业所得税、增值税政策的公告 财政部 税务总局公告 2021 年 34号 中国人民银行 中国证监会 国家外汇管理局公告2022第 4号(关于进一步便利境外机构投资者投资中国债券市场有关事宜)中国人民银行 中国证监会 国家外汇管理局公告2022第 4 号 关于延长银行间债券市场现券买卖交易时段的公告 中汇交公告202043 号 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册第第 54 中国债券市场投资手册(中国债券市场投资手册(2022 年版)年版)致致 谢谢 近年来中国债券市场实现了很多优化发展,本手册据此对债券市场发展及对外开放进展情况进行了梳理,并对国际投资者近期关注的问题进行了解答,希望对国际投资者了解、跟踪和进入中国银行间债券市场有所帮助。衷心感谢人民银行金融市场司、人民银行上海总部的指导以及交易商协会和上海清算所的供稿支持,也在此感谢工商银行、农业银行、中国银行、汇丰银行、东方证券、中信证券以及债券通公司相关同事为手册的编写和翻译等方面做出的积极的贡献。55 China Interbank Bond Market Handbook(2022 Version)中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 56 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview China bond market is now the second largest bond market worldwide,with a depository balance over 130 trillion yuan,forming a market dominated by interbank and exchange markets and supplemented by the over-the-counter market.China Interbank Bond Market(CIBM)is the most important part of China bond market in terms of either scale or liquidity,accounting for around 86%of outstanding volume in China bond market.CIBM stands to be the main trading venue for Chinese government bonds(CGBs),policy bank bonds and Negotiable Certificate of Deposit(NCDs)which are popular among overseas investors.CIBM was established in 1997.After over 20 years of evolution,infrastructure in the financial market infrastructure has been continuously improved amid growing diversity in market participants and trading instruments.The opening up of CIBM is also proceeding steadily.By the end of December 2021,the total depository balance of CIBM reached nearly 115 trillion yuan with market participants nearly 3,800 in terms of incorporated entities,and total trading volume over 1,400 trillion yuan.China bond market adheres to develop in market-oriented,law-based,and internationalized way.With the support of overseas investors,Chinese bonds have been successively included in the three major international bond indexes.Chinese bonds have been included in 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 57 Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index(BBGA)and the JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets(GBI-EM)in April 2019 and February 2020 respectively.In March 2021,FTSE Russell announced the inclusion of Chinese government bonds in its World Government Bond Index(WGBI),phased in over 36 months from October 2020.1.Market Structure CIBM is made up of organizations including trading platform,bond depository organizations,self-regulatory organizations,investors and issuers.PBC is the main regulator and supervisor of CIBM.1.1 Regulators According to the Law of the Peoples Bank of China,the Peoples Bank of China(PBC)is the central bank of the Peoples Republic of China.Under the leadership of the State Council,PBC is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policies,preventing and resolving financial risks,maintaining financial stability and regulating the interbank market.In addition,certain types of market participants might be subject to the supervision of China Bank and Insurance Regulatory Commission(CBIRC)and China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC);market participants may also subject to the supervision State Administration of 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 58 Foreign Exchange(SAFE)if invest in foreign currencies.CBIRC is a public institution directly under the State Council.Its main duties include supervising the banking and insurance industry in accordance with laws and regulations,maintaining the legal and stable operation of the banking and insurance industry,and protecting legal rights and interests of financial market consumers.CSRC is also a public institution directly under the State Council.CSRC performs a unified regulatory function,according to relevant laws and regulations,over the securities and futures market of China.It aims to maintain an orderly and lawful operations of the securities and futures market.SAFE is responsible for the supervision and management of the foreign exchange market of China.The responsibilities of SAFE include:monitor and analyse the balance of payments,fund remittance and cross-border capital flows,to maintain the stability of foreign exchange market.1.2 Self-regulatory Organizations National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors(NAFMII),founded with the approval of the State Council,is a nationwide non-profit social group legal person under the regulation of 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 59 PBC.The association is a voluntary self-regulatory organization in the interbank bond market,interbank lending market,foreign exchange market,gold market and financial derivatives market.By the end of December 2021,the association has 8,768 members in total,including banks,credit cooperatives,securities companies,insurance companies,fund companies,and large enterprises,etc.The responsibilities of NAFMII include:1)To formulate and supervise the implementation of self-regulatory rules,business norms and work ethics;2)take charge of the issuance registration of non-financial enterprise debt financing instruments;3)initiate innovations of new products and systems that are in line with the characteristics of the interbank market by following market demands;4)promote self-regulation of the interbank bond market,aiming for compliant growth of the market;5)arrange for business research among market members while collecting,sorting and publishing market information;6)organize continuing education and business training programs for practitioners to improve their business skills and vocational capabilities;7)mediate disputes among NAFMII members and those between its members and customers;8)promote the opening up and internationalization of the market and serve as a bridge for members for going out.1.3 Trading Platform,Bond Depository and Payment System 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 60 China Foreign Exchange Trade System and National Interbank Funding Center(CFETS)is the only bond trading platform approved by PBC in CIBM.CFETS adheres to the core principle of using multiple technical approaches and various trading mechanisms to fulfill demands from multi-tiered markets.Under the strategic goal of becoming the major global trading platform and pricing center for RMB and related products,CFETS provides a range of services covering trading,issuance,post-trade processing,information disclosure,market benchmark and professional training for interbank money,cash bond,repo,bond lending,foreign exchange and derivatives market.CFETS undertakes daily market monitoring,hosts the secretariats of the Self-Regulatory Mechanism of Interest Rate Pricing and the FX Market Self-Regulatory Framework,and supports monetary policy operation and transmission of the PBC.In addition,it publishes the RMB FX central parity rate,Shanghai Interbank Interest Rate(Shibor),Depository-Institutions Repo Rate(DR),Loan Prime Rate(LPR),RMB Reference Rate,CFETS RMB Index series etc.authorized by PBC.China Central Depository&Clearing Co.,Ltd.(CCDC)and Shanghai Clearing House(SHCH)are bond depository and settlement institutions approved by PBC,mainly providing bond registration,depository and settlement services.CCDC provides tendering and issuing,registration and custody,settlement,information disclosure,interest payment and other services for CGBs,local government bonds,financial institution 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 61 bonds,government supported institution bond,enterprise bonds and Asset-backed Securities(ABS).SHCH provides tendering and issuing,registration and custody,clearing and settlement,information disclosure and interest payment services for corporate credit bonds,financial institution bonds,money market instruments and structured products,including CPs,SCPs,NCDs,asset-backed notes etc.China National Clearing Center(CNCC)provides fund clearing and transfer services onshore.Cross-border Interbank Payment Clearing(Shanghai)Co.Ltd.