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1、人教版七年级动词短语带课文例句七年级上册Starter Unit 2 in English 用英语 Unit 3 thank you for、为而感谢您(们) P14 2d Thank you for your help,Anna、ask、for、请求;恳求(给予)P17 2b Ask the teacher for it、Unit 6 think about 思考;思索 P32 2d Lets think about the foodUnit 9for sure 无疑;肯定 P50 2d Thats for sure、七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?p

2、lay chess 下国际象棋speak English 说英语be good at、擅长于 P2 2d Youre good at telling stories、talk to、跟说 P3 3b Please talk to Mr、Zhang after school、play the drums 敲鼓 P4play the piano 弹琴 P4play the violin 拉小提琴 P4be good with、善于应付得;对有办法 P5 2b Are you good with old people?make friends 结交朋友 P5 2b They can tell you

3、 stories, and you can make fiends、help (sb、) with sth、 在某方面帮助(某人)P5 2b Then we need you to help with sports、on the weekend (在)周末 P5 2b Do you have time on the weekend?Unit2 What time do you go to school?get up 起床;站起 P7get dressed 穿上衣服 P7take a shower 洗淋浴 P7on weekends (在)周末 P9 Grammar Focus They usu

4、ally exercise on weekends、do (ones) homework 做作业 P10 1c do my homeworktake a walk 散步;走一走P10 either、or、要么要么;或者或者 P11 2b I either watch TV or play computer games、lots of 大量;许多 P11 2b At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch、Unit 3 How do you get to school?get to 到达 P13 1a How do you

5、get to school?take the subway 乘地铁 P13 1c She takes the subway、ride a bike 骑自行车 P13 1a I ride my bike、every day 每天 P14 2e I ride it to school every day、by bike 骑自行车 P14 2e About 15 minutes by bike、think of 认为;想起 P16 1c What he thinks of the trip、between、and、 在与之间 P17 2b There is a very big river betw

6、een their school and the village、come true 实现;成为现实 P17 2b Can their dream come true?Unit 4 Dont eat in class(be) on time 准时 P19 1a You must be on time、listen to、听P19 1a Dont listen to music in class、have to 必须;不得不 P20 2d And we always have to wear the school uniform、go out 外出(娱乐) P22 1b go out do th

7、e dishes 清洗餐具 P22 1b do the dishesmake ones bed 铺床 P23 2b At 6:30 a、m , my mom says ,”Get up now and make your bed!”be strict (with sb、) (对某人)要求严格 P23 2b Parents and school are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us、follow the rules 遵守规则 P23 2c So students have to follow the rule

8、s、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?kind of 稍微,有点儿 P26 2b Because theyre kind of interesting、get lost 迷路 P29 2b Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost、be in (great)danger 处于(极大)危险之中 P29 2b But elephants are in great danger、cut down 砍倒 P29 2b People cut down many trees so elephants are los

9、ing their homes、(be) made of 由制成得 P29 dont buy things made of ivory、Unit 6 Im watching TV、read a newspaper 瞧报纸 P31make soup 做汤 P31go to the movies 去电影院 P32 2b Do you want to go to the movies?eat out 出去吃饭 P32 2d We can eat out、drink tea 喝茶 P33 3a Marys parents drink tea after dinner、Unit 7 Its rainin

10、gtake a message 捎个口信;传话 P38 2d Can I take a message for him?call (sb、) back (给某人)回电话 P38 2d Could you just tell him to call me back?right now 此刻;马上 P39 3a Whats John doing right now?on (a) vacation 度假 P41 2b My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?p

11、ost office 邮局 P43police station 警察局 P43pay phone 付费电话 P43across from 在对面 P44 2a The pay phone is across from the library、in front of 在前面 P44 2a The pay phone is in front of the library、go along (the street) 沿着(这条街)走 P46 1c Go along New Street、turn right/left 向右/向左 P46 1c Turn right at the first cros

12、sing and the restaurant is on your left、spend time 花时间 P47 2b I like to spend time there on weekends、enjoy reading 喜欢阅读 P47 2b It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there、Unit 9 What does he look like?(be) of medium height 中等身高 P49 1c Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair、a little 一点;

13、少量 P50 2d but I may be a little late、in the end 最后 P53 2b In the end, the real criminal is a short and heavy old man ,and has short black hair!Unit 10 Id like some noodleswould like (表示意愿)愿意;喜欢 P55 Id like some noodlestake ones order 点菜 P56 2d May I take your order?one (large) bowl of、一(大)碗 P56 2d O

14、ne large bowl of beef souparound the world 世界各地 P59 2b Birthday Food Around the Worldmake a wish 许愿 P59 2b The birthday person must make a wish and、blow out 吹灭 P59 2b blow out the candles、get popular 受欢迎;流行 P59 2b In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday、 cut up 切碎 P59 2b They n

15、ever cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life、bring good luck to 、给带来好运 P59 2b They bring good luck to the birthday person、Unit 11 How was your school trip?milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶 P61ride a horse 骑马 P61feed chicken 喂鸡 P61quite a lot (of、) 许多 P61 1b I saw quite a lot、in the coun

16、tryside 在乡下;在农村 P62 2d I visited my grandparents in the countryside、all in all 总得来说 P65 2b All in all, it was an exciting day、be interested in、 对感兴趣 P65 2b Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜 P682d I stayed up late to wa

17、tch the soccer game、run away 跑开 P69 3b The cat quickly ran away、shout at、冲大声叫嚷 P69 3b Father Mouse shouted at the cat、fly a kite 放风筝 P70put up 搭起;举起 P71 2b There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on、each other 互相;彼此 P71 2b On the first night ,we just sat under the moo

18、n and told each other stories、get surprise 吃惊 P71 2b The next morning ,my sister and I got a terrible surprise、shout to、对大声喊叫 P71 2b We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger、up and down 上上下下;起伏 P71 2b My dad started to jump up and down in their tent、wake、up把弄醒 P71 2b This woke the snake up and it moved into the forest near the lake、




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