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Monsters are creatures in Clicker Heroes that spawn on zones and must be killed in order to progress in the game. Upon defeat, they will drop Gold.png Gold, which can be used to hire and upgrade heroes.

Contents 1 Description 1.1 HP and Gold 1.2 Progressing 2 Regular Monsters/Bosses 2.1 Forest 2.1.1 Monsters 2.1.2 Bosses 2.2 Drylands 2.2.1 Monsters 2.2.2 Bosses 2.3 Desert 2.3.1 Monsters 2.3.2 Bosses 2.4 Beach 2.4.1 Monsters 2.4.2 Bosses 2.5 Mudlands 2.5.1 Monsters 2.5.2 Bosses 2.6 Rocklands 2.6.1 Monsters 2.6.2 Bosses 2.7 Caverns 2.7.1 Monsters 2.7.2 Bosses 2.8 Stone Fields 2.8.1 Monsters 2.8.2 Bosses 2.9 Tundra 2.9.1 Monsters 2.9.2 Bosses 2.10 Astral Rift 2.10.1 Monsters 2.10.2 Bosses 2.11 Bloodlands 2.11.1 Monsters 2.11.2 Bosses 3 Special Monsters 3.1 Treasure Chests 3.2 Relic Ooze 4 Special Bosses 4.1 Primal and Centurion Bosses 4.2 Kappa Boss 5 Removed Monsters 6 Immortals 7 Achievements 8 References Description HP and Gold.png Gold

Each monster has a set amount of HP, or hit points, equal to the amount of damage that must be dealt to kill it. Monsters of the same zone will always have the same amount of HP, and with each zone, the number of HP all monsters have rises.

The formula for monster HP at any zone can be found here.

As the monsters get more HP, their Gold.png Gold drop will also increase to keep up with the increased cost of the heroes that need to kill the monsters.

The formula for monster Gold.png Gold drop at any zone can be found here.


To advance in zones and progress in the game, you have to kill a certain amount of monsters each zone. This number depends on the following factors:

The type of zone Your level of Kumawakamaru.png Kumawakamaru The level (every 500 zones, the number of monsters required goes up by 0.1)

There are two types of zones: regular zones and boss zones. Regular zones require you to kill 10 (plus 0.1 for each 500 zones) monsters in order to unlock the next zone; boss zones only one. To make up for that, monsters on boss zones have more HP than a monster on a regular zone would have, and they have to be defeated within 30 seconds.

Kumawakamaru.png Kumawakamaru lowers the number of monsters required to finish a regular zone, up to a -8 reduction. This is not taking into account your level of Borb, unless it is 0.

Regular Monsters/Bosses

There are 11 different zone types, each containing a different set of regular monsters. Every zone type lasts 10 levels before it switches to the next one, with the exception of the first 10 zones, which contain 2 zone types instead of 1. Below is a list of which monsters appear on which type of zone.

