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2023-03-28 08:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  capture vt. 抓获;夺得;n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏  booming adj. 大受欢迎的;兴隆的,昌盛的  concert n. 音乐会;  anticipation n. 希望;预见;  in the air (主意、流言、音讯等)在流传中,在传达中,在谣传中  enthusiastic adj. 热心的;热心的;疯狂的  due to 因为;应归于=because of, as a result of  perform v. 履行;演奏  suitable adj. 恰当的;般配的  substitute n. 代用品;替代者  provide v. 提供;预备  comparable adj. 可比较的;比得上的  entertainment n. 文娱;消遣;招待  groan v. 嗟叹;诉苦  fail to do 未能做成某事  announcer n. 广播员;宣告者  frustration n. 波折;挫折  performance n. 扮演,扮演;履行  nothing but 只要,只不过(辨析:anything but根本不,决不)  uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的;不安的  applaud v. 喝彩,拍手  balcony n. 戏院楼厅;阳台;包厢  wonderful adj. 奇妙的;极好的  be willing to 乐意去做  global adj. 全球的;整体的  planet n. 行星  previously adv. 从前;预先  soar v. 高飞;高涨;往上飞舞  release vt. 释放;发射;答应宣布  decade n. 十年;十年期  on record 记录在案的;揭露宣布的  emission n. (光、热等的)发射,发出;  polar adj. 极地的;南北极的;正好相反的  tens of millions of 数以百万的  homeless adj. 无家可归的  predicted adj. 猜测的  drought n. 干旱  issue vt. 发行,发布; n. 问题;发行物  blame vt. 责怪;归咎于  increase v. 添加;进步  impact n. 影响;作用;  call on 召唤,恳求;访问,访问;  government n. 政府;集体  step up 进步;添加;  effort n. 尽力;成果  depend on 取决于;依靠;依靠  campaigner n. 竞选者  terrifying adj. 令人惊骇的;骇人的;极大的  gently adv. 轻轻地;温顺地;  up to now 到目前为止,迄今  wound n. 创伤,创伤  smooth vt. 使润滑;消除(妨碍等);使高雅;平缓  adventure n. 冒险;  include vt. 包括,包括  tragedy n. 悲惨剧;灾祸;惨案  sorrow n. 哀痛;悔恨;  faith n. 崇奉;信赖;忠实  politician n. 政治家,政客  dedicated adj. 专用的;专心的;牺牲的  be aware of 意识到;知道;  following adj. 下面的;其次的,接着的  attempt n. 妄图,妄图; vt. 妄图,妄图;测验  achieve v. 到达;完结  leisure n. 闲暇;闲暇;  shrewd adj. 精明的;奸刁的;机伶的  worth adj. 值…的 ;n. 价值;产业  calculation n. 核算;估量;  involve vt. 包括;牵涉;  refrain from 按捺;按捺;忍住  detrimental adj. 晦气的;有害的  reasonableness n. 合理;稳当  barefoot adj. 赤脚的  harmony n. 调和;调和;  indeed adv. 的确;真实;  limitless adj. 无限制的;无边界的  treasure v. 喜爱;珍藏 n. 财富;财宝;  ponder v. 细心考虑;衡量  external adj. 外部的;外表的;  honorable adj. 荣耀的;可敬的;  have faith in 信赖,对……信赖  even if 即便;尽管  bidder n. 投标人;出价人;  close one’s ears to 掩耳不听;对…置之脑后  fellow n. 家伙;朋友;搭档;




  1、注重首句  由于完形填空文章的第一句不设问,要想以最快的速度判别文章的题材,探求作者情感情绪的倾向性,从而估测全文宗旨,就要以首句作为清晰的主线贯穿全文,除首句以外,每段句首也具有承上启下的效果,考生要巧用句首信息,树立思想导向,快速确认文章体裁、宗旨及结构,巧解完形填空。

  2、留意上下文联络  考生要留意上下文之间的联络,无论是句与句、段与段,都要前后统筹。快速回顾前一段粗心,扫读下一段粗心,关于解题非常有用,能够获得充沛的解题信息,如设问在前文有没有埋下伏笔,在后文有没有点明。若仍无法确认,也不用在一个空上纠结太久,持续往下做题,答案总会在文中有所暗示。

