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2024-04-16 22:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







所以说虽然在中文里这三种符号可能都被泛称为“杠”,并根据长度很多人还可能将它们分为“短杠”、“长杠”和也许你之前还不知道的不长不短的一个“杠”,但是这都不是它们准确的名字。严格意义讲它们的名字分别是:hyphen, en dash, and em dash.



hyphen n. the sign -, used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence (as in pick-me-up, rock-forming), to indicate the division of a word at the end of a line, or to indicate a missing or implied element (as in short- and long-term).

那hyphen的用法是什么呢?如果你参阅不同的文献和写作风格手册(writing style guide)你可能会得到细节上稍微不同的解释。但是为了简约和便于记忆,hyphen的用法可以被简单理解为



Hyphen的一个作用就是把两个相关联的个体单词连接起来而创造一个新的复合词,而连接在一起的复合词通常是为了描述事物属性的,即具备了形容词的性质,所以在英语中它被称作a compound modifier。这种复合词被放在被修饰对象前面,比如

award + winning: award-winningThe Great Gatsby is an award-winning movie.gluten + free: gluten-freeGluten-free diets are becoming more popular these days because they do not contain gluten, a common food allergen affecting many people.


state-of-the-art adj.the most recent stage in the development of a product, incorporating the newest ideas and the most up-to-date features.This smartphone has adopted state-of-the-art image processing technologies to produce beautiful photos that can’t be found elsewhere in smartphone photography.off-campus adj. & adv.away from a university or college campusIt may be a challenge for international students to find off-campus housing that is affordable in metropolitan cities.


not-so-nicely-litSince we were all hungry and did not want to wait, we compromised and agreed to taking the not-so-nicely-lit table to dine.


如果我们详细分类,hyphen其实还有很多具体的适用情况,比如说:可以用来连接数字(thirty-five-year-old wine)、构成有新含义的动词(e.g. air-dry, deep-fry)或者作为前缀的连接符号(e.g. anti-slavery movements)。但是从实用角度为了便于理解,hyphen的主要用法就是

造复合词En Dash

En dash是那个不长不短的“杠”。

En dash起源于印刷业或者更准确地说是字体排印,即英语中的typography。在字体排印中,en dash指的是与typeface n宽度相等的dash(有没有忽然意识到它为什么叫做en dash)。而英语字典中对en dash的解释是这样的

en dash n. a short dash, the width of an en, used in punctuation.

那么什么时候我们会用到en dash呢?简单说,en dash是用来连接一个跨度的两个端点的。这样说也许有些抽象,我们不如来看几个具体的应用情景

A range (of numeric values)Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother is one of the iconic photographs in photojournalism during the Great Depression (1929–1939).Direction (from A to B)The London–New York flight route is one of the busiest international routes including the U.S.Scores of a gameThe New England Patriots defeated the Carolina Panthers 10–3 in the NFL Preseason game.


A plaque found in the Emory University‘s Robert W. Woodruff Library

而这里的时间跨度1988–2003就用了en dash。

Em Dash

那现在我们就来看一下最长的那个“杠”,即em dash。

了解过了en dash的起源,相信聪明的你已经猜到em dash的来源和它之所以被称作em dash的原因了。同en dash一样,em dash同样来源于typography,而em dash指的就是与typeface m宽度相等的dash。

当代字典中对em dash的解释是这样的

em dash n. a short dash, the width of an en, used in punctuation.

那么什么时候我们会用到em dash呢?

解释性的插入内容(如同位语等)Materialism—always wanting something more, something different—is good for the economy but bad for the soul.

谈到这里,我也想到了视觉设计和心理学中的Gestalt Principles。如果用Gestalt Principles中的Proximity原理来看,em dash会给增强文章的易读性(readability)。

在Gestalt Principles中,Proximity是这样被定义的

Proximity refers to how close elements are to one another. Grouping objects into a single area can (also) have a strong proximity effect. — Toptal.com



那这个原理和我们的话题有什么关系呢?或者说,在特定的句子里使用em dash而不使用comma的优点是什么呢?不如看下面这句话

这句话并不难读懂,只是在Materialism和is good for之间的逗号让多花了一点时间来解析这个句子。那我们如果使用em dash会有什么样的效果呢?


