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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 near adv (within a short distance)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 接近 kào jìn,jiē jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近  The teacher gestured to the children to gather near.  老师向孩子们做手势,让他们靠近。 near [sth/sb] prep (next to, beside) (空间上)SCSimplified Chinese 邻近的,接近的 lín jìn de ,jiē jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 鄰近的   SCSimplified Chinese 附近的 fù jìn de  Take the bicycle near you.  带上你附近的那辆自行车。 near to [sb] [sth] prep (close to)SCSimplified Chinese 在…附近 zài … fù jìn   SCSimplified Chinese 在…旁边 TCTraditional Chinese 在…旁邊  Near her feet, she found a coin. My school is near to my house.  她在脚边捡到一枚金币。 // 我家离学校很近。 near adj (close in distance) (距离上)SCSimplified Chinese 附近的 fù jìn de   SCSimplified Chinese 临近的 fù jìn de ,lín jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 臨近的  The players came out of the pavilion and waited at the near end of the pitch.  球员从看台走出,在球场末端附近等待。 near adj (close in time) (时间上)SCSimplified Chinese 接近的,临近的 jiē jìn de ,lín jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 臨近的  I'll do the job in the near future.  我不久之后就会做这份工作。 near prep (close in time) (指时间)SCSimplified Chinese 快到,临近 kuài dào,lín jìn TCTraditional Chinese 臨近  They scored a point near the end of the game.  临近比赛结束,他们得了一分。 near [sth] prep (time: almost) (时间)SCSimplified Chinese 大约,几乎 dà yuē ,jī hū TCTraditional Chinese 大約,幾乎  It's near nine o'clock.  大约九点钟了。 near⇒ vi (approach)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 接近 kào jìn,jiē jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近  She neared, and whispered a secret in my ear.  她靠了过来,跟我耳语,吐露了一个秘密。 near [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (approach)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 接近 kào jìn,jiē jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近  The landing plane neared the airport.  即将降落的飞机靠近了机场。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 near adj (closely related)SCSimplified Chinese 近亲的 jìn qīn de TCTraditional Chinese 近親的  We have invited all the near relatives to the wedding.  我们邀请了所有近亲参加婚礼。 near adj (close to original)SCSimplified Chinese (与原作等)近似的 yǔ yuán zuò děng jìn sì de   SCSimplified Chinese 相似的 yǔ yuán zuò děng jìn sì de,xiāng shì de  It is a near likeness of the original painting.  这幅作品近似于原作。 near adj US (friends: close, intimate)SCSimplified Chinese 亲密的 qīn mì de TCTraditional Chinese 親密的   SCSimplified Chinese 亲近的 qīn mì de ,qīn jìn de  She gathered her near friends to tell them about her engagement. near adv US, informal (all but, nearly)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎 jī hū TCTraditional Chinese 幾乎   SCSimplified Chinese 差不多 jī hū ,chà bù duō TCTraditional Chinese 差不多  It's near five years since I've seen my friend. near [sth], near to [sth] prep figurative (close to: state, condition) (状态)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎,几近 jī hū TCTraditional Chinese 幾乎  She was near hysteria when we finally got there. The project is near to completion.  我们最后到地方的时候,她几乎歇斯底里了。项目几乎要完成了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 anywhere near adv + prep (in the vicinity)SCSimplified Chinese 全然,压根儿 quán rán,yà gēn er   SCSimplified Chinese 几乎,差不多 jī hū ,chà bù duō TCTraditional Chinese 幾乎,差不多  I'm not sure where the swimming pool is. Is it anywhere near the sports hall? close to your heart, near your heart expr (cherished, important)SCSimplified Chinese 你所珍爱的 nǐ suǒ zhēn ài de   SCSimplified Chinese 对你非常重要的   SCSimplified Chinese 你珍视的  It's a subject that's close to my heart. come near, come close vi + adv (approach)SCSimplified Chinese 接近, 靠近  She warned him not to come near, as she was still contagious. come near [sth/sb], come near to [sth/sb], come close v expr (get closer)SCSimplified Chinese 走近,接近,靠近 zǒu jìn,jiē jìn,kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近,靠近  Don't come near me or I'll shoot! come near to [sth], come close to [sth] v expr figurative (nearly experience [sth]) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 差一点就, 几乎就要  Lauren came close to death after contracting measles.  感染天花后,劳伦差点去世。 come near to doing [sth], come close to doing [sth] v expr figurative (nearly do [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 差一点就...  