上古卷轴5:重置版 超过60个FPS物理修复(不需要编辑你的ini文件) Mod V1.0 下载

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上古卷轴5:重置版 超过60个FPS物理修复(不需要编辑你的ini文件) Mod V1.0 下载

2023-10-15 08:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的超过60个FPS物理修复(不需要编辑你的ini文件) Mod,由nicholasdwebb制作。aslanzula在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: nicholasdwebb Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 294 B 更新时间: 2019-01-09 21:44:18 发布时间: 2019-01-09 21:44:18




esp有三个版本:60fps,90fps和120fps。 (现在我考虑一下,可能没有多少人需要60fps版本,但它已经存在,所以无论如何......)下载你想要的版本并用NMM安装它。

虽然没有必要,但我强烈建议您使用其他程序将fps限制为新的目标帧速率,例如内置的ENB fps限制器或Rivatuner。你使用哪一个并不重要,只需选择你喜欢的东西。这是为了确保您的帧速率不会超过Havok引擎的新最大帧速率并导致物理引擎错误重新出现。



答:选择最接近系统可以始终如一的帧率的那个。如果你能以平均80 fps的速度运行游戏,那么使用90fps版本可能比120fps更好。




fMaxTime = 0.0111


bLockFramerate = 0

iVSyncPresentInterval = 0

fmaxtime设置会更改Havok引擎所期望的帧时间(这是每个版本的mod之间的设置不同)。 BLockFramerate禁用帧率上限。并且iVSyncPresentInterval禁用VSync。

IPRESENTINTERVAL = 0仅适用于OLDRIM,不要将其用于SSE(它已重命名为iVSyncPresentInterval)。请停止建议我添加此设置。









如果你喜欢这个mod,请认可!并查看我的其他工作,包括Sustained Magic。


If you've tried to uncap the framerate for Skyrim, you've seen the ridiculous ways that the physics engine responds to playing over 60fps. This mod fixes that by changing the time that the Havok engine waits between frames. There is a full explanation of how that works and how to edit your ini file on reddit here. However, changing my ini file has become a bit of a hassle because of how long it is and keeping the backups necessary to reverse my changes is tedious. So I made an esp file that will apply the changes for me.


The esp has three versions: 60fps, 90fps, and 120fps. (Now that I think about it, there probably aren't many people who need a 60fps version, but it's already there so whatever...) Download the version you want and install it with NMM.

While it's not necessary, I highly recommend that you use another program to limit your fps to the new target framerate, such as the built in ENB fps limiter or Rivatuner. It doesn't really matter which one you use, just pick something that you like. This is to ensure that your framerate doesn't overshoot the Havok engine's new max framerate and cause the physics engine bugs to reappear.

F.A.Q.Q: Which framerate should I use?A: Choose whichever one is closest to the framerate that your system can consistently achieve. If you can run the game at an average of 80 fps, it's probably better to use the 90fps version than the 120fps. 

Q: What exactly does this mod change?A: This mod changes three settings:



The fmaxtime setting changes the frametime that the Havok engine expects (this is the setting that is different between each version of the mod). BLockFramerate disables the framerate cap. And iVSyncPresentInterval disables VSync. IPRESENTINTERVAL=0 IS ONLY FOR OLDRIM, DO NOT USE IT FOR SSE (it was renamed to iVSyncPresentInterval). Please stop suggesting that I add this setting.

Q: Is this safe?A: The reddit page where I got the settings to change (link here) includes a fairly extensive analysis of the impact of these changes. It is safe. However, if you find that you are in a situation in the game where the physics engine is still negatively impacted (some people have reported this in one of the big battles in the civil war questline), you can just disable this mod for the duration of the quest and then re-enable it once you're past the trouble spot.

Q: It isn't working. Help?A: Here are a few things you can try:

Make sure that you don't have any other programs such as RivaTuner or ENB set to limit your FPS below your target rate.

Make sure that your GPU settings aren't overriding Skyrim's VSync settings.

Make sure that this mod is at the bottom of the load order to prevent other mods from overriding its changes. You can also try putting the settings directly in your ini file to verify whether the issue is with your load order.

Try resetting your ini file and then loading this mod to check that the problem isn't with something else you've changed in the ini.

If you like this mod, please endorse! And check out my other work, including Sustained Magic.

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