(CIPS)provides RMB clearing and settlement services to domestic and foreign financial institutions for cross-border and offshore RMB business.2.Market Participants By the end of 2021,there are nearly 3,800 participants in terms of incorporated entities in CIBM.The most active participants are domestic commercial banks,securities companies,funds,financial management companies,insurance companies,trust companies and various overseas investors.Meanwhile,in order to enhance liquidity and promote price discovery,Market Making mechanisms are being practiced in CIBM.By end of December 2021,there are 93 Market Makers and 56 of them are appointed to be Northbound Bond Connect dealers.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 62 In order to facilitate overseas investors CIBM investment,qualified domestic banks perform as bond trading and settlement agents,providing agency trading and bond settlement services for overseas investors.By end of December 2021,21 qualified bond trading and settlement agents have provided relevant services for overseas investors in CIBM.3.Market Structure and Investment Instruments 3.1 Cash Bond Market As of the end of 2021,the stock of the interbank bond market exceeded 114.7 trillion yuan.Rate Bonds accounted for 63%,while Credit Bonds and NCDs together accounted for 37%.Bond Variety Issuer Custodian Institution Proportion(%)Treasury Bond Ministry of Finance CCDC 19.11%Local Government Bond Local government 25.91ntral Bank Bill PBC 0.01%Corporation Bond Non-financial corporation 1.53%Policy Bank Bond Policy Bank CCDC/SHCH 28.92%Credit Assets Backed Securities Financial Institution Other Financial Bonds Government Supported Institution Bond China Railway/Central Huijin Investment Ltd Other bonds Non-financial corporation NCD Commercial Bank SHCH 12.28%CP of Securities Companies Commercial Non-bank Financial corporation 12.23%SCP Non-financial corporation CP MTN PPN ABN of Non-financial corporation Project Revenue Notes 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 63 Bond Variety Issuer Custodian Institution Proportion(%)Collective CP of SME Table 1 Distribution of Major Bonds in CIBM The most-traded instruments are cash bond and bond lending.Till 2021,the total cash bond trading volume was about 212 trillion yuan.NCD and Rate Bonds,especially the CGB and CDB of benchmark tenors have better liquidity.CP and MTN have better liquidity among credit bonds.Figure 1 Turnover by Products Bond lending is an efficient tool in the interbank bond market.It helps the owners to better use bond inventory and enhance return during holding periods,fulfilling temporary demand,carrying out various trading strategies and increasing market liquidity for borrowers.In 2021,the bond lending volume has reached 10.2 trillion yuan.The maturity of bond lending is mainly O/N and 7D.The main participants are joint stock commercial banks,urban commercial banks,and securities companies,and the trading bonds are mainly policy bank bonds and CGBs.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 64 3.2 Bond Repo Market Bond repo is an important liquidity management tool.There are two types of Repo:pledged repo and outright repo.Pledged repo does not change the ownership of the bond,and outright repo does.It is worth noting that pledged repo is the most popular instrument among the Chinese investors.In 2021,the trading volume of pledged repo is 1,040.5 trillion yuan.Most actively traded tenors are O/N and 7D,accounting for more than 96%of the repo trading.Figure 2 Volume of Bond Repo(in trillion yuan)3.3 Derivatives Market Various derivatives have been developed in CIBM,including IRS,FRA,Bond Forwards,Standard Bond Forwards,Interest Rate Option and other interest rate and credit derivatives.In 2021,total trading volume of the derivatives market is over 21 trillion yuan.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 65 For interest rate derivatives,IRS is the most active rates derivative and an efficient tool for hedging;the daily trading volume is approximately 80 billion yuan.In term of the reference rate,IRS includes FR007,Shibor 3M,Shibor O/N,LPR1Y,LPR5Y,etc.Also,IRS covers tenors from 1Y to 10Y,and the tenors below 1Y are more actively traded.Figure 3 Volume of IRS(in trillion yuan)For credit derivatives,CRMA,CRMW,CDS and CLN have successively introduced the interbank market to enrich tools for credit risk management since 2010.Since 2019,three CDS Index products have been launched,including CFETS-SHCH-GTJA High Grade CDS Index,CFETS-SHCH Private Enterprise CDS Index and CFETS-SHCH-CBR Yangtze River Delta Region CDS Index,covering credit rating,enterprise nature and geographical type.3.4 FX Market In 2021,trading volume of the interbank FX market reached 31.3 trillion 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 66 USD with an increase of 23.4%yoy.Trading products include spot,forward,FX swaps,currency swaps and options and the trading mechanism covers bidding,inquiry and matching trading modes.Also,interbank FX market supports the trading of the RMB against the currencies of developed economies such as the USD,EUR and GBP,as well as the currencies of emerging market economies such as SGD and MYR.3.5 Liquidity of the Bond Market CIBM is seeing increasing liquidity over the years.First is rising market-making activities.Following the changes to the market making regime in 2021,the average daily quoted bonds rose 50%to 4,900 and number of quotes also showed a 5-fold increase.In 2022,treasury bond has recorded an annualized turnover rate of more than 200%,and policy bank bond of over 400%.Secondly,notable decline in market-maker quotation spread and much greater market depth.For treasury bonds,average bid-ask spread of the best quotes narrowed sharply to about 0.5 bp for the most active 10-year treasury bond,and to 0.50.6 bp for the second-most active one;market-making quotes at depth of five columns rose to 500 million to 1 billion yuan.In terms of policy bank bonds,the average best market-maker spread also shrank significantly to 0.5 bp for the most active 10-year CDB,and to about 1 bp for the second-most active 10-year CDB;and the market-making quotes at depth of five columns reached 2 billion yuan.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 67 4.Trading Mechanism CIBM continues to introduce innovative trading mechanisms in order to provide more efficient and transparent trading mode.CIBM currently includes market making,matching trading,bilateral trading,etc.Product Market Making and RFQ Anonymous Matching Bilateral Trading through iDeal Repo RFQ X-Repo Cash Bond Market making and RFQ X-Bond,X-Auction,X-Bargain Bond Lending X-Lending Interest Rate Swap(IRS)RFQ X-Swap Standard Bond Forwards X-Swap Table 2:CFETS Multi-Tiered Trading Services 4.1 Market Making and RFQ Market makers in cash bond,repo and derivatives market provide market liquidity through market making quotes and RFQs.In particular,cash bond market makers may issue one-click trading quotes and indicative quotes.One-click trading quote is a two-way quote that can be directly executed.Indicative quote is a named quote that cannot be directly executed with one click.The recipient can use it as a reference to finalize the price through RFQ or other means and then conclude the deal.4.2 Anonymous Matching In line with the different characteristics of the products traded in the bond market,CFETS provides all-to-all anonymous matching services(X-series)that enable participants to submit anonymous orders to the 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 68 trading system.Based on the bilateral credit line granted by the two trading parties to each other,the trading system will match the orders with the principle of price-time priority.Unmatched orders are available for one-click trading.Anonymous matching is a popular trading mode widely used in the cash bond,pledged repo,bond lending,IRS,and standard bond forwards,which significantly increases the liquidity of the markets.4.3 Bilateral Trading Both counterparties negotiate the transaction details themselves and complete the transaction in the form of bilateral communication.The parties can exchange quotes through iDeal,an instant messaging tool and information platform from CFETS that is directly linked to and embedded in CFETS trading system.Upon reaching