Python Vasp.add

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Python Vasp.add

#Python Vasp.add| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文整理汇总了Python中pylada.vasp.Vasp.add_specie方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Vasp.add_specie方法的具体用法?Python Vasp.add_specie怎么用?Python Vasp.add_specie使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在pylada.vasp.Vasp的用法示例。


示例1: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(path): from os import makedirs from os.path import exists from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) directory = mkdtemp() if directory == '/tmp/test' or directory == '/tmp/test/': if exists(directory): rmtree(directory) makedirs(directory) try: result = vasp(structure, outdir=directory, comm=default_comm) assert result.success finally: if directory != '/tmp/test' and directory != '/tmp/test/': rmtree(directory)开发者ID:georgeyumnam,项目名称:pylada,代码行数:34,代码来源 示例2: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(tmpdir, path): from numpy import all, abs from quantities import kbar, eV, angstrom from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.vasp.relax import Relax from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) functional = Relax(copy=vasp) assert abs(functional.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert functional.prec == 'Accurate' result = functional(structure, outdir=str(tmpdir), comm=default_comm, relaxation="volume ionic cellshape") assert result.success assert result.stress.units == kbar and all(abs(result.stress) < 1e0) assert result.forces.units == eV / angstrom and all(abs(result.forces) < 1e-1) assert result.total_energy.units == eV and all( abs(result.total_energy + 10.668652 * eV) < 1e-2)开发者ID:pylada,项目名称:pylada-light,代码行数:35,代码来源 示例3: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(tmpdir, path): from numpy import abs from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.vasp.emass import effective_mass, EMass from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.55, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 25e-5 vasp.encut = 1.4 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) emass = EMass(copy=vasp) assert abs(emass.encut - 1.4) < 1e-8 assert abs(emass.ediff - 25e-5) < 1e-10 result = effective_mass(vasp, structure, outdir=str(tmpdir), comm=default_comm, emassparams={'ediff': 1e-8}) result.emass assert result.success result = emass(structure, outdir=str(tmpdir), comm=default_comm, emassparams={'ediff': 1e-8}) assert result.success开发者ID:pylada,项目名称:pylada-light,代码行数:32,代码来源 示例4: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(path): from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from epirelax import epitaxial from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.55, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1.4 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) directory = mkdtemp() try: result = epitaxial(vasp, structure, outdir=directory, epiconv=1e-4, comm=default_comm) assert result.success finally: rmtree(directory) pass开发者ID:georgeyumnam,项目名称:pylada,代码行数:30,代码来源 示例5: test_incar # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test_incar(): from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from os.path import join, dirname from quantities import eV from pylada.vasp import Vasp, read_incar from pylada.crystal import Structure structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.precision = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "metal" vasp.sigma = 0.06 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", join(dirname(__file__), 'pseudos', 'Si') directory = mkdtemp() try: vasp.write_incar(path=join(directory, 'INCAR'), structure=structure) other = read_incar(join(directory, 'INCAR')) assert abs(other.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.encut - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.sigma - 0.06 * eV) < 1e-8 assert other.ibrion == 2 assert other.icharg == 'atomic' assert other.isif == 7 assert other.ismear == 'metal' assert other.istart == 'scratch' assert other.lcharg == False assert other.nsw == 50 assert other.relaxation == 'volume' assert other.system == 'has a name' with open(join(directory, 'INCAR'), 'a') as file: file.write('\nSOMETHing = 0.5\n') other = read_incar(join(directory, 'INCAR')) assert abs(other.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.encut - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.sigma - 0.06 * eV) < 1e-8 assert other.ibrion == 2 assert other.icharg == 'atomic' assert other.isif == 7 assert other.ismear == 'metal' assert other.istart == 'scratch' assert other.lcharg == False assert other.nsw == 50 assert other.relaxation == 'volume' assert other.system == 'has a name' assert 'something' in other._input assert isinstance(other.something, float) assert abs(other.something - 0.5) < 1e-8 finally: rmtree(directory) pass开发者ID:hbwzhsh,项目名称:pylada-light,代码行数:60,代码来源 示例6: test_nelect # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test_nelect(): from os.path import dirname from pickle import loads, dumps from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.crystal import Structure structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") a = Vasp() a.