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2024-07-12 18:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

三维点云学习(2)中-Kd-tree (k-dimensional tree) kd-tree 实现


三维kd-tree 的图示

如下图所示,为三维kd-tree的切割图,进行三个维度的切割,kd-tree的本质就是对三个维度的数据点不断构建平衡二叉树。 在这里插入图片描述

运行结果 axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [24, 43, 48, 39] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [10, 22, 37, 14] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [17, 41, 4, 51] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [55, 44, 27, 12] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [5, 61, 9, 47] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [42, 54, 56, 7] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [58, 26, 19, 31] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [0, 29, 25, 23] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [62, 18, 33, 49] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [63, 38, 53, 30] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [15, 32, 57, 46] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [13, 2, 20, 28] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [1, 16, 45, 6] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [34, 8, 35, 40] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [36, 50, 21, 11] axis 1, split value: leaf, point_indices: [52, 60, 59, 3] tree max depth: 5 搭建kd-tree的步骤 1.根据点的个数判断是否需要进行root的构建

根据需要,判断是否需要构建leaf,不需要构建单独的leaf,就对数据集进行分割构建kd-tree 在这里插入图片描述


如下图所示为二维kd-tree的两种分割方法,图一是分割线在点上,图二是分割线不包含点 在这里插入图片描述 如下图所示,分别为顺序分割法和自适应分割法 在这里插入图片描述 二维kd-tree如下如所示 在这里插入图片描述 Stores points that belongs to this partition,对节点里的点在对应的维度上进行进行sort排列 在这里插入图片描述 寻找中点,并在中点附近进行切割 在这里插入图片描述

3.kd-tree 的复杂度

在这里插入图片描述 优化kd-tree复杂度的方法 在这里插入图片描述

3.kd-tree -kNN Search

在这里插入图片描述 是否搜索的判断 在这里插入图片描述

个人重要知识点补漏 1.assert断言函数


def sort_key_by_vale(key, value): assert key.shape == value.shape #assert 断言操作,用于判断一个表达式,在表达式条件为false的时候触发异常 assert len(key.shape) == 1 #numpy是多维数组 sorted_idx = np.argsort(value) #对value值进行排序 key_sorted = key[sorted_idx] value_sorted = value[sorted_idx] #进行升序排序 return key_sorted, value_sorted 2.kd-tree的核心在于分割与排序,下图红框正是精华所在,不断排序在对应轴上的点


def axis_round_robin(axis, dim): #用于轴的轮换 if axis == dim-1: return 0 else: return axis + 1 3.np.linalg.norm()函数用于求二范数,当org=2(默认),可以理解为求对应点的模 if root.is_leaf(): # compare the contents of a leaf leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :] diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1) #取行的差值,暴力搜索 for i in range(diff.shape[0]): result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i]) return False 4.axis = 0 ,axis = 1 的混淆点 1.在二维数组里,axis=1代表纵向推移,axis=0代表横向推移


2.在numpy高维数组里,axis=1代表横向推移,axis=0代表纵向推移 代码 import random import math import numpy as np from result_set import KNNResultSet, RadiusNNResultSet class Node: def __init__(self, axis, value, left, right, point_indices): self.axis = axis self.value = value self.left = left self.right = right self.point_indices = point_indices def is_leaf(self): if self.value is None: return True else: return False def __str__(self): output = '' output += 'axis %d, ' % self.axis if self.value is None: output += 'split value: leaf, ' else: output += 'split value: %.2f, ' % self.value output += 'point_indices: ' output += str(self.point_indices.tolist()) return output def sort_key_by_vale(key, value): assert key.shape == value.shape #assert 断言操作,用于判断一个表达式,在表达式条件为false的时候触发异常 assert len(key.shape) == 1 #numpy是多维数组 sorted_idx = np.argsort(value) #对value值进行排序 key_sorted = key[sorted_idx] value_sorted = value[sorted_idx] #进行升序排序 return key_sorted, value_sorted def axis_round_robin(axis, dim): #用于轴的轮换 if axis == dim-1: return 0 else: return axis + 1 def kdtree_recursive_build(root, db, point_indices, axis, leaf_size): #kd树的建立 """ :param root: :param db: NxD :param db_sorted_idx_inv: NxD :param point_idx: M :param axis: scalar :param leaf_size: scalar :return: """ if root is None: root = Node(axis, None, None, None, point_indices) #实例化Node # determine whether to split into left and right if len(point_indices) > leaf_size: #判断是否需要进行分割 # --- get the split position --- point_indices_sorted, _ = sort_key_by_vale(point_indices, db[point_indices, axis]) #对点进行排列,dp存储信息 middle_left_idx = math.ceil(point_indices_sorted.shape[0] / 2) - 1 #分一半 middle_left_point_idx = point_indices_sorted[middle_left_idx] #左边界点 middle_left_point_value = db[middle_left_point_idx, axis] middle_right_idx = middle_left_idx + 1 middle_right_point_idx = point_indices_sorted[middle_right_idx] middle_right_point_value = db[middle_right_point_idx, axis] #右边界点 root.value = (middle_left_point_value + middle_right_point_value) * 0.5 #取中值为节点值 # === get the split position === root.left = kdtree_recursive_build(root.left, db, point_indices_sorted[0:middle_right_idx], axis_round_robin(axis, dim=db.shape[1]), leaf_size) #对对应的轴值进行排序 root.right = kdtree_recursive_build(root.right, db, point_indices_sorted[middle_right_idx:], axis_round_robin(axis, dim=db.shape[1]), leaf_size) #对对应的轴值进行排序 return root def traverse_kdtree(root: Node, depth, max_depth): #计算kdtree的深度 depth[0] += 1 if max_depth[0]




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