是为什么呢?是因为我们根据视觉线索就可以对句子的结构和意群进行分割,从而加快了对句子解析的速度。如果用Proximity原理来解释,em dash的作用是让句子以一种视觉表现形式变得更加易读易懂,如上图所示。

连接独立而相关的句子(类似分号)Well, nobody could think of anything to do—everybody was stumped, and set still. (http://Dictionary.com)

The two clauses in the first example—“Well, nobody could think of anything to do“ and “everybody was stumped, and set still"—are two independent yet closely related clauses. 在英语中,如果两个句子需要融合为一个句子,我们应该使用连词或者分号,否则就会造成run-on sentence的句法错误。这里em dash的作用就类似于分号,只不过em dash会让行文更加随性而不使语言显得过于正式。(你有没有意识到这段第一句也是在用em dash来让表达变得清晰?)

对前文提到的概念进行解释(类似冒号)Each person is born to one possession which out-values all his others—his last breath. (http://Dictionary.com)The ingredients used are drawn from nature—avocado, lemongrass, and chamomile to name a few. (Oxford Dictionary)

这里的两个例子都是em dash类似于colon的用法,而em dash除了可以引出并列的名词之外,还可以引出并列的词组以及完整的句子。Em dash这里的用法会比colon更为灵活而且在很多时候表意更加清晰。


谈到这里就不得不要提一下一位出生在Amherst, Massachusetts写作意象细腻而大胆的不用逗号只喜欢用em dash的诗人

Emily Dickinson (1830–1886). Photo credit to Zachary Bivins on Medium.com

Emily Dickinson没有把她很多的作品发表,而发表了刊登在我们阅读媒体上的诗又多被编辑进行了解读并将手稿中的em dash替换成了相应的标点符号,比如说逗号。而最近我在Emory Center for Digital Scholarship和一位英语文学的PhD在设计的一个项目就是将Emily Dickinson的手稿还原,并在数字媒介中让读者体会并解读Emily的标点用法。而这个项目就直接被称作了Emdash。


We talked with each other about each otherThough neither of us spoke —We were Second’s RacesAnd the Hoofs of the Clock —

Pausing in Front of our

Arks of Reprieve he opened to us —Ararats — we took —

中,我们就可以看到大量的em dash的使用。而原始手稿是这样的

Manuscript of Emily Dickinson‘s “We talked with each other about each other”

由于Emily非常统一而自成风格地在她的诗中惯用em dash,甚至有人这样戏谑

Photo credit to Ben Yagoda on NYTimes.com

除了Emily之外,善用em dash的还有比如爱尔兰诗人和文学家James Joyces。在他写的怎么看都看不懂的Ulysses里,em dash取代了引号句子中的引号。

为什么我看不出En Dash和Em Dash的区别?



同样是32px的字,在不同的字体渲染下这三种符号的长度区别并不是一样明显的。左边的Circular就很明显地区分了长短的不同,而Roboto Mono这款等位字体,为了保证等位设计,就对三种符号没有明显的区分。所以有的时候我们没有留意到三种符号的区别,也许真的不是我们没有自己观察,也不是视力不好。

Circular字体中三种符号明显的长度差别如何输入Hyphen, En Dash and Em Dash?


下面这张图分享了在Mac和Windows两个操作平台中输入这三种标点符号的方式。目前在macOS 13和Windows 10中测试均可使用。

三种符号在Mac和Windows操作系统中的输入方式The Take-Home Message


Understand the context and why.It is helpful (and fun) to understand the context in which these three symbols are used in modern English. This context helps us understand not only the "how" and also the "why" certain punctuations are used in a certain way.Be consistent in your writing.No matter which style you would prefer to use, now that you have learned about the difference among the different styles, please use one style consistently and try not to mix different styles together.May help you be a little creative and stylistic.Now you have a "symbolic" approach to writing with style. Practice, experiment, and become a better writer.


Language is dynamic.

语言不是静止而一成不变的。语言作为文化和社会信息传播的一种载体,会随着社会和文化的进步也不断动态变化。从印刷业的兴起到现在传统印刷媒体一步步被数字传媒所取代,它的衍生物—en dash与em dash—也在变化。与此同时,英语语言本身和英语写作风格的标准也在演变。如果我们去读更多的文献,可能会发现,en dash和em dash的严格用法在当代的不同写作风格标准中的定义甚至是不尽相同的。不过这些因为不是我们故事的重点所以也就不来赘述了。


Knowledge is best when shared.参考资料https://www.ef.edu/english-resources/english-grammar/hyphens-and-dashes/https://www.grammarly.com/blog/hyphen/https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/hyphen.htmlhttps://www.dictionary.com/e/how-do-i-use-a-hyphen/https://www.dictionary.com/e/how-do-i-use-an-en-dash/https://www.dictionary.com/e/em-dash/https://www.dailywritingtips.com/punctuation-review-3-en-dashes/




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