  3、掌握宗旨  由于全文都是环绕文章宗旨来写,那么设题点作为文中精彩的部分,当然也都是环绕文章宗旨而定,因而考生在做题过程中时间不能忘掉宗旨。信任有助于思路清晰。


  1、注重转机词汇  专升本英语调查考生的逻辑才能,若想准确无误通篇了解全文的确有难度,这就需求考生“火眼金睛”抓住重要部分。一般来说,文章内容有转机意义的部分是非常重要的。转机词汇不但是文中事情、作者观念产生明显改变的先兆,更是掌握文章结构改变的要害。转机词汇就成了考生破解难题的要害词。

  2、注重带引号的语句  在文中带引号的语句,引证或人说的话,要引起考生的高度注重。由于这些语句很可能成为文章的题眼。就写作方法来说,是一种直接写法,旁边面替代作者来表达见地。它很可能是某个问题正确答案的赞同替换。

  3、留心选项圈套  选项是出题教师常常挖圈套的当地之一。选项中常常会呈现这样一种情况,语句非常眼熟,考生能判别出自原文,而这种“伪原句”需求考生特别留心,由于大都情况下语句都是移花接木,对原文中语句在要害的细节部分稍一变化,句义就会产生扭转,考生一定要擦亮眼睛。答题过程中首先看清楚题设问的是什么,该语句和设问有没有联系,然后将选项和原文细心比照。


  参与2023年广东专升本考试的考生,英语因为难度比较大,因而我们除了要确保自己的词汇量的堆集外,还要多多地做一些相应的练习题。英语目前习题比较少,下面的教师专门为我们预备了一套2023年广东专升本英语练习题,我们做一做吧!  I .The young poet is gaining recognition in the _________ of poetry.   A.range B. realm C:kingdom D.society  2. A survey was carried out on the traffic accident rate of the new drivers in that city, were surprising.   A. the results of it B. which result C. as results D. the results of which

  3、 I have never been to Rome, but that is one of the most beautiful cities__________  A. where I would like to visit B.I would to visit  C. I would Iike to visit it D .which I would I like to visit it  4. My little bi-others are very interested in __________ I have read in the story books.   A. that B. all that C. all which  5.________we have all the tasks ready: we should begin the new task at once.   A. By now B. Since now C. Since that  6. We were heatedly arguing about the financial matter __________the telephone rang unexpectedly.  A. while B. As C. when D. as soon as  7.__________mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf .   A. He was remembered B. Because he was remembered   C. To remember D. Though he was remembered  8.We had ___________ yesterday that we decided to go to the sea.   A. such a mild weather B .such mild weather C.so mild weather D. so mild a weather  9. I”m sure he will pass this exam________he would pay more attention to it.   A. if only B. in case C. unless D. until  10. _________it will have an effect on the drinker,   A. However mild wine seems B. Even though mild wine seems   C. Provided that mild wine seems D. Unless mid wine Seems  11. It”s dark outside now. Don”t you think it”s about time __________?   A. we were going home B B. we go home C. we went home D.we can go home  12. wish I ____to repair the bike .i only made it worse   A.had not tried B.has not tried C .will try D try  1

  3、I wish John _______earlier .He is late for school every day .  A have got up B get up C will get up D would get up  14.His response to the question was quite __________   A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappointed D. being disappointed  15. To my great disappointment, the student failed _________ through the TOFEL exam though he worked very hard.   A going B.go C.to go D.in going  16.My brother is supposed _________for France last week.   A. to have left B. to be leaving C. to leave D. to have been left  17.The poor woman was wandering on the street aimlessly, with a baby ________in her arms.  A .having slept B sleeping C.slept D.having been slept  18.They detected gold and other precious metals ,with a machine __________under the arms .  A.having slept B.sleeping C.slept D.having been slept  19.On the day _________,many people gathered under the moniment to celebrate .  A.arrived B.place C.placed D being placed  20. When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body lately recognizes it as __________.   A.novel B.foreign C.remote D.distant  参考答案:  1-5:BDBBD 6-10:CDBAA 11-15:CADAC 16-20:ABDCB






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