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Mar29最尴尬的事英语作文时间:2021/03/29 15:47 | 分类:文字大全


An Embarrassing Experience【一次尴尬的经历】

As is often the case, sometime last month I walked on the street and found someone ... iling or even trying to talk to me, but I couldn't recall who he or she was at all. I felt so ill at ease that all I did was only to gently stand there and try my best to ... ile as brightly as possible.

One day such a thing happened again. While I was greeting that beautiful girl, a crazy idea came into my mind that I decided to keep on talking with her though I didn't know her. Luckily, we had a pleasant conversation for ten minutes. But when saying good-bye to each other, we both suddenly found she had mistaken me for my elder sister. What an embarrassing experience it was!


Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I'm sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."上一星期一,我睡过了头,醒来时发现已经七点四十五了。




”(不是我自己写的 希望能帮到你)...
















这回,初中生可急了,瞪着双眼,伸手将老奶奶推了过去,老奶奶差一点儿摔倒了…… 我实在看不下去了,便对初中生说:“老奶奶站着这么难受,你非但不让座,竟然还推她?太……” 可还没等我把话说完,老奶奶就发话了:“是我让我孙子坐在那儿的,你这孩子真会多管闲事!” “啊?”此时,我是又惊讶又尴尬……难道我又多管闲事了? 蓦地,我发觉全车的人都向我投来异样的目光。

我的脸刷地一下子红了,觉得车子开得好慢,时间像凝固了一般,我恨不得找条缝钻下去……终天到站了!还没等车子停稳,我已经一溜烟儿跑下去了…… 这件事虽然已过去几天了,但每当想起它,我就觉得无比的尴尬……Embarrassing thing 英文:Often hear people say embarrassing tastes bad. But in the end is what taste, I used to feel. But after going through it, I truly realized that it cannot be described in words "awkward ".At that time, I took the bus to Wuxi children's Palace dance lessons, catching up with passenger peak. To tell the truth, not to learn dance, I really don't willing to squeeze the crowded car ... ... Oh, e on! Finally get on the car, with the flow of people, I finally found a shelter. Hold the handrail, people difficult to stand. Look, stood beside me is an old woman: she is carrying a parcel, blushed, was gasping for air. I saw her a little stand, want to help her, but his standing among them, incapable of action. Look, the old grandma side seats, sat a junior high school student like person, his ears stuffed with headphones, chewing gum, is " appreciate " the scenery outside the window, as in the car all has nothing to do with him.The car in the running, suddenly e to a halt, grandmother did not take a firm, a reel down on the junior high school student body. The junior high school student body will be removed, pretend nothing happened to like, and turned her head toward the window, his feet are still on the beat. At this time, the old grandma reluctantly stood up, sighed ... ... The car journey, at the people in the car as the car shake, as in the yangko dance, left to right. Suddenly, the lights were red, " said -- " the car is pulled up all of a sudden. Granny fell down to the junior high school student body. This time, junior high school students can be anxious, staring eyes, the hand will be grandma pushed past, old grandma nearly fell ... ...I really can't go on to junior high school students, said: " old grandmother stood so unfortable, you not only not seat, even pushing her? Too ... ... "But before I finish, old grandma said: " it is I who made my grandson sitting there, your child will really nosy! "" Ah? " At this time, I was surprised and embarrassed ... ... But I can't interfere?Suddenly, I found that all the people on the bus gave me a strange look. My face turned red, feel the car slowly, time like solidified, I hate to seek seam drilling ... ... Finally the station! Before the car came to a plete stop, I have swiftly ran down ... ...Although this matter has been the past few days, but every time I think of it, I felt so awkward ... ...觉得好的话 就点赞同吧~~

用英语讲述自己之一次的尴尬经历 作文

Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I'm sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."