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(dirname(__file__)) assert a.extraelectron is None assert a._input['extraelectron'].output_map() is None assert a._input['nelect'].output_map() is None a.extraelectron = 0 assert a.extraelectron == 0 assert a.nelect is None assert a._input['extraelectron'].output_map() is None assert a._input['nelect'].output_map() is None a.extraelectron = 1 assert a.extraelectron == 1 assert a.nelect is None assert 'nelect' in a._input['extraelectron'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=structure) assert abs(float(a._input['extraelectron'].output_map( vasp=a, structure=structure)['nelect']) - 9.0) < 1e-8 assert a._input['nelect'].output_map() is None a.nelect = 1 a.extraelectron = -1 assert a.extraelectron == -1 assert a.nelect is None assert 'nelect' in a._input['extraelectron'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=structure) assert abs(float(a._input['extraelectron'].output_map( vasp=a, structure=structure)['nelect']) - 7.0) < 1e-8 assert a._input['nelect'].output_map() is None o = a._input['extraelectron'] d = {'ExtraElectron': o.__class__} assert repr(eval(repr(o), d)) == repr(o) assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( vasp=a, structure=structure)['nelect']) - 7.0) < 1e-8 assert repr(loads(dumps(o))) == repr(o) a.nelect = 8 assert a.nelect == 8 assert a.extraelectron is None assert 'nelect' in a._input['nelect'].output_map() assert abs(float(a._input['nelect'].output_map()['nelect']) - 8.0) < 1e-8 assert a._input['extraelectron'].output_map() is None o = a._input['nelect'] d = {'NElect': o.__class__} assert repr(eval(repr(o), d)) == repr(o) assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map()['nelect']) - 8.0) < 1e-8 assert repr(loads(dumps(o))) == repr(o)开发者ID:pylada,项目名称:pylada-light,代码行数:55,代码来源 示例7: vasp # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def vasp(): from os.path import join, dirname from pylada.vasp import Vasp vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.precision = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "metal" vasp.sigma = 0.06 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", join(dirname(__file__), 'pseudos', 'Si') return vasp开发者ID:,项目名称:,代码行数:15,代码来源: 示例8: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(path): from glob import glob from os.path import join from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from numpy import all, abs from quantities import kbar, eV, angstrom from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.vasp.relax import Relax from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) directory = mkdtemp() try: functional = Relax(copy=vasp) assert abs(functional.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert functional.prec == 'Accurate' result = functional(structure, outdir=directory, comm=default_comm, relaxation="volume ionic cellshape") assert result.success def sortme(a): return int(a.split('/')[-1]) dirs = sorted(glob(join(join(directory, '*'), '[0-9]')), key=sortme) # for previous, current in zip(dirs, dirs[1:]): # assert len(check_output(['diff', join(previous, 'CONTCAR'), join(current, 'POSCAR')])) == 0 # assert len(check_output(['diff', join(current, 'CONTCAR'), join(directory, 'POSCAR')])) == 0 assert result.stress.units == kbar and all(abs(result.stress) < 1e0) assert result.forces.units == eV/angstrom and all(abs(result.forces) < 1e-1) assert result.total_energy.units == eV and all(abs(result.total_energy + 10.668652*eV) < 1e-2) finally: if directory != '/tmp/test/relax': rmtree(directory) pass开发者ID:georgeyumnam,项目名称:pylada,代码行数:47,代码来源 示例9: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(path): from shutil import rmtree from os.path import exists from os import makedirs from tempfile import mkdtemp from numpy import abs from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.vasp.emass import effective_mass, EMass from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5],[0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.55, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0,0,0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25,0.25,0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 25e-5 vasp.encut = 1.4 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) emass = EMass(copy=vasp) assert abs(emass.encut - 1.4) < 1e-8 assert abs(emass.ediff - 25e-5) < 1e-10 directory = "/tmp/test" #mkdtemp() if exists(directory) and directory == '/tmp/test': rmtree(directory) if not exists(directory): makedirs(directory) try: result = effective_mass(vasp, structure, outdir=directory, comm=default_comm, emassparams={'ediff': 1e-8}) result.emass assert result.success result = emass(structure, outdir=directory, comm=default_comm, emassparams={'ediff': 1e-8}) assert result.success finally: if directory != '/tmp/test': rmtree(directory) pass开发者ID:mdavezac,项目名称:LaDa,代码行数:45,代码来源 示例10: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(tmpdir, path): from pylada.crystal import Structure from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada import default_comm structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.prec = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "fermi" vasp.sigma = 0.01 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) result = vasp(structure, outdir=str(tmpdir), comm=default_comm) assert result.success开发者ID:pylada,项目名称:pylada-light,代码行数:22,代码来源 示例11: test_encut # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test_encut(): from os.path import dirname from pickle import loads, dumps from quantities import eV, hartree import quantities import numpy from pylada.vasp import Vasp from pylada.crystal import Structure structure = Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name='has a name')\ .