New Attachments Portal

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New Attachments Portal

2022-11-28 07:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Utility poles are divided into two sections: the power space and the communications space. The power space contains electrical cables and is generally inaccessible to third parties. The communications space contains attachments for telephone, cable TV and fiber optic services. By submitting a third party attachment application, companies can petition to use the communications space for lighting, cables, banners or other attachments.

A successful utility pole attachment application must demonstrate that the proposed addition to the communications space will meet the following requirements:

Guying: Guying refers to the lateral tension placed on a pole when a new attachment is added. A guying plan must demonstrate that your proposed attachment won’t overly stress the pole.

Make ready: Make ready involves the sum total of all costs and processes involved in the project. This must consider whether or not existing attachments will have to be moved or the existing pole replaced to support your attachment.

NESC/PPL clearance: The NESC (National Electric Safety Code) has defined a national standard for attaching to utility poles. Any addition to a utility pole will be subject to clearance requirements in relation to other attachments as well as ground clearance over roads, driveways, bridges, etc. A condensed, PPL-specific version of these guidelines can be found here: PPL NESC Guidelines


Katapult Engineering manages the pole attachment portal for PPL third party pole attachments which bridges the gap between utilities and applicants.  Our PPL pole attachment specialists are available to provide PPL attachment application help and PPL pole attachment support to anyone looking to submit a third party attachment application or CLEC pole attachment.  Additionally, we are continually striving to make the pole attachment front end even more helpful for utility pole attachment engineers and anyone working on utility pole attachment services.  The powerful, shareable online package provided after the field survey for every third party attachment application helps keeps utilities, applicants, and other involved parties on the same page to ensure that pole attachment make ready services are completed quickly and economically.  To use the PPL pole attachment front end portal, click here.

Utilities interested in the benefits of an online pole attachment system or online interface for any utility services can view our portfolio or contact us today!




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