My embarrassing things that day.I came early to the classroom, students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up, only to find pants sticky.我那天尴尬的事。


How is it?I got a look silly, because I hand touched touched a bunch of sticky stuff.I got in front of a look, stay - the chewing gum!I wonder, how will my pants on the gum?怎么样?我起身一看,傻了,因为我的手碰到一堆粘粘的东西。

我拿到面前一看,呆住了——口香糖!我不知道,它怎么会粘在我的裤子上?This time I can be embarrassing, how do?I do not care do not dirty dirty, hand to grasp.As a result, a catch down, hands and chewing gum both stick on my pants this time.A clas ... ate see this, he not only help me, but also laughed at me.How embarrass.这次我可尴尬的,怎么办?我不管脏不脏,用手去抓。





I am Lihua and I am a senior high school student.Last Sunday, my father invited his American friend AaronSmith to my home. Aaron's mother language is English. My father's English is poor. They municated difficultly. So he asked me to help him translate. Oh, my God! I couldn't even speak a word because I didn't know how to anize my sentence, which made me feel very embarassed! My father didn't blame me but I was really seized with remorse because of my bad oral English!From now on, I will try my best to learn English well!

急需 100字左右的关于 一件尴尬的事 或 不愉快的经历 的英语作文

The embarrass things This is my first embarrass things:when I am go to the hospital.I paid the money,but the receptionist throw my money and card,she's not very patient.I am very angry.Later,I am ok,not speak anything. The second things:I took a shower,I am not open the fire,and I only just wear my cloth,and open it. The third things:When I am by the taxi, I haven't take the money.And I only go to my house,and told my mother,and take the money,paid it. The finally,I think I have many embarrass things,if let me say this,perhaps couldn't finish it this position.Have a nice day,everybody,the life always will have the bad things,but the life still must continue,so don't remember the bad things.If meet it,deal with finished,just ... ile! 翻译: 最尴尬的事情 这是我的之一件尴尬的事情:当我去医院的时候,我去付钱,但是前台把我的钱和卡扔了出来,她不是非常的耐心。











Most Embarrassing MomentMy most embarrassing moment was when I ended up naked on stage – this has happened ice.The first time was when I was eleven years old and in my last year of primary school. Our school was putting on an end-of-year production of Aladdin. I was playing the villain Abanazar. There was a scene in which Abanazar is holding the lamp. I can't remember exactly but either Wishie Washie or Widow Twankey insists on washing Abanazar's clothes and yanks down my trousers revealing a pair of white boxer shorts with large red hearts. I have to drop the lamp in order to pull up my trousers and Aladdin gets the lamp. Unfortunately for me on the night of the show both the trousers and boxers came down. It was absolutely mortifying. Even more mortifying when I later realised how many video cameras were recording. The second time was about seven years later. I was seventeen and in my last year of high school. My school was putting on Grease. I was playing Roger, the class clown who enjoys 'mooning' people. For those of you not familiar with the stage musical Roger sings 'Mooning' with Jan. The song is about Roger's talent of exposing his backside. At the end of the number I turn around and quickly moon the audience. This was mildly embarrassing but not too much as I was prepared for it, as it was part of the role.There is a later scene where the boys have been challenged to rumble by Cha-Cha's friends. We meet up and in the other boys joke that I could moon them. They tackle me to the ground and pull down my jeans. I rush offstage after the boys pulling my jeans up as I go. The audience laughs. Well that's how it is meant to go.Everything went perfect on opening night but on the second night there was a real sense of déjà vu when my boxers came down as well as the jeans. I quickly pulled the boxers back up and carried on with a bright red face. This incident was far more embarrassing than the previous. What seventeen year old wants to go full-frontal in front of a crowded room? I am thankful that due to copyright laws that photography was not permitted. After the show a teacher plimented me on being a true professional for carrying on with the show. That conversation was nearly as embarrassing. I made sure for the next o performances that I wore boxer briefs under the boxers incase it happened again. Sure enough on the final night the boxers sort of slid down with my jeans but thankfully no one got a view like before. Of course this was the talk of the school and I never heard the end of it.