Forest Monsters Angry PotatoAngry PotatoIt's a big potato and it's out to get you!CatraCatraDoes she have any eyes?Catra-defeatCatra turns into this when she 'dies'.FinkyFinkyEek! A giant rat!Flower BloopFlower BloopAnother slime! And it's a..girl?GerbeelGerbeelIt's a giant gerbil bee hybrid abomination!GerbeelpillarGerbeelpillarAnother gerbil-bug monstrosity!GloopGloopA more typical slime.ImpossumbleImpossumbleA rat this big seems impossumble!LoggernautLoggernautEven the trees are after you! Or the stumps at least.Mushroom BloopMushroom BloopIt's a 'slime', made entirely out of dirt!SasquishSasquishEven Sasquish is after you! At least he's happy. And armless.Spit FlowerSpit FlowerA giant flower, and it looks capable of shooting seeds!TyrantulaTyrantulaA giant spider?! You're going to need a bigger boot. Bosses Forest boss 2Big Angry PotatoTold you she was out to get you.Forest boss 1Mamma Ferny Fat BatA leaf covered bat, probably the biggest around. Drylands Monsters CaperticusCaperticusA walking cactus is out to prick you!CatraCatraCatra is back with sharper claws!Dirge BeetleDirge BeetleA giant bug with a skull as a shell!FinkyFinkyFinky? More like Stinky!Flowering CaperticusFlowering CaperticusIt's got a flower too!GoboolinGoboolinPositively frightening!GrablinGrablinGoboolin has a friend, and he's got some nabby hands!Sand BallSand BallA living ball of sand, Doesn't seem very threatening...Sand BloopSand BloopThere are sand slimes too! Bosses Drylands boss2Big Dirge BeetleNow where did he find a skull that big?Drylands boss1Emperor SkorpinchA giant scorpion! Better keep your distance. Desert Monsters Dirge BeetleDirge BeetleMore bugs with skulls.FinkyFinkyIs he in every floor?Flowering CaperticusFlowering CaperticusEven dead, the flower smells quite nice.GoboolinGoboolinGoboolin is back, still sticking his tongue out.GrablinGrablinGrablin is back, and upped his snatching game!Sand BallSand BallYou don't even notice this creature as you kick through it.Sand BloopSand BloopYou take the time to appreciate the flower on the bloop.ScorpinchScorpinchWasn't this just a boss? No, its eye is different.TyrantulaTyrantulaLet's hope you increased your squashing game. Bosses Desert boss1King CaperticusI think this might be the record for biggest cactus.Desert boss2TrolgreThe goblins told the trolgres that you were being mean! Beach Monsters Devilled CrabDevilled CrabA little crab comes out from the sea just to grab your leg! What nerve!FinkyFinkyYou begin to doubt you'll escape this rat.FlamingogoFlamingogoA flamingo in leg scrunchies? I came to slay monsters not clowns!MouseketeerMouseketeerEven the mice are joining the fight, with swords!MousekewichMousekewichSeems like the mice have a grip on magic.MudballMudballA little ball of mud tries to dirty your shoe.RattyRattyLooks like Finky has a tougher friend.Sea SnailSea SnailI wonder what's in the shell..TurtloidTurtloidAnother turtle is up in arms with your conquering!Turtloid WarlockTurtloid WarlockHe thinks he's so mysterious behind that cloth..Turtloid Warlock-hitThat'll teach him! Bosses Beach boss1King Devilled CrabKing crab? More like king feast!Beach boss2OctotentacleA ship sinking tentacle for sure. Mudlands Monsters Flowering CaperticusFlowering CaperticusThis place seems too wet for a cactus.GerbeelGerbeelThe Gerbeel is back in all his glory.GoboolinGoboolinJumping out from behind the trees.. don't scare me like that!GrablinGrablinHey! That's my {{Gold}}! I killed a lot of things for that!MouseketeerMouseketeerI wonder where he got that tomato...MousekewichMousekewichHis stick better be more magical this time.RattyMousitySand BloopSand BloopI thought this was Mudlands not Sandlands.ScorpinchScorpinchMore scorpions to watch out for. Bosses Mudlands boss1King LoggernautWho ever thought a leaf was a good weapon?Mudlands boss2Mud GolemA beast made from the mud under your feet. Rocklands Monsters Flowering CaperticusFlowering CaperticusI don't think Darwin ever envisioned cacti with feet.GerbeelGerbeelHow these creatures manage to fly is beyond me.GoboolinGoboolinThey have followed you for miles just to get chopped down easily.GrablinGrablinI bet the person who names these creatures wasn't very creative.MouseketeerMouseketeerWho tied the bows on these guy's tails anyway?MousekewichMousekewichYou're making a tidy profit from that gold ring on his hat.RattyMousity Is that an adult ratty?Sand BloopSand BloopAnother day another bloop.ScorpinchScorpinchI wonder what he's looking at over there. Bosses Rocklands boss3Oversized RattyYour heroes don't really want to eat rat meat for a week.Rocklands boss2-0Big FeetsThe truer, dirtier, Sasquatch Caverns Monsters BluzebleebBluzebleebIt looks mutated. Creepy.D'Orclingd'OrclingAnother addition to the goblin family. He's just a d'orc though.Fat BatFat BatHah, he can't even fly!FloatsieFloatsieNever mind, I haven't seen it all.FoomgusFoomgusThe stench this thing puts off is almost unbearable.GoboolinGoboolinI don't think these guys can put their tongue in their mouth.GrablinGrablinWhich creature's bones do these guys use as clubs?Mage ShroomMage ShroomA mushroom-jellyfish-mage? I've seen it all.MudballMudballWasn't scary before and still isn't.MushrimpMushrimpIt's a mushroom. Of DOOM!!!Sage ShroomSage ShroomAt least these guys seem more magically inclined than the mice.TrolgreTrolgreLooks like the Trolgre has been downgraded. Bosses Caverns boss1Superfat Fat BatLike a Fat Bat, only fatter!Caverns boss2Dearth BatI feel like this is a reference to something... Stone Fields Monsters Big FeetsBig FeetsThis guy needs to get a trim. From your sword!CassowearyCassowearyA bird with a stone tablet as a hat?Dearth BatDearth BatWasn't he JUST a boss?MouseketeerMouseketeerWhat a fitting arena he's standing in.RattyMousity I think its just ratty's friend or maybe its still an adult ratty.Sage ShroomSage ShroomI wonder where these thing's mouths are.Sealed ElementalSealed ElementalSealed away for safety. That's why you must break it!StankapeStankapeYou don't even want to know what's on his face.Stoney BloopStoney BloopAnother bloop for your collection.Zombie BloopZombie BloopI didn't even know slimes could become zombies! Or have brains! Bosses Stone Fields boss1King Stoney BloopMega Bloop!Stone Fields boss2GolemHe looks like he's been waiting a century for someone to pass. Tundra Monsters Ghostly Fat BatGhostly Fat BatYou can barely see him!Ice BatIce BatAnd now the Ice is alive too. Great.RattyMousityPolaburrrPolaburrrYou don't want to mess with him.Snow BloopSnow BloopSurely he shouldn't be able to move when he's this cold.Snow GhostSnow GhostLooks more like a Banshee to me.SnowballSnowballAren't we supposed to throw these?SnowdierSnowdierHe hits like a cannon!SnowkinSnowkinA sword of ice seems like a pretty good weapon.SnowlouseSnowlouseReferi must have fought this creature before.SnowmagusSnowmagusLook out he's got a broom! Bosses Tundra boss1ApparitionYou better have some earmuffs with you.Tundra boss2YetiHe's the king of the mountain! Astral Rift Monsters Box MonsterBox MonsterIt's just a box?Box Monster-hitWith teeth!Eye SlimeEye SlimeMy, what a big eye you have there..Ghost BloopGhostly BloopA new addition to the bloop and ghost family.Ghostly Fat BatGhostly Fat BatIt's easier to see him against the background of space!Mud GolemMud GolemNow how did a mass of dirt get into space?Prime SlimePrime SlimeHe sees what you did here. And there. And over there.Sage ShroomSage ShroomHe seems almost at home here.Sealed ElementalSealed ElementalWonder where all these elementals go when we free them. Bosses Astral Rift boss1Big Sage ShroomMaybe he is why the smaller ones like it here.Astral Rift boss2Arcane GuardianA being of such great power that it can lag the game itself! (Click on him really fast.) Bloodlands Monsters Box MonsterBox MonsterSomehow not a wet pile of cardboard.Eye SlimeEye SlimeHe must have a really good barrier to not turn red here.Ghost BloopGhostly BloopI don't think ghosts care what the floor feels like.Ghostly Fat BatGhostly Fat BatEven the ghosts are too fat to fly? That's a little sad.Mud GolemMud GolemThis much blood can't be good for anything. Plant or not.Prime SlimePrime SlimeHe's seen some crazy stuff.Sage ShroomSage ShroomI hope the grossness of this place gets to him as much as it does me..Sealed ElementalSealed ElementalWonder how bad it feels to be sealed in a crystal forever. Bosses Bloodlands boss1Fat FloatsieKing of the 'Stare into Your Soul Club' group.Bloodlands boss2Putrefaction OozeI REALLY don't wanna be that guy in there. Special Monsters Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest.png Treasure Chest can be found on any non-boss zone. They give 10× the zones's base Gold.png Gold when killed and that number can be increased further by Mimzee.png Mimzee. The base spawn rate of Treasure Chest.png Treasure Chest is 1%, but it can be raised with Dora.png Dora.

