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2024-05-06 22:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”人与动物和谐相处“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Man and animals live in harmony。以下是关于人与动物和谐相处六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Man and animals live in harmony

Man and nate live in harmony, and man and nate are interactive forces. Looking back at the long history, we can find that the harmony beeen man and nate existed at that time. Nate is a pe land to be cultivated.

Human beings who sow and harvest respect nate and are a part of nate. People today seem to be s of nate. When we desty the order of the natal world, nate is torn to pieces, and we are the ultimate victims, becse nate is seeking rnge.

The disappeang forests, the dry vers, the polluted soil and the deteorating climate are all punished. Greedy human beings, we get too much fm nate, but have too little expectation for the fute. When we gain rationality, we remember When the citizens of the world persre in ptecting nate, nate will become o fends, not o slaves or servants.

People can live in harmony with nate, have commitment, work hard and new technolo.




Animals need to be ptected. Animals are a waste of natal resoces in human history. Animals were killed for their f, food and sports.

Becse of their existence, thousands of animals have disappeared fm the earth. Today, dreds of animals are listed on the dangeus list. In the United States, these animals have always been considered in danger.

Why should people care about them Becse we need animals, becse once they're gone, there's no better and interesting animal than this. They're not just the soce of food. Animals have a place in the balance of nate.

Destying an animal can cse a lot of pblems. For example, when farmers kill a lot of eagles, farmers' corn and grain are destyed by mice and mice, becse Eagles eat mice, and there are no hawks To contl the numbers, mice and mice quickly repduce, and some people are trying to save the animals. Some gups raise money to let people know about the pblem, and they try to get the government to pass laws to ptect dangeus animals.

Many of these countes have passed laws phibiting the killing of dangeus plants. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is increasing.





How to get along with students, many students may find it difficult to get along with their clasates, but it is not as difficult as you think. The relationship beeen you should be based on trust and fendship. You can talk to them in yo spare time or in some places.

For example, you can them when they encounter difficulties in their study. At the same time, you should care about yo clasates. I beli they will show you their fendship.

It is a fact, not only in daily life, but most of the time You will always get in touch with yo clasates, so you should play with them and give them yo enthusia. Once you work hard, you will succeed in the end.



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