Unity 游戏中的游戏存档  

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Unity 游戏中的游戏存档  

2023-09-01 08:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本主题介绍了如何在 Unity 游戏中使用 Play 游戏服务的游戏存档。


设置您的项目和适用于 Unity 的 Google Play 游戏插件。如需了解详情,请参阅入门指南。




void ShowSelectUI() { uint maxNumToDisplay = 5; bool allowCreateNew = false; bool allowDelete = true; ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; savedGameClient.ShowSelectSavedGameUI("Select saved game", maxNumToDisplay, allowCreateNew, allowDelete, OnSavedGameSelected); } public void OnSavedGameSelected (SelectUIStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) { if (status == SelectUIStatus.SavedGameSelected) { // handle selected game save } else { // handle cancel or error } } 打开游戏存档


可通过 2 个 Open 方法解决冲突,一个是 OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution,它可以接受标准解决策略类型,并自动解决冲突。另一个是 OpenWithManualConflictResolution,它可以接受回调方法,以允许手动解决冲突。

如需详细了解这两个方法,请参阅 GooglePlayGames/BasicApi/SavedGame/ISavedGameClient.cs。

void OpenSavedGame(string filename) { ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; savedGameClient.OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution(filename, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork, ConflictResolutionStrategy.UseLongestPlaytime, OnSavedGameOpened); } public void OnSavedGameOpened(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) { if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) { // handle reading or writing of saved game. } else { // handle error } } 写入游戏存档

打开游戏存档文件后,您可以向该文件写入数据以保存游戏状态。这通过调用 CommitUpdate 实现。CommitUpdate 有四个参数:

向传递到某个 Open 调用的回调传递的游戏存档元数据。 对元数据进行的更新。 数据的实际字节数组。 在提交完成时调用的回调。 void SaveGame (ISavedGameMetadata game, byte[] savedData, TimeSpan totalPlaytime) { ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder builder = new SavedGameMetadataUpdate.Builder(); builder = builder .WithUpdatedPlayedTime(totalPlaytime) .WithUpdatedDescription("Saved game at " + DateTime.Now()); if (savedImage != null) { // This assumes that savedImage is an instance of Texture2D // and that you have already called a function equivalent to // getScreenshot() to set savedImage // NOTE: see sample definition of getScreenshot() method below byte[] pngData = savedImage.EncodeToPNG(); builder = builder.WithUpdatedPngCoverImage(pngData); } SavedGameMetadataUpdate updatedMetadata = builder.Build(); savedGameClient.CommitUpdate(game, updatedMetadata, savedData, OnSavedGameWritten); } public void OnSavedGameWritten (SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) { if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) { // handle reading or writing of saved game. } else { // handle error } } public Texture2D getScreenshot() { // Create a 2D texture that is 1024x700 pixels from which the PNG will be // extracted Texture2D screenShot = new Texture2D(1024, 700); // Takes the screenshot from top left hand corner of screen and maps to top // left hand corner of screenShot texture screenShot.ReadPixels( new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, (Screen.width/1024)*700), 0, 0); return screenShot; } 读取游戏存档

打开游戏存档文件后,您可以读取该文件以加载游戏状态。这通过调用 ReadBinaryData 实现。

void LoadGameData (ISavedGameMetadata game) { ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; savedGameClient.ReadBinaryData(game, OnSavedGameDataRead); } public void OnSavedGameDataRead (SavedGameRequestStatus status, byte[] data) { if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) { // handle processing the byte array data } else { // handle error } } 删除游戏存档

打开游戏存档文件后,可以将其删除。这通过调用 Delete 实现。

void DeleteGameData (string filename) { // Open the file to get the metadata. ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; savedGameClient.OpenWithAutomaticConflictResolution(filename, DataSource.ReadCacheOrNetwork, ConflictResolutionStrategy.UseLongestPlaytime, DeleteSavedGame); } public void DeleteSavedGame(SavedGameRequestStatus status, ISavedGameMetadata game) { if (status == SavedGameRequestStatus.Success) { ISavedGameClient savedGameClient = PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.SavedGame; savedGameClient.Delete(game); } else { // handle error } }




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