Treasure ChestA Treasure Chest.Treasure Chest-hitA punched Treasure chest. Relic Ooze Main Article: Relic Ooze

A Relic Ooze.pngRelic Ooze may replace any non-boss monster that would have spawned between zone 99 and 2/3rd of your highest zone, once per Ascension and only after your first Ascension. They drop Relic Case.png Relic, equip-able items that provide various bonuses, similar to Ancients.

Relic OozeA Relic Ooze Special Bosses Primal and Centurion Bosses

Starting at level 100, every boss zone has a chance to contain a Primal Boss instead. Primal Bosses are just like regular bosses, except for the fact that they give you HeroSoul.png Hero Souls, as well as the regular amount of Gold.png Gold. Just like Gold.png Gold, HeroSoul.png Hero Souls scales depending on your zone. Only the first boss on a zone can ever be primal. Once it has been defeated, the next boss that spawns will be a regular one, and will not award HeroSoul.png Hero Souls again. However, failing to beat a primal boss and returning to the zone will mean that the boss is primal.

In addition, every 100 zones up to zone 1000 a Centurion Boss can be found. The game will treat them as if the zone had a Primal Boss, the only difference being that Centurion Bosses have a 100% spawn rate, whereas Primal Bosses only spawn 25% of the time. Atman can increase this to over 100%, although realistically the percentage cannot surpass 100. PBC decreases however which is the reason for Atman being able to do so.

