上古卷轴5 12号升级档(v1.游侠原创免DVD补丁

您所在的位置:网站首页 上古卷轴传奇等级是什么意思 上古卷轴5 12号升级档(v1.游侠原创免DVD补丁

上古卷轴5 12号升级档(v1.游侠原创免DVD补丁

2024-06-25 01:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


需要先安装11号升级档 http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/19198.html

1.解压缩 2.复制所有文件到游戏目录覆盖 3.开始游戏



New Features 新功能 Legendary difficulty setting 传奇难度设定 Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap. 传奇技能模式-熟练度100的技能可以开启传奇模式,会使该项技能熟练度退回15,返还所有点过的perk(这样的话老米的洗点球们还有什么用。。。),从而使这个技能可以再次升级,并且通过这种方式可以使角色突破原有的81级上限。

Bug Fixes bug修正

General memory and stability improvements 内存稳定性提升 Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly 修正了任务提示有时候不会消失的问题 Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them 如果你给他们的武器和护甲更好的话,同伴会在任何时候主动装备上(非跟随状态下不再是一身默认装备满街跑了) Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skies shout during "The Throat of the World" 修复了有时候在“世界之喉”任务中无法学习晴空龙吼的bug Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during "Alduin’s Bane" 修复了奥杜因有可能在“奥杜因克星”任务中完全无敌的bug Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate” 修复了有可能卡在夜母棺材里出不来的bug Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage 修复了有时候随从处于保护状态(没血了跪地下喘的时候)可能被毒素伤害毒死的bug Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly 修复了一些被复生法术拉起来的NPC再次死亡后留下的灰烬堆不能清除的bug Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels 修复了一些NPC和生物在玩家快速旅行后意外刷新出来的bug(练多了复生法术有可能遇到,快速旅行以后身后刷出一堆尸鬼什么的,还全敌对的) Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary 修复了进入黑暗兄弟会圣所时游戏崩溃的bug Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home 修复了进入自己家门时游戏崩溃的bug Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during "Battle for Whiterun" 在内战任务“雪漫城之战”期间,不会再发生龙袭击事件 Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during "Waking Nightmare" 修复了“噩梦觉醒”(晨星全城做恶梦的任务)期间存档有可能是游戏崩溃的bug Fixed issue where “Glory of the Dead” would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane 修复了如果处于和战友团老铁匠敌对状态时。“亡者的荣耀”(老大的葬礼)任务不能进行的bug The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower 如果扔给随从的话,雪瓶不会在他们使用完一次以后永远消失 If player marries Aela, the "Totem of Hircine" quest will be available 和艾拉结婚以后,“海尔辛图腾”任务还可以进行 Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing "The White Phial" 雪瓶任务完成后,没用掉的荆棘之心(炼金材料)可以从物品栏里扔出来了 Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly 修复了对战友团成员实施犯 罪行为以后,即使交了赏金也不能再从他们那里接任务的bug Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities 各个城市中的盗贼公会存储箱可以正常使用了 The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esbern’s Potion 使用伊斯本药剂以后能正常获得龙类注射状态了 Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out Cragslane Cave这个地方在随着接到相关的随机任务时能够及时的重置里面的敌人等等 Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion 修复了一些赏金任务在完成后仍然留在任务栏里的bug Gallus Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild Gallus Encoded Journal这东西在盗贼公会剧情完成以后不再是任务物品 In "No Stone Unturned" Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if you’ve collected them all before starting the quest 24块宝石那个任务中,如果你在从Vex处获得任务前就收集了全部宝石的话,可以正常完成任务了 Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing “Toying with The Dead” Vekel the Man这人在你完成“Toying with The Dead”任务之后会给你奖励 Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in “The Litany of Larceny” 修复了“The Litany of Larceny”任务中不能上交偷来的物品的bug Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired 修复了随从在反复解散和招募之后会超负重的bug(应该是不会每次刷一把猎弓了,代码0010e2dd,可以用控制台清掉) Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing “A Blade in the Dark” properly 修复了骑马去Kynesgrove(和老板娘杀龙那个地方)时候使得“黑暗中的刀锋”任务不能进行的bug Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl 修复了从领主处获得重复的随机任务(赏金之类)的bug Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting “Trouble in Skyrim” 在战友团随机任务“天际省的麻烦事”正好选中Driftshade Sanctuary这个地方之前就把那里清空的话,不会再使任务卡住了 Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell 坐牢的时候用龙吼不会再使一个守卫走过来给你开门了。。。。。。。(应该是想走进来提醒你不要再吼了,只不过顺手就把门开了) Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations 修复了有些任务NPC不会出现在任务地点的bug Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells 修复了NPC不出售大师级物品的bug(应该是指的那几个法师) Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of“Diplomatic Immunity” 修复了“外交豁免”任务开始时卡在精灵大使馆外面不能动的bug Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house 修复了改造自己家以后有些容器会消失的bug   Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during "Ill Met By Moonlight" 修正了“月光下再会”(狼人与小女孩纠缠撕扯的故事)任务中变成狼人会被错误攻击的bug。。。。。。