an agreement,the two parties can directly submit their trading intentions to the trading system and confirm the trade.5.China Bond Market Opening-up 5.1 Bond Issuance(1)Continue to perfect panda bond market rules and attract more overseas issuers In recent years,Chinas bond market has been working diligently in attracting high-quality overseas issuers,improving the registration and issuance mechanism,and promoting product innovations.Up until now,中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 69 a panda bond market with one announcement,one detailed rule,one form,and two guidelines5 has been established.Until December 2021,the accumulated issuance amount of panda bond was 545.75 billion yuan panda bond,of which 396.68 billion yuan was issued in the interbank bond market.As the end of 2021,the outstanding amount of panda bond in Chinas bond market was 199.31 billion yuan,while 149.42 billion yuan was in interbank market and 49.89 billion yuan was in the exchange market.In terms of the type of panda bond issuers,non-financial enterprises has been the most frequent issuer(the registration and issuance procedure for this type are described in Figure 4),which gave a solid financial support to the development of many industries including chip manufacturing,environmental protection,automotive,shipping,pharmaceutical,power,warehousing and logistics,transportation,etc.The majority of panda bond was issued via public offering,with an average issuance volume of 1.5 to 2 billion yuan and tenor from 23 days to 10 year;3-year bond has been the most popular one.5 One announcement:Peoples Bank of China&Ministry of Finance Announcement 2018 No.16 One detailed rule:Detailed Rules for the Administration of Tiered Management of Debt Financing Instruments of Overseas Non-Financial Enterprises.One form:Form Requirements for Registration Documents for Debt Financing Instruments of Overseas Non-Financial Enterprises.Two guidelines:Guidelines on Debt Financing Instruments of Overseas Non-Financial Enterprises(2020);Guidelines on Bond Issuance by Foreign Governmental Agency and International Development Institution Issuers.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 70 Figure 4 Interbank Panda Bond:Registration and Issuance Process Data Source:Bloomberg,NAFMII Figure 5 Panda Bonds Issuance Volumes No.Issuer Type Foreign Governmental Agency and International Development Institution Financial Institution Non-financial Institution CIBM 2019 4 5 26 2020 3 2 34 2021 6 3 48 Exchange 2019 N/A N/A 5 2020 4 2021 15 Data Source:Wind,NAFMII 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 71 Table 3 Current Trends on Panda Bonds(2)Utilize panda bond market to promote the opening-up on the investment side Panda bond have attracted many types of long-term capital,such as multilateral organizations and central banks.In the interbank market,the proportion of panda bond held by overseas investors has reached 25%,making it the most popular type of bond among overseas investors.After 12 years,Asian Development Bank has returned to the market,and has also brought a large number of ESG cornerstone investors.In addition,related panda bond information is now displayed in the ChongWa(Macao)Financial Asset Exchange CO.,Ltd.(MOX),which has attracted more overseas investors and further promoted the opening-up of interbank bond market.(3)Launch social bonds and sustainability bonds in panda bond market Based on the international standard of Green,Social and Sustainability(GSS)bonds,United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)and Chinas 14th Five-Year Plan,the interbank bond market has launched social bonds and sustainability bonds in 2021.The newly launched GSS bonds adopted internationally accepted four core elements(i.e.use of proceeds,project selection and evaluation,management of use of proceeds and information disclosure),and introduced third-party independent evaluation to ensure that all proceeds are used for social responsibility projects and green projects while 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 72 actively cultivating ESG investment groups.In 2021,NAFMII launched the first sustainability bond,raised funds for financial leasing projects such as elderly care facilities,sewage treatment,green public transportation,etc.,contributing the achievement of 3060 and sustainable development goals.5.2 Investment Since 2005,CIBM has been continuously evolving and opening up.Regulatory authorities have initiated several campaigns to facilitate overseas investors participation in CIBM,which include the launch of CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect.Figure 6 Onboarding Workflows 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 73 The Matters Concerning Further Facilitating Investment in Chinas Bond Markets by Overseas Institutional Investors(Joint Announcement 2022,No.4)(hereinafter referred to as the Joint Announcement)promulgated on May 27,2022 by the PBC,CSRC and SAFE.The Joint Announcement claims to study and explore the establishment and improvement of inclusive institutional arrangements compatible with the multi-level custody system.The CIBM Direct mode and the Custodian mode in the interbank bond market run in parallel.Under the Custodian mode,overseas institutional investors can,directly or through their global custodians,entrust qualified local custodians for bond custody.Overseas institutional investors investing in the interbank bond market should register bonds bought through local custodian banks thereunder and enjoy securities rights and interests according to law.5.2.1 Basic information of overseas investors participation Overseas investors have shown surging interest in Chinese bonds since 2016,due to the official inclusion of the RMB into the IMFs SDR basket,the launch of the Bond Connect,the increasing convenience of investing and trading in CIBM,and the inclusion of China into all three major global bond indices.By the end of December 2021,in terms of incorporated entities,1016 overseas investors have joined CIBM covering more than 60 countries and regions.Among them,507 registered through CIBM Direct and 728 through Northbound Bond Connect.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 74 In 2021,overseas investors contributed 11.5 trillion yuan in trading volume,with a yoy growth of 25%;Northbound Bond Connect contributed 6.5 trillion yuan and CIBM Direct 5.0 trillion yuan.The most active overseas investors are commercial banks,central banks and asset managers,accounting for 50%,18%and 17%respectively.Most traded bonds are CGBs,policy bank bonds and NCDs,accounting for 54%,32%and 11%respectively.Favorable tenor is 7-10 year and 0-1 year,accounting for 30%and 27%.By the end of 2021,the total amount of bond held by overseas investors is 4.0 trillion yuan,which is a huge increase compared with the amount of 0.8 trillion yuan in June 2017.The proportion of overseas investors holding to total market surpassed 3.5%,which still has plenty of room for improvement compared with major bond markets worldwide.By the end of 2021,the major products held by overseas investors are CGBs,policy bank bonds and NCDs,in proportion of 61%,27%and 4%respectively.Figure 7 Total Amount of Bonds Held by Overseas investors(billion yuan)Figure 8 Overseas investors Bond Holding Structure 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 75 5.2.2 Trading and Settlement workflows The trading and settlement workflows under CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect are shown in the figures below.The workflows under CIBM Direct include the traditional pattern(Agency trading)and CIBM Direct RFQ pattern.To be specific,the overseas investors that had enter the CIBM could apply for the CIBM Direct RFQ via their agent bank.CIBM Direct RFQ function provides the foreign investors a way to directly send the RFQ to CIBM market makers and conclude the trades.Figure 9 The trading and settlement workflow under CIBM Direct tradition pattern Figure 10 The trading and settlement workflow under CIBM Direct RFQ pattern 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 76 Figure 11 The trading and settlement workflow under