After I lost my job and my son died, I came near to having a breakdown. damn near do [sth] expr slang (almost)SCSimplified Chinese 差点 chà diǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 几乎 chà diǎn,jī hū TCTraditional Chinese 幾乎  Be careful with that cane! You damn near took my eye out! draw near vi + adv figurative (be imminent)SCSimplified Chinese 即将来临 jí jiāng lái lín TCTraditional Chinese 即將來臨   SCSimplified Chinese 逼近 jí jiāng lái lín,bī jìn TCTraditional Chinese 逼近  New Year's Day is drawing near. draw near vi + adv (approach)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 临近 kào jìn,lín jìn TCTraditional Chinese 臨近  As we drew near, the air became thick with smoke. draw near [sth] vi + prep (approach)SCSimplified Chinese 临近 lín jìn TCTraditional Chinese 臨近   SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 lín jìn,kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 接近 lín jìn,jiē jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近  As we drew near the gates, they opened automatically. go near [sth/sb] vi + prep (approach, get close to)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近 kào jìn TCTraditional Chinese 靠近   SCSimplified Chinese 接近 kào jìn,jiē jìn TCTraditional Chinese 接近  The noise from the crowd increased every time the ball went near the penalty box. in the near future expr (soon)SCSimplified Chinese 在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái   SCSimplified Chinese 不久之后 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái,bù jiǔ zhī hòu  The exam results will be announced in the near future, but we don't know the exact date. near and far adj (close and distant)SCSimplified Chinese 远远近近 yuǎn yuǎn jìn jìn TCTraditional Chinese 遠遠近近  Focusing the camera can be a problem in shots where objects are near and far. near and far, far and near adv (everywhere)SCSimplified Chinese 到处 dào chù TCTraditional Chinese 到處   SCSimplified Chinese 四处 dào chù ,sì chù TCTraditional Chinese 四處  We hunted near and far for that missing shoe. People came from near and far to see the boy wonder play the piano. near at hand adj figurative (close, approaching)SCSimplified Chinese 在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái   SCSimplified Chinese 即将到来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái,jí jiāng dào lái  The grapes are ripening; harvest time is near at hand. near at hand adj (very near)SCSimplified Chinese 在手边 zài shǒu biān TCTraditional Chinese 在手邊   SCSimplified Chinese 近在咫尺 zài shǒu biān,jìn zài zhǐ chǐ  He always keeps a pipe and tobacco near at hand. be near death, be close to death v expr (be about to die)SCSimplified Chinese 濒死 Near East n dated (Middle Eastern region)SCSimplified Chinese 近东地区 jìn dōng dì qū TCTraditional Chinese 近東地區 near enough to adj (sufficiently close in relation to)SCSimplified Chinese 关系足够近的 guān xì zú gòu jìn de near enough to adj (sufficiently close so as to)SCSimplified Chinese 足够近的 zú gòu jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 足夠近的  I was near enough to touch him! near miss n (almost a collision)SCSimplified Chinese 侥幸免撞  That was a near miss; those two cars almost collided. near miss n (health and safety: almost an accident)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎发生事故   SCSimplified Chinese 侥幸免于事故 near miss n (shot that almost hit its target)SCSimplified Chinese 近距脱靶 jìn jù tuō bǎ near-miss n as adj (almost colliding)SCSimplified Chinese 差点撞上的   SCSimplified Chinese 差点碰上的 near miss n as adj (health and safety: almost an accident)SCSimplified Chinese 几乎发生事故的   SCSimplified Chinese 侥幸免于事故的 near-miss n as adj (almost hitting the target)SCSimplified Chinese 差点打中的   SCSimplified Chinese 差点击中的 near point n (of eye's focus)SCSimplified Chinese 近点 jìn diǎn  The near point for someone with normal vision is 25 cm. near side n (side which is closest)SCSimplified Chinese 近侧 jìn cè   SCSimplified Chinese 近端 jìn cè,jìn duān near the ground adv (close to the earth)SCSimplified Chinese 靠近地面地 kào jìn dì miàn de  The helicopter hovered near the ground for a few minutes before finally taking off. near-death experience n (coming close to death)SCSimplified Chinese 濒死体验,濒死经历 nowhere near, not anywhere near prep (not close to)SCSimplified Chinese 与…差得远 yǔ chà de yuǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 远不够… yǔ chà de yuǎn,yuǎn bú gòu  The bank is nowhere near the library. nowhere near, not anywhere near prep figurative, informal (not at all) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 绝不 jué bù   SCSimplified Chinese 肯定不 jué bù ,kěn dìng bú / kěn dìng bù  Your description is nowhere near accurate. pretty near adj informal (quite close)SCSimplified Chinese 相当近的 xiāng dāng jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 相當近的 pretty near adv US, informal (quite close)SCSimplified Chinese 相当近地 xiāng dāng jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 相當近地  They pretty near demolished the other team.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: near [nɪər] adj (physically, in time) 近的 jìn de Christmas is quite near now.圣(聖)诞(誕)节(節)很近了。 Shèngdàn Jié hěn jìn le. (=not complete) [+ darkness, tragedy] 几(幾)乎 jīhū We were sitting in near darkness.我们(們)几(幾)乎是在黑暗中坐着(著)。 Wǒmen jīhū shì zài hēi’àn zhōng zuòzhe. adv (=close) 近 jìn He must live quite near.他一定住得很近。 