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spark做名词表示火花,如星火英语的英文就有一个Spark,这里介绍它表示“引发”的意思:If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening. 一件事使另一件事发生,即为引发。

表示引发,其后面所接的名词都是相应表示某种问题的 词,如crisis,sanction,debate,concerns,conflict,reform,fears,inflation等词,后面可以不接,也可以接on,over。除此spark off和spark同义。

再看相应例句:Inflation could spark new global financial crisis, says Russia's central bank. 俄罗斯中央银行表示,通货膨胀会引发全球金融危机。

Indeed, inequity of all sorts tends to spark social and political upheaval. 事实上,各种不平等往往会引发社会和政治动荡。

Nigeria security fears spark boom in private protection. 尼日利亚的安全担忧引发私人保护热潮。


做名词时可以表示扳机;起因,诱因,如a trigger for。做动词时也表示引发,引起,英文释义为:If something triggers an event or situation, it causes it to begin to happen or exist. 引起

其用法其实差不多,都是搭配名词,表示引发某一 事情,如:trigger an economic crisis造成经济危机。

例句:It couldtrigger a new shock toglobal energy markets.这可能会给全球能源市场带来新的冲击。

China policetrigger gun debatewith rules of engagement push.中国警方推进交战规则引发枪支争论。


做动词可以表示对……挑衅,也可以表示引发,激起,英文意思是:If something provokes a reaction, it causes it. 引起,与前一个词相差不大。

由于搭配比较一致,所以直接看外刊中的例句对比一下:New technologies oftenprovoke unfounded fears.新技术经常引发莫名的恐慌。

But Europe is racing ahead with measures that could, in theory,provoke friction withthe United States.但欧洲正在采取措施,从理论上讲,这些措施可能会引发与美国的摩擦。

give rise to

引起,引发,一个动词短语,也是同样的意思,多积累相似意思的表达,表示to cause to appear or come into existence.引发,导致

BBC例句:This initiallygave rise to concernsthat existing vaccines might not be effective against Omicron.这最初引起了人们的担忧,即现有的疫苗可能对奥密克戎无效。

Its initial attempts to cover up the outbreak in Wuhangave rise to a stunning outpouring of public anger.它最初试图掩盖武汉的疫情,却引起了公众的强烈不满

arise from

arise是动词,表示出现,产生,常见的是他的短语结构:arise from意思是某一件事由什么引发产生,from后面用来表示原因。

华盛顿邮报:Still, he says he thinks the resistancearises mostly froma lack of understanding of the fast-moving technology.他说,他认为阻力主要来自对快速发展的技术缺乏了解。

No one likes wearing masks, and Americans are rightly fed up with restrictions of all kindsarising fromthe pandemic.没有人喜欢戴口罩,美国人当然也厌倦了疫情引发的各种限制。


arouse表示引发,其主要用来形容情绪,如兴趣,欢笑等,侧重于引起反应和某人的态度,If something arouses a particular reaction or attitude in people, it causes them to have that reaction or attitude. 引起

通常用来搭配的名词有interest,response,curiosity,spirit,awareness,suspicion sympathy,feelings等等,用来搭配的词比较多,自己在查词的过程中可以多积累。

金融时报:As I see it, a well-composed restaurant menu shouldarouse the customers’ appetiteat the very first glance.在我看来,一个精心设计的餐厅菜单应该在第一眼就能激起顾客的食欲。

Another signal that mightarouse cautionis when the management company offers a higher-than-average "guaranteed" rental yield.另一个可能引起警惕的信号是,管理公司提供高于平均水平的“保证”租金收益。


通常意思是搅拌,微动,这里强调“激起(情绪,感觉)”stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of,它有一个常见的短语是stir up

例句:Thena memory stirsin you and you start feeling anxious.接着你脑海中涌现出一段回忆,并开始感到不安。

The situation in Ukrainehas stirred upa new level of anxiety.乌克兰的局势引发了新的焦虑。

bring about

短语,表示导致,使发生,To bring something about means to cause it to happen. 是一个用途比较广泛的短语,包括多个方面。

例句:The new President mustbring about a change in the health care system.新总统必须改变现有的医疗体系。

“The pandemic hasbrought about an increasein crime, but it seems to be younger people,” Ms. Hansberry said.汉斯伯里说,疫情导致犯罪率上升,但似乎都是年轻人。

set off

set off可以表示启程出发,可以表示引爆炸弹,也可以表示引起某一件事,If something sets off an event or a series of events, it causes it to start happening. 引发; 激起(意思之一)

例句:The arrival of the charity vanset off a minor riotas villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.赈济货车一到达,便引发了村民争抢救援物资的小规模骚乱。


fuel做名词“燃料”大家应该比较熟悉,这里主讲它做动词的意思:To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense.也就是加重,加剧。在有些地方可根据语境翻译为引发,如fuel debate,翻译成加剧争论,有时译为引发争论。当然,最好根据原意表示加剧。

fuel后经常接的名词有debate,concerns,speculation等词,后面可接介词on,over再接对应的主题,如:fuel debate on,不难看出fuel引发的大多为不太好的事情,如不安,危机。

看一下主流杂志的例句:Trade inflows in Asiafuel debate overcurrency intervention.亚洲贸易流入加剧货币干预争论。

All this hasfuelled concernsthat Japan might now be on the wrong side of several trends.所有这些都加剧了人们的担忧,即日本现在可能处于几个趋势的错误方向。


prompt sb to do 促使某人做







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