The 10 Centurion Bosses are unique monsters that cannot be found on any other zone. When you defeat these bosses for the first time, you will get an achievement.

OmeetOmeetHe's just a widdle hamster!Green OneThe Green OneThought to be the incarnation of nature itself, he is a force to be reckoned with.WoodchipWoodchip, The RodentCould use with a diet.Queen BloopQueen of BloopsNo mother is happy when her children get killed. A lot.DopplerDoppler, the RobotHe sees all that is in the heavens. Some say he can see back before it all began.RashonRashon, the DukeBow down to your lord,RASHON.Dark WizardThe Dark WizardNo one knows why he is here, but he is in your way!TakoTako, Head of the OctopiSo this is where all of those tentacles were coming from..Tako ReturnsTako ReturnsHe was a robot this entire time!? Or maybe he wanted a rematch..Lagomorph of CaerbannogLagomorph of CaerbannogIt's just a BUNNY! Here I got 'em. *whole head gets bitten off* Kappa Boss

When reaching a boss level, there is a very low chance that instead of the normal boss for that level, it will spawn this "Kappa" boss instead. It is a Turtloid Warlock enemy, but with the "Kappa" emote on its face.

KappaKappa Removed Monsters RamicornRamicornA little far from the grazing grounds aren't you? Immortals

Immortals are boss monsters that only appear in Clan raids, and as such, being in a Clan is required for fighting them. They don't take damage from your DPS, instead you have to click them or use Autoclicker default.png Auto Clickers, but with damage that only increases when you get primal HeroSoul.png Hero Souls. Killing them rewards you with HeroSoul.png Hero Souls.

CJlqrf8UYAAP973The bloops are evolving![1]CJ5qqPrUkAAlE8CThey're still evolving![2]CKIjx22UAAAhWGgThis isn't even my final form![3]CJMUe 8UEAAItx4New monster on the lookout![4]SentriconspriteWhat should we call this one?Will o rockUltra bloopDread EyeEyes to meet you! Achievements Achievement Name Icon Description Reward Killer Killer.png Kill 100 monsters. Butcher Butcher.png Kill 1,000 monsters. Executioner Executionner.png Kill 10,000 monsters. Monster Genocide Holocaust.png Kill 100K/1.000e5 monsters. Terminator Holocaust.png Kill 1,000K/1.000e6 monsters.

Mass Murderer

Holocaust.png Kill 1,500K/1.500e6 monsters. Boss Slaughter Boss Slaughter.png Kill 10 bosses. Boss Massacre Boss Massacre.png Kill 100 bosses. Boss Exterminator Boss Exterminator.png Kill 1,000 bosses. Boss Murderer Boss Murderer.png Kill 10,000 bosses. Boss Genocide Boss Murderer.png Kill 100K/1.000e5 bosses. Bounty: Omeet Boss Murderer.png Defeat Omeet(Zone 100)How can one hamster be so hated throughout the land? +1 Hero Soul Bounty: The Green One Boss Murderer.png Defeat the Green One(Zone 200) Bounty: Woodchip, the Rodent Boss Murderer.png Defeat Woodchip, the Rodent(Zone 300)He used to be a Kung Fu master, but he really let himself go. Probably one too many pizzas. Bounty: Queen of Bloops Boss Murderer.png Defeat the Queen of Bloops(Zone 400)She's very angry that you've been smashing her babies. Bounty: Doppler, the Robot Boss Murderer.png Defeat Doppler, the Robot(Zone 500) Bounty: Rashon, the Duke Boss Murderer.png Defeat Rashon, the Duke(Zone 600)Once an Ancient, Duke Rashon became mortal when a group of 5 adventurers stole his Aegis. Good thing, too, because he's standing in your way of getting this achievement. Bounty: The Dark Wizard Boss Murderer.png Defeat the Dark Wizard(Zone 700)A legendary boss from another realm, he's here on a secret mission. Bounty: Tako, Head of the Octopi Boss Murderer.png Defeat Tako, Head of the Octopi(Zone 800)He'll probably come back if you kill him. Bounty: Tako Returns Boss Murderer.png Defeat Tako, again(Zone 900)This isn't even his final form. Bounty: Lagomorph of Caerbannog Boss Murderer.png Defeat the Lagomorph of Caerbannog(Zone 1000) References ↑ Tweeted on 10.07.2015.[1] ↑ Tweeted on 14.07.2015.[2] ↑ Tweeted on 17.07.2015.[3] ↑ Tweeted on 05.07.2015.[4]




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