如何在Microsoft PowerPoint中绘制和操纵箭头

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如何在Microsoft PowerPoint中绘制和操纵箭头

#如何在Microsoft PowerPoint中绘制和操纵箭头| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Whether you need to point to an image or chart for emphasis, show movement, or demonstrate a process flow, PowerPoint offers a wide range of arrow shapes. Here’s how to use them.

无论您是需要指向图像还是图表以进行强调,显示运动或演示流程,PowerPoint都可以提供多种箭头形状。 这是使用方法。

绘制基本的箭头形状 (Drawing a Basic Arrow Shape)

First, let’s review the steps on how to draw a basic arrow. On the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button. In “Lines” group on the drop-down menu, click the “Line Arrow” option.

首先,让我们回顾一下如何绘制基本箭头的步骤。 在“插入”选项卡上,单击“形状”按钮。 在下拉菜单的“线”组中,单击“线箭头”选项。

A crosshair symbol will display. Press and hold your mouse button, then drag to draw the arrow. Release the mouse button to finish drawing the arrow.

十字线符号将显示。 按住鼠标按钮,然后拖动以绘制箭头。 释放鼠标按钮以完成箭头的绘制。

Here’s the result:


调整大小,旋转和更改箭头的颜色 (Resizing, Rotating, and Changing the Color of Arrows)

Need to customize your plain looking arrow? No problem. If you don’t change a thing, your arrow will default to the normal settings, which is black for the color and 3/4 pt for the width. But maybe you need a thick, short, dark red arrow, or a long, thin green arrow. You can make changes it in a snap.

需要自定义您的普通箭头吗? 没问题。 如果您不进行任何更改,则箭头将默认为常规设置,即颜色为黑色,宽度为3/4 pt。 但是也许您需要一个粗的,短的,暗红色的箭头或一个细的,长的绿色箭头。 您可以快速进行更改。

调整箭头大小 (Resizing an Arrow)

You can change the length of your arrow by clicking and dragging the handle on either end of the arrow. If you don’t want the arrow to rotate while you resize it, hold the Shift key down while clicking and dragging.

您可以通过单击并拖动箭头两端的手柄来更改箭头的长度。 如果您不希望在调整大小时旋转箭头,请在单击并拖动时按住Shift键。

更改箭头的颜色 (Changing the Color of an Arrow)

To change an arrow’s color, first, click to select the arrow. On the “Format” tab, click the “Shape Outline” button and then click the color of your choice.

要更改箭头的颜色,请首先单击以选择箭头。 在“格式”选项卡上,单击“形状轮廓”按钮,然后单击您选择的颜色。

更改箭头的粗细 (Changing the Thickness of an Arrow)

To change the thickness of the arrow, click the same “Shape Outline” button, point to the “Weight” menu, and then click on the thickness you want.


旋转箭头 (Rotating an Arrow)

You can rotate an arrow by clicking and dragging the handle on either end of an arrow. That’s the most useful option if you need to have the arrow point at a specific object in your presentation.

您可以通过单击并拖动箭头两端的手柄来旋转箭头。 如果需要将箭头指向演示文稿中的特定对象,这是最有用的选项。

There are some more rotation options available, though. Select the arrow and then switch over to the “Format” tab. Click the “Rotate” button and choose a rotation option. Hovering over each option lets you preview how your arrow will look.

不过,还有更多可用的轮换选项。 选择箭头,然后切换到“格式”选项卡。 单击“旋转”按钮,然后选择旋转选项。 将鼠标悬停在每个选项上可以预览箭头的外观。

For even more rotation options, click the “More Rotation Options” command. In the “Size” options in the Format Shape pane, you can specify an exact rotation in degrees.

要获得更多旋转选项,请单击“更多旋转选项”命令。 在“格式形状”窗格的“大小”选项中,可以指定精确的度数。

使用块,弯曲和连接器箭头 (Using Block, Curved, and Connector Arrows)

You don’t have to settle for just a straight arrow. There are many more arrow types available including block arrows, curved arrows, and connector arrows. Let’s take a look.

您不必只为直线箭头而已。 还有更多可用的箭头类型,包括方框箭头,弯曲箭头和连接器箭头。 让我们来看看。

如何创建箭头 (How to Create a Block Arrow)

On the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button. In the “Block Arrows” section of the drop-down menu, click the arrow style you want. In this example, we’re using an upward block arrow.

在“插入”选项卡上,单击“形状”按钮。 在下拉菜单的“阻止箭头”部分中,单击所需的箭头样式。 在此示例中,我们使用向上的箭头。

Your pointer turns into a crosshair symbol. Click and drag to draw the arrow to the size you want and release the mouse button to finish.

您的指针变成十字线符号。 单击并拖动以将箭头绘制到所需的大小,然后释放鼠标按钮完成操作。

You can use the same formatting tools we talked about in the previous section to change the color, outline, and so on. Also, you can grab any of the eight white handles to resize the overall arrow. Grab the yellow handles to reshape the arrow’s head and shaft separately.