Northbound Bond Connect 5.3 Workflows of CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect CIBM Direct Northbound Bond Connect Admission Overseas investors can submit registration documents to PBC through CIBM Agent Banks.Overseas products need not be filed with the Shanghai Headquarters of the PBC one by one.Overseas investors can submit registration documents to PBC through institutions recognized by the PBC as registration agents,such as CFETS,local custodians,CIBM Agent Banks,etc.Overseas investors can submit the relevant documents to above institutions or Bond Connect Company Limited(BCCL).Overseas products need not be filed with the Shanghai Headquarters of the PBC one by one.Trading Platform CFETS trading platform CFETS trading platform Trading Mode(1)Agency trading:initiated by the agent bank to make an inquiry or RFQ CIBM Direct RFQ:foreign investors independently send RFQ to CIBM market makers Foreign investors send RFQ directly to Northbound Bond Connect Dealers Counterparties(2)Agency trading:All interbank market participants CIBM Direct RFQ:CIBM market makers Northbound Bond Connect Dealers Trading Time 9:00-12:00,13:00-16:30(GMT 8)(T 0)9:00-12:00,13:00-20:00(GMT 8)(T 1 and above)9:00-12:00,13:00-16:30(GMT 8)(T 0)9:00-12:00,13:00-20:00(GMT 8)(T 1 and above)Investment Instruments Foreign central banks,international financial institutions and sovereign wealth funds(Hereinafter Central Banks)can trade all products of interbank bond market and Cash Bonds Invest bonds in exchange market through Interbank-Exchange Bond Market 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 77 derivatives market.Other foreign can trade Cash Bonds,and can hedge using derivatives,including Bond Lending,Bond Forward,IRS,FRA etc.Overseas participating banks and RMB clearing banks can do repo trade.Invest bonds in exchange market through Interbank-Exchange Bond Market Connect Connect FX Conversion and Hedging(3)Different types of foreign investors can choose different channels,including directly or through the prime brokerage mode to enter the interbank FX market,through domestic banks to handle FX conversion and hedging in customer market,etc.Different types of foreign investors can choose different channels,including directly enter the interbank FX market,through domestic banks to handle FX conversion and hedging in customer market,etc.Trustee Direct Ownership Multiple-layer Nominee Structure Settlement&Clearing(4)DVP,CNAPS DVP,CIPS Settlement Cycle(5)T N T N Table 4 Workflow of CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect 5.3.1 Trading Mode For CIBM Direct,overseas investors can send trading instructions to CIBM agent banks via CFETS trading platform,fax,mail,and Bloomberg terminal.CIBM agent banks will execute the trade in CFETS trading system.Meanwhile,the overseas investors that applied for the CIBM Direct RFQ can directly send RFQ order and conduct the trade with CIBM market makers.For Northbound Bond Connect,overseas investors can log in the international third-party trading platforms,to directly send RFQ order and conduct the trade.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 78 Currently,CFETS trading platform supports block trade(pre-allocation and post-allocation),List Trading,International Payment Service,etc.By use of these functions,foreign investors can allocate multiple accounts in a single trade,initiate inquiries for a list of bonds at the same time,and carry out international payment tradings as required.Foreign investors,especially asset managers,can trade in a more convenience way.In addition,under Northbound Bond Connect,foreign investors can apply for closing order trading service to conclude the trades with domestic market makers in the form of CFETS bond closing valuation(C-Val)plus/minus a spread,which facilitates investors to track index and lock in rebalancing trades.5.3.2 Counterparties For CIBM Direct,overseas investors can trade with interbank bond market participants or market makers.For Northbound Bond Connect,overseas investors can trade with 56 Northbound Bond Connect dealers.5.3.3 FX Conversion and Hedging For CIBM Direct,Foreign central banks,international financial institutions and sovereign wealth funds(Hereinafter Central Banks)can conduct FX conversion and hedging by choosing to directly become overseas members of interbank FX market.Overseas commercial banks(including RMB clearing banks and overseas participating banks)can 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 79 choose:(i)conduct FX conversion and hedging with no more than 3 domestic financial institutions in the customer market through domestic banks and should submit the list of financial institutions to CFETS in advance;or(ii)direct access to the interbank FX market for FX conversion and hedging;Or(iii)enter the interbank FX market for FX conversion and hedging through the prime brokerage mode.Foreign non-bank investors may choose the above methods(i)or(iii)to conduct FX conversion and hedging.For Northbound Bond Connect,Central Banks,RMB clearing banks and overseas participating banks in Hong Kong(Hong Kong settlement banks)can direct access to the interbank FX market for FX conversion and hedging.Other foreign investors can conduct FX conversion and hedging with no more than 3 Hong Kong settlement banks in their customer markets after filing with CFETS.Positions derived in such manner at Hong Kong settlement banks can be squared in the interbank FX market.Besides,an overseas banking group could designate a branch to perform collective RMB purchases and sales.5.3.4 Settlement and Clearing Under CIBM Direct,overseas investors should appoint an agent bank for settlement.After the trade execution in CFETS trading system,overseas investors will receive the trade ticket generated in CFETS trading system from the agent bank.For overseas investors who use CFETS trading 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 80 platform,they can search the trading ticket by themselves via real-time inquiries in the system.Upon the receipt of the trading ticket,overseas investors can send settlement instruction to the agent bank directly or via their global custodian to complete the settlement.For those who need to settle bonds via sending settlement instructions,the agent bank should validate the aforesaid instructions on settlement day,transfer the fund from the special RMB cash account(NRA account)opened by the overseas investors at the agent bank to bond settlement cash account opened by the overseas investors in the onshore bond depositories(CCDC or SHCH),and complete the settlement confirmation in the settlement system of the onshore bond depositories on behalf of the overseas institutional investors.For those who do not need to settle bonds via sending settlement instructions,the agent bank can complete the bonds and cash settlement directly on behalf of the overseas institutional investors according to clients authorization.On the settlement day,the agent bank shall send confirmation to overseas institutional investors or their global custodian to affirm the completion of the settlement.Under Northbound Bond Connect,overseas investors open a bond account in the Hong Kong Monetary Authority(HKMA)CMU through a global custodian or a local custodian in Hong Kong,and HKMA CMU should open a nominal holder account which is created by the CCDC and SHCH.The CMU nominal holder account is used to record all bond 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 81 balances which are nominally held by all overseas investors.The bonds overseas investors buy through the Northbound Bond Connect are registered under the CMU nominal account,and overseas investors enjoy the bonds rights and interests according to law.After transaction,overseas investors submit settlement instructions to CMU.Accordingly,CMU can send the settlement confirmation to onshore custodian only if overseas investors bonds amount or capital positions are sufficient.The onshore custodians complete the settlement between the CMU nominal holder account and the Northbound Bond Connect dealers bond account.CIPS completes the fund settlement between Northbound