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【#小学英语# #小学六年级英语选择题及参考答案#】选择题一般由题干和备选项两部分组成。题干就是用陈述句或疑问句创设出解题情景和思路。备选项是指与题干有直接关系的备选答案,分为正确项和干扰项。以下是®无忧考网整理的《小学六年级英语选择题及参考答案》,希望帮助到您。


  ( )1. ―Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?

  A. Oh, it’s very kind you.

  B. That’s a good idea.

  C. I’d love to, but I am wanted on the phone.

  D. Thank you all the same.

  ( )2. ―Shall we go to see Mr. Green tomorrow afternoon?

  A. It’s very kind of you.

  B. You are all right.

  C. That’s great.

  D. It doesn’t matter.

  ( )3. ―Would you mind if I smoke here?

  ―_____, but I think you’d better do it over there.

  A. Yes, please

  B. I’m sorry

  C. Certainly not

  D. No, go ahead

  ( )4. ―Wouldn’t you like to go to the party with me?

  A. No, I never .   B. Yes, please .

  C. Yes, I’d be glad to .  D. Yes, I would like .

  ( )5. ―Why not come here on Saturday? I think you’d like it.

  A. That’s all right.  B. Never mind.

  C. That’s a good idea.   D. No problem.  ( )6. ―Could you tell me the way to the railway station?

  A. Make sure.   B. If you like.

  C. Sure.   D. Never mind.

  ( )7. ―I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.

  A. Oh, no. Let’s not.

  B. I’d rather stay at home.

  C. I’m very sorry, but I have other plans.

  D. Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble.

  ( )8. ―_____? ―He is a nice person.

  A. What does your new teacher look like

  B. What’s your new teacher like

  C. How is your new teacher

  D. What is your new teacher look like

  ( )9. ―Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?

  A. Yes, I do   B. Of course not

  C. Yes, you could   D. Help yourself

  ( )10. ―Excuse me, Madame. I wonder if this bus goes to the East Lake.

  ―_____. You should take a Bus No. 521.

  A. Sure, it does  B. No, it isn’t

  C. Oh, sorry. I’m afraid not   D. What a pity! It’s not true  参考答案:  1. C   2. C   3. B   4. C   5. C

  6. C  7. C   8. B   9. D   10. C


  ( )1. ―How’s everything going on?

  A. Everything is finished

  B. Everything is well

  C. Not so bad, you know

  D. Not doing wrong; you know

  ( )2. ―Hello, Kate. How was your birthday? ―_____. What about yours?

  A. Very well, thank you

  B. Happily, in London

  C. It’s great, thanks

  D. I’m pleasure

  ( )3. ―I’m sorry I broke your mirror. ―Oh, really? _____.

  A. It’s Ok with me   B. Don’t be sorry

  C. I don’t care at all   D. It doesn’t matter

  ( )4. ―I’m sorry to trouble you.

  A. The same to you.

  B. What a pity! I'm sorry to hear that.

  C. It doesn’t matter. What is it?

  D. Thanks a lot.

  ( )5. ―Hi, Tom, John sends his regards to your parents.

  A. That’s kind of him.

  B. That’s kind of you.

  C. Of course.

  D. How are you?

  ( )6. ―Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.

  A. No thanks, please.

  B. I’m glad you like it.

  C. Please don’t say so.

  D. No, it’s not so good.

  ( )7. ―You need my help?

  A. No, thanks.

  B. Yes, but I don’t need your help.

  C. No, it’s very kind of you.

  D. Yes, but I can manage.

  ( )8. ―May I draw it now?

  A. Yes, thanks.  B. You are welcome.   C. Do, please.  D. Yes, you may.

  ( )9. ―Please pass me the dictionary.

  A. That’s right.   B. Here you are.

  C. Not at all.   D. It’s a pleasure.

  ( )10. ―Would you like me to fetch you something to read?

  A. Go ahead, please.   B. No problem.

  C. That would be nice.   D. You're welcome.  参考答案:  1. C   2. C   3. D   4. C   5. A   6. B   7. A   8. C  9. B   10. C


  ( )1. ―What does your new house look like?

  A. It looks well.  B. It looks like a cave.

  C. It is bright and large.   D. I don’t like it.

  ( )2. ―How about going out for a walk?

  A. Yes, I will.   B. Taking a walk is good for us.

  C. Why not?   D. I’ll go out for a walk.  ( )3. ―How do you like your English teacher?

  A. Like him.   B. Yes, I do.

  C. He’s very tall.  D. He’s very kind.

  ( )24. ―I would like a cup of tea.

  A. I, too.  B. I did so.   C. Me, too.  D. Me, either.

  ( )5. ―He likes playing football.

  A. So am I.  B. So did I.   C. So do I.   D. So I do.

  ( )6. I _____ staying at home _____ going there, for it is raining heavily.

  A. prefer ; than   B. like better ; to

  C. prefer ; to   D. like best ; than7

  ( )7. ―I’m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting so long, Tom.

  A. Not at all.  B. You are welcome.

  C. This doesn’t matter.   D. Never mind.

  ( )8. ―I’m sorry I lost your pen. ―Oh, _____? That’s all right.

  A. yes  B. sorry  C. really  D. sure

  ( )9. ―I’m sorry I broke your pencil.

  A. It doesn’t matter.   B. Thank you.

  C. Excuse me.   D. Pardon?

  ( )10. ―A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  A. You have some happy holidays, too, sir.

  B. Thank you, sir. The same to you.

  C. Thanks, sir. The best of luck to you.

  D. That’s very kind of you to say so.  参考答案:  1. C   2. C   3. D   4. C  5. C   6. C   7. D   8. C   9. A   10. B

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