(这个是bug么) The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handed perks 乌木之刃现在只受到双手perk的加成了 Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key 独孤城那所房子的门在有钥匙以后能正常打开了 Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk 修复了投资者技能开启后,商人们没有获得额外金币的bug Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during "The Way of The Voice" 修复了在“吼声之道”任务中如果把灰胡子晾在山上几天再回去以后学不到龙吼的bug The Nord Hero Bow can now be improved 诺德英雄长弓可以正常强化了(诺德英雄箭去哪了。。。。) The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk 炼金术最顶级perk“纯净”不再需要“实验者”(吃一口知道材料几种功能的技能)perk前置了 Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly 修复了有时候睡醒以后恋人的爱抚状态加不上的bug If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, "The Pale Lady" will start properly 从北边走近Frostmere Crypt可以正常触发“苍白女士”任务了 Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start "The Cursed Tribe" 修复了沃伦大锤任务因为不能和Atub那个兽人对话而无法开始的bug Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player 修复了“疯狂的思想”(瓦巴杰克任务)期间飞来一条龙捣乱的bug Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhet’s Folly 修复了在Japhet’s Folly卡住的bug Fixed rare instances where Arngeir would not teach Whirlwind Sprint 修复了灰胡子有时候不教你旋风精力龙吼的bug Fixed issue with "Ill Met By Moonlight" if Sinding dies before the quest starts 修复了狼人大叔在他和小女孩纠缠撕扯不清的任务开始前挂掉使任务卡住的bug Gharol can now properly train up to level 75 Gharol能把某项(没说哪个)技能训练到75熟练度了 Fixed conflict with visiting The Karthspire before starting "Alduin’s Wall" 在“奥杜因石壁”任务开始前,探索到The Karthspire的弃誓者营地不会使任务卡住了 Reduced the instance of random dragon attacks after fast traveling post main quest 在快速旅行到当前主线任务目标地点以后遇到龙袭击的几率下降 Recruited Blades now have appropriate dialogue while at Sky Haven Temple 新招募的刀锋会成员在天空神庙里面时候的对话内容改变 Fixed rare issue where an incorrect dungeon could appear as a location during "Totems of Hircine" 修复了“海尔辛图腾”给出的任务地点不正确的bug Fixed rare instance in "Fetch me that Book" where books found before getting the quest would not be properly recognized 修复了法师学院图书馆的兽人要找的书如果在任务激活前被找出来使任务不能进行的bug Fixed rare issue with traveling to Thalmor Embassy with companions during "Diplomatic Immunity" 修复了“外交豁免”任务中随从有可能一起跑进大使馆的bug Fixed issues with Matching Set perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor 修复了Matching Set对于一些护甲不起作用的bug Fixed issues with Custom Fit perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor 修复了Custom Fit对于一些护甲不起作用的bug(这俩好像是穿齐一套同种护甲以后给予额外护甲值的perk,一个轻甲,一个重甲) Fixed issue with NPC dying in a bear trap blocking progress in "In My Time of Need" 修复了雪漫红卫女的任务中NPC死于捕熊夹以后使任务卡住的bug。。。。。。。。(这要怎么做才能触发) Fixed rare issue with swinging door becoming stuck and blocking an entrance in Volunruud 修复了Volunruud中门卡住使得这一地点无法进入的bug Imperial Light Armor can now be crafted 可以制作帝国轻甲了 Fixed issue with "Valds Debt" where Vald was not leveled properly 修复了"Valds Debt"中Vald不能正常升级的bug Fixed issue with Vilkas not giving proper greeting after completing "Battle for Whiterun" 修复了战友团Vilkas在“雪漫之战”以后不能正常问好的bug Fixed issue with respawning actors that were raised by using the Ritual Stone power 修复了由于那块能复活尸体的守护石拉起来的尸体被再度刷新引起的冲突 Fixed issue with the Ancient Knowledge perk not calculating properly 远古知识状态现在正确计算效果了(穿全套矮人甲增加25%护甲值,练铁匠速度提高15%) The Palace of Kings now has patrolling guards on upper floors 老乌的宫殿二楼增加了巡逻的守卫 Reduce percentage chance of getting a werewolf loading screen while player is a werewolf 变成狼人以后,读取画面出现狼人介绍的几率降低 Panteas flute is no longer a quest item after completing "Panteas Flute" 诗人学院小任务中找的那个笛子在任务之后不再是任务物品了 Placing an unread Oghma Infinium on a bookshelf in the players house no longer allows the book to be reused again 往家里的书架上放没读过的Oghma Infinium(读一次一系全技能熟练度加5的那本书)不会使得那本书能重复使用来刷技能了 Adjusted dialogue priority to improve chances of hearing more combat dialogue from certain NPC enemies 战斗中一些敌人NPC话更多了。。。。。。。 Fixed issue with falling damage on high difficulty levels 高难度下的跌落伤害调整 Fixed bad collision on certain clutter objects 修复了堆放在一起的物品相互推挤和撞飞的bug Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat 信差不会再裸 奔出场了。。。。。





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