Bond Connect dealers(or the entrusted onshore CIPS direct bond settlement participants)and offshore CIPS direct settlement participant(Bank of China Hong Kong).5.3.5 Settlement Cycle The settlement cycle is extended to T N.5.4 Market Optimizations 5.4.1 Supporting policies In 2019,PBC and SAFE jointly issued the Notice on Issues concerning Further Facilitating Investment by Overseas Institutional Investors in the Interbank Bond Market,permitting an overseas institutional investor to conduct non-trade bond transfers,in either direction,between its bond account and funds account under a Qualified Foreign Institutional 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 82 Investor(QFII)or an RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor(RQFII)and its bond account and funds account under the CIBM Direct scheme for portfolio management purposes.In November 2021,the Ministry of Finance(MOF)and the State Taxation Administration extended the exemption periodto December 31,2025for the enterprise income tax and value-added tax on the bond interest income obtained by overseas institutional investors from investing in the onshore bond market.In September 2021,Southbound Bond Connect was launched,which provides a new pathway for the domestic investors to allocate assets in international financial market and contributes to the two-way opening-up of Chinas financial market.Since its launch,more than 50 domestic investors have traded through CFETS trading system,among them were policy banks,large commercial banks,joint-stock commercial banks,urban commercial banks and other primary dealers,as well as wealth management subsidiaries,funds,asset management subsidiary of securities companies,and other Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors(QDIIs)and RMB Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors(RQDIIs).Those trades covered the major bond types denominated in CNH,HKD,USD and EUR.In May 2022,the PBC,CSRC,and SAFE jointly released the Joint Announcement No.4 2022(The Matters Concerning Further 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 83 Facilitating Investment in Chinas Bond Markets by Overseas Institutional Investors),to coordinate and promote the opening-up of the interbank and exchange bond markets.In particular,the market entry process has been simplified even further.Overseas investors enter CIBM as legal entities and are no longer required to file settlement agency agreement with the PBC Shanghai Head Office.Permissible investment targets have been expanded,allowing CIBM-approved overseas investors to trade in the exchange bond market either directly or through the Interbank-Exchange Bond Market Connect scheme.Furthermore,Joint Announcement claims to study and explore the establishment and improvement of inclusive institutional arrangements compatible with the multi-level custody system.The CIBM Direct mode and the Custodian mode in the interbank bond market run in parallel for overseas investors to choose.5.4.2 Infrastructure Enhancement CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect are now connected to three global electronic trading platforms,namely Tradeweb,Bloomberg,and MarketAxess.Northbound Bond Connect investors can send RFQ through these platforms and trade with the Northbound Bond Connect dealers.Under CIBM Direct,overseas investors can send instructions to their settlement agents and conclude deals in CFETS trading system,or send RFQ via the above three platforms or CFETS trading system to trade with onshore market makers.At present,these two pathways fully 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 84 support DVP settlement and block trade allocation.In June 2019,CFETS launched the new generation of trading platform.Overseas investors under CIBM Direct can also place the instructions through CFETS trading system to their agent banks.CFETS trading system has also introduced an indicative quotation function,whereby domestic agencies provide real-time market prices for various types of bonds to foreign investors on their own initiative,which effectively expands the range of quotation and injects more liquidity into the market.In February 2020,Bond Connect Company Limited(BCCL)rolled out the Primary Market Information Platform(PMIP).Participating issuers and underwriters can login the system and publish issuance terms and documents in standardized procedures,enhancing their disclosure efficiency and ease of record keeping.In March 2020,special settlement cycles and recycling settlement services was launched,offering T N settlement services for foreign investors across regions and time zones,mitigating operational risks.Through the recycling settlement service,investors can opt for recycling settlement within the next three business days following the original contracted settlement date by applying to CCDC or SHCH should a trade fails to settle on schedule.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 85 In April 2020,default bond transfer service was onlined under Northbound Bond Connect.Global investors can refer to the guidelines issued by BCCL to find the relevant transaction settlement arrangements and invest default bond in CIBM.In September 2020,the CIBM Direct RFQ started operation.Foreign investors can conduct cash bond tradings with domestic market makers via RFQ through CFETS trading system or the third-party platforms.From 21st September 2020,cash bonds trading hours have been extended to 20:00(GMT 8),further facilitating more global investors to participate in CIBM and covering more time zone trading hours.In October 2020,ePrime,an international electronic bond issuance system,was launched.The system operates offshore in Hong Kong and offers a one-stop solution for book building,pricing,and allocation of offshore securities including Kungfu bonds and Dimsum bonds.In February 2021,CMU extended the cut-off time for bond settlement instructions and HK RTGS funding instructions from 2:00 p.m.to 3:00 p.m.,further enhancing the settlement process for global investors.In May 2022,International Payment Service under Northbound Bond 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 86 Connect was launched.Foreign investors are able to use this service to conclude the deal with the price including the relevant transaction fees.Previously,CIBM Direct RFQ has already supported this service.In September 2021,CFETS added MarketAxess as the third overseas electronic trading platform,which supports both CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect trades.This provides international investors an additional option to invest in CIBM.In November 2021,CFETS launched closing order trading service which allows foreign investors to conclude the trades with domestic market makers in the form of CFETS bond closing valuation(C-Val)plus/minus a spread.This service better caters for the trading needs of foreign investors,especially for international index trackers.5.4.3 Supporting Measures As to other market development measures,the rating industry is also developing.PBC 2017 No.7 made clear requirements for overseas rating agencies to carry out rating business in the interbank bond market.Since March 2018,NAFMII announced that it will accept the registration of foreign rating companies.And in January 2019,three global credit rating companies,Standard&Poors,Moodys and Fitch,had already established legal entities in China.Standard&Poors and Fitch have completed the registration of domestic bond credit rating 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 87 business.In August 2021,the PBC,the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),and the MOF issued the Notice on Promoting the Sound Development of the Credit Rating Industry for the Bond Market to promote the opening-up of Chinas credit rating market,in particular supporting the eligible overseas credit rating agencies to conduct business in Chinas bond market.6.Latest Developments in CIBM 6.1 Close-out Netting Mechanism 6.1.1 Successful Practice of Close-out Netting Mechanism in China China has introduced and successfully implemented the Close-out Netting since 2020.Baoshang Bank was taken over by the