
您所在的位置:网站首页 东京奥运会乌干达几名运动员 巴黎奥运村上热搜!高温天不装空调被吐槽,这些代表团打算自己带……


2024-06-30 18:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Last year, more than 5,000 people died in France as a result of searing summer temperatures, health officials announced in February.


A recent study warned that more weeks-longheatwavescould hit the capital during the 2024 Olympics, and that the city may break all-time temperature records. The current record sits at 108 degrees.

一项近期研究警告称,在 2024 年奥运会期间,首都巴黎可能出现更多长达数周的热浪,并且该市可能会打破历史最高气温纪录。目前巴黎的历史最高气温为 42 摄氏度 (相当于 108 华氏度)。


"We designed these buildings so that they would be comfortable places to live in in the summer, in 2024 and later on, andwe don't need air conditioning in these buildingsbecause we oriented the facades so that they wouldn't get too much sun during the summer, and the facades, the insulation is really efficient," Yann Krysinski, who is in charge of the delivery of venues and infrastructure at Paris 2024, told Reuters.

巴黎 2024 年奥运会场馆和基础设施交付负责人扬·克里斯钦斯基告诉路透社:“我们设计这些建筑物时,考虑了夏季的居住舒适性,不仅适用于 2024 年,也适用于以后。由于我们巧妙地调整了建筑物的朝向,使其在夏季不会受到太多阳光直射,隔热效果非常好,因此这些建筑物不需要装空调。”

"We also are providing naturally cool water that we're getting from underground to cool the air of these apartments.So you will not need air conditioning in the summer here."



To capture the scale of planned portable air-conditioning use at the games, The Washington Post sent inquiries to 20 of the largest competing nations.


Among the eight that responded, all — includingthe United States— said they were planning to useportable ACsin some or all of their athletes’ rooms. Others with air-conditioning plans includeGreat Britain, Canada, Italy, and — to a limited degree —Germany, which says ACs will be used for participants in just a handful of sports.


Those countries — plusGreece, DenmarkandAustralia, which also responded to The Post — accounted for more than 3,000 athletes at the previous Olympics, in Tokyo, more than a quarter of the total.


“We appreciate the concept of not having air conditioning due to thecarbon footprint[but] this is a high-performance Games,” said Australian Olympic Committee CEO Matt Carroll.“We’re not going for a picnic.”


The team has said it willspend more than $150,000 on air conditioning and fansfor its athletes and evenhire a “heat specialist”for the July Games.

为了确保运动员在 7 月的比赛中取得最佳成绩,澳大利亚奥委会将斥资超过15万美元为运动员提供空调和风扇,甚至聘请了一位“酷热应对专家”。

▲portable ACs


The collective decision of some of the largest countries also raises questions about equality: Portable air-conditioning represents a cost that some delegations from poorer countries might not be able to afford, meaning athletes in the same Olympic Village might be sleeping at different temperatures.


“We don’t have deep pockets,” said Donald Rukare, a lawyer who is president of the Uganda Olympic Committee. Rukare mentioned a sweltering international sports competition in Turkey a few years ago, where athletes stayed in rooms without air-conditioning. Some federations shipped in portable units; Uganda did not. “Because we didn’t have the money,” he said.

“我们没有那么多钱,” 乌干达奥委会主席、律师唐纳德·鲁卡雷说道。鲁卡雷提到了几年前在土耳其举行的一个酷暑难耐的国际体育赛事,当时运动员们住在没有空调的房间里。一些代表团运来了便携式空调,但乌干达没有。“因为我们没钱,” 他说。



heatwave:/ ˈhiːtweɪv /,n.酷暑期; 热浪

portable ACs:便携式空调,"AC" 缩写代表 "air conditioning",即 "空调"

carbon footprint:碳足迹; 碳排放量

have deep pockets:形容一个人或组织拥有雄厚的财力资源,就好比装满钱的口袋一样,资金充裕




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