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si")\ .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") a = Vasp() a.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(dirname(__file__)) o = a._input['encut'] d = {'Encut': o.__class__} d.update(quantities.__dict__) d.update(numpy.__dict__) assert a.ediff is None assert o.output_map() is None assert eval(repr(o), d).output_map() is None assert eval(repr(o), d).keyword == 'encut' assert loads(dumps(o)).output_map() is None a.encut = 1e0 assert abs(a.encut - 1e0) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 1.0) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 1.0) < 1e-8 a.encut = 0.8 assert abs(a.encut - 0.8) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345 * 0.8) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345 * 0.8) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 245.345 * 0.8) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 0.8) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 0.8) < 1e-8 a.encut = 200 assert abs(a.encut - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 200) < 1e-8 a.encut = 200 * eV assert abs(a.encut - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert a.encut.units == eV assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert eval(repr(o), d).value.units == eV assert loads(dumps(o)).value.units == eV a.encut = (200 * eV).rescale(hartree) assert a.encut.units == hartree assert abs(a.encut - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encut']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert eval(repr(o), d).value.units == hartree assert loads(dumps(o)).value.units == hartree o = a._input['encutgw'] d = {'EncutGW': o.__class__} d.update(quantities.__dict__) d.update(numpy.__dict__) assert a.ediff is None assert o.output_map() is None assert eval(repr(o), d).output_map() is None assert eval(repr(o), d).keyword == 'encutgw' assert loads(dumps(o)).output_map() is None a.encutgw = (200 * eV).rescale(hartree) assert a.encutgw.units == hartree assert abs(a.encutgw - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(o.output_map(structure=structure, vasp=a)['encutgw']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(eval(repr(o), d).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encutgw']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(float(loads(dumps(o)).output_map( structure=structure, vasp=a)['encutgw']) - 200) < 1e-8 assert abs(eval(repr(o), d).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert abs(loads(dumps(o)).value - 200 * eV) < 1e-8 assert eval(repr(o), d).value.units == hartree assert loads(dumps(o)).value.units == hartree开发者ID:,项目名称:,代码行数:97,代码来源: 示例12: test # 需要导入模块: from pylada.vasp import Vasp [as 别名] # 或者: from pylada.vasp.Vasp import add_specie [as 别名] def test(path): from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp from os.path import join from quantities import eV from pylada.vasp import Vasp, read_incar from pylada.crystal import Structure structure = ( Structure([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]], scale=5.43, name="has a name") .add_atom(0, 0, 0, "Si") .add_atom(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, "Si") ) vasp = Vasp() vasp.kpoints = "Automatic generation\n0\nMonkhorst\n2 2 2\n0 0 0" vasp.precision = "accurate" vasp.ediff = 1e-5 vasp.encut = 1 vasp.ismear = "metal" vasp.sigma = 0.06 vasp.relaxation = "volume" vasp.add_specie = "Si", "{0}/pseudos/Si".format(path) directory = mkdtemp() try: vasp.write_incar(path=join(directory, "INCAR"), structure=structure) other = read_incar(join(directory, "INCAR")) assert abs(other.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.encut - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.sigma - 0.06 * eV) < 1e-8 assert other.ibrion == 2 assert other.icharg == "atomic" assert other.isif == 7 assert other.ismear == "metal" assert other.istart == "scratch" assert other.lcharg == False assert other.nsw == 50 assert other.relaxation == "volume" assert other.system == "has a name" with open(join(directory, "INCAR"), "a") as file: file.write("\nSOMETHing = 0.5\n") other = read_incar(join(directory, "INCAR")) assert abs(other.ediff - 1e-5) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.encut - 245.345) < 1e-8 assert abs(other.sigma - 0.06 * eV) < 1e-8 assert other.ibrion == 2 assert other.icharg == "atomic" assert other.isif == 7 assert other.ismear == "metal" assert other.istart == "scratch" assert other.lcharg == False assert other.nsw == 50 assert other.relaxation == "volume" assert other.system == "has a name" assert "something" in other._input assert isinstance(other.something, float) assert abs(other.something - 0.5) < 1e-8 finally: rmtree(directory) pass开发者ID:georgeyumnam,项目名称:pylada,代码行数:63,代码来源





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