Peoples Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in May 2019,and in May 2020,due to the acquisition of some assets and businesses,it triggered the early termination clause of its interest rate swap business agency clearing agreement with industrial clearing member the Industrial Bank.Under the guidance of the regulator and the cooperation of SHCH,the Industrial Bank initiated the Close-out Netting procedure of the contract and successfully completed the disposal of the existing interest rate swap contract of Baoshang Bank.The disposal did not cause losses to Baoshang Banks correspondent clearing institution and other clearing participants,and maintained the stability of the RMB interest rate swap market.This is the first case of a banking financial institution implementing termination netting,which proves the 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 88 effectiveness and enforceability of the Close-out Netting system in Chinas OTC financial derivatives market.6.1.2 Clarification of Close-out Netting Mechanism in Chinese Law Close-out netting was introduced at the beginning of the development of OTC derivatives market in China.The NAFMII Master Agreement(published by the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors)and the SAC Master Agreement(published by the Securities Association of China)both contain netting provisions,which have been fully recognized by PBC,China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission(IBIRC)and other regulatory authorities.Since the mechanism has not been clearly stipulated at the previous legal level,many participants in the international financial market believe that the termination of netting effect is not certain for legal persons established under Chinese law,and some international participants and financial infrastructure have even included China in the Non-netting Jurisdiction.The Futures and Derivative Law of the Peoples Republic of China,as adopted at the 34th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on April 20,2022,establishes basic rules that are urgently needed and internationally accepted for the development and supervision of derivatives market,including single agreement and close-out netting,and confirms the enforceability of netting master agreements,which is of great significance 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 89 for the safe and efficient development and opening-up of derivatives market in China.Article 35 stipulates:Where a derivatives transaction is carried out by means of a master agreement in accordance with the law,the agreed circumstances may be terminated in accordance with the agreement,and the profit and loss of all transactions under the agreement may be settled on a net basis.Netting in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not be suspended,invalidated or revoked by any party to the transaction entering bankruptcy proceedings in accordance with law.Article 37 stipulates:Where derivatives transactions are centrally settled by a department authorized by the State Council or a settlement institution approved by the futures regulatory authority under the State Council as the central counterparty,the net settlement may be terminated in accordance with law.The promulgation of the Futures and Derivatives Law has eliminated the concerns of overseas institutions about the uncertainty of Close-out Netting under Chinese law,and raised the level of opening up of Chinas financial derivatives market to the world.On the one hand,the determination of Close-out Netting mechanism is conducive to promoting Chinas recognition as a Netting Jurisdiction,opening-up the entry blockages for overseas market participants and helping them to participate in Chinas financial derivatives market transactions more conveniently.On the other hand,when overseas market participants evaluate the credit risk of Chinese mainland counterparties,they can use 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 90 the net risk exposure to calculate the capital adequacy ratio requirements and transaction protection requirements,thereby significantly reducing the provision of risk-weighted assets(RWA),reducing the cost of funds,and improving the settlement efficiency.6.2 Green Bonds 6.2.1 Regulations concerning green bonds are becoming increasingly improved and unified PBC issued the Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue(commonly referred to as Catalogue)for the first time in 2015,officially marking the launch of the green bond market in China.It is also in 2015 that the NDRC initiated the Guidelines on the Issuance of Green Bonds,which clarified 12 projects that were eligible for green bond issuance.Then,in April 2021,the PBC published Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue(2021 Edition)to further regulate and unify the standards for issuance of green bonds.The standards outlined in the secondary and tertiary catalogue are in basic alignment with the international standards for green bonds.For instance,the 2021 edition of Catalogue excludes projects related to fossil fuels from the list of permissible green bond categories,a move to further align the domestic green bond market with the international one.Similarly,the Green Bond Principles(BGP)published by the International Capital Market Association(ICMA)covers 5 types of green bond-supported categories,including climate change mitigation,climate change adaptation,natural resource 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 91 conservation,biodiversity conservation and pollution prevention and control.These five categories have been incorporated into the Category as well.For the purposes of better establishing the domestic standards of green bond market in accordance with the international standards and further creating a more unified green bond taxonomy,members of the Green Bond Standard Commission(GBSC)have recently co-issued the Green Bond Principles for China in order to foster a closer alignment with the international green bond principles.The Principles will be released to the market later this year.6.2.2 China Green bond market has been burgeoning with the soaring issuance By the end of December 2021,the green bond market in China had reached a total of 1.1 trillion yuan,accounting for 0.8%of the total bond market.The total issuance of green bonds in 2021 is over 600 billion yuan with an increase of 180%yoy.In terms of the structure of issuers,local SOEs,central SOEs and various local governments and policy banks constitute the majority of green bond issuers,respectively accounting for 54%,31%and 10%of the total current value.In terms of bond types,in 2021,green debt financing instruments,green asset-backed securities and green financial bonds,respectively accounting for 41%,20%and 19%of the total issuance.The transaction volume in the green bond market has increased.In 2021,中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 92 the total trading volume of interbank green bonds had reached 789.1 billion yuan,leading to a 38%increase compared to the previous year.In terms of bond types,green debt financing instruments,green financial bonds and green corporate bonds have ranked top 3 in 2021,respectively accounting for 49%,25%and 11%of the total transaction.6.3 Related Policies 6.3.1 Continue to promote market connectivity To make bond investment more accessible and promote qualitative improvements to Chinas bond market,Chinas regulators have rolled out an array of policies to enhance the connectivity between the domestic and overseas bond markets.In terms of market opening-up,following the July 2017 launch of the Northbound Bond Connect,a joint project of PBC and HKMA,in September 2021 the PBC issued the Notice on Launching Southbound Trading under Mutual Bond Market Access between the Mainland and Hong Kong,signaling the start of the Southbound Bond Connect and the two-way opening-up of the Chinas bond market.On the domestic front,the Announcement No.7 2020 of PBC and CSRC set in motion the mutual access program between CIBM and Chinas exchange bond market,which aims to improve market efficiency and liquidity.After the implementation of this connectivity,foreign investors already participating in the interbank bond market will be able to participate in the exchange bond market conveniently through the mechanism.