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2023-04-22 11:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The world of work is changing faster and more drastically than at perhaps any other time in recent history. According to research from the World Economic Forum, 35% of the skills necessary to thrive in a job today will be different five years from now.职场世界发展越来越快,可能比近代历史任何时期都要猛烈。根据世界经济论坛的调查研究,如今可以作为职场必备的制胜技能,其中有35%会与将来五年的完全不一样。

How can we prepare for a workplace of the future if we’re not quite sure what it will look like? What skills or expertise should students focus on acquiring today if they want to succeed tomorrow? We spoke with five experts from the Forum’s Young Global Leaders community to get their opinion.要是我们不太确定未来的职场是什么样的,我们应该如何做好准备?学生们如果想要在未来职场取得成功,那么应该专注掌握那些技能或专长?本文编辑对五位来自世界经济论坛中的青年领袖进行了采访,询问他们对于这些问题的想法。

Companies will want soft skills – so we must focus on teaching them公司机构都需要软技能——因此我们必须专注这方面的培训

Esteban Bullrich, Argentinian Minister of EducationEsteban Bullrich,阿根廷教育部长

A child today can expect to change jobs at least seven times over the course of their lives – and five of those jobs don’t exist yet.如今的年轻人,他们人生中至少会有七次改变工作的时候——并且其中有五种工作已经不存在了。

To get a better understanding of the skills needed in these jobs of the future, we conducted a country-wide survey of almost 900 companies. The results confirmed that soft skills – such as teamwork, knowledge of digital tools, an understanding of rules and regulations, responsibility and commitment – are the most relevant for the future.为了更好地了解未来的工作必备技能,我们进行了一次全国性的调查,调查了几近900家公司机构。调查的结果为以上了观点提供了佐证:软技能——比如团队合作,数字工具的知识,对规章制度的认识,责任感与承诺——都是未来职场最需要的。

How can we teach our children these skills? In Argentina, we’re revolutionizing our curriculum to ensure they’re being taught across all subjects. And in Buenos Aires, we’ve introduced innovative classes like coding and entrepreneurship.那么我们是如何教授孩子们这些技能的?在阿根廷,我们正在改革我们的课程安排,确保他们在学习所有科目的时候都有涉及到这些内容。在布宜诺斯艾利斯,我们已经引进创新的课堂,例如编程与企业家精神的培养。

But the revolution extends beyond the school gates. For example, we’ve created neighbourhood youth clubs where children can continue learning these skills after the school day is over. We’re also ensuring that each student completes a 200-hour professional practice course, so they can apply all the skills they’re learning to the world of work.不仅在校内,此场改革也延伸到了校门之外。例如,我们创建了邻里青年俱乐部,孩子们可以在放学后继续学习这些技能。我们同时也在确保每一个学生都能完成为期200小时的职业培训课程,因此他们就可以把所有学习的技能运用到职场当中。

Data literacy with a strong dose of empathy极具同理心的数据素养

Belinda Parmar, Chief Executive Officer, The Empathy BusinessBelinda Parmar,“同理心企业”的首席执行官

Data is one of the driving forces of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. But sometimes, when we perceive the world through data-driven models, it can become harder to see the humanity behind the numbers. Technology thus has the potential to erode our sense of empathy.数据是第四次产业革命的其中一股驱动力量。可是有时候,当我们通过以数据为驱动的模型去观察世界,我们就很难看到这些数字背后的人性。最终,科技就潜在地侵蚀我们换位思考的意识。

The great challenge of the next 10 years for corporations and institutions will be to rebuild the empathy that we’ve lost. Companies will be looking for leaders who are able to help them do that – people with a trio of technical, linguistic and mathematical skills, who can make sense of the torrents of information that will continue to emerge.将来的10年,公司和机构最大的改变,就会在于重建我们早已丢失的同理心。公司机构将会寻找能够帮助它们做到这件事情的领导者——具备技术、语言及数学三大能力,他能够清楚理解信息激流将会继续迸发。

This will require a new kind of “data literacy”, which will be in short supply, and therefore one of the most important skills of tomorrow.这就需要新型的“数据素养”,将会供不应求,是将来最重要的技能之一。


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