您可以使用上一节中讨论的相同格式设置工具来更改颜色,轮廓等。 另外,您可以抓住八个白色手柄中的任何一个来调整整个箭头的大小。 抓住黄色手柄,分别改变箭头的头部和杆身的形状。

如何创建弯曲的箭头 (How to Create a Curved Arrow)

On the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button. In the “Lines” section of the drop-down menu, click one of the curved arrow shapes. You’ll find one with a single arrowhead, one with two heads, and a simple curved line with no arrowheads.

在“插入”选项卡上,单击“形状”按钮。 在下拉菜单的“线条”部分中,单击弯曲的箭头形状之一。 您会发现其中一个带有单个箭头,一个带有两个头部,以及一条没有箭头的简单曲线。

Your pointer turns into a crosshair symbol. Click and drag to draw the arrow. Release the mouse button to finish.

您的指针变成十字线符号。 单击并拖动以绘制箭头。 释放鼠标按钮以完成操作。

After drawing the curved arrow, you can change the curve by dragging the yellow handle in the center of the arrow. Here, we’ve dragged it out to the right to make a more sweeping curve.

绘制曲线箭头后,您可以通过拖动箭头中心的黄色手柄来更改曲线。 在这里,我们将其拖到右侧以绘制更宽的曲线。

For even more curved arrow options, check the curved arrows in the Block Arrows section.


And remember, just like with any other shape, you can use the standard formatting tools to change the color, outline, and so on.


如何创建直形连接器箭头 (How to Create a Straight Connector Arrow)

Finally, there’s the connector arrow. These are great for connecting the kinds of shapes you’d use in flowcharts or organizational diagrams.

最后,有连接器箭头。 这些非常适合连接您在流程图或组织图中使用的各种形状。

On the “Insert” tab, click the “Shapes” button. In the “Lines” section of the drop-down menu, choose one of the connector arrows. As with curved arrows, the difference is how many arrowheads you want.

在“插入”选项卡上,单击“形状”按钮。 在下拉菜单的“线”部分中,选择连接器箭头之一。 与弯曲箭头一样,区别在于您需要多少个箭头。

Your pointer turns into a crosshair symbol. Click and drag to draw the arrow. Release the mouse button to finish.

您的指针变成十字线符号。 单击并拖动以绘制箭头。 释放鼠标按钮以完成操作。

After drawing the connector arrow, you can grab the yellow handle to change the shape of the arrow. Use the white handles at either end to change the length of that portion of the arrow.

绘制连接器箭头后,您可以抓住黄色手柄来更改箭头的形状。 使用任一端的白色手柄更改箭头那部分的长度。

如何将箭头和形状对齐 (How to Snap Arrows and Shapes Together)

If you add arrows to existing shapes, keeping them together may be helpful when you need to move them, manipulate them, or align them on a slide. To keep arrows and shapes connected, you can snap them together. This also helps make arrows connecting shapes on something like a flowchart look more seamless. Let’s see how it’s done.

如果在现有形状上添加箭头,则在需要移动它们,操纵它们或将它们在幻灯片上对齐时,将它们保持在一起可能会有所帮助。 要使箭头和形状保持连接,可以将它们对齐在一起。 这也有助于使连接诸如流程图之类的形状的箭头看起来更加无缝。 让我们看看它是如何完成的。

Let’s say we have two rectangle shapes and we want a connector arrow running between them.


On the “Insert” menu, click the “Shapes” button and then choose a connector arrow from the drop-down menu. We’re going with a simple, single-headed elbow arrow.

在“插入”菜单上,单击“形状”按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择一个连接器箭头。 我们将使用一个简单的单头弯头箭头。

Hover your pointer over the shape you want the arrow coming from, and you’ll see the four handles on the edges of the shape turn gray.


Click one of those gray handles and drag (holding your mouse down) to start creating the arrow. Move your pointer over the shape to which you want to connect the other end of the arrow, and you’ll see the gray handles appear there, too. Position your pointer over one to snap the arrow to it and then release your mouse button.

单击其中一个灰色手柄,然后拖动(按住鼠标不放)开始创建箭头。 将指针移到您想要将箭头另一端连接到的形状上,您还将看到灰色手柄也出现在该形状上。 将您的指针放在一个上方以将箭头对齐,然后释放鼠标按钮。

You’ve now connected two shapes with an arrow.


The real beauty of having connected shapes is that if you decide to move a shape, the arrow stays connected. There’s no need to reposition the arrow afterward.

连接形状的真正好处在于,如果您决定移动形状,箭头将保持连接状态。 之后无需重新定位箭头。

And, of course, you can use any of the formatting or repositioning tricks we’ve talked about in the rest of this article on your connected arrow—all without breaking the connection.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367140/how-to-draw-and-manipulate-arrows-in-microsoft-powerpoint/




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