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 93 6.3.2 Improve the requirements of default resolution Underscoring the role of the market and the rule of law has been an important principle for the development of Chinas bond market.In recent years,regulatory policies have been encouraging issuers and investors to resolve bond defaults through market-based ways.In particular,the Notice on Issues concerning Resolution of Defaults on Corporate Credit Bonds(PBC Document No.144 2020),jointly issued by the PBC,NDRC,and CSRC,offers enhanced rules regarding bond trustees,bondholders meetings,issuers liabilities,and alternative means of resolving bond defaults.In line with the foregoing Notice and the directives of financial regulators,CFETS released a number of rulesincluding the Rules of the National Interbank Funding Center on Transferring Defaulted Bonds on Maturity in the Interbank Market(CFETS Document No.39 2020)and the Rules of the National Interbank Funding Center on Disposing of Repo Defaults(Trial)(CFETS Document No.196 2019)to set forth the institutional arrangements for the secondary market transfer of defaulted bonds and the disposal of collaterals in defaulted repo transactions.NAFMII also issued the Guidelines on the Swap of Debt Financing Instruments of Non-Financial Enterprises in the Interbank Bond Market(Trial)(NAFMII Announcement 2022 No.8),which contains specific rules on the extension,swap,and other market-based means of handling the debt financing instruments of non-financial enterprises.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 94 6.3.3 Regulate and promote the credit rating arrangements To regulate and build a stronger credit rating industry,the PBC,NDRC,MOF,and CSRC jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Credit Rating Industry in 2019,placing the credit rating industry under the oversight of the PBC and laying down the specific rules governing the qualifications,application procedures,personnel management,and information disclosure of credit rating agencies.To address the longstanding issues in the credit rating industry,the PBC,NDRC,MOF,CBIRC and CSRC followed up with the release of the Notice on Promoting the Sound Development of the Credit Rating Industry for the Bond Market.The Notice provides guiding opinions on improving the quality and differentiation of the rating results,strengthening the internal management and autonomy of rating agencies,reducing the reliance of supervisory efforts on external ratings,and promoting the opening-up of Chinas credit rating market.6.3.4 Unify the rules for information disclosure of corporate debenture bonds On 28 December 2020,the PBC,NDRC,and CSRC publish the Administrative Measures for Information Disclosure of Corporate Debenture Bonds(Announcement No.22 2020 of the PBC,NDRC,and CSRC)to promote the sustainable andhealthy development of Chinas bond market.The Measures unifies the basic principles and requirements for information disclosure of corporate debenture bonds,中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 95 details the recognition and disclosure requirements of significant events during the duration,strengthen the responsibility of each party involved in information disclosure,standardize information disclosure under special conditions,and strengthen the legal responsibility for information disclosure violating laws.6.3.5 Comprehensively promote the high-quality development of corporate debenture bonds In August 2021,the PBC,NDRC,MOF,CBIRC,CSRC and SAFE jointly issued the Guideline on Promoting the Reform,Opening-up and High-quality Development of the Corporate Debenture Bond Market(hereinafter referred to as the Guideline)was issued.To promote the reform,opening-up and high quality development of corporate debenture bonds market,the Guideline provides specific instructions in ten aspects including:improve legal system,promoting classification convergence of issurance and trading management,improving effectiveness of information disclosure,strengthening the oversight of credit rating agencies,strengthening investors appropriate management,improving the pricing mechanism,strengthening supervision and law enforcement,coordinating macro management,promoting the construction of multi-level market and developing high level opening-up.On the basis of macro management coordination and effective risk prevention and mitigation,the PBC,NDRC,MOF,CBIRC,CSRC and SAFE will promote the implementation of measures in the Guideline,actively 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part I China Interbank Bond Market Overview 96 promote reform and innovation,steadily expand two-way opening-up,and constantly improve the ability and level of corporate debenture bond market to serve the real economy.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 97 Part II Q&A 1.Which overseas investors meet the requirements of PBC to enter the China Bond Market?Answer:Those meet the requirements stated in the Notice of the Peoples Bank of China on Matters Concerning the Use of RMB to Invest in the Interbank Market by Foreign Central Banks,International Financial Organizations,and Sovereign Wealth Funds(PBC Document No.220 2015)and Matters Concerning Investment in the Interbank Bond Market by Overseas Institutional Investors(PBC Announcement No.3 2016)and other relevant documents.Currently,the list includes overseas central banks or monetary authorities,sovereign wealth funds,international financial organizations;financial institutions lawfully registered and incorporated outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China,including commercial banks,insurance companies,securities companies,fund management companies,futures companies,trust companies and other asset management institutions;pension funds,charitable funds,endowment funds and other medium and long term institutional investors.Overseas investors who invest in CIBM through CIBM Direct or Northbound Bond Connect only need to register with the PBC Shanghai Head Office once and can invest in the exchange bond market directly or 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 98 through the Interbank-Exchange Bond Market Connect.Foreign investors enter the China Bond Market as incorporated entities.2.Registration and Account Opening Related Questions Q1.How shall overseas institutional investors file registration with PBC?Answer:Under CIBM Direct Model,overseas institutional investors investing in CIBM shall entrust settlement agent or qualified domestic custodian bank to file for registration.The registration procedure is in electronic way,which includes online application and online submission.Settlement agents or qualified domestic custodian banks shall submit the investment registration application form on behalf of overseas institutional investors.There is no need to submit the settlement agency agreement.Under Northbound Bond Connect,qualified overseas institutional investors may entrust CFETS or other institutions recognized by PBC to act as registration agent to register with PBC Shanghai Head Office.The investors which entrust CFETS as a registration agent could submit market admission and account application documentations to Bond Connect Company Limited(BCCL).Q2.What accounts shall overseas institutional investors open?