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2023-12-14 08:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023-08-29 09:57:22 来源:中国教育在线


  学习英语口语,百听不如一练,口语其实就是生活化的语言,常常将生活中的事物现象带到口语练习和交流环境中去,是个一举两得的方法。以下是由小编为大家整理的有关购物的英语对话。   1 Do you like shopping?   你喜欢购物吗?   I am not a shopaholic or anything,but I enjoy shopping a lot. I shop for necessities and for pleasure as well. It's very fortunate that my parents give me a generous allowance. I go grocery shopping at least once a week. I also frequently go to the mall with my friends and buy shoes and clothing. Shopping for me is a relaxing activity. It's a good excuse to go out and hang out with my friends. I also get the chance to buy the things I like. This makes me very happy.   我不是购物狂,但我很喜欢购物。我会买生活必需品,也会为了休闲娱乐而去购物。我非常幸运,父母给我挺多零花钱。我每周至少去买一次生活用品,也经常和朋友一起去商场买鞋子和衣服。购物对我来说既是放松的活动,也是和朋友们一起出门玩的机会,而且买到喜欢的东西,令我心情愉快。   星级词汇:   shopaholic n.购物狂 allowance n.零用钱   necessity n.必需品   2 Do you like shopping online?   你喜欢网上购物吗?   Yes,I like it a lot. I think that online shopping is a good way to save time and money.It's like magic:with the click of a mouse button I can buy the things I like and don't even have to leave my house. Additionally,there is a wide range of choices,prices are reasonable and I can often find great buys online.   我非常喜欢。我觉得网上购物省时又省钱。像变魔术一样,不用出门,只要坐在电脑前点击鼠标,就可以买到心仪的东西。另外,网店的选择很多,而且价格合理,经常可以买到物美价廉的东西。   星级词汇:   reasonable adj.合理的   3 When do you usually go shopping?   你通常在哪里购物?   If I don't have any food at the house,I will go grocery shopping as soon as possible. If am missing a type of shoes or clothing,I will wait until I have a convenient time to get to the mall or clothing store to buy what I need.   如果家里没有吃的,我就会尽快去食品店买东西。如果需要新鞋子或衣服,我就会等到合适的时间,去商场或者服饰店买东西。    4 Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?   你喜欢逛小店还是商场?为什么?   I would say malls. There are many kinds of stores with a wide variety of merchandise allin one large building. Moreover,the goods sold in the mall are usually of good quality and come with guarantees. Lastly,a mall is also a good place to hang out because there's a food court,karaoke bars,juice bars,an arcade,restaurants etc.   我喜欢商场。一个大商场里面有各种店铺,提供的选择很多。其次,商场里面的商品多数质量好.有品牌确保。后.商场里面有美食广场、卡拉OK、果汁吧、游乐场和饭店等,也适合和朋友聚会。   星级词汇:   merchandise n.商品 food court美食广场   be of good quality质量好 arcade n.游乐中心   以上是由上海英语学校小编为您整理的有关购物的英语对话的全部内容。


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