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2024-01-05 04:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




import xlwt def set_style(): style = xlwt.XFStyle() align = xlwt.Alignment() # 0x01(左端对齐)、0x02(水平方向上居中对齐)、0x03(右端对齐) align.horz = 0x02 # 0x00(上端对齐)、 0x01(垂直方向上居中对齐)、0x02(底端对齐) align.vert = 0x01 # 设置自动换行 align.wrap = 1 style.alignment = align


#!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import xlrd import xlwt from xlutils.copy import copy as xls_copy from load_it import load, read_excel, remove_author from settings import BASE_DIR, MEDIA_ROOT SAMPLE = "salary_tips.xls" DataType = Union[int, float, str, None] def cell_style(is_top: bool = False, is_bottom: bool = False, has_border=True): """单元格样式""" style = xlwt.XFStyle() # 字体大小,11为字号,20为衡量单位 # font = xlwt.Font() style.font.height = 20 * 9 align = xlwt.Alignment() # 0x01(左端对齐)、0x02(水平方向上居中对齐)、0x03(右端对齐) align.horz = 0x02 # 0x00(上端对齐)、 0x01(垂直方向上居中对齐)、0x02(底端对齐) align.vert = 0x01 # 设置自动换行 align.wrap = 1 style.alignment = align # 设置边框 # 细实线:1,小粗实线:2,细虚线:3,中细虚线:4,大粗实线:5,双线:6,细点虚线:7 # 大粗虚线:8,细点划线:9,粗点划线:10,细双点划线:11,粗双点划线:12,斜点划线:13 if has_border: borders = xlwt.Borders() borders.left = 2 borders.right = 2 = 1 + is_top borders.bottom = 1 + is_bottom style.borders = borders return style def boom(tips: List[List[Tuple[int, int, DataType]]]) -> str: """将数据填入模板生成Excel表""" sample = BASE_DIR / SAMPLE xls = xls_copy(xlrd.open_workbook(sample, formatting_info=True)) ws = xls.get_sheet(0) style = cell_style() top_style = cell_style(is_top=True) bottom_style = cell_style(is_bottom=True) plain_style = cell_style(has_border=False) last_index = 8 for datas in tips: for i, d in enumerate(datas[:-1]): if i == 0: ws.write(*d, top_style) elif i == last_index: ws.write(*d, bottom_style) else: ws.write(*d, style) if _tc := datas[-1]: row, col, text = _tc if text: ws.write_merge(row, row, col - 1, col, text, plain_style) fname = MEDIA_ROOT / f"gzt_{}.xls" try: except TypeError as e: print("May be you can look at this to fix it:") print("") raise e return str(fname).replace(str(BASE_DIR), "") # 返回相对路径 def build_tips(lines: List[List[DataType]]): row_delta = 10 # 每隔10行填下一排的数据 col_delta = 3 # 每隔3列填下一组数据 line_tip = 5 # 每行有5个工资条 row_begin = 0 # 从第一行开始 col_begin = 1 # 从第二列开始填数据(第一列是固定的表头) tips = [] for tip_index, tip in enumerate(lines): first_row = row_begin + tip_index // line_tip * row_delta col_index = col_begin + tip_index % line_tip * col_delta d = [ (row_index + first_row, col_index, value) for row_index, value in enumerate(tip) ] tips.append(d) return tips def burn_life(content: bytes) -> str: return boom(build_tips(load(content))) def main(): import sys if not sys.argv[1:]: print("No args, do nothing.") return if (p := Path(sys.argv[1])).is_file(): lines = load(p.read_bytes()) else: day = f"{}" ss = [ "邹好好", 160000, 360, "休5天,请假7.5天 -40000", "迟到3次共16分钟", "扣社保-3073\n工龄+1000\n漏刷卡6次-300", 987, "12月工资", day, ] lines = [ss, ss] print(boom(build_tips(lines))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()




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