Tā yīdìng zhù de hěn jìn. (=almost) [disastrous, perfect, impossible, fatal] 几(幾)乎 jīhū a near fatal accident一场(場)几(幾)乎致命的事故 yī chǎng jīhū zhìmìng de shìgù prep (also: near to) (physically) 近 jìn I stood very near them.我站得离(離)他们(們)很近。 Wǒ zhàn de lí tāmen hěn jìn. (=just before/after) 临(臨)近 línjìn It happened near the beginning of the game.这(這)件事发(發)生在临(臨)近比赛(賽)的时(時)候。 Zhè jiàn shì fāshēng zài línjìn bǐsài de shíhou. (=bordering on) [+ completion, truth, collapse] 接近 jiējìn Her views were fairly near the truth.她的观(觀)点(點)相当(當)接近真相。 Tā de guāndiǎn xiāngdāng jiējìn zhēnxiàng. vt [+ place, end, age, time] 接近 jiējìn He was nearing the door when the light went on.他接近门(門)的时(時)候,灯(燈)亮了。 Tā jiējìn mén de shíhou,dēng liàng le. They were nearing the end of their training.他们(們)的训(訓)练(練)接近尾声(聲)了。 Tāmen de xùnliàn jiējìn wěishēng le. (=border on) 近于(於) jìnyú The crisis neared a critical point last week.上星期,危机(機)近于(於)顶(頂)点(點)。 Shàng xīngqī,wēijī jìnyú dǐngdiǎn. 25,000 pounds or nearest offer (Brit) 25,000英镑(鎊)或者是与(與)之相似的报(報)价(價) liǎngwàn wǔqiān yīngbàng huòzhě shì yǔ zhī xiāngsì de bàojià the nearest shops are 5 km away 最近的商店离(離)这(這)里(裡)有5公里远(遠)。 zuìjìn de shāngdiàn lí zhèlǐ yǒu wǔ gōnglǐ yuǎn my office is quite near我的办(辦)公室离(離)这(這)儿(兒)不远(遠)。 wǒ de bàngōngshì lí zhèr bù yuǎn in the near future在不远(遠)的将(將)来(來) zài bù yuǎn de jiānglái to draw near [event, time] 临(臨)近 línjìn The wedding day drew near.婚礼快到了。 Hūnlǐ kuài dào le. near enough将(將)近 jiāngjìn she's nowhere near ready她根本没(沒)准(準)备(備)好 tā gēnběn méi zhǔnbèi hǎo don't go/come any nearer!不许(許)再走/靠近了! Bùxǔ zài zǒu/kàojìn le! don't come near me!别(別)走近我! Bié zǒujìn wǒ! he won't (even) go near a hospital他(怎么(麼)也)不愿(願)意去医(醫)院 tā(zěnme yě)bù yuànyì qù yīyuàn the building is nearing completion这(這)座楼(樓)房要竣工了 zhè zuò lóufáng yào jùngōng le 在这些条目还发现'near': 在英文解释里: a stone's throw - about - Antarctic - anytime soon - Arctic - around - around the corner - at - at close quarters - at close range - baseman - Bermuda Triangle - beside - bunt - by - carse - cere - close - close by - close together - close up - close-set - close-up view - coastal - cuddle up - down - dying - effendi - Falklands - far less - farsighted - floodplain - get close - groundfish - hard - hard by - have a ringside seat - have around - hedgehop - high-ranking - in that vicinity - in the vicinity of - Jericho - keep clear - keep close - keep close to - keep your distance - late - latter - low-ranking 中文: 依 - 近 - 临近 - 挨近 - 接近 - 滨海 - 相近 - 膀 - 近亲 - 近视 - 远近 - 迫近 - 附 - 靠近 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Opposite adjectives, PET Vocabulary List - N, 更多……同义词: nearby, close, close by, in close proximity, next-door, 更多……习惯性搭配: nearing [your destination, the store, the school], in the near future, nearing the top of the [mountain, hill], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'near' 的论坛讨论:

A fisherman waited near his nets at the side of the quay. (position as a point) a house near the beach Does public transportation run near your house? near, far from ...near the transition from city center to X street... - English Only forum ...the near girl he had married - English Only forum ...the waterfall that was near... - English Only forum ''Close'' Vs ''near'': two events near in time - English Only forum 'near-mint condition' - English Only forum 'Near' or 'the near' - English Only forum ‘it’s a near certainty for spelling, where many of us have thrown in the towel’ - English Only forum ( ) that the child doesn't go near the water - English Only forum [is near] or [was near] where you were - English Only forum a approximation of or near (to) - English Only forum a building that is owned by a millionaire and near a grocery store - English Only forum A history of being disruptive for/ near - English Only forum a hotel a major teaching hospital - English Only forum a matter of the near future - English Only forum a mortar round just that afternoon had exploded near me and almost blew my eardrums out - English Only forum a near bloodless coup over in a matter of days - English Only forum a near desert - English Only forum a near goal (in football) in English? - English Only forum "a near miss" - placement in a sentence - English Only forum a near noun and which - English Only forum a near thing to - English Only forum a park near my apartment/home/place - English Only forum a quotation, coming from near the beginning of… - English Only forum a site in the province of XY, near the Santa Giustina lake - English Only forum a thought from which he extracted something very near poetry. - English Only forum a thousand kilometers off the coast - near or not? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'near'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "near" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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