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ruffian是什么意思/翻译_ruffian读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2小时前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 2


ruffian是什么意思/翻译_ruffian读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 ruffian

英 [ˈrʌfiən] 美 [ˈrʌfiən]

n.  暴徒; 恶棍




BNC.22925 / COCA.26175



暴徒;恶棍a violent man, especially one who commits crimes 柯林斯词典 N-COUNT 流氓;恶棍;暴徒;罪犯A ruffian is a man who behaves violently and is involved in crime. …gangs of ruffians who lurk about intent on troublemaking.潜伏在周围意图制造麻烦的匪帮 双语例句 He was about to call out when that ruffian dashed at him and gripped his toat. 他正要叫喊,那歹徒猛扑过来,卡住他的脖子。 If that little ruffian belonged to me, I should give him a touch of the rope’s end. 那小流氓要是我的孩子,我就要用鞭子揍他一顿。 A young ruffian; a hoodlum. 小流氓;无赖。 And when the ruffian had told him, with another oath, that this was so. 那恶棍又骂了一声,说是的。 Cafferty is the garbage, drug, blockhead and ruffian in the international news press! 卡弗蒂就是国际新闻界的“垃圾”、“毒品”、“呆子”、“暴徒”! Swithin did not look round, on no account would he have pulled up to help the ruffian. 斯威辛并没有回头,要他停下车来做这个恶棍,他决计不来。 In the place where she heard Heathcliff termed a’vulgar young ruffian,’and’worse than a brute,’she took care not to act like him; 在有人说希斯克利夫是“粗俗的小流氓”,和“不如畜生”的地方,她尽量表现得不像他。 How could Melly have been so so well, there was no word for melanie’s action in taking in this old ruffian and not telling her friends he was a jailbird. 媚兰怎么会这么&这么。她不该收留这个老无赖,还不告诉朋友们他是个杀人犯。 “I’m not a ruffian, babe! I’m a social worker.” “我不是一个流子,宝贝!我是一个社会的工人。” If that ruffian does not mend his ways, he will come to the gallows some day. 如果那个恶棍不改邪归正的话,他总有一天会上绞刑架的。 As a ruffian, I will be happier if I will be given a wife and endure hardships of a woman. “咱这个老光棍,要是再分给一个老婆,叫咱也受受女人的罪才更好呢!”(丁玲《太阳照在桑乾河上》) The greatest ruffian, the most hardened violator of the laws of society, is not altogether without it. 最大的恶棍,极其严重地违犯社会法律的人,也不会全然丧失同情心。 In his novels, prose and essays, he conveys a radical ruffian spirit, which, in essence, is the disengaged cultural spirit of the irreconcilability of truth and falsehood. 他通过小说文本及散文随笔传达出一种激进的“痞子”精神,这种“痞子”精神的实质是“真实与虚假势不两立”的自由文化精神。 The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder. 她一想到那个恶棍就不寒而栗。 The ruffian laid about in desperation. 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。 A hired ruffian; a thug. 一个被雇的恶棍;暴徒。 She received a blow on the head from a dock ruffian and cannot remember her last name. 她在甲板上被一个流氓打中了后脑,从而无法记起自己的姓氏了。 Kneeling beside their relatives, they would cry out: “You are not a ruffian; you did nothing; why were you killed?” 她们跪在被害亲人的身边号哭着:“你不是坏人,又没有干坏事,为什么要杀害你呀?” He struggled with the ruffian. 他同歹徒进行了搏斗。 “I hope you aren’t a no-good ruffian or crook.” “我希望,你不是一无用的流子或骗子。” He’s teatening me from there! Hooligan! Ruffian! 他这是来这里威胁我!流氓!恶棍! He also admitted that you had some interest in a mill or mills that necessitated your riding about alone, or attended by a ruffian who, Captain Butler assures us, is a murderer. 他还承认你对一家或几家厂子都很有兴趣,因此得坐着马车到处跑,而巴特勒船长告诉我们,赶车的那个恶棍还杀过人呢。 The ruffian kicked and trampled on him, and dashed his head repeatedly against the flags, holding me with one hand, meantime, to prevent me summoning Joseph. 那个恶棍踢他,踩他,不断地把他的头往石板地上撞,同时一只手还抓住我,防止我去叫约瑟夫来。 He struggles against the ruffian nihilism and adheres to the basic values of human beings; 对抗痞子虚无主义,执守人类的基本价值; Part one is the analysis of Wang Shuo’s novels, prose and essays, which displays the form of ruffian culture. 第一部分是对王朔小说文本及散文随笔进行分析,展示痞子文化精神的表现形态。 Wang’s verbal features lie In his creation of language system in which elegant, common, ruffian languages are Integrated. 在语言上,王朔最有创意的就是庞大的雅、俗、痞相结合的语言系统。 In her classic work scenery whose theme is about citizens, cultural characteristics reflected by shanty district living environment are shown, i.e., the culture of ruffian. 在其市民题材经典作品《风景》中,显现出棚户区生存环境所反映出的棚户区文化特征:痞性文化; We discover: The Phonetic ruffian of novel of Wang Shuo is a performance that the author emphasizing “truth” and pursuing “truth” in fact. 我们发现:王朔小说语言的痞味儿其实正是作者崇尚真,追求真的表现。 It has the function of dispelling qi and eliminating the accumulation, reducing phlegm and dispersing the ruffian. 枳实为常用中药,具有破气消积,化痰散痞的功效。 Between the two main themes of history and reality, the bandit hero created by Mo Yan and the ruffian hero created by Wang Shuo are the most striking. The special emphasis on the converse and the irony has been the symbol of in-hero phenomenon. 在历史与现实两大题材中,以莫言的土匪英雄和王朔的痞子英雄最为引人注目,其逆反性、反讽性之突出,成了反英雄现象的标志。 英英释义


a cruel and brutal fellow

Synonym:    bullytoughhooliganroughneckrowdyyobyoboyobbo



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