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2024-05-26 13:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

解决的英文:solvefinish off

参考例句:Resolve a conflict.解决冲突。The problems are not readily soluble .那些问题真的不易解决。Grasp the nettle毅然面对[解决]困难A soBer solution一个合理的解决superable problems.可以解决的问题The matter may be left over for the present.这问题可暂不解决。Clinch a deal/an argument/a bargain成交[解决争端/谈妥买卖The staggering problems of poverty remain unresolved.令人震惊的贫困问题仍未解决。The staggering problems of poverty remain unresolved令人震惊的贫困问题仍未解决。Stop larking about and get down to the problem.别闹了,开始解决这个问题吧。solve是什么意思:v. 解决;破解Will you help me to solve this twister?你能帮助我解决这个难题吗?I just solved the mystery. 我刚刚把那个谜底解开了。It was a physical problem that had to be solved.要解决的问题是个实际问题。finish是什么意思:v. 1.结束,完成(某事物);达到工作或活动的结束阶段 2.[~ sth (off/up)]把所剩之物吃完、喝完或用完 3.[~ sth (off)]完成某事物、使某事物臻于完美, 加工 4.[~ sb (off)]【口】使某人筋疲力尽 5.[~ sb (off) ]【口】毁坏某人、某事物;与某人断绝关系,终止与某事物的联系 n. 1.[C]某事物的最于部分或结尾 2.[C, U]完成的或完美的状态 3.[C] 用于处理木器等表面的方法、材料或物质Finishing touches收尾工作It was an exciting finish. 比赛结尾是激动人心的。 Are you finished with the scissors?你用完剪刀了吗?off是什么意思:adv. 掉,下;离开;隔开;切断;停止;;休息;光,完,尽;全部地prep. 从...离开;从...向下;在...的外面;偏离...;从...分岔;不再从事...;低于...adj. 关着的;停止流通的;延期的;取消的;不工作的;处于...境况的;萧条的v.(用于祈使句)走开,滚开;站开n. 关掉Is the water on or off? 自来水龙头开着还是关着?The gilt is off.幻想破灭了。to nip off; to cut off; to break掐断






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