中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 99 Answer:Under CIBM Direct,overseas institutional investors shall entrust agent bank to apply for trading account with CFETS,special RMB/FX cash accounts for CIBM settlement with Settlement Agent,bond accounts and bond settlement cash accounts and for CIBM DVP settlement with CCDC and SHCH.In addition,foreign institutional investors who handle foreign exchange risk hedging in the customer market through domestic banks can also open special foreign currency accounts in selected domestic financial institutions to complete the delivery of funds related to foreign exchange risk hedging business.Under Northbound Bond Connect,overseas institutions need to apply for a respective ID from CMU and trading ID on platforms like Tradeweb,Bloomberg or MarketAxess.After completing the registration,CFETS will generate its relative trading account.Meanwhile,overseas institutional investors need to open bond accounts through a CMU member or open bond accounts in CMU directly.If overseas institutional investors invest with their proprietary RMB and do not involve foreign exchange,they do not need to conduct foreign exchange and settlement business under Northbound Bond Connect with Hong Kong settlement bank;if overseas institutional investors invest with foreign currencies,or with partial proprietary RMB and partial foreign currencies,they are required to open dedicated RMB settlement accounts with a Hong Kong settlement bank through custodians to process foreign exchange and settlement business.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 100 Q3.How to conduct Foreign Exchange Registration?Answer:Under CIBM Direct,registration is required for foreign institutional investors investing in CIBM.A foreign institutional investor shall entrust its settlement agent to register at the Capital Account Information System of SAFE.Settlement bank shall check if the entity information of the foreign institutional investor has already been recorded in the above system before making registration for the first time.If the entity information is not in the system,the settlement agent shall apply to the local SAFE branch for the special organization code and register the entity information.Registration of alternation is required if there is any change in vital information.In case of change of settlement agent,the new settlement agent shall carry out alteration registration at the local SAFE branch of the original settlement agent with the agency agreement.For other changes in registration information,the settlement agent shall handle the alteration registration in the system.If a foreign investor wishes to exit the China Bond Market,its settlement agent shall first apply for withdrawal to the PBC Shanghai Head Office,then apply to SAFE for cancellation of registration.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 101 Q4.Shall overseas institutional investors be allowed to choose both channels to access CIBM?Answer:Yes.Q5.What type of institutions can act as Settlement Agents?Answer:According to Article 5 of the PBC Announcement No.3 2016,A qualified overseas institutional investor shall entrust settlement agent competent in international settlement business to conduct bond trading and settlement,unless otherwise stipulated by the PBC.Commercial banks to act as the settlement agents shall obtain the settlement agent license from the PBC.Q6.Can overseas institutional investors change the appointed settlement agent bank?When do the investors need to make updates or changes to the existing registration and how?Answer:Yes.Settlement agents shall timely report to the PBC Shanghai Head Office upon completion of relevant alteration operations.3.Investment and Trading Q1.What is the investment scope of the overseas institutional investors?Answer:Overseas sovereign institutions can trade financial instruments including cash bonds,repo,bond lending,bond forward,IRS,FRA,etc.as approved by PBC according to Notice of the Peoples Bank of China 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 102 on Matters Concerning the Use of RMB to Invest in the Interbank Market by Foreign Central Banks,International Financial Organizations,and Sovereign Wealth Funds.Foreign institutional investors as defined in the PBC Announcement No.3 2016 can conduct cash bonds,bond lending,related derivatives for risk management purposes,open-ended bond index securities investment funds and other transactions recognized by the PBC and CSRC in the China bond market.Overseas RMB Clearing Banks and Overseas Participating Banks can trade bond repo.Overseas institutional investors that are already qualified for the interbank bond market can enter the exchange bond market either directly or through the Interbank-Exchange Bond Market Connect scheme.Currently,foreign investors can trade cash bonds under Northbound Bond Connect and the product scope will be gradually expanded in the future.Q2.What kind of agreements need to be signed prior to trading if overseas institutional investors would like to trade bond repo,interest rate derivatives or bond lending with counterparties?Answer:Institutions shall sign China Interbank Bond Market Bond Repurchase Master Agreement(2013 Version)to access repo market.Overseas institutional investors can choose to sign the NAFMII,SAC or ISDA derivatives master agreement to access derivatives market.中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 103 Institutions shall sign China Interbank Bond Market Bond Lending Master Agreement(2022 Version)to access bond lending market.Q3.What are the procedures for overseas institutions to trade Private Placement Notes(PPN)?Answer:Firstly,overseas investors need to become a member of NAFMII to join PPN investors group6.Secondly,overseas investors need to open investor account at SHCH(same as for CIBM access).Lastly,overseas investors need to open an account at the Beijing Financial Assets Exchange(CFAE)in order to look up PPN-related disclosures7.Q4.What trading modes enable overseas institutional investors to invest in CIBM?Answer:Under CIBM Direct,overseas institutional investors can trade in CFETS trading system via the appointed settlement agent bank.Overseas institutional investors also can send trading instructions via CFETS trading system or Bloomberg terminal to settlement agent bank,who then uses CFETS trading system to confirm the trade.Overseas sovereign institutions can directly trade through CFETS trading system.In addition,foreign investors under CIBM Direct can apply for CIBM Direct RFQ service through agent bank,which enables foreign investors to directly send RFQ to CIBM market makers through third-party 6 NAFMII page for membership:http:/7 Relevant CFAE page:https:/中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 104 platforms.CIBM market maker respond with a price and the two parties conclude the trades on their own.Under Northbound Bond Connect,overseas institutional investors can access the via third-party platforms such as Tradeweb,Bloomberg or MarketAxess to trade with Northbound Bond Connect Dealers in CFETS trading system.Q5.How will overseas investors trade with counterparties under Northbound Bond Connect?Answer:Overseas investors ought to trade with Northbound Bond Connect Dealers using RFQ protocol.Dealers shall be accredited CIBM market makers who have established records of quoting and pricing,good business reputations,and professional operations.Q6.Is a separate filing procedure needed for overseas institutional investors seeking to enter the exchange bond market?Answer:No separate filing or approval procedures is required.Q7.What settlement cycles can the overseas institutional investors adopt in the interbank bond market for cash bond trading?Answer:Foreign investors are free to choose T N settlement,with T day being the trade date.All cash bond settlements are on DVP basis.If the settlement of cash bond trading fails,foreign institutional investors 中国债券市场投资手册中国债券市场投资手册 Part II Q&A 105 can submit relevant application forms to CCDC or SHCH to initiate recycling settlement services within three working days upon mutual agreement.The two parties agree on the total recycling settlement amount,which can be adjusted based on the settlement amount of the original settlement contract.Q8.Can overseas institutions freely download the deal ticket under Northbound Bond Connect?Answer:BCCL offers a CSTP interface that transmits all the informaion of a deal ticket in real time.Overseas institutions can apply for CSTP at.Q9.What are the transaction amount restrictions for overseas institutional investors to purchase onshore bonds?Answer:Currently the minimum amount of CIBM Direct and Northbound Bond Connect are 1,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan per trade,but

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