英语作文 一次难忘的经历。


An unfettable experience I found a temporary job during my summer vacation to deliver newspapers from house to house.At first, I thought it very easy.But to my surprise, when I went to people's houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was not a easy thing. I wanted to give up, but I couldn't.I tried my best to do the job better. From this unfettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible. a memorable experience inadvertently open drawer, i also see that, from broken can't remember a few years ago of usefu that is Primary 6 students of a number of school in the examination, the previous day, the teacher told us: “ students, this time examination paint, all will be to bring good pencil .” day evening, i review to very late, there are no packing for examination to take.The next morning, i open ones a look at,? is 7: 30! kasori, the examination to better late than never! i rush dressed, on the pencil, rubber, and so on a brain with schoolbags satoichi, on the race to the schools. to Ch'en i tozai a way out.Pencil, rubber, pen, feet ... huh?! missin with !, from examination only 5 minutes,? i schoolbags ts'ai everything and seated around asking in the hope of a ruler.However, the miracle bottom|go does not occur, bags, think about, on the ground done, nothing.Fiddlesticks, piteously, not with , paint Dougal what to do. Teachers have been holding es in, and i Hankyu like skillets on karinca.Suddenly, i have heard me as a sound: “ What? to throw things? ” go back to a look at, do not know.The so-called shows, although i feel that he is not what free, or fet with in form him.He Tuma a will, said: “ i to you.” i'm wondering, suddenly see him to his new“ plastic ” sound on the teals, one stop gave me, said: “ to to use.” i received that sank, a surge of appreciation from the hearts of the rise, May i also not and what, in relation to, start the examination, i too, start anxiously additional, with that truncated feet carefully painted Figure ... 5db once again sounded, examination to an end.i long to consumers.i had, he would like to say, but do not know what he seems to understand what i thought, laugh, said: “ not Hsieh, mutual help should be, that, from on your.”, he picked things away.Looking to leave the back and look at the Look in the hands of the , aritane not feeling. This matter has been in the past several years, but i still remember very clearly, it will also continue to stay in etiquete.It allows me to humans, i will be this kind of girl continue to spread, hope that all can less, and it passing .


以下文章供你参考哦,My embarrassing things that day.I came early to the classroom,students sat down in hastily ,I just about to stand up,only to find pants sticky.我那天尴尬的事.我早早来到教室,学生都匆忙地坐在座位上,我想要站起来,结果发现裤子被粘住了.How is it?I got a look silly,because I hand touched touched a bunch of sticky stuff.I got in front of a look,stay - the chewing gum!I wonder,how will my pants on the gum?怎么样?我起身一看,傻了,因为我的手碰到一堆粘粘的东西.我拿到面前一看,呆住了——口香糖!我不知道,它怎么会粘在我的裤子上?This time I can be embarrassing,how do?I do not care do not dirty dirty,hand to grasp.As a result,a catch down,hands and chewing gum both stick on my pants this time.A clas ... ate see this,he not only help me,but also laughed at me.How embarrass.这次我可尴尬的,怎么办?我不管脏不脏,用手去抓.结果,一抓下来,手和口香糖一起粘在裤子上.有个同学看到了,不仅没有帮我还取笑我.多么尴尬啊!

Social environment plex, with higher school of socialization more and more high, the school security department should be aimed at the characteristics of all kinds of fraud, in blow and further strengthen investigation dynamics at the same time, strengthen the education management and safety. On the one hand, to control society are workers into the campus, maintain public order, not the campus to swindlers an advantage; On the other hand, we should carry out special education, widely in the situation of the students was fraud be informed, enable the students to understand promptly fraud molecules trick, learn to self-protection fraud.1: in the daily life don't covet profit College students go out to do... and work-study programs, through the proper way, will indeed situation to clear up to each other, in society of college students to objective recruitment advertisement calmly ... ysis and investigation, especially to those generous treatment, allure extremely strong advertising to ask a few why, to prevent recruitment trap.2: avoid by all means simple fever, avoid to mind feelings instead of reason In advocate help others, love at the same time, to really make clear each other's true identity and intention, more alert, couldn't trust his rhetoric, not by hot heads, blind passion; Making friends, take heed, and emotional munication to sense, and the mere sentiment, constantly "follow feeling", often gullible.3: personal and family of material to notice to keep secret In the university in collective life, avoid and others, but interact with people to make friends to have measured, principle, in not fully understand each other, do not easily and his family's personal data in detail.4: keep highly vigilance, and actively fight with fraud molecules The school shall increase security education of strength, make more college students enhance safety awareness and self-protection ability, positive with crime fighting.

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