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2023-04-05 17:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265
















Yearning While Watching the Moon

by Zhang Jiuling

(678年—740年, poet of China's Tang Dynasty)



    海上生明月, The sea is giving birth to the bright moon, 

  天涯共此时。 Here and yon is being shared the moment. 

      情人怨遥夜, Love in my heart I can’t bear the long night, 

    竟夕起相思。 But sit up late with longings that ascend.  

      灭烛怜光满, Blow out the candle for the full’st moonlight; 

    披衣觉露滋。 Put on the cloak feeling more dew descend.  

不堪盈手赠, Unable to give handful beams as gift,  

  还寝梦佳期。 I’d bed to dream the dear time of intent. 


通过对网上英语世界 翻译教学与研究提供的翻译诸版本及Dr Joanna Melville-Richards评语的细读,增加了对汉诗英译的认识,也帮助自己在选词用字上的斟酌。在此一并致谢。







英语世界  翻译教学与研究 




特别感谢英国威尔士班戈大学许景城博士收集整理多个英文译本,并诚邀班戈大学孔子学院前任英方院长、汉学家David Joyner(周大伟,威尔士人)博士和班戈大学音乐学院退休教师、古典音乐歌唱家Joanna Melville-Richards博士朗诵及点评。










朱振武 译

Missing My Lover on Seeing the Moon

Zhang Jiuling

(Tang Dynasty, about 1300 years ago)


Up the bright moon rises from the sea,

I Share the same moment though far from thee.

I really hate such an unbearable long night

To keep my lover always in my mind.

I Blow the candle out and enjoy the moonlight inside,

Then dress up and go out to feel the dew outside.

I have no way to present you the bright moon,

Thus hurry back to bed to dream of you soon.




许景城(Peter Jingcheng Xu) 译

Musing on the Moon

By Zhang Jiuling

The sea mirrors th’ rising moon bright;

Miles apart, our hearts share tonight.

Dewy-eyed, I wail this lone night:

Nostalgia stirs my heart all night.

The candle doused, brimming is light. 

Dressed in a gown, I’m still dewy slight.

Too hard to hand you sweet moonlight:

In sleep, will dreams us reunite?  



Herbert A Giles 译

By Moonlight

Over the sea the round moon rises bright,

And floods the horizon with its silver light.

In absence lovers grieve that nights should be,

But all the livelong night I think of thee.

I blow my lamp out to enjoy this rest,

And shake the gathering dewdrop from my vest.

Alas! I cannot share with thee these beams,

So lay me down to seek thee in my dreams.

【选自:Herbert A. Giles, Chinese Poetry in English Verse, London: Bernard Quaritch, 1898, p.48.】


许渊冲 译

Looking at the Moon and

Longing for One Far Away


Over the sea grows the moon bright;

We gaze on it far, far apart.

Lovers complain of long, long night;

They rise and long for the dear heart.

Candle blown out, fuller is light;

My coat put on, I’m moist with dew.

As I can’t hand you moonbeams white,

I go to bed to dream of you.




Jane Beal 译

Looking at the Moon and

Thinking for One Far Away 

Zhang Jiuling


The moon, grown full now over the sea,

Brightening the whole of heaven,

Brings to separated hearts

The long thoughtfulness of night....

It is no darker though I blow out my candle.

It is no warmer though I put on my coat.

So I leave my message with the moon

And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.



裘小龙 译

Thinking of the Man

Far Away in the Moonlight


The moon rising above the sea,

we share, far, far away

as you may find yourself.

Sad, sleepless, in the long night,

in separation, I think of you.

The moon so touchingly bright,

I extinguish the candle and step out,

my clothes wet by dew.

Alas, I cannot hold the moonlight

in my slender hand. I go back

into the room, perhaps

to dream again

of reunion.



谢百魁 译

Thinking of My Beloved

While Looking at the Moon

Zhang Jiuling


The bright moon rises over the sea.

I am sharing this same nice moment with thee,

Though by a great distance separated are we.

Hating the long darkness, I can only think of thee all night.

Having cut out the candlelight,

 I’m glad of the moon shining full bright.

Draped in a mantle and going out into the air,

I feel that I’m touched with dew on the hair.

Unable to give thee in the palm of my hand some moonlight,

I’m back to sleep, to dream of our next tryst with delight.




徐忠杰 译

Watching the Moon and Thinking Far


Out of the sea rises the brilliant moon.

Far apart we enjoy the same moon light.

Lovers complain of the long, sleepless hours.

Yearning-languishing-throughout the whole night.

 When candle is snuffed out, moonlight floods the room.

One’s coat on to be moist with dew, it seem.

Such a moon, one can’t send as a mutual gift.

One’d rather sleep and be in a sweet dream. 

【选自:徐忠杰,《唐诗二百首英译》,北京语言学院出版社,1990, , pp. 18-19.】



Ni Peiling 译

Viewing the Moon and

Missing the Dear One Afar


The moon is borne so bright above the sea

And bathes at once the distant one and me.

A lover hates the endless lonesome night,

For he would long for the one out of sight.

The candle blown out, I love moonlight more;

The dew damp, I dress to get out of door.

Since I can’t make a gift of the moonbeams,

I turn in, wishing to see you in dreams.

【选自:许渊冲、陆佩弦、吴钧陶编,《唐诗三百首新译》,商务印书馆,1988 , p. 9.】



Ying Sun 译

Viewing the Moon, Thinking of You

Zhang Jiuling


As the bright moon shines over the sea,

From far away you share this moment with me.

For parted lovers lonely nights are the worst to be.

All night long I think of no one but thee.

To enjoy the moon I blow out the candle stick.

Please put on your nightgown for the dew is thick.

I try to offer you the moonlight so hard to pick,

Hoping a reunion in my dream will come quick.



(Joanna Melville-Richards博士对每首译诗的点评十分有价值,但不知何故,一直显示有非法字符。删除后才通过。十分遗憾。以后再尝试补上。)




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